Friday, April 28, 2017




It is a common theme that people wish to elevate them and do their best to become equal with God.  The world sees nothing wrong with this venture and promotes it every day, but right from the beginning of our existence God has always stated not to add or to take away from His commands, yet as we watch continually we have no fear of these commands.  We forget that God is consistent, complete and all everything despite our lustful greed about our own status.  Our world is falling apart further and deeper each day and will continue to do such until we repent and turn back to God and place His commands back into our hearts.  God loves us and it is not His desire to see anyone of His children suffer or perish but that number of fallen that sleep in departure from God grows each day; we have work to do Church.

Arguments placing mankind at the center and root of our problems are mostly scoffed at today, but in truth, this is a long argued point from many past societies who deemed themselves to be far above any deity.  This is a hilariously sad statement because each one of those past societies had their own gods that they people of that society had to recognize and serve or be considered atheists.  When I was listening to a documentary on Christianity a while back I was amazed to find that the leaders and many people in the Roman Empire considered Christians and Jews to be such atheists simply because they would not recognize and worship the gods of Rome.  A thought that makes sense when one who lives within a society that does not consider God to be alive and ruler over people’s lives no matter who is in physical power, and a process that is being witnessed today as well.

How many of you had parents repeated something to you that they deemed was important especially after it seemed like you ignored their concerns?  How many of you had parents that punished you when you did something wrong, how about when you did that same wrong thing again?  The laws of this land often state that the accused knew what they did was wrong or that they should have known what they did was wrong, therefore giving the law grounds for appropriate charges.  I know that when I did something wrong my parents would always make sure I understood what I did was wrong and not punish me for something I did not know was such, but if I ever did something repeatedly, my punishment was a tad bit stronger than the time before, a reasonable clause in the parenting and child sides and one I tried my best to avoid but sometimes found.

There is a reason why we should consider a mistake just that but when we present tendencies of repeating such “mistakes” they no longer can be considered mistakes but deliberate disobedience.  If one is told about a certain law and knows exactly what that law states, then we voluntarily go against that law, we have no excuse when we get caught.  Probably the most common law broken or one the most common laws broken is the speed limit.  How many of you have ever sped down the road?  All of us have done this for whatever reason and while some get caught others do not but even if we do not get caught it is still considered breaking the law when we speed.  I am guilty of this infraction and while I have not received too many tickets over my driving career, some of the ways that I have handled them have not been illustrious by any means.  I quickly found out that the consequences of these infractions result in a higher premium on my insurance bill, a small price to pay for a disobedient act but one that reminds me to stay within the guidelines of the law as well.  By the way, it has been almost 20 years since my last ticket and I do not plan on receiving one anytime soon either.

God deals with His children in the same manner for there are occasions which His laws state a certain thing and when it is disobeyed our lives reflect such disobedience in a certain manner but we are spared and then there are those disobedient times against other sets of His Laws which terminate our lives rather quickly.  Why would we wish to push our luck in finding out which ones God deems important enough to wipe out a nation or just allow His children to walk in a wilderness until they figure things out?  Parents have a duty to teach their children to stay away from harm and from evils that would have negative effects on their lives, or at least that would be the proper way that parents should act.  However, today we see that many parental settings have different views towards their children and even go to the bars with them thus setting an example that shall follow both dominions ineffectively.  But God does not waiver on His Ways or Laws for they represent His definition and since He has no rival and has never been beaten on any level this means that His Laws are true and tried and shall never be defeated or broken by Him.

As we see in Genesis chapters 2-3 mankind believes that they can bring themselves up to God’s level thus deeming God to be flexible in His Ways and Commands.  God gave Adam and Eve one law to obey and over time they sunk into believing a lie that God was just kidding somehow when He delivered this command to them, this “kidding” belief came from Satan our immortal enemy whose only desire is to see us die in our sins (disobedience) and spend eternity away from God.  As we have also previously read, it was the Israelites continued disobedience and ignorance of God’s Laws that kept them wandering around in the desert for forty years instead of entering into the land that was promised to them by God unscathed.  For such a grievous time explained in both of these examples why would anyone down the road in human history decide to live other than what God has commanded?  But, here we are in serious trouble again due solely because of our sins and selfish lusts that have produced a wicked society in the eyes of God.

One of the fundamental aspects of our lives is the family and when we look at biblical history and overall secular human history we cannot deny that the major downfall of any society begins with the destruction of the family.  We first see the destruction of the spiritual family that God created when Lucifer fell, then his antics carried over into Adam and Eve and it has been a destructive pattern and course ever since.  This pattern has not changed since Lucifer’s fall and he and this pattern have no intentions of changing what-so-ever either.  God was never lax in His authoritative presence in the Garden of Eden but He never forced Adam and Eve to obey His single law either, it was ruled over by their hearts and chosen to either live by or disobey.  This is why the family is so important to God for it was His family that was both spiritually and physically attacked and while God stood Strong and True the attacker faltered grossly for eternity.  It was this course that brings us to why humans disobey and why the family is the center of God’s life.

In Genesis, we have the example of Eve adding to the command of God when she stated that they could not touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  God had proclaimed the consequences of such a disobedient act if done and it must have been an unexplainable concept come to life when that truth was fulfilled.  God had no choice but to fulfill the punishment of their disobedience and while banishment from their perfect Garden of Eden setting was hard, their bodies were now introduced to a permanent stage of death which had never been understood before.  It was clear to Adam and Eve of what God said not to do and it was also clear to what would occur when and if they decided to disobey, a setting that should have been continually reminded to oneself over time.

In Deuteronomy Chapter 4 we once again have the Israelites being warned about not obeying God’s commands about a certain law that God deemed worthy enough for the disobedient act to result in grave consequences.  Deuteronomy 4:1-3 gives us a passage where God is speaking to the Israelites about not adding to or taking away from the commands that God has given them for it would be such a grave example as He had to demonstrate concerning those who worshiped Baalpeor versus those who listened to His Laws and obeyed them.  The people that received such consequences concerning this disobedience were not from another land or culture, but of themselves, people they knew and probably grew up with, ate dinner with, walked and with and might have even had daughters marry their sons.  This intricate detail did not matter for when God said to not do something He meant for it to be obeyed.

The consistency and completeness of God is shown here in these two passages, and I must admit that I did not see this connection before but this link now is engrained in my heart strictly because I have studied God’s Word with an open and willing heart to what He wants me to hear, thus share with you.  In Genesis 2:15 it states the following: “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.”  Deuteronomy 4:2 states the following: “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish (ought) from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”  There is a single word here that ties these two verses together and set the stage for the future is followed or not followed and that shared word is “keep”.

The word keep used in Genesis 2:15 and the word keep used in Deuteronomy 4:2 is the exact same word, there is no difference in the word at all.  Therefore, when Genesis 2:17 states: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” and Deuteronomy 4:3 states: “Your eyes have seen what the Lord did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you.” can be linked due to the completeness and purity of God and the Order in which He is defined.  Another intricate detail here that we should remember is that the first command that God gave to Adam was disobeyed and death reigned in his life and here in Deuteronomy where it states that men failed to follow God’s first commandment of the 10 Commandments which also detailed death as the punishment.  Is there ANY question of how important God’s Laws to us are now?  If you are not familiar with the story about Baalpeor, I refer you to Numbers Chapter 25 and it gives a small detail about Moab, Moabites, and their gods.

What God wants us to understand is that it is important for us to keep His commandments close to and inside our hearts.  We must remember that the definition of sin is disobedience and sin will always separate us from God unless we accept Him and His Ways completely.  Also by definition, our lives can do nothing but sin which means that we must be totally dependent on God for our salvation, this truth is exemplified throughout each book of the Bible.  It is not for us to say which law of God will bring about destruction or death but it is our duty to understand the laws of God and to obey them according to His Covenant with mankind.  It is through the choice and willingness to obey His Laws that is important, not counting the cost (physicality) of each law.  If one counts this cost then we automatically place value upon sin and therefore allow our minds to create “a little white lie or a big black lie” in our hearts.  Sin is sin no matter how we look at it and when we disobey God’s Laws we automatically add to the enemy’s purpose of destroying our dominion.

God states that our dominion is a necessity in our lives when He gave us charge over it in the Garden of Eden.  Our dominion represents and defines our life according to God and His Creative status of our lives, a hard concept to grasp but when God reveals this truth it makes perfect sense why Satan’s number one target is the family and why sex is so important to keep holy and pure between humanity.  Want to understand why homosexuality is such an abomination to God?  Study the relationship of our dominion to our lives through God’s Creation of our lives itself and you will begin to know why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and all of the related cities around them.  In no way can God ever accept the voluntary destruction of life or in this case dominion at the hands of mankind that He purposefully created.

The important message God wants us to understand in this article is that when we disobey there shall be consequences to our sin if we choose to adhere to such ways.  Those disobediences do not “pile up” per say but have its own effect on our lives as disobedience occurs.  In all reference to the Bible, God does not punish people for mistakes but He does allow for severe and sometimes destructive consequences for direct disobedience of His Laws.  All God wants us to remember is that when we sin we cut short our dominion and it is our dominion that defines our existence eternally.  When we sin we cut short and harm our dominion which is our definition and what represents to Satan as God’s Kingdom.  Our dominions are stymied enough by the weight of sin that we inherit God wants us to not further weaken our lives by voluntarily adding to this weight, that is why He provides us with His Ways and wants us to choose life.

Even the Church has lost this truth about our lives, for if they had not she would NOT be acting in such a manner as she is today, or even in the Early Church days either.  How important are you to God?  The message from God in this article should point out that importance very clearly.  It is time that we repent and turn our hearts back to God and allow Him to restore our dominion (life) once again.  We need to walk under the blood of His Covenant and study its principles thoroughly so that we know how to live properly.  We were never made to “just survive” but we were wonderfully and masterfully created for a Divine eternal purpose and it is high time that we start living in such a manner.  God is non-wavering in His Laws and I am so thankful for that truth.  He might have to smack me at times for my willing disobedience to these eternal Laws but I am so thankful that He has provided me a way that I can choose to live perfect in His sight under the blood of His Son.


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