Monday, October 10, 2016

Dangers of Responsibility

Dangers of Responsibility


A few weeks ago God shared with us an article with a precursor title that dealt with missing the truth about His Word.  God continues this theme today in this article on a subject concerning responsibility and how God wants us to raise one another up instead of lowering our lives to please others.  This is another portion of His concept of true and holy separation from the world that He wants from us, for it is through this type of separation that will give us true freedom.  Separation from God is not the plan of action that shall save our country and Church as we know it; only by returning to God shall this desire be completed. Taking responsibility for our actions is what God wishes for us to complete, for when we do and truly learn from these actions it makes our lives so much easier to let go and allow God to live through us.

It breaks my heart to watch as this country forgets its place in the world and to lower herself before the One who created her for His specific purpose.  One of our great leaders just passed away this last week whose name is Shimon Peres.  During one of his interviews, he was asked a question concerning the United States’ position in the world and his response was not only truthful but a statement of reality that everyone should stop and take a hard look at once again.  Peres was asked about why the United States was granted such authority and considered to be the greatest nation established.  Mr. Peres’ answer defines what God had planned for this nation and is the foundation of what God stands for, his answer was that the United States had always been a giver no matter what the situation was, she always gave to those in need.  It is through these words that a leader of a foreign country proves that he understands this country’s foundation better than the majority of those up and coming in this country today. 

Over the last few decades, it has become a common theme that everyone should present themselves as equals.  It has been clearly stated that this nation should become such an example of equality for everyone and while establishing this standard has agreed to lower herself into the confines of the ordinary.  This gesture states that we acknowledge we stand higher than other nations and have the capability to accomplish this request.  But why should we allow ourselves to be lowered?  This is the easy way out and a way that will compromise our foundations of creation.  Through our creation, it is deemed as our responsibility to ensure that the entire world benefits from the blessings that have bestowed upon our nation.  Lowering ourselves to other nation’s standards is NOT a sign of responsibility but a lack of one, one that is identical to another setting that changed the world.

I have been in the medical field now for approximately 30 years which means that I am considered to be a seasoned veteran in this area.  By no means am I an expert in any specific laboratory field and I have not strived to attain such a position or title but there are many who come to me for answers to questions that most cannot answer which places an added responsibility on my position.  If I did not care about my job and to the people that I serve I would not make any effort to procure this type of knowledge in order to provide adequate answers.  Correct and proper treatment for those who are ailing is a must and it is a justice for anyone who is truly in need and it is my responsibility to make sure the information I give to the other medical personnel is accurate and adequate enough for this treatment to occur.

I know all of us at one time in our lives have fallen down on the job, especially when we were younger but it is evident that this lazy attitude has infiltrated our societal level  enough that it is making public news and therefore placing a great deal of concern for many around the world.  We are failing to see that it is our responsibility to be the next generation of workers to ensure that our survival continues but we have become so wrapped up in our selfish rants that we would rather destroy instead of build up. Destroying anything is not our responsibility, it has never been nor shall it ever be.  If we need to grab someone’s attention we should do it civilly and not through violent, demeaning or destructive terms.  It will be impossible for us to achieve this responsible activity when the leaders condone such aggressive and destructive behavior and no one should be allowed to have room for pernicious heartbeats either.  I too must raise my hands in guilt towards this behavior, would you be honest enough to follow my lead?

It is obvious that this country has fallen far from the foundational standards that she was established, and from what we read about in the papers, see on television almost every night we have no intention to give to anyone but ourselves.  We blame others for the conditions that we face today whether that blame is directed towards a political party or to individuals who do not think the same as “you”, it does not matter we are not taking responsibility for our actions.  What I find fascinating is that we are proving the Bible correct with every step we take in this direction and it is sad that while we believe our steps are in the correct direction our nation is falling apart right before our eyes and we cannot even see it.  Through our efforts to separate our existence from God we have forgotten what our standards exactly mean; in other words, we have forgotten that God shall supply all of our needs and those needs when given to those in need shall increase proportionately when used in the correct manner. God, being a complete God, shall also reciprocate what His children wish for their lives; keep this in mind as our supplies quickly diminish after our Garden fall.

It is easy for us to take Genesis 3:16 and place the entire emphasis of that verse on the judgment of the woman and totally leave out the true meaning of what God wanted Adam to understand.  It is through selfish reasoning that we first recognize the judgment of God on the woman, for all of us want a scapegoat, but God wants us to see the area of responsibility that He desires for us concerning His laws and Ways.  It was because Adam and Eve did not live up to their responsibility of God’s 1 law that cost them everything.  Their lives were easy, no corruption present in any portion of their existence but because they fell for the lie concerning responsibility the world is in shambles today.  What is more disheartening is to think that over all of this time we have not figured out the truth of what we should be doing but only what we choose to do instead.

In Genesis 3:8-16 we find that God, Satan, Adam and Eve are all present in one area.  It is evident that it is a tense time and that God is using His command voice to ensure that everyone understands what is going on because of the actions of the involved parties.  As previously stated it is easy for us to grasp that this verse doles out the consequences of the action of the woman and in previous verses, the same can be said for each of the other involved parties as well.  In this entire passage of Scripture we see that the humans do not take responsibility for their lack of responsibility circumstances and they voice the only thing that they can do at this time, blame another.  Such a cowardly act coming from two perfectly created individuals, yet God allows their lives to continue but in different conditions. 

We are not the only society who has completely missed what this verse and this entire passage of Genesis Chapter 3 is telling us.  Many examples in the Bible give us such references including Cain and Abel, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David, Solomon, Jonah and others who did not figure out what this passage of responsibility meant to the outcome of their and our existence. Today, we have fallen into the exact same trap of laziness through the blessings of life that we do not have to fight for or for many even to think about.  It has become easier to protest for something instead of figuring out a way to earn it or to develop it. Modernism and the luxuries it has provided have made us nothing more than acceptance whores with no outward or inward consciences present.  As long as this condition exists in our lives we have no other option but to lower our standards to make ourselves “equal”.  In truth, all we are doing is lessening our responsibilities that God has created us for and THAT is the lie that shall destroy our country, the Church, and our personal lives.

There is no way possible that God desires that His children disobey His ways and truth by shedding their responsibilities that He has ordained for us to complete.  From the beginning of our creation, it was God’s desire that we live in perfect conditions without spot or blemish.  It is the desire and utter hatred for your presence that Satan commands his armies to do everything in their power to convince us that it is ok for us to not live up to God’s expectations.  It is through this type of manipulation and lies that Satan used against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and it is through these same tactics that he prevails these lies to our lives today.  This lack of responsibility type of lifestyle and belief does not have a rising up affect on our presence for the world cannot offer such an environment which means God is not a part of it. 

Here is a truth that we need to keep fresh in our hearts.  I understand that I have used this phrase many times in the articles that God has given but He has given us the perfect organ to house these truths and the ability to keep them close and use them at all times, which is why He reminds us of them.  When God shares His truth with us through His Word this gives us added responsibility.  Responsibility must be remembered as a Kingdom principle because if we keep the God-given responsibility as we should, this means we are complying with what God has in store for our lives and thus results in an advancement of God’s Kingdom.  God created Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden for this advancement and it was through their lack of responsibility that the Garden lost and Adam and Eve’s eternal and physical eviction.  Ever wonder why the world is reaching a new height of anarchy and disorder?  Here lies the answer to this question.

It is obvious that we have fallen away so far that we can no longer determine what is right, what is wrong, what our destiny was to be and what our responsibilities actually are.  It takes continual effort for me to see that all duties assigned to me are completed before I walk out of the lab and if those duties are not performed completely and correctly I have fallen from the standards that are expected from me and I therefore should be replaced.  The same goes for any society that believes a foreclosure on responsibility outweighs an honest and just work effort.  This nation has become the poster child for this type of irresponsibility and is in quite the danger of a devastating judgment just as Adam and Eve’s. 

Yes, our nation was created to be a light and beacon for everyone who wishes to serve the One true God’s Kingdom, creation is a direct Kingdom principle and it is our enemy’s job to pervert this holy order.  This nation was established for those who have been beaten down by the suppressing governments around the world who stripped the people of their lives.  This nation was established so that people could regroup then refresh themselves in order to stand back up and to penetrate the evils that drove them away from their homes in the first place.  This nation was created by God in order for mankind to complete these tasks through His name alone and then go spread the truth about who gave them this restored drive and truth.  Our only problem is that we cannot even recognize that we have been driven from our homes – Garden of Eden – so, how do we even expect to fix our problems with this lack of knowledge about what our responsibilities are?

Church, you thought that you would escape this truth as well?  It is your life and lack of responsibility to complete the command of Jesus that has landed us in this place to begin with!  Now, you would rather claim allegiance with your enemy than the One who gave you the command to save the world.  What kind of responsibility is this?  Your actions have given our enemy the courage and the passion to complete his responsibility and unless you figure this truth out real quick the world as we know it will change on a devastatingly level far worse than any world war witnessed before and may never recover to its present state again.  We have turned God’s embassy to an eternally dying entity into a laughing stock to the ones that we are told to save.  Our existence is weak and our presence is void which makes the truth about God not known to the ones that need Him the most.  In turn, our laziness has included us in those that need Him the most and until we stop and pick up God’s responsibility hat again we have no hope.

To complete this process we first must acknowledge to God that we need Him and His laws in our lives.  Second, when we truly allow Him in our hearts He will be faithful and just to forgive us for our wrongdoings.  Then God shall restore our lives back to the place where He wants us to be which will then allow us to once again fulfill our holy responsibilities.  If, and this is a big IF, we do these things with God first in our lives I guarantee that our world’s problems shall drastically diminish.  Church God loves you with all of His heart and it is His desire to see you flourish in peace and prosperity through His Covenant sacrifice. But calamity shall ever be around and in our lives if we ignore God and His ways.  We can avoid these dangers of responsibility if we only listen, God and keep our eyes focused on Him at all times.

It is a known fact that if we place God first in our lives the level of responsibility that we display also bleeds over into the physical.  It is not difficult to see how this level of responsibility is being portrayed either.  We must remember that responsibility and relationship go hand-in-hand and one cannot be present without the other being adequately involved, this is included both in the spiritual and in the physical.  God has laid out His plan of separation from the world through His Word and while He shall never force us to adhere to His ways it sure is an entirely different setting for our lives when we do versus when we do not.  Living under God’s Covenant and in His ways through the blood of His Son is the desired plan of separation that God wishes for our existence.  Church, He is calling to you for repentance, time is short and we are taking steps daily towards His return.  God loves you and is calling for His sheep to return.


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