Thursday, October 5, 2017

Authors of the Bible

Authors of the Bible


Have you ever stopped and considered who the people were that wrote the Bible and how their lives unfolded?  We know that many people were commissioned to transcribe the words that God gave them and it is this transcriptional point has been a cause of concern for some and scoff for many.  Yet, God keeps His Order by using the one able body to complete His Words for His people and follows this pattern throughout the human being.  Many of the authors of the books within God’s Word lived hard lives due to the earthly processes they taught about, but no matter which one we talk about they also lived a glorious and respected life and are now finding eternal life with Jesus all that it was supposed to be.  Some lived to be a ripe old age and others cut short with pure hatred of their written content.  Whichever setting it may have been, the pens of these writers sought the truth for the dying world and were willing to risk their lives in order for this world to hear the eternal message of salvation.

Throughout human history, we can find many settings in which authors of various circles have received high praise for their contributions to society.  Their appeals to everyday life in their land varied as each day passed and the words they used to describe the atmosphere of the community rang loud and clear for everyone to read if they wished.  Most writers play upon words to attract their audiences and keep them informed of the day-to-day activities that may be missed by those who have busy lives, in which case these written scribes can cause some heartburn to those who may not agree with everything that is written.  We can all please some of the people but never can we agree on all that is written or said.  The authors of the previous few centuries still get credit for their writings among many circles of literature and while we will take the cuneiform artwork as written law we struggle to find the truth in the authors’ words inside the Bible.

I have said in the past that when I was younger that I hated to read, write about what I read, or write period.  As a result, my techniques for this practice continue to develop and are not yet fine-tuned but the words that I do place on paper come strictly from God and the words that are presented are His and not mine.  It has always amazed me as to why many poets, writers, authors, etc have been persecuted for the words they write with some even being tortured and murdered because they refuse to back down from their beliefs.  When I read about an author being censored or their writings being placed on the Banned Books list I have to shake my head because it seems like all they were doing is following their hearts and completing what they believed to be true.  We all know, however, that some of the issues that are being written about are completely false and should be discarded accordingly, but when the truth is being said it does not matter who is writing it, it needs to be heard and told as such, not persecuted and banned because it differs from your opinion.

It is no secret that wars have killed countless amounts of lives but when an author is struck down because of their beliefs and writings it presents as a tragedy and suppresses the nerve that has been pinched yet for some reason the works continue to live and flourish in the hearts of those that have read the specific material.  Banned Books Week is a national program that many libraries participate in when it comes around because it is well known that not all authors will say exactly what the times promote.  Many books, articles, essays and other types of written material are placed into some type of category which labels them as contraband or illegal.  The most popular book ever sold in the world is becoming dangerously close to being placed on this list, and it is important that we understand what this means if the Bible falls prey to the world.  While this bit of information may frighten some it only follows the pattern in which many of the authors of God’s Word lives ended simply because the words that God showed them to write went totally against the government of the world.

The phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword” comes into play especially when one refers to the Bible for it is our eternal enemy that becomes aggressive when we write about the separation from the world.  Satan does not care anything about God and wants nothing to do with Him and it is this attitude and eternal ride that he wishes to share with God’s children.  Why is it so difficult for us to accept that when God touches a person’s heart to say something about the kingdom of Satan that we tend to defend its burning instead of its truth?  Have you ever stopped and thought about all of the times that Moses said something to others that God told him to say and those words were laughed at, not taken seriously, or just blatantly ignored?  What about Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos, Joel, and all of the other prophets who warned Israel and Judah of their impending demise if they did not turn from their ways and live under obedience to God?  Look at all of the things that happened to these people who obeyed God and look at how they were treated and persecuted for telling the truth.

When talking about the New Testament authors we can get a sense that the same type of animosity towards them occurred.  Many of the governmental authorities took offense at what Peter, Paul, Timothy, Matthew, Mark, John, Jude, and all the others had to say about what was going on in their communal world then you had to deal with the ugly division between Judaism and Christianity which complicated things on an unimaginative scale.  The “punishment” for these authors and the stance they took against the world was brutal and with very few of them escaping into old age proved to be large targets for Satan to strike.  I know that I have taken this truth lightly at times and have downplayed what it costs to proclaim the Gospel to the ruling world party.  But it does not matter which Testament one chooses to talk about its authors for it took guts and true belief in God in order to stand up and shots from the physical and eternal enemy all because God wants you to have eternal life with Him.

Would the Church stand up and defend the Bible as the sole and eternal true Word of God today?  Could we place our differences aside long enough to come together and proclaim that the Bible is the only source that will lead us to God the Father?  Can we even agree on a specific prayer time each week to pray together for our communities?  It is obvious that our physicality and our selfish abodes to the world simply overrule this setting that God wants from His children.  It is this truth about our lives that caused the children of Israel to ignore the prophets’ words of warning, it is this setting that the leaders of the New Testament were stoned to death and crucified upside down for the people had ingrained themselves deep enough into the world that when the truth was spoken it upset their livelihood and threatened them with pain in separation from this base.  We are born into this world in through aspect that the word born can represent and it is through this existence that we tend to heavily rely on this setting.

God shall not end the communication system with His people and when the people choose to rise up against those who are speaking the truth about our lives, our settings, our choices and our eternity God shall raise up more people to proclaim His truth to the dying world.  It still amazes me that God has chosen me to write messages from His heart to people that I have no idea who they are.  I have no opinion towards them and nor shall I either but I do know that God is using these messages to warn people about what is coming to our lives if we do not turn from our wicked ways and repent of our sins.  We cannot forget that God is a consistent God and One who operates the same for EVERYONE no matter who we think we are or how special we believe we have become.  God wiped out the children of Israel several times for disobedience to His Ways, so what gives us the belief that we are not subject to the same consequences?  Our eternal enemy does not want us to understand what our lives mean to God and if he can delay this knowledge from reaching those in need he is going to do his best to succeed.  Some church denominations believe that Satan cannot be defeated and that Christ is subject to his ways what they are claiming will come true if we do not wake up and take back the authority that Jesus gave us to teach the world about the true Gospel of salvation and restoration.

Stop and think about something for a moment, why is it so important that the world force the Church into accepting its ways without question?  If the Bible is so far outdated and has no relevant meaning to our lives today, why is it that the world is so adamant about changing the Church and its True source the Bible?  If authors back in the Medieval Ages were not considered to be a viable threat to the rulers of the lands why were they executed for such “treasonous” works?  If the Roman government and Jewish leaders did not believe in what Jesus taught why didn’t they just dismiss Him and leave Him be, why stand up and crucify Him after they recorded one of the most brutal torture campaigns known to human history?  All of these events that many claims as “unnecessary readings and not significant for our times” are still practiced today and need to be understood well enough to prevent any further barbaric activities that they have no idea why they are committing.  The Bible and its authors knew the truth of why these hideous acts were being committed, and many of the authors of the words that God is sharing with them today are facing the exact same procedures.

While this is not the only element which makes the Bible relevant to our lives today the truth about what God is trying to get through to His people and the methods by which He is accomplishing this truth supports the Bible as the Truth 100%. 

So, when the authors of the Bible are questioned and doubted then we can ascertain one huge conclusion and that is they understood God well enough and heard His voice clear enough to write down what He was saying to His people, both for those times and for today.  If the words that God spoke to the authors were not true there would not be too much controversy with the world and the issues of God would not be taken seriously by any human being.  But when an eternal truth is told as proclaimed to the dying world as an option of hope and trust then we can rest assured that opposition to its meaning (life) will be challenged.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to study these authors’ words from God and to project their meaning to this place we call the world.  We should never forecast God in our own projections but according to His Word and through this method alone.  If self-rules our proclamation of God in any way, Satan has automatically advanced his kingdom in others and God is pushed backward.  God explains Himself thoroughly in His Word and it is our job to portray this explanation in a way that will capture those who are willing to listen and at the same time keep the communication lines open for those who are skeptical.  We should never write off any person from God and if we are guilty of such sin we should repent of our actions and correct the setting immediately.

The Church has been guilty of this spiritual crime for centuries, even millennia and it is time we recognize this fact and correct it before it is too late.  The authors of the Bible are continuously being ridiculed and mocked for their content and rightly so because the roots of the world are driven deep into the hearts of billions of people.  It is through these authors transcriptions that we need to ensure and hold dear and close to our hearts for it is these words from God that hold the key to our eternal future.  If you are not being mocked and scorned as the authors of the Bible were, then you (Church) have too much hold and position in the world, plain and simple as that.  You should be “offending” the world at each breathing point and breathing should be at a normal pace especially since you claim to be alive!  But who do you claim to be alive too?  The world has dominated our existence for long enough and has lied to us in countless ways in order to keep us from writing our own testimony for the Kingdom of God.  You may not write articles, edit journals, books or even television or movie manuscripts but you are an individual story that God wants to be published for it is your life that means an eternity for someone to understand.

Each one of us is an author, an author of life to everyone and everything around us.  It does not matter what you believe or how you portray yourself, but you are an author.  What type of book are you writing for your children, your coworkers, your school, your team or your nation?  Church, you need to know this truth as well for you are the representative of the mission that Jesus commanded us to complete, so the same question is posed to you what type of book are you writing for Jesus?  Is your book following the commands and truths of God’s Word or are they following the worldly guidelines that our enemy sets before us?  Words affect anyone who read them and your life is just waiting to have someone’s eyes and heart to read.  Your life is an eternal wonder and one that has volumes to speak about and should be used in such manner for God and not the world.  God is not saying to write your own bible and define yourself through this lie, but to live through His Word and allow Him and His Word to dwell in you the correct manner.

Are you completely separate from this death trap or are you actively proceeding in its final source for you?  We cannot deny the fact that this world presents only ugliness and settings filled with hate, pain, and death.  These times shall only continue as long as the world is in charge of people’s lives and when we allow this type of false narrative to be written about ourselves we are only selling ourselves cheap because we are royalty in our creation and origin.  God wants His Church to proclaim His Truth and not the lies of the world.  Seek Him for the Truth and shun the world for God is the only way that we can have eternal life.  Jesus gave His life for us, the Church and through this act of selfless Love, He gave Himself for all and this act of selflessness is what we need to show as well.  The world cannot handle selflessness, only selfishness, so which do we portray? 


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