Saturday, October 14, 2017




All of us have either serious daydreamed about or have had full dreams about being a princess, prince, queen or king at one time, especially as kids.  While many of us shall never even get close to a member of a royal party, it is still good to think that someone could actually change status enough to obtain such a title.  But what society has beaten into our brains and lives for such a long time now is that equality is the ruler and that we deserve nothing more from our efforts.  In truth, our creations were of a royal nature and the purpose for such creation has been subverted and then stolen the act of a true and cunning villain.  God created us in His image which means we are of a royal stock and until we understand this status and claim it once again our lives will only be spent in struggle and departure.  There is a perfect and simple way to reclaim this status and it only comes by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Looking at history we can see that many royal lineages are very self-limiting and in many cases selfish inconsistency.  These human lines are usually limited to a certain percentage of people with a long bloodline of royal status from around the world.  This lineage is also graced with a certain amount of conspiracy theories about who else can be entered into this lineage because of the past escapades of their forefathers and foremothers.  Some time ago, I watched a documentary on the person who is considered to be the rightful heir to the British throne and it is not a person or even family who is sitting and reigning in Buckingham Palace today.  Bloodline proof was provided of such lineage and after being tracked down in Australia the interview did not amount to much since the person had no idea and did not care to make a fuss over such allegations.  And if this documentary and the evidence that it claims is true, what type of difference would it make in the lives of the entire lineage from the time the “new” king’s revelation is scientifically proven?  I have no idea what will ever come about of this information but being adopted me it does seem a tad interesting of who I am related to and to whom I was given when I was so young.

In every capacity of our existence, humans seem to love to complicate matters by making and then following through with choices that only seek to improve their own lifestyles or habits.  On another aspect of the British crown, my wife and I have recently watched the series “The Crown” which was very interesting and shed some light on a few areas of the British royalty that I was not familiar.  In one part of the series, Princess Elizabeth was making a tour of the Commonwealth when she was informed of the death of her father King George VI which through her bloodline and birth she immediately became Queen of England.  While this may seem like an exciting time for this young woman, it would significantly change her life in every way imaginable.  Not only did she just lose her father and mentor, she gained a country and an empire that spanned the globe, a seating worthy of offerings to a higher authority.  Even though Elizabeth understood the pressures of the royal status it still must have come as a shock when her lineage was thrust into the limelight, especially when decisions had to be made concerning her personal life and the intertwining of the royalty.

Upon the knowledge of the death of her father, one of the Royals took it upon herself to write a letter to the new Queen of England to inform her of a few things concerning the strength of the Commonwealth through the line of blood and what it would mean if personal effects should trump the Commonwealth.  When Elizabeth and Margaret were young girls their father took them aside one day and told them that it was never necessary to embark their royalty over their relationship with and between each other.  A decision and choice so easy at childhood eventually reared its ugly head in adulthood and when challenged this bit of information from their father, the added comments from the elder royal and further conversations with the abdicated throne cost their relationship dearly, but the status of the bloodline and Queen ruled at the end of the day.  In the end, this decision to keep the loyalty with the royalty might have been difficult but it was an answer to the issue at hand and in turn strengthened the Commonwealth in many ways down the road.

All of should know that there will always be those around us who do not agree with everything we stand for or represent and it is this fact that we need to keep in mind when our morals and standards are being questioned and attacked.  Our physical enemies continually pour over our lives doing their best to find some dirt to rub in our faces and to tarnish our presence in the world, yet at the same time it seems like we are now picking that dirt that they are pointing out and helping them smear it on our bodies, a concept so frustrating and fluent that we are willing to even purchase the dirt.  Why is it so important that we take ourselves down from the royal status that we have divinely been placed in and snub ourselves while we are climbing in the downward direction?  It is a devastating move to choose others over our own status no matter who we are or what setting we are talking about, how hard has it become to realize such falling and self-failing?  And another question that must be asked is this: how can we have “hope” if our eyes are strictly on equality and thus provide no true leader for the world?  What about the eternal world, should it seem likewise and a coincidence that we are doing the same with God?

Why bring God into this status?  Why cannot we leave Him out of it and just focus on our physical presence in the world?  These questions are being thrown around on an hourly basis and it seems like that we are taking suggestions from our enemy in due course for we are throwing God out of our lives just as fast as the questions are raised.  Just as we have forgotten how important it is for this nation to be at the forefront of the world we have deliberately shunned God for identical reasons.  No longer do we like to have the responsibility to take charge when the other portions of the world try and sabotage other people or lands, we would rather go to the store in our pajama bottoms and buy junk food instead of solving problems as the Word of God suggests.  We have forgotten God’ standard that He created us in and thus has accepted a new worldly standard that really does not take notice of how we appear.  The world does not care and does not want a holy leader for it already recognizes one and since he does not care anything about you or your life what else would you expect the world to ask?

When Edward VIII abdicated the throne of England to choose a woman over the bloodline, it was a huge embarrassment for the entire Commonwealth of Great Britain.  While Edward never regretted his decision publicly, everyone knows that he had some type of troubling thoughts afterward for anyone who makes up their minds about a dire event such as that cannot take comfort at all times.  Who knows what England would have become or followed with King Edward in charge of things and hat part of human history shall always remain a mystery that can never be told, a similar connection to the story of the Garden of Eden as well for the original lineage of Adam and Eve was voluntarily sucked away with the choices that they made as well.  In no manner can one compare the decision to allow sin into our lives to that of a decision to marry another instead of choosing a human crown but the point is made and it needs to be taken seriously for we are quickly turning our backs on the royal bloodline that can guarantee us eternal security.  On the same lines, I am in no way placing this nation above any other nation in prideful stance, on the contrary, if one is ordained by God then they should be the humblest of all servants, which is evident that we are no longer in this state.

The ruler of this world has had an easy time with placing blindfolds over our eyes, for we have found the patterns of the blindfold itself fascinating as it comes closer to our eyes.  The human race was created by God as a sign of royalty and a mean by which God said to His enemy since you could not create or be equal to my status I am going to further prove to you that I am God and Creator of everything.  But God could not create robots or place us into a slave-like setting, He had to give us the creative genius of choice just as He did with the angels so that we would represent to others the epitome of His eternal design.  Therefore, we are His children created in the same manner in which He is, as royalty.  We were set apart for a specific reason and while this setting was divine it was not designed to be a controlled issue but one that we choose to accept and to abide in and it is this capacity that our enemy attacks us in order to degrade our eternal status as he has done to himself previously.

Many intellectuals and academia have convinced billions of people throughout history that it is not a good idea to live under theocracy and this is true belief.  But can you honestly find where a theocracy is mentioned in the Bible?  It is there but it has nothing to do with God or His Son, it is only mentioned in organizational terms in the Old Testament and in the New Testament when it deals with religious leader who believes that their word trumps God’s Word, a process that we as a world society have fallen in line with 100%.  It does not matter if our defeats mount each day, it is worth the cause to lose such ground as long as we can be equal with everyone else, and I guess that theory works when the ship is sinking as well.  When works become the necessary ability a theocracy is inheritable availability and will run rampant within our lives as time progresses.  One thing that we tend to forget about a “theocracy” is that a theocracy can be determined by physical leaders as well for we all know that many of us consider ourselves to be little gods and if our word is not kept then we have the authority to strike down those who disagree.  Why not ditch the selfish theocracy ideals and enter into a true relationship with God for it is that establishment that He originally wanted and still wants today.

What we have lost sight of is the true nature and origins of relationship and how this truth about our existence is the fundamental concept that all of us want and need to survive.  Why do we turn to the world itself and the leader of such a confused and unstable sufferer that only provides defeat after defeat?  That is not how God created our lives and that type of lifestyle and belief goes totally against a royalty status of existence.  Equality in terms of the world is a defeated status and it does not come from God or how we were created, it comes from our enemy who has so blatantly deceived us enough to believe that this state of lowered equality is sufficient for salvation and happiness.  Because we have believed in such lies we have come to understand that this type of equality serves our existence better and that through this lowered status we have no need for the royal status we were born into.  Yes, each human being is a royal child of God and has that distinction through our creation and it is the job of our enemy to steal that truth away from our lives and thus separate us from our King forever.  How can we even consider such a worldly equality if we voluntarily demise our true status and choose one that is a defeated manner?

God wants us to understand that Adam and Eve were created as royalty thus establishing an eternal line of royal eternity that should have never been altered.  But through their choices and listening to the ruler of the other kingdom, they chose to be equal with the other unknown world and thus gave up their eternal inheritance.  Look at their lives since that moment and you pick if it is was and is worth it to choose the world.  The children of Israel did the exact same thing in 1 Samuel 8:7 when it says that Samuel is struggling with the fact that Israel wants to be like other nations but when God tells Samuel that the people rejected their relationship with Him and not Samuel it meant that they had adopted their own theocracy through the world, they too traded in their royalty status for a theocratic equality.  It was this decision in both examples that led to each participant’s downfall and it did not matter if it was on an individual level or national level the fall was the same and the consequences dire.  This means that all of us fall into the category of royalty and for some reason, someone is trying to end that truth. 

Which brings us to the present day and the destructive pangs of our society that are being heard from the royal children who have chosen to follow in Satan’s pathway instead of the one that was divinely given to us to dress and keep.  Our job is to change the ways of the world through our holy and royal charter and not by the standards of the world.  Our charter is found in the contents of the Bible, for we were created by God and through this lineage are inherent children of God.  We must get something through our heads and hearts right here and now, our existence is strictly and solely based upon relationship and since the two kingdoms that are vying for your eternal positioning cannot mix that means that whichever kingdom you choose you are in a complete relationship with the said kingdom.  Satan would love to lie to you long enough for a person to believe that God only offers a theocracy and theological confinement and that the only way to true happiness is by living in the moment that only the world can provide, it is this tactic that he used on Adam and Eve.  If one studies the Word of God and places it within our hearts we will have no problem understanding that God has no theocracy in mind only a relationship with us.  I know God has asked us this question a few times over the years but have you ever wondered why the world is so vexed on you not having a healthy and true relationship with anyone?  The answer is present in the Bible and through this holy text, all our answers concerning life are present.

It is fascinating to me to see the same ideology – human theology – that Israel chose in 1 Samuel Chapter 8 being cried for from today’s societies, especially ours.  Have you ever taken the time to study the passage of 1 Samuel 8 and then watch your computer or television screen and take a few notes?  If you do you will find that the exact same spirit that infiltrated Israel in 1 Samuel 8 has been allowed to occupy our lives today.  Human theocracy can only produce and lead to one type of living and that is a life of slavery.  Because we do not study the Word of God with a pure and holy heart we intentionally allow Satan to mask God’s Word of its meaning for our existence.  The selfishly created denominations of the church world have done an excellent job of selling such slavery techniques to billions of people over the centuries, and by participating in such activities have placed the Church in a horrific position of compromise.  In this modern day setting, through this action by the Church, what is the difference of what the Church is portraying through such activities with the world to that of a woman intimately offering herself to any other human who says “hello” to her?  Should a royal child act in this manner?  What standard is being portrayed to the dying world here?  It is this conspiracy lie that we have fallen for and through these channels, we are allowing our enemy to take aim at our existence at close range.

God’s Word presents no conspiracy theories at all, it tells the Truth, the eternal Truth in every sentence, passage, chapter, and book.  Church, we have stumbled and fallen like everyone else but we have the knowledge to get up and to begin again.  It is our responsibility to be the light to the world so that they can see what is going on around them.  God’s Light exposes the lies and ways of the world but how can we act in this manner if we do not believe in our Saving and Holy text?  Our lives represent a holy bloodline that serves as the foundation of our existence and when we were created our lives knew no destruction or death.  Jesus came to the earth to restore this eternal promise by shedding His own blood so that when God looks at our lives He shall see our hearts and not our physical deformities and faults.  We cannot afford to doubt our lineage and mix this heritage up with the world, Adam and Eve did such a thing and we continue to suffer with it today.  There is true hope and if we allow God to change our lives our royal status can be achieved and granted to us again.  God’s Word says this is possible and the only way possible for this to occur is for us to return to God and walk under the blood of His Son Jesus.


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