Sunday, March 20, 2016

Basic Foundation

Basic Foundation


The water molecule is the most important molecule to which all creation relies upon, for without this simple compound our lives would quickly cease to exist.  Many people consider themselves to be in great shape but even in the condition of dehydration, their bodies deteriorate rapidly when this substance is withheld from their organs.  With this molecule being irreplaceable one would believe that we would do everything in our power to sustain the adequate amounts of water needed for our survival; yet, we continue to play the materialistic games and label water as a pawn instead of a necessity.  I find it intriguing that many humans dance around the same concept of our living water as well because God is all around us and He alone has provided the abundant life source for our eternal water needs as well with the end result realizing that we are naked.

While the majority of the components that circulate within our bodies are important none of them can function properly unless the level of water coursing through our veins and tissues are at a determined specific level.  Water is essential to our existence and as the conditions that we live within and work in change, the need for increased or decreased amounts of water follows due course.  Humans are not the only living organisms that need water for animals need water for the exact same reasons and even the normal bacteria that live on our skin requires a certain amount of water to be around in order to protect us from the harmful bacteria that would like to invade our tissues.

It is a scientific fact that water makes up approximately 75 – 85% of our body’s composition thus by far placing water as the basic foundation of our existence and the only means by which to truly stabilize and to correct the body normal stasis condition. So, if the human is the center of all living existence within the earth and water is the primary substances in which humans need to survive, why is it such a big deal finding water to keep our needs from becoming a “crisis” situation when overall water levels are low?  I have found it so ridiculously sad that so much controversy reigns over water storage, purification and absorbance no matter what side of life one is referring.  But as I watch how humans react to the current water situations around us I find that our actions coincide with how we condition our individual bodies where water is concerned but also how we deem living water regulation concerning God as well.

Our nation is perfectly situated with water on each end of its territory, thus providing us with enough water to supply our needs for what seems to be an unforeseeable future.  God has established this great land with a bountiful supply of water and set the landscapes according to its vast amount of supplied moisture from the skies.  In all honesty, there should not be any reason as to why this land should not be able to produce enough water for everyone that is in need.  God has graciously created this planet in such a diameter that it holds far more water necessary for our survival.  And even though the water at both ends of our nation is not readily drinkable in their current state, God has given us the ability to purify this water in order for us to rely on “non-traditional” water sources during times of drought, even reversing the natural drought conditions.

At this moment, we have one state that is in a severe drought and is fighting for every drop of water that the sky (God) gives it. With each passing dry day, the situation becomes bleaker for the stability of that state.  The cries from the ranchers and farmers are truly desperate and can be heard all around the world.  Many of our nation’s food come from this state and if this states completely dries up so will a good proportion of our food, all because the water levels cease to be at a sustainable level.  There is no question that God understands our need for water that is why He created the amount of water that He did, to ensure that the supply never runs out.

As stated above, we have built the necessary means to created productive water in order to feed our cattle, water our ranches and produce enough water to take away the concerns of millions that are crying out for this substance.  Yet, our land continues to dry up because some of the people deem this process too “dangerous” to the surrounding landscapes because of the process of purification itself.  I understand the concerns of these people and I get that this process has some unpopular side effects but so are the drugs that we intake every day in order to keep our physical bodies functioning.  The question must be asked: what is the difference between these two examples, on the original level?

I guess it is safe to assume that we deem other things more important than our own existence, which really does not make too much sense because if we were not around then those other entities would simply die out as well thus defeating what God has ordained as life.  It is evident that human technological foundations have come a long way but it must be recognized and accepted that we have not arrived at the “perfect” setting of production that will not harm, so we continue our downward slide to ruin because of our stubbornness to accept the truth.  It is this process that also drives our lives when it comes to our eternal water levels as well and when one looks at the two conditions side by side, it is amazing just how parallel they run.

In the Garden of Eden, God created and established a perfect setting in which His garden provided its own water system. Genesis Chapter 2 vividly describes that God provided a mist that watered the face of the earth and later in that same chapter it states that rivers flowed from the Garden of Eden.  This means that God understood that life depended upon water and even though humans were perfect at that moment, they would eventually become truly dependent upon water for their survival.  Since God created the Garden of Eden as mankind’s dominion, this means that God’s covering also was present thus securing the visible presence of eternal water was well, for both ran congruently together during that time.  There is no way possible that Adam and Eve could not have known the importance of water to their existence even when presented in their perfect conditions; kind of like today.

As God has demonstrated to us that when the Garden of Eden was created, water was an important source and so it continues to be for our physical lives as well today.  This concept was further pursued by Jesus when He was walking on the earth and through His life made a staggering claim.  When Jesus was conversing with the woman at the well He embarked upon a water topic which meant that even in Jesus’ time water was considered a vital commodity.  But Jesus went further in that He stated that He was the “living water” and whoever followed Him would never thirst again in this manner.  In this example, Jesus makes it clear that physical water is important to our lives but it is the eternal and living water that He gives that is the most important source of life, and it is our mission to tell people about this living water.

John Chapter 4 begins with Jesus and a woman conversing at a well.  Jesus asks for a drink and the woman is amazed that He spoke to her, but bypassing that Jesus makes mention to the lady that He had to offer her something more than the physical water from the well, it was eternal water one that gave life everlasting.  It is clear that the woman did not know what type of water He was referring to until Jesus identified Himself and then explained that the water He gave was different, it was spiritual and eternal.  It was then that the woman understood who Jesus was and that His presence confirmed what she had been hearing about from others around her.

The Chapter in John goes on to say that she went and retrieved her husband and that many more people showed up at the well with her.  The Bible is not specific about how many people actually accepted Jesus as their savior or even began to follow Him, but one can safely guess that many did that day.  However, it must also be accepted that many did not either and left without understanding what Jesus represented to their lives and what God wanted them to hear and live.  Here is where the water becomes eternal and how it is our choice to accept what Jesus gives us or not.  This is also the foundation of why Jesus came to this earth for it is His living and eternal water that gives us life, not the handouts that many of us so wish upon as our deeds.

Not much longer Scriptures state that Jesus was tried, beaten, mocked, convicted, crucified, died, and rose again and it was through this process that His everlasting water began to freely flow to the entire world.  It is through this process that Christianity has its roots and it is through this foundation that we must stand upon during the good times and the bad times.  It is a must that we understand that the water that Jesus gives us is for our eternal existence and not just our physical.  God the Father created water a very long time ago and through the process of living waters our eternity is secure; however, if we reject God and His Son then we subject ourselves of a drought and then the drought will become a starvation of water in which we shall surely succumb.  Ask Adam and Eve and they will be the first to tell you that the world cannot provide any life without God being first.

With this knowledge about water and the eternal status through the living water that Jesus brings, why would anyone who believes in Christ NOT proclaim His message of salvation to others?  Feeding the people, clothing the people and putting them up in shelters are great examples of Christ but if you do not share Christ’s salvation message to them your efforts fall short and are in vain according to the mission that Jesus Himself commanded us to do.  Because in reality if you do not share to others about Christ’s living water all you are doing is sitting at the well with them and providing them with physical water and Christ says that the type of water given in that manner will not quench their eternal thirst.

As we have read, God is calling us to once again return to the living waters that His Son has freely and gladly provided for everyone.  It is not a physical water but a spiritual water that all must drink from if eternal life is wished.  This everlasting water is not forced upon us nor is it stingily kept from us but it flows freely to anyone who rebukes the world’s standards and accepts God’s laws as their own.  There is no greater desire of God that all of His children drink from this fountain and that no one should die and be eternally separated from Him.  God represents nothing but life and the only way that one can have this life is by simply accepting the eternal water that His Son gives. 

In many areas of this country, reservoirs are quickly drying up and the life-sustaining water is being used up for the most ridiculous reasons, these same types of reasons can be witnessed when offered God’s spiritual water as well.  The physical water shortage is easily remedied but because human and worldly beliefs outweigh reality these water reserves are steadily dwindling away.  God is providing the exact same water but His water is for eternity and His refilling of water is just as easily solved too.  How much drought do we need to endure before we realize that God's water is exactly what we need to survive?

God is consistently pleading that we do not allow the world and our enemy to dry up our spiritual reservoirs but to allow God to refill them through His ways.  God loves you and is calling for you to drink, freely drink from His fountain again before it is too late.  If one chooses to drink from God’s water their spiritual reservoirs will begin to fill up with the everlasting water and then spread to the other reservoirs as Christ commanded us to do.  It is easy to accept this basic foundation into our lives, it is there, it is free, it is freely given, and we can have as much of it as possible at any time during the day or night.


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