Monday, June 5, 2017

The Change From Royalty to Slavery

The Change From Royalty to Slavery


The title of this message seems like an inconceivable concept that would never take place but when we study history we see that many settings of such disaster have occurred.  So many disputes create these conditions and with a death sentence being offered as the only option after the verdict is handed down.  It is this type of battle that God does not wish for anyone to endure, but humanity continues to ride out this lie with the bloodiest of results.  The personal question of this type of life can be raised at any time concerning our lives and unless we figure out that superficial words mean nothing and only a true and intimate relationship with God can provide the necessary covering to sustain our royal status.

I have always found that many societies and cultures in our past and present differentiate social status and classify worthy of not due to the physicality of one’s bloodline and how “special” one is deemed when they fall within this lineage.  While it is very important to understand and to know about your lineage we must never forget that each one of us places our pants on one leg at a time.  My wife and I are currently watching a popular television series that ended a couple of years ago called “Downton Abbey”.  Even though we knew about this program while it was still running, we were involved in many other series that occupied our attention and thus waited until those were finished first to watch this program.  I find it intriguing that British society and others within many cultures around the world adhere to such a level of blood as the defining status of a person, a concept that has biblical roots but grippingly misunderstood and misrepresented.

At one point in the series, one of the Lord’s daughters fell in love with a common Irish young man which had no status of any kind in the eyes of their family and was considered and treated as a “lower class citizen”.  With the angst of insults, connotations, and parodies, the spectacle of differences in ideologies of said cultures came to a head when the daughter agreed to leave her status and move to Ireland to marry this chauffeur from a faraway place.  The arguments of money, status, and placement were thrown around like the wind and hideous threats of expulsion soon ensued.  I understand the concept of leadership and the positions that these people have, but to use such authority to subdue a personal choice in any matter is a high crime against the ability of a person to choose.  If one is wishing to change a view of a person they should remain respectful for such a time until final decisions can be made.  Groundless accusations for such physical status requirements are useless in self-defensive measures in order to preserve any physical status.  Lowering a relative or group because they differ from your opinion is absurd and can prove to be physically fatal in the relationship department.

However, we must take a look at the other side of the issue and divulge into the ones who choose to commit to an institute that differs from your standards, including the foundations of that standard and what it means to fall from that status.  Why would anyone wish to lower their status and accept a lifestyle that is not conducive to what they were originally brought up?  A mystery of choice that brings many questions and hurts when examined on any level but deemed important enough to end such an upbringing and origin and change status.  By no means am I saying that this couple changed into a slave-like setting but there is a great change in status that everyone involved must accept and then adapt.  As we are still watching this program we have not found out exactly how this setting between the two kids will turn out but so far it is interesting how they justify their actions to the higher ups amongst the family.  What does this fictional storyline have to do with God and the lives that we live?  I am glad you asked for there is an eternal question we must ask here and one that sets into motion our existence and whether it differs or agrees with our original status.

A few months ago God gave us the example of “The Definition of We” and how through this type of truth our lives and existence was originated.  Our existence cannot be defined corrected if God is not included first and foremost in our hearts and if we do not acknowledge this truth then we are in line for our demotion from an eternally royal child of God to a being that is bound in slavery.  In Genesis Chapter 3 we have a great picture of the choice of mankind becoming and accepting slave-like conditions, a hideous choice yet one that is voluntary because of disobedience.  Unlike the storyline of the fictional drama examples above, this degradation of status came as a choice of not fully understanding of what was ongoing around them and thus falling into a trap that separated man from God, a setting which set into motion the foundational standards for Jesus and the restoration process.  It is this picture that God gives us that tell us about our choice to live in slavery and not as God’s royal children, and while this picture is bleak in statues at the same time God provides us with a glimpse of how He can restore us.

Adam and Eve had no idea of what lied ahead of them after their disobedience because up until that moment their status as royalty had not been in question.  It is difficult for us to imagine how this reality came to be since they were the only two to have direct and personal communication with God.  I mean, all of the questions and answers that must have been shared in these meetings, yet they disbelieved enough to choose another lifestyle, a process that we witness too often in today’s societies as well.  It is, however, obvious that both Adam and Eve had already made up their minds that God’s single command was not serious enough to override and obey, and consequently decided that their immediate surroundings and new acquaintances had better options than God.  The adversary was present then and he is present today, doing his best to trick us into living our own lives through our surroundings and emotions instead of God’s long-term communication and teaching program.

Another example of such a decision occurs in Exodus Chapter 1 where the Israelites had gone from a royal status to a problem community that demanded Egyptian intervention before the numbers of them became too large to control.  Devastating measures were taken by the Egyptian Pharaoh and his confidants to see that the population of the children of God would cease and then decrease at a steady rate.  When the tasks of slave-like tactics and workings did not work according to their plans, the leaders resorted to further drastic measures that eventually included the murder of innocent male children, the most effective way to subdue any population or at least they thought.  These measures came to naught and the population of the Israelites continued to grow and flourish because the Israeli women were strong enough to give birth than disobey the command of Pharaoh because they knew it was wrong.  Yet, their circumstances did not change but only became more difficult as time passed and it was not too much longer that their cries became deafening to God, but the sad part of this is that while they recognized their servitude conditions they failed to understand that their hearts had to be freed as well.  In this act, they followed Adam and Eve and kept the religious aspects of God in their practices but did not place Him fully into their hearts and reestablish their relationship with God.

Why do we as humanity decide that it is more important to succumb to the temptations around us and actually invite these into our lives while we are trying to correct them?  Do we understand that when we operate in this type of belief that we have already lost our royal status because we do not ask our eternal Father for advice first?  This means that we have already eaten from the tree and are now realizing exactly what is going around us and all of the issues that we have previously been protected from, but now are subject to because of the sin that we chose instead.  God wrote His name in my veins a very long time ago and His signature still courses through them and yours as well.  It is this definition that we need to return to so that we may truly understand what our ailments are both physically and spiritually and know how to righteously correct them.  It is this truth that defines our return to royalty from a life of slavery, but sadly, we do not even recognize our slavery as of now and until we do, our fall shall continue.

If we cannot obtain this type of sinful setting that surrounds us today we must acknowledge that we have completely lost our way and have been blinded so well and complete that we are walking blind in no certain direction and thus walking straight into the robber’s presence.  You want to know why this nation, the Church, and you individually are taking so many hits on an hour by hour basis?  It is because of this blind status that we have allowed ourselves to become engulfed within.  If we could literally rise above this land and have the ability to see exactly which direction that the hearts of the nation are striving for and against it would be appalling for there is NO cohesion being displayed.  A strong royal family portrays a discipline that is resolved and not divided, just as God and Adam and Eve had before they fell away and a picture that we should be painting when we witness to the world about God and how we need Him more than ever.  A royal family that is subjected to slavery is a mortifying placement and one that is treated as such by the conquering enemy, why do we not see this enemy who devours our lives due to our selfish means?  It does not have to be like this folks.

Here is something to think about and to pray about for it is coming at some point in time, how do I know this? Because it says so in the Bible!  When others reach the power status that this nation offers to the world, their seemingly “unified” status today shall serve them no deeds but bitterness when their time arrives.  When anything is taken into reference that does not originate from God – thus His Word – and is then allowed to portray itself nothing good shall come of it and when one places their controls into the hands of the being that want nothing more than your physical and spiritual death “Houston, we have a problem”!  This is pure and 100% slavery folks.  It is this collective functioning that God sees on a continual basis and one that He is not pleased with for it represents a dying captivity instead of what He created.

I could continue with example after example of biblical stories that would correlate God’s message to us in this article and I could do the same with the cultural and national examples of human history as well but I shall refrain because I believe that you understand what God is saying to us here.  We must come to the recognition that we ways that we have adopted as a society personally reflect what runs through our veins and thus what our heart produces for such running.  We do not even understand that the prayers we offer up are not to God but to the ruler of this world for it is his ways that we wish to live accordingly.  Our attentions have become personal instead of godly, we fail to act like God but cry out for His name’s protection when attacks are made, why?  We are reaping exactly what we live and portray, it may not be exactly what we want or expect but it is an eternal and Kingdom principle in action so, by all means, prepare for these wicked events to continue for our prayers are being heard by the ruler of our hearts and “graciously” being executed through what doors we have given him.

Want to change? Really change?  Then we must recognize our status as created beings and understand that we have chosen to live as slaves to the ruler of this world.  Then we must give all of our control over to God and allow Him to become the ruler of our hearts.  We must be willing to revive the true communication lines with God in order for us to understand what is going on around our lives and more importantly the source of these problems.  The issues of today are fixable and true peace between mankind is obtainable, but not as long as we continue to throw out God and bring in the world. 

There are a perfectly logical setting and the reason why God is willing to give humans another chance at being redeemed.  God is a complete God in all things and through His methods of choice He allows us, through His holy order of our creation, provides an opportunity for us to choose our lives with Him or without Him.  God knew what Adam and Eve’s thoughts were while they were walking and talking in the Garden of Eden, yet God continued to do His best to convince them of their lives in Him and not away from Him.  If God stood His ground yet continued to woo Adam and Eve He must do the exact same thing to us today and that is exactly what He is doing by calling people into His Kingdom so that they can be a strong witness for His restoration process.  It breaks my heart to understand that Adam and Eve chose to be slaves to their world around them instead of living under the protection and freedom that God created them in.  I also understand that Adam and Eve did not fully understand exactly what was going to transpire on that day, but we have no excuse for what not to do because if we chose to abandon God and His Ways, then slavery it is and look out for the captors of royalty hardly place nicely.

There is a huge detail that we need to remember in conjunction with these examples in this article and it is that this nation is another example of God’s grace to His people and how He has created a harbor for those who wish to worship Him and Him alone.  We have forgotten our roots and have chosen to be on our own when it comes to how we began as a nation.  This too God understands and knows and once again He shall allow us to mark our path but take this heed as a warning for even if we “forget” that God is a consistent God is still is a consistent God and shall follow the same patterns as He always has in the past.

Restoration is God’s plan for our lives and for each one of His children but until we truly stop in our tracks, completely turn around and allow God to change us in His manner, we shall only reap sorrow and pain.  Simple fact here and it goes like this: if we do not turn around and turn to God our world shall continue its current course and each one of us shall deeply know pain and death, and secondly, if we turn from our wicked ways then God shall restore our land – both personal and national and physical and spiritual – to a better place than before.  God is calling for repentance, true repentance that comes from our inner and deepest portions of our heart before we are permanently changed from our gifted status and die according to a slave’s status.


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