Thursday, April 27, 2017

Important Defenses

Important Defenses


Much controversy has been circulating around considering the construction and reinforcing the borders of this nation.  The sides have been drawn and are defended quite heavily on this issue by all those who care to weigh in.  But in all-around standings, we must consider the protection of this nation and how to make sure that all lives are safe as much as possible.  Our spiritual protection is just as important as our physical and should be protected in like manner and whether we wish to admit it or not, both issues are at hand today.  God wants both our physical and spiritual dominions protected and when we look at it in this manner, it is easy to justify this necessity.

This topic runs deep with parallels in our lives and for the continued protection that we so desperately desire.  I find it difficult to sit back and observe the patterns that emerge each day but at the same time, these patterns do not surprise me, for they represent a graphical truth that all humanity expresses.  To be honest, I would not expect anything different to be showing right at the moment for it is a true reality of what lies within our hearts.  The only issue that is of any eternal concern is that we fail to recognize exactly what is transpiring and that our actions today shall affect our standing both physically and eternally at some point in the future.

One needs to understand a few words of wisdom before we proceed any further.  First of all, this message comes from God and not me, I want to make sure that this truth is set into motion upfront before anything else is written.  Secondly, this message has nothing to do with politics or one side of an issue or another, it will strictly be guided and directed to you the individual reader from God on your behalf of your life.  Protection is the utmost of importance to God and He wants us to remember the reasons why it is important to protect ourselves first, not later.  Again, this is NOT a political topic it is one of pure safety of you.  If anyone tries to play this message from God into a political ploy then shame on you for God gave us brains and He expects us to use them in the only capacity that we can, honorable and true not biased.  

I find it amazing of how many conflicting answers people give concerning the issue of protection, and what intrigues me the most is the ensuing arguments that those answers provide.  While none of us shall ever agree on all issues I truly believe that all should be civil in our disagreements.  Yet, as each issue comes and goes we see tensions between ourselves increase and thus promote further division.  Defense structures are in place for a reason and there is an intimate and specific detail that we must consider before we rush into whether or not we build a wall or not for even the individual protection of a society is just as important as the entire society itself, a detail that we do not even follow with consistency.

Anyone remember the old movie “The Boy In The Bubble”?  It was a movie that gave some details about a young boy who was born without an immune system and basically had to live in total seclusion from all society due to this condition.  I watched this movie with my parents back in the early 80s and it raised many questions in my head concerning how people felt and how they got bugs and how they got over them.  There were all kinds of imaginative thought processes over this movie and how a family would respond to such an event, not to mention all of the differing opinions that the movie brought to light as well.  All of us have had the flu or had a cold and even some of us have other immune system conditions as a long term illness.  But do we understand that our immune system is at work even when our bodily functions are at a perfect level?  And do we understand that we need these immune functions in order for us to not be subject to live inside an enclosed environment?  In other words, our immune systems build a wall starting with our skin and then also being reinforced through tiny molecules running through our vessels and tissues so that our defensive mechanisms stay within normal boundaries. It is for this reason alone that any choice made in our lives must be carefully and specifically rectified before ignoring the overall possibilities.

Over the past few months, God has been showing us some of the detailed events that took place in the Garden of Eden.  Some of these events were well known and yet God expanded our knowledge concerning examples but there were a few of these items that God has completely opened our eyes about and through this new content has brought about a better understanding of how things transpired in the Garden.  God makes it clear in Genesis Chapter 2 that Adam has a job to do and that his job is to dress and to keep the Garden of Eden in order.  The Garden of Eden was Adam’s dominion, the one that God gave Adam to live in and to ensure all things were kept in order, thus serve as the defender of his dominion the one who would be the defense from anything that sought to do harm.  Harm over what?  You know that question had to be asked by Adam and one that God must have explained to him over the course of time before the fall of man occurred.  While we have previously discussed borders and boundaries, there is a specific detail that God wants us to know through this message, so while some of the material may be a repeat the read and knowledge is valuable to our lives.

Adam and Eve had the choice to keep God’s Law continuous or to break its protection by doing what they deemed to be adequate in their own eyes.  It was totally up to Adam and Eve for this decision and when they made the decision to listen to another who convinced them that no godly defense was needed, their world soon came crashing down around them for God’s protection had been breached by disobedience.  This is a prime example of why it is so important for us to maintain and to recognize the boundaries and defensive mechanisms of our lives for when Adam and Eve chose not to keep up the dominion that they had, they lost it and were never allowed to have it back or even return to its presence again.  Here lies the truth about having defined boundaries and fortified borders around and in our lives for without them or if we do not believe in them, we are defenseless and shall believe anything that is told to us by anyone operating within our reach.

We must also remember an important detail about the dominion that God gave Adam and Eve to dress and to keep, their dominion was alive.  From the command that God gave Adam, it meant that the Garden of Eden would not keep itself that it had to have someone over it to maintain its presence in the fashion that its life gave and in order for the Garden to provide what it was meant to give it had to have someone over it.  Therefore, its life was in the hands of Adam and Eve for when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden angels and a flaming sword was put in their respective places; besides a few further references the Garden of Eden was never mentioned again nor was it ever saw either, a significant detail about how important it is to keep up defenses for just our own lives but for other life as well, a matter to really contemplate about when one looks at it on this level.

Back when I was a kid, I became a bit confused when at times my parents wanted me to be around certain kids when they were not feeling well.  When I was living in Hope, Arkansas I remember that one of my friends had a bunch of red dots on his skin and when his mother approached my mother about the situation it seemed to be all ok.  I also remember that within a few days I too had those little red dots on my arms, chest, and legs and I was not feeling the best either.  But, when another one of my friends became sick with the flu, my mother kept me away from him poured cough medicine down me and checked on how I was feeling every few hours.  A tad confusing to a kid but with whatever method my parents took I knew that they were doing the best for me and only wanted the best for my life.  Boy, you should have heard me when it was mentioned that it was time for me to get a shot, we will leave this subject right there.  That trend from my parents about knowing what is best continues today and I am so lucky that they are still with us and continue to provide valuable guidance and wisdom to me and to my family. 

I know that not every person reading this message will agree with what my parents did back then, and that is ok but in my life what they did turn out to be the best defense system for my life, for I do not know how things would have turned out for me if they had not loved me enough to make sure that I was protected on every level as possible.  Mom and dad could have counted on my healthy condition to be the warranting pattern and not had I received the inoculations but what if I received something else of a greater magnitude, what if I did not?  All of these questions plus much more do loom large in a parent’s heart but it at this point where the nervous parent should trust the physician and their recommendations as guidance.  Do we follow such healthy guidelines today or are we mandated in some certain areas to complete this type of task without question?  A sign of variance that is not considered to be a stable environment if one wishes to push it to this limit – which we all need to do.

So, what do this matter and subject have to do with our eternal placement?  The choices that we make will in all roads lead to where we will spend eternity.  If we do not or refuse to put into place defenses around our boundaries we will be subject to the invaders, any invaders, who wish to harm our lives.  If we have a system in place that requires certain procedures to be followed before such individuals are allowed to freely enter this country the chances of us or others becoming victims of their wrath are slimmer than if none existed.  The same concept can be placed on an individual level, a national level or spiritual level and each level will be directly involved in the other guaranteed.  I do not care what you have been told before about humanity and how good people may seem to be, in truth all humans have an evil nature to them for it is a condition that we all have, the Bible states that all are born into sin and sin is disobedience which means not doing something that is good or right.  ALL are born into sin, with no one being exempt from such a condition which means that no one is exempted from this border, boundary or defensive positioning.

Why do the positions of so many today not surprise me when they voluntarily forfeit their defensive mechanisms in the name of “freedom”?  Because it is the common will of today’s societies to want to be absolutely in control of their lives and in order for that to be accomplished no boundaries are allowed for there is so much love to go around.  Plus, and this is the most important reason as to why people do not want boundaries or defined borders is that if these wonderful people believe in the Bible they believe it on their terms alone but for the majority of them they do not consider the Bible to be credible enough to warrant a sincere thought about which places them in line with the enemy of our lives both physical and spiritual and by this definition of belief and the truth that all are born into sin concurs with what the Word of God says about yours and my eternal positioning. 

As Adam and Eve found out, an untidy and undressed dominion is subject to fall from your grasp at any moment.  As my life has progressed over the last forty nine years, I have learned that if I do not take up the defense for my family, they shall be taken away from me.  The truth of these two events also applies to God and to our spiritual lives, for if we do not adequately and purely defend God and His Word, our eternal positioning shall be with Satan and his defeated life.  Why would we want to listen to and place our trust in a belief of non defense to the king of losers?  Hello!!!  Our enemy is eternally defeated because God adequately defended His Dominion when Lucifer decided to try and do things on his own.  It is our goal to be like God and while we fall short our hearts are the one that should desire to be more like Him and not the world.

God asks us to take a hard look at our lives and to see where our defenses are.  Are they in good shape, do they need repair and reinforcing or are they even there?  If a nation has shoddy defenses and a good army their status shall be overrun after a while, the same is true when you have good defenses but a lousy army, but God did not and does not intend for His children to be subjected to those types of conditions.  So why do we enthrall ourselves in such madness?  God wants His children to live in peace and prosperity at all times, ALL of His children, not just a few.  Living in God’s Laws fortifies our lives both spiritually and physically and provides us with the best defenses possible to withstand the attacks from our enemy.  God asks us if we will allow Him to be our definition of our defensive system, both inside and out.  If we do allow him this title in our lives then He is faithful and just to protect us according to His Covenant that is in place for us but if we do not then we shall soon witness a great destructive force that will not only eat at us from within but physically change our land until it is no longer recognizable to any eye.

Our inner immune system builds a wall of protection that we need in order to survive, just as our national borders need a defined border of recognition which is respected not mocked.  Remember all wars have begun when an enemy, declared or undeclared, has crossed a boundary in force and when this occurs whose fault is it when the invaded country falls?  It is not the invading country or enemy but the country that was inadequately prepared to defend itself when it came time, a horrific example to enforce the options of choice into play but a necessary one to remind us that we all need to ensure the proper border defense instead of building up personal walls in retaliation to those being proposed.  If we automatically limit our inner defense mechanisms how will we be strong enough to protect our surroundings when the time calls for endurance?

Church, it is our responsibility to build up the inner immune (spiritual) system through the living words of the Bible.  We are the examples that need to be in touch with God at all times and not messengers from the world.  God does not care about Republicans, Baptists, Democrats, Catholics or any other descriptive word or phrase that we tend to hide behind cheaply relate with, He ONLY cares about your heart and how it needs to recognize its Creator for if we do not then He will lose a child for eternity.  Our lives need a good defensive mechanism in order to survive and so does our heart.  God has given us a brain to take care of the physical and has given us a spirit to take care of our eternal.  It is our wakening up to the fact that we need both aspects protected that is of the utmost importance and this life-saving formula shall not occur unless we have God first in our lives.  If we approach God’s Word with shoddy tactics and “bits and pieces” belief we are sunk.  Allow God to restore our hearts so that we shall understand the importance of defenses, for as the old saying goes the best defense I a great offense and vice versa.


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