Saturday, November 5, 2016

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare


This topic is one that has been thrown around ever since I can remember and it is a topic that many of us still do not understand. While we as limited creations may not fully comprehend this gigantic war around us, according to our original status we do have the ability to figure out what is occurring in this realm.  Spiritual warfare is just that, a war that is being waged the supremacy of your life and for the harassment of one kingdom against another the Kingdom.  While this war is in constant flow amongst us most of the time we do not witness its effects and it is this reason that we need to keep ourselves in tune with the spirit for it is the spirit that is eternal and our ultimate representation.

It is a fact that many of us tend to dabble in this area of God but most of us have not a clue of what really transpires when we act upon this tendency of ours.  Anytime this phrase is mentioned we become anxious and tend to either jump in with both feet or completely shy away from this reality.  However, the majority of us do not even recognize what is going on around us and that there is even a war going on for that matter.  In short, there is no armchair quarterbacking in spiritual warfare for it is the war of eternal survival and thus an issue that Satan would like to be kept from becoming known, which explains why it is so important that we know about its existence.

When I was in Africa many years ago I was thrown into an environment where the spiritual aspects of our existence are manifested on an hourly basis, unlike our maybe once a decade experience over in the West; this should tell you something about who is actually the active Church and who is not.  Anyway, as I had the opportunity to watch the outdoor services in the local soccer stadium I kept seeing a part of the church organization walking around the track, just looking up into the crowd.  No provocations or suggestions appeared from their looks but As they continued their duties I could not help but wonder what was actually going on.  Their appearance was calm but the tension was thick in the air as they walked around the stadium, I later found out that while they were walking and looking up into the crowd that they were quietly praying for each one that sat in the stands for while I did not understand about the specifics about the spiritual realm at that time, they did.  It was not too much longer until I saw for myself what was actually occurring around me and it was a setting that changed my life forever.

Anyone remember when Jesus told His followers that life would be a bed of roses and a cakewalk when they accepted Him as their Savior?  Neither do I and it is through this aspect of our creation in combination with our physical lives that make up what really is at stake and if our enemy can mask this detailed aspect he has won ½ the battle because it is a common thread that when mankind does not understand something they react against it and not pursue its meaning.  There is no way possible that I can even come close to being considered an expert in this area but I have been witness to many instances of spiritual warfare that continue to send chills up and down my spine when I realize what is going on around me.  And one specific example occurred just a few weeks ago that answers a question that I had concerning this type of event and another occurred just a few days ago, both explaining how we need to be aware of what is going on around us in both realms.

What seemed like a normal daily routine at work a couple of weeks ago began to turn upside down when my walks across the parking lot became an eerie feeling.  This feeling of uneasiness of mine was not just a one-time experience or one that I felt for a single day but one that I encountered for over a week.  This feeling was a constant each time I walked out of my building and crossed the parking lot and it would not leave.  Most of you have read the experiences I have while walking across the parking lot and when I do I have the opportunity to witness some of the beauty that God has created for my eyes.  But during this specific time period, my eyes were not focused on the beauty of the mountains but the sky alone.

Each time I would cross the parking lot my eyes would be immediately drawn to the sky and it did not matter if clouds were before me or if I only saw the bright color blue, something was going on and at that moment I could not put my heart onto the specifics.  Many times I have had tense feelings when my spirit was in holy turmoil, but this time I knew something else was being staged that I did not understand.  To my dismay, I have to admit that each time I looked up into the sky, felt the uneasiness I did not think about what was actually occurring even though I had personally and visibly watched a similar scene unfold inAfrica.  And the true understanding of what was going on was not revealed to me until I watched a video from a person that I had no idea existed before that evening.

When I would gaze into the sky I would immediately get a heavy feeling inside my body, totally different from what I would receive when God would show me things to write about.  The majority of the time when I cross the parking lot I must continually look sideways for oncoming traffic for a person could easily get run over if they do not pay attention to the activities of the parking lot.  Most of the time the looks l\I give towards the sky are mere glances but during this week my glances became stares that struck my spirit in an unusual way and turned into a blind walk across the lot.  It is difficult to describe the heaviness that I immediately felt as my eyes focused on the sky and even more difficult is the explanation I would have to give concerning this heaviness as soon as my eyes lost contact with the sky.  It did not matter which direction I was walking but it was as soon as my eyes hit the sky until I could no longer see it.

I remember the next week when I returned to work after my weekend I once again looked up to the sky to see the beauty that God had made for my eyes.  The provocation of what had occurred the previous week was still in my mind and I wondered if the same heavy feeling was going to be within me again but to my surprise when my eyes looked up no amount of heaviness was present.  While I was feeling better about not having this heavy feeling I could not help but think why such a feeling was present in the first place.  It was that evening that I received the answer to the question that I asked and it was one that automatically I remembered concerning Daniel and the answer he desired as well.  In this remembrance, it is what was ongoing above Daniel that was shown to me by another person whom I had no idea existed but it was the message that God gave this person that confirmed what was transpiring around and over our nation.  Yes, what I was feeling and the heaviness that I had was a spiritual war that was presently occurring and my spirit was feeling the effects of this battle.

There have been many prophecies concerning this country that have been given over the past few decades and over the centuries.  Many of these have come to fruition and some have not yet been fulfilled and while I do not like to delve into prophetic situations I cannot allow this to pass without sharing what God has spoken to my heart concerning this nation and His people.  While I am not going to dwell on the prophecy itself I must give the details of the prophecy in order to establish the foundation of how important you are to God and how important it is that we live under His Covenant and not the kingdom of the world.  At NO time has God ever abandoned His people, He has always been around and He shall always be around for those who call on His name but when our hearts become darkened with sin and when we would rather wallow in this sin instead of living through Him, God cannot attain blessings through this (our) condition.

How many people understand that we can feel spiritual battles that occur around us?  How many of you know that these spiritual battles can be directly related to you personally or that they can be directed towards an area or nation?  How many of you know that the answers to each one of those questions is contained in the specific passage of Daniel Chapter 10 in which case the spirit realm is both personal and national.  In the video that I watched the person was describing two angels that were in route to their positions on each of our coasts, one angel en route to the east one angel en route to the west.  Both angels stated that their missions were in line with God’s personal Word and that their missions were fixed and could not be replaced or changed.  When we see this picture in our minds we would like to believe that these beings were ones of protection but with the words that they spoke to this person, it is clear that they are not.

These angels have a mission of overseeing something originating from the command of God.  If we understand how societies have divulged themselves into worldly practices we would also understand that their missions are not ones of peace, happiness, prosperity and love – that we would consider as such.  Their presence also seals the truth concerning how far we have drifted away from God because if everyone understood what was transpiring through their lives this setting in the spirit realm would scare a person into ensuring that their heart was right with God.  Yet, as I continually go back and read the comments on this person’s video it is clear that the spirit of the world has a vast hold on the majority of the people in the world and that this same worldly spirit has infiltrated the walls of the Church and the buildings that it supposedly harbors.

Why is this significant to our lives today and how does this vision relate to the spirit realm?  First of all, we must never forget that a very long time ago Lucifer had a dream that he could overthrow God and become God’s equal, that he deserved and was entitled to a share of “the pie” if you wish to put it in those terms.  God did not destroy Lucifer, instead, he allowed Lucifer to make his choice and then after he lost this challenge was thrown from his position in heaven and then mocked by the further creations of God.  This bright and shining star was thrown down and eternally sanctioned to a lake of fire and a spiritual separation from God that cannot change.  So, in like manner, Satan set his eyes on God’s prime Creation and therefore established a spiritual battle for such subjects, both on a personal level and a national level.  For if a bright star is cast down why wouldn’t he use this status to attract what he no longer could create himself?

It is no surprise that Satan laughs at a person when they have a bad day, or a bad week or a terrible year.  It is also no surprise that Satan would be “happy” when a child of God goes astray or when a child of God fails to even recognize their status in God. But do you know that Satan hates it when God moves His Kingdom into place for ANY reason?  In the case of this video and what the person said makes total sense in that since God is a complete God and is Spirit defined, that means anything God does He does through the spirit which means He is advancing His Kingdom.  Remember, God cannot go backward or retract anything once He has set it into motion, it must be complete, just as its origin is.  This means that while I had no idea of what was actually taking place above the earth during that week, there was actually a spiritual battle occurring between two kingdoms.  Even though God is about ready to set into motion a horrific travesty on this nation – and from what it has been foretold that it shall include the entire nation eventually – Satan does not want these angels going into their places because it would mean that God’s Will is about to be done.

The two angels who are presently on each coast of our nation are there for a purpose and they have a mission to complete. Daniel Chapter 10 explains this same setting as what this vision of the person and what I was feeling in my spirit.  In Daniel 10:2 Daniel himself states that he was in mourning for three weeks.  This means he was not feeling right deep inside him and there was something terribly wrong that grieved his spirit and life.  It is clear that he was not in a “good mood” to the point where he could not eat properly.  The message that the angel gave to Daniel was not one of any pleasantries or one that had a good ending but what the angel said was set in stone and could not be changed.  How do we know this?  Because of the reaction Daniel had immediately after the angel told him what he needed to say concerning Daniel’s words from three weeks ago.  So, why would a “bad” answer to Daniel need to have a spiritual battle between two powerful beings on opposite dies of the aisle?  Because any Word from God is considered as an aggression towards the defeated and angry loser who is known as Satan, also known as God’s arch enemy and our arch enemy.

It does not matter if the answers to questions that we seek will be for the immediate or the future, Satan despises when God is advanced in ANY manner and it is through this truth that defines Satan’s hatred for you!  As long as you are walking on this earth you have the potential of finding out the truth about God and in turn spread His message of eternal salvation to those who do not know Him.  Remember the saying that God will always be with you?  This is a truth even when He must correct the damage that has been incurred due to our chosen relationship with the world.  The two angels that are now positioned over our coasts must have been moving into their positions that week when I felt the heavy feeling when my eyes looked into the sky.  My spirit knew what was going on and could sense the battle that was waging somewhere above us, why I could sense this movement I have no idea.  But it was through God’s divine touch of life that allowed me to sense this battle and how grievous it was.

A while back I was reading this passage in Daniel and I became enthralled with what occurred while Daniel was waiting for his answer from God.  The King of Persia fought the angel that was currently speaking to Daniel and the force of his enemy was strong enough to warrant Michael a chief prince to assist in the fight.  And after the answer had been given to Daniel the angel said that he needed to return to the battle and help Michael against the king of Persia again, which means that even though the message from God reached its target the battle was still raging somewhere in the skies above.  This sounds just like a setting from a science fiction film but it is an event that continues until today and for the unforeseeable future.

In no way am I placing myself above any other person who believes in God or for anyone who does not believe in God.  What I am doing is sharing with you what God wants His people to understand what is exactly going on for their existence.  Your life cannot be measured in human terms for it is far greater than the limitations of mankind.  If a single person who considers himself to be “just a boy” can feel a spiritual battle occurring before the actual outcome is delivered that is going to affect the entire country and most likely change the entire world setting, just remember that God cares for your life just as much.  It is vital for our spiritual survival that we understand what position God sees our hearts are in and what our hearts are about to bring to this nation and the world.  Yes, you are that important – you, the individual – to change the world for the better or for the worse.

Our enemy hates every breath you take for he knows that at any given moment you can change your heart and return to God and begin to teach the truth to others.  So, yes Satan will fight any advancement from God even if it is through judgment first because our enemy understands that after a correction we usually figure things out and change our ways.  If Satan had his way his kingdom would be allowed to run wild for eternity and eventually we would totally annihilate our species but God cannot allow that to occur – He has already proven that true – because it would prove that His Creation would not turn out according to His authority.

Church please wake up and once again believe in the One that you teach about.  Place yourself in the hands of the Creator and not the deceiver.  As the Bible has warned us countless times the just and the unjust will be part of God’s allowance for the world.  God loves us so much that He has provided us with the way to eternal salvation and through the message of this article even the spirit realm eternally fights for your placement.  God is not a hidden god but a God who is with us always and one who loves us beyond human measures.  As of this moment, God is allowing us to change directions and to return to Him and His Ways.  I do not know how long this nation has before our existence is changed forever, but no matter what occurs, please get right with God for when that day arrives, we may not have the time to change our hearts.

This type of spiritual battle occurs every second of our lives and does not cease, for if it did that would mean that our enemy has been totally defeated and is no longer a threat to our existence.  But as we read in Daniel and the situation that he faced, those battles are still fought today and will not cease until God says it is finished.  God has never been defeated and He shall not even come close to losing a battle for His plan is always intact and being accomplished.  Search your hearts and allow God to penetrate even the darkest portions of your life.  God offers a plan of complete restoration that shall free you from the world and the slavery that it can only provide.  Pray for the spirit of our nation and pray that it shall turn in favor of God and not the world.  Likewise, pray for your spirit that it may know the truth about God and His Ways.


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