Sunday, October 23, 2016

Who Has It Correct?

Who Has It Correct?


Ever wonder how people seem to live with themselves when it appears like they are in controversy all the time?  Or how can it be that something so dysfunctional proceeds at will without any objections by the current establishment?  Each day we are pummeled with these types of stories and yet we as the human race refuse to seek logical and true answers for these calamities. The answers do not lie in further legislation, nor will they be answered by personal pleas from celebrities.  The answers to these issues can only come from God alone and until we recognize that He is the King of the world, all of our troubles shall increase not decrease. There is a reason God says to be separate from the life of the world so, again God asks the question: who has this process correct and who is living within their confines of leadership?

There are countless issues that the societies of the world face today.  Everything from air to zoos can be included in this montage scenario with the inclusion of any imaginable traumatic anomaly known to man thrown amongst the fray for good measure.  We witness new law after new law trying to make things better for each nation but as soon as these new laws are passed it seems like newer problems arise faster than the laws can be implemented, which then are outdated.  Continual bombardment of social media drives our fantasies and spreads rumors that are powerful enough to ignite division even between the smallest of communities but we would rather divide our lives instead of bringing people together.  We must recognize and realize that when we focus on the adjectives we shall never bring the noun to unity.

This age has become an era of mistrust as the common call proclaims for unity and equality.  It is the laughable, sadistic and fanatical illusion that now dominates our characters that demand our time and hearts; which forces us to ask the question of is there any real truth to Hollywood, government, and businesses and the subjects they produce and conduct over our society? Where is the hope in all of this mess, or do we even really recognize it as a mess?  Is this a correct behavior according to what society is allowed to achieve?  It states that we as a race would rather follow a leader who is blinded by division than following One who has all the answers for our existence; this also brings into light exactly who has their patterns correct.

The first mention of a kingdom status or that there is a battle ongoing between two immortal beings occurs in Genesis when the serpent appears and begins to have a relationship with Adam and Eve.  The deviant pattern Satan introduces to them announces the arrival of another idea or place setting from what God has already established.  This means that there is an alternative to what God says is true and while this option is available the option has dire and eternal consequences that can never be changed once accepted.  It is this concept that the battle lines are shown and should be a realization standard of exactly what is going on and what is at stake.  For anything that questions the Word of God is not from Him but a discourse of information directly related to our enemy and his kingdom.

Interestingly, and something we need to keep in our hearts, is that when God was explaining the His judgment to the parties involved in the incrimination of sin that God only banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and said nothing concerning the serpent in this manner.  This is a huge point for the future because it has significant meaning when it comes to the eternal status and kingdom representation.  The important point here is that in Genesis Chapter 3 the issue of kingdom comes into play and it is obvious that the lines and sides have been drawn, and it is these kingdoms at war that determines which ideas are followed correctly or not.  As in this example, it is of our own free will and choice as to which side of the Kingdom issue we choose to serve and states our directive if we are judged or blessed according to our hearts.  It is through our choices that God sees us from within and likewise what is allowed to exhibit as a result.

Where is the focus of civilizations and in what direction are these foci headed?  And more importantly are they lining up with the rulers they have chosen?  It is easy for someone to notice patterns about societies if they clearly drop their affiliations, take off their rose colored glasses and look with an objective heart at what is transpiring before them and the attitude towards such developments.  For some, it is evident that the world is in a downward spiral and that unless some real changes are made the world as we know it shall soon come to a screeching halt.  As the old saying goes it is not the fall that kills it is the sudden stop.  It is the place of impact of the sudden stop that we are watching draw closer and closer.  This pattern has been demonstrated countless times throughout human history, why do the generations that are recognized as the “most advanced” missing this truth?  Maybe it is because of the kingdom in which they are following that is providing the answer to the topic question.

It is easy for many to shrug this truth off as a societal bend in the overall bell curve of human existence and to accept these motions as normal activity.  But while the world activates this moral indecency the Christian stands off to the side and scoffs at this progress.  The world, in turn, views these actions by Christians as an outcast of policy and abruptly uses the sanctioned laws against them in order to protect what is the norm.  Is this correct policy and who is following their kingdom with the most accuracy?  The answer should not come as a surprise or at least ½ of the answer that is.  We must configure our hearts to accept that this is the typical and normal response the world provides because it is the only response the world can attain.  So, this means that the world is following its own course of action and therefore can be said that it is in a correct state of kingdom.  Wait a minute here!!  Am I saying that the world represents a more "correct" state of kingdom standard than the Christian is?  Yep, God is saying that.  And by you asking this question, you are proving God correct in His statement through this message.

Ever wonder how people who do not know God continue to function when their ideas do not align up with each other?  Ever notice that the people who know God and claim to be Christians have the same occurrences in their lives?  It is easy for us to look at “sinner” and to rip them a new one because of what they are doing or have done in the past.  Christians find it easy to condemn yet hard to forgive those who have truly repented which is the exact opposite of what we are supposed to be doing.  The world’s standards follow a guideline and it comes naturally because it is a natural state of being, the ruler of the world has the home field advantage and he takes it very seriously when opposition appears.  It is the words of that last sentence that we must understand is that we have to be in this world for this is our home but we cannot be of this world and it is of dire importance that we understand this distinction.  As it stands today, Christians do not know this truth for we have become just as engrossed with the world’s activities as the world has itself followed, which proves that the world is doing a better job being in correction with its ruler than Christians.

What concerns God the most is that Christians have become weary in the truth and have lost sight in their belief system, the Word of God.  We have become so splintered in our denominational thinking that we have taken the truth of the Word of God and rewritten it to fit within our confines of life.  How can we place God in a manmade box and expect us to be able to win the world for Him?  There is absolutely no way that the mission that Jesus commanded us to complete can be fulfilled when we have this concept, which means that we are NOT in correction with the Kingdom and that we feed off of the kingdom of the world.  Therefore, it can honestly be stated that the world, its ruler and those who follow it are more correct than Christians. The Kingdom of God is advanced in only one way and that is through YOU!  For YOU are the Kingdom of God and it is this truth that Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.  For if we are not the Kingdom then how could we be the truthful representatives of God, Jesus, and His Church?  It is this command that defines the Kingdom of God and whether or not we are living in Covenant terms with God, which means that if we are then we are living proof that we are more in correction with the true Kingdom.

If it is difficult for you to accept this fact then GOOD!  That means you have come up to the very kingdom that you are supposed to be fighting.  This war is not an ill-defined skirmish but a battle for your eternal life and as long as you are kept in the dark about the truth of your entire existence, you are playing for the other kingdom.  You should be in spiritual turmoil if you have completely dedicated your life to God for it is not an easy task and should not be accepted as such especially when one watches your country and church go down for the count.  When a denomination accepts the world, how does your heart respond, or does it even respond at all?  While the Old Testament clearly had no denominational presence it was adequately represented by many different opinions of how God wanted His laws and ways followed, so in this case the same conditions for a denominational approach was present and therefore can be granted as the same pattern we are witnessing from the Church today.  This statement should frighten a God fearing person to death, because we must ALWAYS remember that God is a consistent God and if He sets an example once He must follow through in future issues.

The world does not care about your intimate and spiritual apparel it only wants you to follow its own designed path blindly.  The world and its ruler shall never explain its meaning and purpose but at the same time expects you to utter its foundation with each step you take.  If a person stops and studies what the world is preaching they will have the capability to know that the path the world is on can only lead to destruction, and what is so frightening is this path is a popular one and is appealing to anyone who is weary eyed or lost for it is an easy road to take because everyone else is walking on it. A prime example of worldly democracy in action as many would claim, which is another acclamation of which kingdom the world represents.

Through the turning of a blind eye to the world’s accords and effectively admonishing those representations into the Church, Christians have lost their means of fighting our enemy on a level playing field; in fact, Christians have lost sight of the enemy entirely all together by measures that they cannot even recognize as worldly weapons that were created for our destruction.  This is another prime example of how divided the Church has become since its creation and establishment.  Almost instantaneously the writers of the New Testament had to inform those newly established churches of the condemning issues that they had accepted and these patterns of division, idolatry, pride, and lust have not altered from that point in time; in fact, through our acceptance of worldly procedures those issues have become ingrained in the foundation and walls of the Church and are now perceived as doctrinal admissions.  When we accept personal and trivial arguments as fact only division can ensue.  Jesus came to unite His command to His Church into one voice, under His blood as the foundation of His Church, not mankind’s words alone.  It is through this holy unity that we can be in total correction with the Kingdom of God and therefore be in a higher standard of correction than the world.  Any acceptance of the world lowers our standards according to God’s Word and if allowed create a pit of destruction that our enemy will blast into existence, which is exactly what we have allowed to occur today.

Our divisions have become so regular and deep that we have now begun to move forward in our steps and ignore those behind us who cannot cross this divide.  Even worse, we are now ignoring their cries for help even as we approach our next divide in our path.  So, as Christians continue to journey along in their own division they are systematically adding to the course of destruction of the world.  If you need to reread that last sentence, please do for it is the key to what is about to occur if we do not heed truth in those words.  This means that while the people who have accepted the world as their standard might be in better standing of correction but are automatically doomed because we are not in correction with our King.  Think about this for a moment for it is a pattern that has been in motion ever since sin entered into our lives in the Garden of Eden.  We have continually placed our thoughts and human wants ahead of what we are supposed to understand and what we are to share with others.  This is a sobering truth that should break our hearts, but we probably will not give it a second thought as we close out this article.  Now, ask yourself the question that is the topic of this article again, but this time, ask it with a heart after God instead of the world.

Repent, Church!!  The time has arrived we stop following in the footsteps of the freed Israelites.  Let us stop our journey in the wilderness and enter into the Promised Land that God has made for us.  That Promised Land cannot be achieved unless we adequately fulfill our places in His Kingdom and that means throwing every aspect of the world from our hearts.  Israel just celebrated Rosh Hashanah and during this time true repentance is the call which means that total forgiveness needs to be given and to make our hearts clean before God; even down to the lent in the pockets must be taken out.  We have wandered for so long that we have forgotten what our Promised Land actually consists and even who God is and what He represents to our existence.  It is also time we clean our hearts out with the Word of God with every single letter that God has provided for this process.

This type of cleaning is what God wants from our lives so that He may enter into our lives and restore us back to what we were created through His Son’s blood.  God loves each and every one of us and it is His desire that we be in total correctness with His Kingdom and not the world’s.  The people of the world may seem happy in their outward appearances but inside they are a torn to shreds with every type of worldly emotion imaginable.  But in our current stance the Church cannot do anything to help them because the people of the world are actually in better correctness than the Church.  The question becomes if we as the Church are going to continue this standing of ours or are we going to change our hearts and return to God and complete what He has commanded us?  Ultimately, we must come to the reckoning that somewhere along the line we have allowed Satan to infiltrate our hearts enough that the Church is playing second chair and is not in line with the correct Kingdom.  The world shall always consider its message to be correct, and this is a correct statement, but it is the responsibility of the Church (YOU) to proclaim the real and complete truth that we are not supposed to live the ways of the world.  So, in truth, who has it correct?


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