Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Adam and Eve's Authority

Adam and Eve’s Authority


Most of us have given this topic statement a thought before and wondered how it was having such position while at the same time living in perfect conditions.  But have we understood the magnitude of what that authority had and what it meant to our enemy, for we need to recognize that the original settings that Adam and Eve lived in were exactly what Lucifer coveted, a purposeful reason as to why he focused on their lives.  We also find that when humanity fell we lost this entire setting as well and have had to take great strides in doing our best to re-obtain such status and up until now we have found this process almost impossible to reach.  But there is a way to become perfect in our Creator’s eyes again and that is through the blood of His Son and to live in accordance to God’s Ways, a process that is recognizable yet ignored by so many.

It does not matter where a person calls home, from what ethnic background one comes from, nor does it matter what type of education level one has achieved, for the ultimate goal of any person in the world is to be number one in the field that he/she chooses to operate within.  I have been in the medical field for over thirty years now, and I can honestly say that I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge about the human body over this tenure but I have not obtained and I cannot say that I am number one in my field of expertise and to be completely honest I am not really close to this status either.  This is okay for me for each day I show up to work I advance a step closer to this human goal of mine and my wealth of knowledge about the human body grows just as much.  I say all of that to get across the point that I may take steps to achieve the “perfect” status in my field but even though I complete this process there is no way that any type of perfection shall cross my path.  It is a truth that is far out of my reach but one I shall always continue to strive for because my patients deserve the best care possible.

I also understand, and so should you, that this process and desire to be perfect in our working fields and lives is present all around us and that no one is left out of this idea.  I also know that each and every one of you reading this article and countless others shall fall way short of this perfection status in their desired categories.  It is a plague that all humans must face and come to grips with because this pattern shall not change no matter how hard we may try.  I am glad that the majority of us working people do not become so overwhelmed with disappointment when considering this loss that we give up but continue to plug along serving our constituents with pride in the work and results that we provide.  Whether we know it or not it is this type of plugging along and learning that we do concerning God and His Ways, but can we honestly say that we place the same kind of effort into this type of relationship as we do in the physical?  Wouldn’t be grand to think we could go back to the time that all of our needs were met without thinking about them and our living conditions were in such perfect order?  God promises us this perfection back into our lives but in order for us to achieve such conditions we must take our entire life seriously and place God first in our lives on all levels.

We must remember a detail about God here as we dive into this subject and that is He is a consistent God and that everything He does He has a purpose and completeness about His work.  The authority that He gave to Adam and Eve was complete in nature and it is through this completeness setting that thoroughly upset Satan and it is still a huge deal in the mind of Satan as he touches many lives through a wicked, wicked lie.  In order for us to grasp this concept, we must once again return to Genesis and learn about just how much God loves us and trusts us with His Ways.  Genesis Chapters 1-2 will serve as our foundational Scripture passages and we will throw in a few verses of Chapter 3 as well.

In Genesis Chapter 1 we find that God is in the process of meticulously establishing a perfect setting of creation that will eventually include all living articles that we know about today.  We also have to tolerate the idea that some of the species that were created in the past are no longer with us today, for various reasons but we need to understand that God spent six days creating all life after their own kind which gives them their own makeup and specificities.  Mankind was created on the sixth day and was the last creature made during this creation process.  God took a well-deserved rest on the seventh day and while He did not really need to do such an act it serves as a picture of perfection that we can relate to.  Genesis Chapter 2 gives us further details about how we were created and what God expected us to complete while we drew breath each day.  In Genesis 2:8 it says that God planted a garden eastward in Eden and put man into the garden.  In Genesis 2:15 it says that God placed man into the garden to dress it and to keep it on a continual basis.  But what gives us the belief that we have complete authority over all of the things that God had created?  In order to understand this part of our lives, we will back up a bit and go to Genesis 1:28-31.  This specific passage will also give us the details of what humans would lose if we ever chose to disobey God’s simple command.

In Genesis Chapter 1 we see that God has created every living thing and it is this creation of God’s that He alone gives us dominion over.  In Genesis 1:28 it states: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”  It is this single verse that defines what mankind has dominion over which is everything that has life and includes all things that move around us.  It means that we have a responsibility to ensure that our world stays clean and healthy and to be trimmed back when necessary, and every procedure that mankind can invent to make sure this process is completed.  Notice that all we are in charge over is what God created that is alive, He said nothing about the atmospheric conditions or wind movements, weather fronts, etc.  A note to think about here.

It is this passage of Holy Writ that provides enough detail to what Adam and Eve had authority over and how much authority they had over the living things that had been created.  Now, we have had previous teachings on dominion and what it means and why it is important to understand that this word “dominion” is the foundation of what we know as work.  But we also must understand that when Adam and Eve chose to allow sin into our lives it did not change our authority over the living things, only the earth, and its status changed which made things more difficult, a lot more difficult, to manage and to produce.  Also, we must now consider that we only have a limited amount of time to accomplish such feats as well, for death is always present around some corner that we will be walking around.  The completeness and purity of solid growth were now gone and while Adam and Eve are the only ones to experience such divine joy, they lost everything as well.

Okay, so we have learned about what type of dominion God gave to humans, we can now answer the question of why did it tick Satan off so much?  Remember what Lucifer wanted when he challenged God for His throne?  Lucifer wanted to be God in all areas, being the number two being was not cutting it anymore, he wanted it all.  When God created the world in such a manner that Lucifer could not, He did so in such a way that irked Satan enough to stick around to see what God was going to do next.  The icing on the cake if you wish, God created mankind and made us in His image but that was not the most important detail here.  Oh yes, our existence infuriated Satan and in the manner to which God created us made Satan even more distraught but it was what God said to the humans in Genesis 1:28 that caused Satan to lose it completely.  God gave the human complete control over what God had created for them.  Lucifer’s lust for complete control fueled his fall from his eternal place over the exact same thing that God gave to a created being that was actually lower than him.  A pretty ingenious stroke if you ask me.

On top of all of these blessings over the humans, God adds another detail that causes Satan to absolutely blow his cork.  God had purposefully created a place where His covering was already intact which meant that perfect creations and perfect conditions were present just like they were in heaven.  I am NOT saying that the Garden of Eden was heaven, but it was the exact same conditions as Heaven because could physically walk with Adam and Eve without any compromise present.  It is this type of setting that Satan could not stand to see before his cast down eyes, you want to know why Satan’s eyes have been described as dark, dark black?  It could be for this reason because it was this type of setting and control that he wanted to take from God and to selfishly create for his own service.

All of us know what occurred in Genesis 3:1-6 and the consequences of those actions that are present in Genesis 3:7.  Adam and Eve try their humanly best to make a covering for their lives but fail miserably, then blame each other for their problems, and try to chicken their way out of things by casting blame on the serpent.  All of which is true but only 50% true which in any school teacher’s book, even with a graded curve, is still an F.  But God and His infinite love demonstrates a perfect solution for man’s failings by completing a final act before the man and woman are forced out of their homes and that is God makes an adequate covering for them by sacrificing an animal and making its coat their clothing and its blood their covering.  The stage is now set for mankind to be redeemed still by choosing God and living under the new covering that God has shown them.

It is this gift of blood sacrifice that holds the key to our restoration of complete authority and thus solidifies the statement that we shall rule and reign with Jesus for eternity.  Living under this blood covering is not only the answer to our separation issues with God but also allows us to come back together as one with God and live in complete authority once again.  No matter how hard our enemy tries, he cannot defeat us if we are under the blood covering.  Genesis 3:21 shows us that it was God who initiated this covering and when Adam and Eve tried their best to cover themselves it failed.  If God has done something it is for a purpose and a reason and when He does such wonders no other created being can change such perfection unless they choose to step out from such covering.  Adam and Eve knew this truth but did it their way and their living status changed but the covering that God had over them was still there.  Adam and Eve had a choice and they made that choice, they also were presented with a choice after they left the Garden of Eden which it is evident that they taught their boys this truth.

It is up to us whether or not we choose to live under this blood covering or not.  Satan will do his best to dim the truth concerning Jesus’ blood covenant with us for Satan understands that when we are living in God’s Ways he cannot cause us to stray.  It is when we look back at the burning city that causes us to lose our lives, for Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected through 100% holiness and obedience to His Father and that is what it takes for us to choose God and live by His Ways.  Jeremiah talks about having an uncircumcised heart and how dangerous it is to live in such conditions but we love to flaunt our human and selfish choices while we dance around pretending we know God.  There is no way possible that we can flaunt any human quality in front of God and expect Him to accept it as truth, for He alone IS truth.  Now, the next time someone says you are not God so don’t judge me, it might be worthy that you gently and quietly remind them that God represents truth itself and for them to think about that before relying on that foolish statement.

Perfection and complete authority were present in Adam and Eve’s lives only when God was in complete control over their lives.  We cannot deny that at one time in their existence they wanted to please God and to do what He commanded them to do, but at some point, they became open to the enemy and allowed him to infiltrate their lives enough to present to Adam and Eve an option other than God’s.  From that moment onward, Satan had a doorway opened to him that Adam and Eve’s pride would not allow being shut by God’s covering.  It is this doorway and much more like it that is wide open in our lives today which allow for an uninhibited access to our enemy directly into our lives.  What is so amazing about these open doorways is that while we voluntarily open them we fail to recognize their dangers, and furthermore we just simply walk away and do not go through the process to have them shut.  Every time we choose a setting of the world and allow its presence into our lives we open a spiritual doorway, along with a physical one, that can have a devastating access to our lives, and when we do this we allow the father of lies to gain control of our lives a little bit more so that we cannot see what his activities are doing to our lives.

This is where God’s Son has provided the truth through the Church and the exact and pinpointed reason why He authorized the Church and her mission.  The world is blinded by a liar and thief but as we can easily figure out the Church has fallen for these lies as well for the spiritual growth of the Church has dwindled down and away because of a coffee and doughnut sermon about peace and compliance.  We should be entering into God’s presence for spiritual food, not physical commodities that should be taken care of at home.  The Church has bought into the lie that she can be joined with the world and still be completing God’s command that He gave us to do, Adam and Eve believed that lie as well and look where it got them.  There is a reason of eternal importance as to why God wants His children to be completely separated from the world for He knows that the world knows nothing but turmoil and death and He did not create us to experience such separation from Him.  Adam and Eve fell for the equality without God trap and realized that their true authoritative position was ripped away from them; we really do not want that same scenario to occur in this land.

It is obvious that this nation does not wish to have any complete authority as has been given to us by God; in truth, we do not even want to have any authority on this type of scale any longer.  We have become a nation of finite equalizers who are squandering the blessings of authority for the choices of fallacy.  Church, you have fallen for the same lustful deviances as those around us and while you may have had good intentions by allowing these hurting people inside your walls, you have embraced their sin instead of teaching that God wants to rid them of their sin.  This is why God had no choice but to expel Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and it is the very same purpose that He will have no choice but to rid ourselves of the luxurious authority that He has given us as well.  You have fallen away from the intimacies of God so much that we refer to Him as a non-engendered being and refuse to recognize His eternal presence.  It is this lie that Satan has used in countless numbers of lives in order to create a canyon of space between God and His creations, and it has been so effective that we have been willing to dig out that canyon.

We need to rid ourselves of the world and not of God for it is God who is the One who can restore our places in eternity.  Our eternal presence with God is the most important thing on God's mind and He will do everything in His power to show us the truth.  The unique character of God shall never force us to accept His Ways it is always been and always will be our choice to do such an eternal act.  We can skip all that is about to occur with one simple acceptance prayer or we can reveal to the other nations around the world of the consequences of our sinful acceptances.  Church, repent, turn around, and place our hearts back to God so that we can once again greatly fulfill the mission that Christ gave to us which is showing the multitudes of the blood covering and what it eternally means for our lives.  God created our lives to be in full authority and until we figure this out we will not be able to do anything but live in stagnant conditions and wallow in our own chained muck.


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