Saturday, June 17, 2017

Slavery Part III

Slavery Part 3


Over the past few messages, we have discovered a vast amount of information that is vital to our lives.  Slavery is still a huge portion of our lives and a detail that needs to be understood so that we can effectively fight and defeat this horrendous condition that countless people suffer from and fervently seek to be free.  But as we have studied, if we do not know where to begin to did that root there will be no way that we can end this slavery setting of our lives and return to the way God intended for us to live.  We will continue to study God’s Word one final time and end with Genesis 3:21 where God gives us a perfect picture of how to return to Him and His Ways.

When one understands that slavery rules this land of ours, both on the physical and spiritual levels, we then can know why it is important to understand why we should not be fighting the physical wars that we do.  It becomes clear that our fight is totally spiritual and explains why Paul states in Ephesians 6:12 about who we need to fight against and who we do not need to waste our time with either.  When a person loses their dominion that God has given them they become insolent and have no direction in their lives all the while not recognizing that they have automatically become slaves to the world and its ruler.  That is so important that we understand the truth about this seemingly minute detail about the first portions of the book of Genesis.  Dominion is the only portion of our establishment that comes straight from God and if we willingly give it up for any reason our existence of freedom has been snatched forever.  We have skipped over these details for as long as I can remember and we are now realizing the ugliness and vileness of these misunderstood details.  Always take into consideration that our dominion is ours and it has given to us by God which means if we no longer have this dominion in its totality that we have given it up because we have not protected and taken care of it correctly.

Slaves were bought with a monetary price in which their physical abilities determined the amount each slave master paid for that slave.  Money was the ultimate price that a person could use for this type of purchase yet it proved to be an exhausting process that required constant control and looking over in order for the “purchases” to fulfill their daily tasks.  In order for this to be done and the slaves kept happy and where they were at, many times special conditions or gifts would be given to them in order for them to work properly and to stay subdued.  The main events of human slavery occurred way before the events of the Holocaust came into view, yet the same type of atmosphere occurred and was allowed to continue for a long time.  

Other types of human slavery continued to exist from that time period and still present themselves today, not just in the traditional manner of slavery but in countless other forms of dependence as well.  When we understand just where the origin of slavery begins we can clearly see that Satan is using the same tactics the slave masters used against other humans way back when, and sadly even today as well.  When we look at the setting of the world and how we buy into this setting, it is easy to figure out that there is so much more than just monetary leverage.  God set the example of this when He Created man in His Won eternal and perfect value and did not intend for our value to decrease in any manner, a guarantee that Satan cannot honestly state since he himself represents a defeated status in the eternal placement setting.  God asks you to take a hard look at what is going on in the world around you, you do not have to go very far to accomplish this task, for even your own neighborhood offers some of the most wicked settings known to mankind.  Then ask yourself is this what God created and is it what He wants for your life?  We all know that the answer is “no” and that there is a better life for us.  Now, we understand who controls this planet, what his mission is, and how to destroy the works of the devil.

Some time back God shared with us a message entitled “Home Field Advantage” and when He gave this topic to me it spoke volumes into my life and how Satan has so many opportunities to control our lives even when we do not realize it.  But it was this article that we should now understand better because it gives us the realization of how Satan has the advantage and that we have not been able to conduct our freedom as we ought.  In fact, our fight has been stalled for so long that when we make progress we do so in a worldly manner and do not know that we have actually lost ground instead.  We must never forget that Satan does not just want your life to be separated from God but he wants it totally devastated before the final destruction occurs.  When we fight over who owns what or how dominant someone or something is it fits right into his plan of our own destruction.  For when one does not recognize the true role of leadership and then abuses its example to subdue others or to make a point, slavery is evident and rises to the top.  We continue to limit slavery’s presence in our lives which means we do not understand the entire picture of what slavery is and who controls this vile act against God’s people.  Physical slavery is bad enough but when we cannot grasp the truth about spiritual slavery and what its presence means to our lives our hope can never be reached.

When a person understands what is going on concerning slavery and the hold it has on our spiritual lives, one will fully comprehend the meaning of John 3:16.  one shall also understand the complexity and the fulfillment of this verse and how important it is to spread the Gospel of Christ for it is His presence on this earth that God used way back in Genesis 3:21 when God Himself made the coats of skin to cover Adam and Eve before their exit.  God understood the gravity and the magnitude of what occurred in the Garden of Eden when sin entered into our existence and through the Creative genius of God He still had an opportunity to bring His prized creations back to Him in the same manner in which He created us.  But things had permanently changed for Adam and Eve, and their lives were now subject to the choice of slavery in a defeated kingdom, a choice that many of us do not realize exists today.

At the end of the day, one must ask themselves about how effective their lives were that day.  Effective in every way possible and that includes the withdrawal of selfishness.  We cannot complete this task when we do not understand that from the time we wake up in the morning and every second thereafter we are slaves to a ruler who wants nothing more to sit back and watch us destroy ourselves.  As long as we stay divided on almost every subject our selfishness will continue to eat away at our insides like cancer, ultimately taking us down where we become ineffective at all forms of suitable life.  We have lost all concept of truth concerning unity in the name of freedom that is ruled through slavery, yes, stop and think about that for a moment.

It is evident that many people, groups, tribes, and nations in the Bible failed to understand that they were in slavery and that their slavery originated in the Garden of Eden.  Or, they did not take it seriously and had to find out the hard way when their dominions were taken away from them.  Whatever the case may be, through all of these pains and trials they still scoffed at the prophets, called the leaders of Israel liars, condemned the teachers of the New Testament and spat in the face of Jesus Himself. What is most heartbreaking is that all of these settings, all of these issues, and all of the one's today are being acted out because we do not understand that we are living in slavery.  And what makes this sad situation worse is that we are voluntarily piling on more chains each day, we are literally placing the shackles on our own limbs while we dance and sing praises to our worldly lifestyles.  How else can we expect to live and act when we do not even recognize that we are in bondage?  Oh yeah, we sing about how Jesus frees us from the chains but we fail to understand where those chains originated from and furthermore, we have no intentions of finding out how serious of a mess we are in either!

Here is the final comparison that proves the Bible correct concerning this issue.  For the past few years or so there has been a growing number of people who have demanded that white people pay reparations to the slaves that were brought over from Africa a couple of centuries ago.  While there could be some of these people wanting to go back to the origin of the issue and setting its case there, there has been no public outcry of this nature for it has all been directed at today’s societies and to those who do not have direct connectivity with slavery of old.  When we scream and demand at public demonstrations and protests that it is a right to reclaim past dues on today’s people it is a clear sign that we do not understand who holds the origins of slavery and it is even more definitive that we know not God and what His Son did for our lives.  We have purposefully blinded our eyes so that we can only see what we want which gives our enemy the necessary doors to work his destructive patterns through.  Until we realize and then apply Genesis 3:16 and the CORRECT meaning of this verse into our hearts and daily walks in life, we shall continue to divide ourselves, our groups, and nations that eventually we will not even recognize our own identities.  Genesis 3:16 defines the condition that each one of us lives in today and John 3:16 is the verse that proclaims every eternal reparation has been paid for and that we no longer have to live under the cloud of slavery.  It is this truth about God that was first mentioned in Genesis and completed when His Son died on the cross and then resurrected.

Do not worry, it is not just the people of the world who do not understand this truth about our lives and spiritual conditions for the Church have been blind to this truth for just as long.  If the children of Israel did not get it and the congregations of the house churches of the Early Church did not get it we should not expect anything else from the Church today.  Picking the Bible apart and using it for one’s own denominational settings are pure blasphemy and should be called out as such immediately!  The Bible has been given to us as an example of God’s Freedom in Him not to be used as an instrument of destruction by words of what we denominationally or selfishly fantasize.  All that does is issue a further search warrant for Satan and his demons to locate those who still have hope in God and to crush their wills through the spiritual legal doors that our actions have given them.

Church, be and stay focused on the spiritual freedom that God has to offer everyone who accepts His ways and shun the personal ideologies that promote slavery.  We must be like the angel that was before me and not be willing to be distracted with the information given and waiting on the command to spring into action.  The distractions around us will lead to slavery if we do not stay focused on what God has for our lives and the mission that His son has given us.  We have lost the seriousness of eternity and of the spiritual and we must grasp the concept that this is exactly what the reality of slavery produces.  If the Church bands together as one body, in the name of Jesus Christ alone we can end this position of slavery and gain back our freedom that God so desperately wants us to live within.  This is why Jesus said that His yoke is easy and not burdensome and this is the reason why He is considered to be and is the eternal Prince of Peace.  All of the stories in the Bible come alive when they are fully understood and lived through.  God offers nothing but perfect freedom and the ruler of the world knows this and that is the exact reason he will stop at nothing in order for you to believe his lies instead.

If we really want to demand reparations for slavery then let’s make sure we are demanding our lives back from the one who actually has control of them.  Kicking out God and everything that He stands for does not enable this process to proceed by any means but hinders any possibility of being rightfully set free spiritually and physically.  God never intended for our lives to be ruled and dominated by any force or worldly means but to live in constant protection from the world by His mighty hand and covering.  We need to be kicking out Satan and everything that he depends upon if we truly want to overcome our issues that surround us.  Have we surpassed the notion that we need to work together in order to bring back this nation to a strong standing point or have we unwittingly fallen onto our knees begging for acceptance as individuals?  If we do not believe God can take care of these issues then we are left with no choice but to be fully taken down not only as individuals but as a nation itself, a picture that cannot be pretty since we whine and crawl now.

If we truly seek God’s Word for the answers to our issues and particularly the truth about slavery, God will provide us the way to free ourselves from these horrible bonds that keep us from living prosperously.  Our lives do not have to continually embattle each other and represent division and not unity.  After sin was allowed into our lives God still provided a way for us to miss out on many of the troubling issues that humanity was now subjected, but unless we accept His coat of skin over our lives this process of slavery will only increase and the amount of pressure on our heads shall only increase.  There is nothing good about slavery and the processes that go with it, so why don’t we take off this slavery yoke and join together with God to defeat the lies that we have been under for so long.  We have the opportunity to live in freedom, true freedom, let’s take the opportunity for we now have the truth about the origin of slavery and we have the Book that can lead us out of this bondage.

One cannot read a story about slaves without coming across the fact that each slave at one point in time dreamt up of a way to escape their masters.  Some of these plans were acted upon and some were thwarted before they materialized but it was a constant problem with the slave owners, so extra measures had to be put in place so that slaves could not run away.  How productive would a slave who planned to run away told their master of how and when they were going to execute this plan of theirs?  This concept is ludicrous and would fail even before the words were finished being spoken, it makes no sense to do this.  So why are we doing this same type of communication with Satan?  It boggles my mind and it devastates God’s heart to watch people kick out God (telling of the runaway plan) and then wonder why prayers are not answered.  Wake up, people you are telling your enemy and your captor of the plans that you have and he is laughing at you as he swings his club and it hits the side of your heart.  You are being completely mauled by the slave owner and when you recover and “get your wits about you” you run and tell him of your next plan.  I see no coincidence in the methods of Satan towards his lashing out against us for he hates our existence so much, but we have the answers now of how do combat this ugliness and God wants us to go and teach this truth to the world.  Never be frightened of God’s truth, for it is alive and free for anyone who wishes to know and understand.

Stop getting rid of the only One being that can free you from this life.  Turn to Him instead of shunning His presence with selfishness and stubbornness.  Realize that it is Satan who keeps you in bondage and as a slave.  It is Satan who pulls your strings and angers your soul for no apparent reason, and it is him who divides and conquers you.  NOT GOD!!  It makes sense that we have not taught the words of God as we should have for our limited wishes to understand God and His Word have protruded stronger than our desire for the truth.  We can change these acts and turn around and turn back to God and He will guarantee to show us what we need to correct so that we may live in freedom from this world and glorify to others the true meanings of Genesis 3:16 and John 3:16.  I encourage you to study the 3:16s of God’s Word along with every other verse in there as well.


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