Monday, November 14, 2016

One-Sided Affair

One-Sided Affair


It is easy for humans to become caught up in the physical hype that approaches our lives every day.  It is just as easy to place God into this category and lower His status to fit into our scope of reality but when we do this we are lowering God to our level and thus placing our entire existence on a one-sided affair.  God cannot be controlled for He is perfect in all ways and has never been defeated.  How many warnings do we have to endure for us to get this truth through our hard heads?  This is God’s plan for our lives and it our job to be so close to Him, not grab him by the collar and bring him to our level, that we know exactly what His heart is saying to His children.  Are we sitting so close to Him that we understand completely what He wants from our lives or have we selfishly been advancing our own kingdom through His name?

There is no question that this political season has brought out some of the true identities of people that live in this nation and around the world.  It is not hard to figure out that many people are not happy with the election results and their participation in divisive acts are not going to disappear in the immediate future.  One person said to me that they are glad the election is over and that we can get on with our lives, but as post-election events unfold I do not believe this statement from my good friend shall occur either.  No one can disguise the fact that there are deep divisions that lie within the center of our inner lives and unless we find an answer to these divisions they shall only increase in size and depth.  Also, the results of this election have proven that there is an underlying spirit that is now being unleashed due to the taking away of control, which should be more frightening of all results obtained.

The sad truth to this situation is that the Church should be teaching the truth as to why these divisions are present and how to pour the holy filling into them so that they can be healed properly.  But, instead of doing what we are supposed to be doing we have gladly joined in with the divisive crowds by advancing our own agenda instead of God’s.  Our spiritual eyesight has become so blurred that we are now considered to be legally blind when it comes to what we are supposed to be doing and how we are supposed to be living.  What is even worse is that we have sat in our pews for generations and have lost the truth concerning the Gospel and the complete Word of God.  For if we had the words of God in our heart we would understand exactly what is occurring today and how much we are following in the footsteps of Adam and Eve, the Israelites, and the early Church.  We have learned nothing!  We are so one sided that we even try our best to justify our present actions and worldly beliefs on the people that God has taught us about in His Word, such a grave and eternal mistake we have made.

This past weekend provided me an opportunity to pull my turn in the main laboratory, I am not opposed to working in the main lab, in fact, it gives me the moment away from my ongoing position and to see the light of some “normal” results.  For the majority of the time, my weekends across the street go fairly smooth without any human or mechanical hiccups but this weekend would prove to go opposite of that norm.  On Saturday, I had the privilege of receiving errors on the main chemistry analyzer that I was not familiar with and had to spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what was going on since the visible appearance of the area that was in mechanical question looked normal. 

After a few unsuccessful tries at initializing the instrument, I had to finally dig into the instrument and see what the issues were that were jamming things up.  I immediately found a small issue and cleared the reason and closed up shop and hit the initialize option again but instead of a functioning instrument, I inherited another sound that did not sound good at all.  I then spent the next hour trying to locate the jammed cuvette and eventually I located this small piece of evidence and removed its presence from the area.  I then had to complete another small piece of maintenance and found that some type of liquid had been allowed to go where it should be totally dry.  Obviously, something internally had gone wrong and while I could not see it with my eye, the liquid was there can causing enough static to place the instrument into an unready state.  My point with this example is that even though I could not see the error, I had to search deeper inside until my point of view was proven inaccurate and the problem was solved, and it is this point that we need to understand about God and how He works.

I spent another great deal of time waiting for the instrument to reinitialize itself and go through all the checks that were necessary in order to bring the instrument back up to working conditions.  During this further waiting period, I had the opportunity to stop and reflect on some issues that also made sense of what was ongoing around our nation and the world today. So even when my weekend in the main laboratory did not pan out as I wished for it to do, God still showed me specific details of how we should be thinking and how to solve problems that seem like are only increasing.

In the Book of Genesis, God gives us a detail about our existence that serves as the foundation of all humanity’s problems and through this passage God gives us enough information to avoid such problems as well.  Enough details are given in this passage that if we understand its contents when we are young it can even fix specific issues in our lives before they even appear. Genesis Chapters 2 & 3 gives us this example and how to live for God and to separate ourselves from the world in order to project the true existence and reasoning for our presence.  This passage also gives us a clear view of what occurs when we do not obey God’s Ways as well, God does not sugar coat anything He will always give you the pros and the cons when it comes to His Ways and our choices.

Adam and Eve were not dumb and were not robots under the constant control of their Creator.  When God spoke to them He gave them specifics about their surroundings, their existence, their presence on the earth and the dangers that accompanied their surroundings.  God gave them only 1 law to obey and then after His instruction left it up to them to follow said law.  The exact details of the seduction and disobedience of what occurred in the Garden of Eden with the serpent are not given, but since Adam and Eve were human it is not difficult to follow the path of choice that they took.  It is ridiculous to believe that Adam, Eve, and God just sat around every day and said nothing to each other.  That goes totally against God’s Ways for God is alive and is always on the move advancing His Kingdom, which means that He constantly gave Adam and Eve a teacher’s instructions when it comes to what they were to face.  This daily activity can also be a setting to which we can believe occurred in heaven when Lucifer was still a part of God’s dwelling place for if God teaches His children He must also teach His created spiritual beings as well; it is part of His holy order.

It was after Adam and Eve chose to disobey God’s only command that the daily and physical meetings with God ceased.  For the first time in mankind’s existence constant communion with God was broken and thus placed on a one-sided affair.  God never intended for us to lose any type of contact with Him but He knew that we would be vulnerable to such temptation and therefore already had made restoration plans for our lives.  To our demise, this plan of restoration also fell into a one-sided affair for when the act of sacrifice was initiated, humanity missed its confines and meaning then placed it into the selfish and routine mechanism portion of our hearts, which perverted its meaning and became a spiritual cuvette jam.  Our lives were then placed on hold because we could not make our lives represent what they were supposed to mean and kept pushing the initialize button hoping that our inner portions would somehow miraculously fix themselves.  Read God’s Word this message is in there and it stands out bright as the noonday sun if we only lose the affair we have with ourselves and the ruler of the world.

Sacrifices were the key for the people who loved God and desired to have a relationship with Him.  Sacrifices represented the only way that our sinful existence could be justified in God’s eyes.  It was not the works of the flesh that God desired it was the shedding of blood that meant everything to God, for it was the blood that brought life to humanity and since blood is the life source of our breath, and God is a complete God, this means that through a sacrifice blood is the only way to redeem our lives as well.  Sacrifice in the Old Testament became a symbol and a routine for the Israelites, it was no longer the high point of sinful recognition and relying on God to forgive.  While God did keep His portion of the Covenant, mankind threw it off as a part of their routines and gave it no commitment either.

Their opinions for the sacrifice procedures must have run wild with worldly principles that relied on selfish and theatrical parts which burned dark on God’s heart.  This one-sided affair with the one issue that could make us whole in the eyes of God, was thrust and shoved back into God’s face with our own condescending attitudes.  Sacrifice was not the daily relationship status event that made Israel and God eternal entities, it was the daily relationship status that was founded and based upon the sacrificial event that molded our lives with God.  It is clear that Adam and Eve missed this truth about God’s law before sacrifice was initiated, it is also obvious that they really did not understand its simple message after they were kicked out of the Garden either, The Israelites missed this, and so far the modern Church has not gotten it either.  Our mission is one of separation from the world through the Word of God and the blood of Jesus Christ.  God cannot have any contact with the sinful world, He cannot!  So why are we following in the footsteps of countless societies and believe that we can do better than God?

Follow me for a moment, Adam and Eve had only one law to follow, plain and simple as that.  It was part of their duty as the upkeep of the Garden (their dominion) to keep this one law; think about this for a bit.  It was their duty to keep the one law that God had given them, for as long as they did it held the personal, physical and spiritual relationship that they had with God intact.  The law was in place but it was the relationship through that law that God cherished with man.  Adam and Eve’s participation with Satan led to the demise of that law and thus ended their current relationship status with God.  In other words, they turned against the sacrificial process and chose the one-sided affair with God even before the sacrifice process was initialized.  So, God in His infinite wisdom gave mankind another opportunity to “get it” by establishing the sacrificial act as a symbol of separation from the world through God.

And here we sit, as the body of Christ wondering why things are not going according to the way we believe things should operate.  How foolish we are to believe that God is not organizing our plans according to the way we believe they should go.  If someone says that this period of time is the most turbulent ever, they need to study history and the Word of God more thoroughly because there have been plenty of times in our past that have been just as bad and even worse.  These horrific times are once again at our doorstep and shall soon present themselves unless we figure things out about the separation process that God has for us and then LIVE in it.  Our enemy laughs at us every single moment of our lives when we fail to recognize God and His Ways.

God gave Adam and Eve a beautiful living space so that they could know the finer qualities of their existence through God, yet they blew it.  The Israelites did the exact same thing and eventually declared their own worldly separation from God by lowering themselves into equality with the world.  Church, it is our duty and responsibility to love those who do not know God and are living by worldly standards.  But we cannot honestly say we love these people unless we are teaching them that the ways of the world are eternally damning and will only define the undesirable true meaning of separation if they do not turn away from their sins and return to God.  God does not want this for anyone, but He cannot deny the truth if we first do not recognize the true meaning of sacrifice so that we can live in the true definition of relationship.  Sacrifice is a process that defines relationship, it establishes the basis for the relationship and continually serves as the origin for the relationship.

Jesus shed His blood only one time for our sins and our covering, but it was the act of His sacrifice that defines our relationship with God.  His covering is continual and living, not stagnant and dead.  It is this sacrifice that separated us from the world and it is through this sacrifice that the veil was torn so that we may have access with God once again.  It is time for the Church to restore herself in the eyes and heart of God and to finish the work in the fields that Jesus saw when He walked the earth.  If we do not, those fields will become rotten and shall die off and never be saved.  It is vital that we understand this truth about having a one-sided affair and what this belief brings to our lives.  Trust me and more importantly trust God when He says that we would much rather have temporary separation from the world than eternal separation from Him.  Our one-sided affair is definitely not worth it!

In all reality, God is still asking us to follow only one law, the law of holy sacrifice.  He asks us to continually live by this law, to live under its guidance and to live through it with a pure heart.  If we continue to follow our one-sided affairs we shall see nothing but a greater divisional status and an enlarged and all engulfing chaos that will lead to complete destruction of our lives. God provides us with a simple and pure way to avoid this disaster, why don’t we “get it” this time?  Then all of humanity would have a reason to celebrate and place our protesting flags on the ground.


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