Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Divine Cataract Removal

Divine Cataract Removal


The advancement of medicine over the past centuries has made great strides in many areas concerning the human lifespan and longevity and while cataract surgery does not extend life per say it does allow the person to retain their sight for a greater amount of time.  It is through the growth and development of cataracts that this article is going to be focused but in a spiritual category and not merely a physical one.  While the physical eyes are important to have and use it is our spiritual eyes that guide our lives in such a manner that allows us to survive eternally in God’s covenant.  The problem is that many of us have gotten used to the fact of seeing with cloudiness instead of the bright Son around us, thus ignoring the contract that our enemy has out for our eyesight.

The procedure for cataract removal has been around in this country, along with other western societal countries for quite some time now.  With each year, the technique and precision have become finer in that it is now a simple and easy outpatient setting.  The procedure does not take very long and is really not that dangerous to have, with the long-term benefits being amazing on all levels of sight restoration.  While this procedure is mainly applied to the elderly it can be performed on younger eyes that have serious defects which cataract formation occurs rapidly instead over time.  No matter which case one is relating, it is a great procedure in order to restore the sight of the individual due to natural causes that one cannot control.  This type of cataract production and growth is similar to spiritual cataracts in development but it is the way that the spiritual cataract is obtained that differs eternally.

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye which causes dim, fuzzy and blurry vision if not treated.  A cataract can affect just one eye or both but in either case, the vision in the affected eye is noticeable by the patient.  It is easily recognized by trained professionals and as mentioned before it is a minor procedure that is taken care of quite easily.  However, these are a person’s eyes and we only have two of them and once those are damaged it can be permanent which causes many people to wait unnecessarily long to see more clearly.  What is important is that as the cataract becomes larger it becomes more difficult for the patient to see clearly and thus, relying on others for their guidance from place to place.  Even when only one eye is affected the vision of the person is at risk and creates further safety issues for the individual involved.  This process will not correct itself, an eye surgeon must operate on the lens in order for this problem to go away.

I understand this fear concept because there is similar techniques available for us “blind” folks that correct our vision through a laser.  I am a great candidate for this procedure and just as cataract surgery, the procedure becomes finer and more accurate each year.  I have known many of my friends opt to have this surgery and every one of them are pleased with their results and have no issues concerning their eyes.  But, for me I chickened out more than a decade ago and still to this day I will not have this simple procedure simply because I do not trust anyone else with my eyes; you should see me at the eye doctor, it is not a pretty sight.

The interesting part about cataracts is that when they are very small they are undetectable and are not noticed too much by the individual.  It is not until time passes and they grow enough and reach a certain size that one can notice a difference in their vision.  By then it is too late to ignore and something must be done in order for the sight to return.  The physical cataract for many centuries was cause for normal blindness and nothing could be done for those who suffered from this condition, but as time and medical advancements progressed it became an easy fix.  However, with the stage set for this cloudiness God wants us to know about the spiritual cataracts that our enemy places upon our eyes and how we are totally missing this process and allowing ourselves to become led around by the world instead of seeing clearly through the eyes of our eternal communication line with our Creator.

The portion of this spiritual cataract development is very similar to the physical one and it is thoroughly based upon the inability to recognize what is occurring within the body.  In the physical sense, a cataract usually has already been developing before the individual knows what is transpiring and it is up to that person to wait or to get things fixed at that point in time.  The same concept holds true in the spiritual sense in that many times our enemy places his kingdom principles within our spiritual bodies and our spiritual eyes become clouded to what is transpiring around us.  It is this clouded state that we tend to ignore or not recognize which eventually blinds us to what is around us.  Our enemy shall never blind us from his kingdom, only the from the Kingdom of God and when this truth is blurred, but the tricky portion to this process is that his kingdom is frequently adhered to by the world and if we allow this cloudiness to grow all hope of restoration and eternal life with God is on the verge of destruction.

Trust is the basic signature that is involved here and when combined with true knowledge and wisdom a spiritual cataract can be detected early enough for a simple removal procedure, but as we know that when it comes to the spiritual we would rather ignore it for as long as possible because we have to stretch our hearts out of the comfort zones in order to reach the spiritual. One great example of this is for us to look at our bodies and when we do we shall notice that they break down over time.  God never intended for our bodies to exist in this shape, but through our choices way back in the Garden of Eden we now have no choice but to suffer the consequences.  Adam and Eve failed to recognize the spiritual implications of the enemy that they were dealing with which led to his successful establishment of sin within our lives.  This left only the spiritual to for him to contend with and in his thinking, if the first method worked to his liking why not continue it for the spiritual as well.  This is why our choices that we make are made in accordance to God’s authority and not one of worldly advice.

The best possible outreach for our enemy to have is a doubting individual (spirit).  It is through this process that our enemy is allowed to plant the spiritual cataract he needs in order for him to invade our spiritual lives.  This process is also a direct reflection of who we trust and who is first in our lives.  There is no question that soon after Adam and Eve were given their placement they were fired up and had every intention to fulfill God’s workings and to keep His command intact, but it is just as clear that over time something occurred to blur their spiritual vision which led to their physical sin.  One cannot be beguiled overnight, tempted yes, but not beguiled; this is a process.  This process involves being led astray over time or in the context of this article being led around long enough to become blinded enough to question anything instead of addressing the condition to the Creator (Great Physician).

What many people will not understand is that when one accepts this blurred condition and thus lives within this condition they render themselves as slaves, slaves to a dark and infested world that can only provide death as a reward.  God is the only physician that can heal the spiritual eyes and remove the cataracts that are in place, for if one cannot see what is around them then they are slaves to the one that guides them.  The world cannot provide anything else but this type of slavery for it is entirely dependent upon its master who is bound to this lifestyle that he chose to create when he rebelled against his Creator.  It is all he can offer and slavery is the only condition that he wishes to offer, for slavery serves as one purpose only and that is bondage from the true freedom that only God can give.

Once the cataract process has begun it is easy for the world to slip in and begin to guide those who are in this condition.  At this point, we recognize the fact that our vision has been blurred and adhere to the voices that are quick to respond instead of remembering who gave us our sight in the first place.  It is through God’s divine surgical techniques that have the perfect capability to remove everything that the world has been able to invade and to cloud.  It is easy for us to accept things of the world into our lives and not even understand just how much is allowed within; however, if we allow God to show us what is wrong and then allow Him to remove it, we can once again see clearly our mission that His Son deemed important for us to complete.

It is at this point where we need to fine tune our spiritual ears as well, for both of these spiritual organs need to be in touch with one another in order to provide the necessary balance needed to function in this life.  So many times we allow these cataracts to develop simply because our ears become tuned to the sounds of the world and not the voice of God.  This is a prime example of how we become so distracted in our days that we focus on the distractions around us that we forget what our mission truly is supposed to be.  We have been shown that this type of conditions was what got Adam and Eve into trouble in the Garden of Eden and if we do not be careful our enemy shall use the mechanisms that he used on these two people on our lives, and from the looks of things he has already begun his pursuits in this manner.

I understand that we would like to disclose that we do not have a spiritual cataract problem and that everything is ok within our surroundings.  But this is where we need to have the desire to go to the physician and to ensure that everything is ok, or not ok. We need to throw away our selfish pride and return back to the One that can heal our troubles and our ailments, is not that the reason that we seek, true healing?  Not only have our spiritual cataracts become so dense within our eyes but it is now affecting our walk and talk mannerisms to the point of a nonfunctioning status.  With the passage of time our vision has become so blurred that we now sit on the bench and wait for something or someone to come along to help us down the street, yet we have no clue where we are being taken.  This type of “leadership” can only lead to disaster and one day very soon shall prove its fruition upon our lives and existence.

It is time that we need to return back to God and to seek His restoration process once again.  The fight for your eternal existence is on the line and it is of dire importance that we be able to walk in this world on a level playing field.  That playing field needs to be present and we need to have the ability to see it for what it is in order to have a standing chance of true survival.  Our enemy wants to take his home field advantage and to distort it enough that we have no option but to succumb to his methods and ways.  There is no way possible that we can serve or to be led around by the world and still be effective for the Kingdom of God, and what is most disturbing is that when we live with cataracts over our spiritual eyes we will not be able to see the difference between the two kingdoms that are vying for our eternal placement.

What occurs when a person makes a decision that proves to be an important directional change?  It has been stated that after a cataract has been removed it takes some time for the person to readjust to the new light that they can see, some even have to wear shades for a while until their eyes fully adjust, this is normal.  But at the same time these people are vulnerable to the atmosphere around them and until they get used to their new “eyes” they may have a tad bit of trouble getting around.  It is at this time that our spiritual enemy takes his opportunity to pounce on our lives too, for he understands that you have made the choice to change your life and to allow the Creator of everything restore your eyesight.  It is at this time when one needs to become grounded in God’s Word so that the enemy cannot steal what God has restored.

But the optical surgeon has another plan for your life and that is to be able to perform a miraculous function of restoration that will give back the sight to the blurred and the blind.  He shall never operate to further hurt or damage your vision but since He created you He is the only one that has the authority and power to restore that which has been stolen from you.  We are missing out on so much of our existence through the lies that the ruler of this world has told us and has led us into because of the cataracts that we have allowed him to develop.  It is important that we understand that there is an eternal battle for our eternal existence and placement.  It is important that we understand who is in charge of this world and who our enemy is; here is a hint, those rulers are the same being. 

The only way that we can correct our cataracts is if we allow God to cut away the dense portions that have been allowed to invade our eyes.  The physical process of removing a cataract has vastly improved over time but God has already perfected this procedure for our spiritual eyes and He is just waiting for you to turn your heart back to Him and to allow Him to repair your vision.  In no way does God wish for anyone of us to walk with cloudiness domination our eyesight; remember that the first thing God did when He created the earth was to bring light into the scene.  God loves us very much and He understands the pains and trials that we are going through, that is why He deems it so important that we understand this concept because He understands that if we do not allow our eyes to be opened to what the world is doing around us, that we shall have no chance of eternal survival and that is the last thing that God wishes to see become of His precious children.


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