Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Born Into Sin

Born Into Sin


I know that many of us have used this phrase before to try and conceive our inherited status but have we been exposed to its true origins and what this status encompasses?  The origins of such a phrase have a grave impact on our lives and this truth really should be further understood when we use it.  God never intended for us to live under this status but due to our choices we now face its consequences, and we must ask ourselves to what extent do we use this condition to justify our death sentences?  This phrase is a true statement concerning our lives but it does not define our genetic makeup, only our physicality’s.  God’s Word clearly gives us ample opportunities to figure this out and until we do then repent of our sins these atrocities against our eternity and God’s holy provisions shall only increase.

Most of us have fallen into the trap of believing that sin is based on levels where a lie is considered no sin at all a white lie as we have heard, stealing is a medium sin which could be or not be of any great significance, murder, of course, is a huge industrial type of crime with a vast range of condemnation, and we can place any other bad intentions into one of these categories as well.  However, this trap we fall into comes from our eternal enemy for if he can get us to believe that sin comes in different levels then we will be prone to accept such activities more readily without considering true repentance as a viable option to discontinue such practices.  God clearly states in His Word that sin is just that sin.  There are no boundary guidelines as to what God considers a lower sin and what is considered to be a higher sin, sin is just sin.  The eternal definition of sin is a short one and it goes like this: sin is disobedience.  The level of disobedience is not ambiguous by any means even though the world and its leader would argue this for obvious reasons.

What is amazing to us, or what should serve as a direct warning against, is how God gives us examples of while sin is sin He points out the individual characteristics of sin, how they affect our lives in term of relationship with Him, and the consequences of unrepentant sin all in His Word.  If God just said that sin was sin and did not characterize what was considered sin then our minds would not be able to make a choice and therefore obey or disobey.  Sin would then become ambiguous in status and in origin, a state which our enemy likes to use but one that is a direct lie in the Creator’s heart.  God is not an ambiguous God at all and while there are details about His Word that He has not fully shared yet, we can have the hope that one day He shall do such glorious event while we study and then live by His Ways.

There is a bunch of foundational information that needs to be reviewed before we actually can proceed into the meat of what God wants us to understand.  This article and its content will challenge you to think about the deepness of God’s Word and will also prove to be a testament to your trust in God and His Word at the same time.  The topic of this article is a hard truth and will not be accepted by all but it strictly comes from God’s Word which makes sure that it is upright, holy, and true on all levels.  Of course, the world shall never see it this way and will do its best to counter the eternal truth of God, for we must always remember that the ultimate goal of Lucifer is to make us believe he is not real and when this is accomplished than his job is a lot easier in implantation standards.  The basic foundation of this article is that homosexuality is a sin and nothing more than a sin.  If we continue to accept the lies concerning this sin as truth, our ignorance shall consume us until our nation suffers the greatest disaster the world has ever witnessed.  Is this a scare tactic, no it is a Truth tactic that we all need to understand.  I also understand that some shall dismiss this message and walk away from it, but others will receive it and hopefully use it to begin the healing process that God wants in each one of our lives.

Some of the first references that will be used here fall into the refreshing category for God has already shared with us about these verses but they serve as a basis for what He is explaining to us here.  We find in Genesis 3:7 a new state of living for Adam and Eve where sin has been voluntarily accepted by their actions.  A few verses later we find that God is issuing out the direct consequences of what Adam and Eve allowed into their lives; more specifically, in Genesis 3:16 states that the conception process and child-bearing procedures change for the woman. For God states that He will greatly multiply her sorrow in this setting and if God multiplies something it must mean that a process was already in place before this change took place.  We also understand that God, Adam, and Eve were the first and holy definition of “we” which means everyone was on equal terms when it came to our creation status with each other, providing God was the center of all life.  So, if we look at the process of sexual reproduction today we find that the male still produces millions of sperm with each ejaculation yet the woman normally produces one, two, or three eggs at a time.  More on this at a later time but keep this in mind for God would not intentionally create an imbalance.

Genesis 2:23 gives us the first marriage of humanity which was officiated by God when He brought the woman to where the man was.  It was already known that the man was not doing well alone which is why God created the woman from the man so he could physically and intimately relate to her.  If God had not created the woman in such a manner the woman could legally say that she was not attracted to the man and could pursue other options, with this stated we know that once God establishes a pattern He cannot change such authority.  This means that God being the eternal authority who created the two individuals then sanctioned the unity of them both together is the only official and eternal way that man and woman can live as commanded by God in Genesis 1:28.

Genesis 3:7 serves as the original line of sin into the human existence for up until that verse Adam and Eve had personal no clue about what sin would do to their lives.  It is this point where humanity gives God their option that He originally gave them as proof that He was not a slave owner or slave creator.  It is also through this verse that every type of sin (disobedience) known to mankind was established and allowed to enter into our structure, an event that God could not allow to inhabit His perfect setting which was the basis for the eviction of Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden.  Sin is a vast lined definition but in this case, we are going to deal with a specific topic that is catching the eyes and ears of everyone around the world and that is the sin of homosexuality.  YES, homosexuality is a sin and NOT a genetic defect for there is no such genetic condition that defines homosexuality as a genetic defect, all studies have concluded that there is no such thing and the ones that have suggested that there was a “gay gene” were admittedly falsified in order to push forward their funding agendas and targets.  God’s Word is the complete authority on all ears of human existence and living conditions, it has been ever since God gave it to the writers and it is still completely relevant to our lives today.

Some of the examples that will be used here are familiar to many but there are some others that while fall into the same familiar category probably have not been placed into this topic but provide excellent resources for our lives to understand.  We have heard many sermons and lectures concerning the unity of God and how complete His Ways are at all times, His provisions in this matter stay in their completed status and to begin with this truth we must take a look at Matthew 12:25-28 where after Jesus has healed person that was possessed with a devil, blind and dumb and had a theological discussion with the Pharisees about such a healing session and said to them: “And Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought into desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?  And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.  But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.”

What Jesus is saying here that if the kingdom He represents is of Satan then why would He be willing to cast out a devil that Satan had placed there in the first place?  It would not be logical for any leader to perform such an act for it truly would be defeating their own purpose, thus condoning the status of falling and not allowing their ways to stand properly.  This means that Jesus has to work in the kingdom that He represents and Satan must work in the kingdom that he represents at all times.  We have plenty of other examples in the New Testament where Jesus did the will of His Father to advance His Father’s Kingdom this proves that Jesus was complete and consistent with God the Father’s Ways thus not divided in any way from God.  This passage also gives rise to the fact that the religious leaders may have understood the reasoning and practice of casting out devils but did not understand the Kingdom principles of God, a devastating truth that should have brought truth and repentance to their lives but did not.  This issue is not a part of the specific topic that we are discussing but it does provide the foundation of completeness of God and His Kingdom.

There are no false accusations when it comes to the belief that humans are supposed to be progressive in their outcomes in life we were made to keep things up and to build upon what we have been given.  But we also must understand that if we do not have God as the center of our lives this progression becomes clouded and distorted with the ways of the world many times unknowingly so.  This continual lifestyle of inherited sin (born into not genetic) grows and then frustrates many until they choose to succumb to the ways of the world and forsake their Creator.  I must admit that this topic is difficult for me not because I have fallen into such desires but because it concerns a very close family member of mine.  However, my selfish and procrastination desires are not what is in question here but the eternity of those that have bought into the lie concerning homosexuality and the grip it has over them.  God does love each and every one of us and He wants to see each one of His children free from not only this oppression but of all sin that we are born into.

As stated many times in the articles, messages, and notes God has given us that He is a consistent God and one that cannot change His Ways in any form or measure.  This means that if He is who He says He is that His actions cannot deviate from practiced examples and no changes in any character of His children should deviate from His authority either for if there is any change contrary to God’s Word then it automatically becomes a divided kingdom and shall fall.  Matthew 12:25 gives us the truth concerning this matter when Jesus is questioned by the religious leaders about His healing practices.  Jesus sets the foundation for being undivided from His Father and at the same time rips into the Pharisees’ fallacies concerning this miracle.  God’s consistency was at the question concerning healing, a process in which God is the superb King over and Jesus was reinforcing this truth.  It is this principle that we need to keep in mind as we read and understand this topic for we all know that the world sees this lie as a worldly truth that we must all comply with.

In Genesis Chapter 19, we find a couple of cities that have been designated by God to be destroyed because of their blatant, accepted, and willingly openness to homosexuality.  Above we have been reminded that the only order of sexual contact that God approves is that of between a woman and a man with any deviation from such intimacy being classified as an abomination.  This setting is deeply troubling because we have an entire civilization that is about to be wiped off the face of the earth by the choices that the people have made.  A while back we learned that Abraham argued with God about destroying the city if a certain amount of righteous people were present which means that at one time there were more righteous people there or Abraham would not have had any grounds to argue.  This action alone presents as a choice and how the choices of people grow into reality.  We cannot forget or dismiss that the reason for such action by God was strict because of their behavior and ignorance of God's Laws, it was their choice to do such activities, not through uncontrollable genetic provocations.

God completely destroys the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and while they are not mentioned here, He destroys other cities in the area as well for the same sin.  It has taken a very long time for archaeologists to find the location of Sodom and Gomorrah and what they have discovered so far is that there is a destroyed city that appears to have been annihilated by an incredible heat source.  We have here an incident where one could and many still do question God about His authority to complete such a destruction, and while this act can be quickly condemned by humanity we should understand why God did such an act because it is through this act that God stays consistent with His command to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden concerning intimacy.  When God looked upon the hearts and witnessed that acts of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, realized that their hearts had become a majority of sinful abominations God did not have a choice but to keep His Word.  I do not believe that God could make a clearer statement about how He feels about this sin that we choose to accept as normal, yet at the same time, this act that God demonstrates should also provide us with the greatest of warnings of what not to accept into our lives either.

This act of God raises another question in that why would God do such a thing when we are born into sin, or in the argued case today, why would He do such a thing when homosexuality is a genetic code?  There is no genetic code or “gay gene” that is present in our genetic makeup so this means that this behavior is a choice issue and not one that we cannot control.  Ever since I can remember my cholesterol and triglyceride levels have been astronomically high and up until researchers developed medication to lower such levels I presented as a ticking time bomb for a major physical event, which did occur about fifteen years ago now.  Geneticists have found out that this issue is a genetic process in which I have no control over and that I inherited this problem from my biological parents, in other words, I have problematic genes and this is not a choice that I can make so I have to live with and reduce the risks with all possibilities.  God has not wiped me off the earth because of this issue for He understands that this is not a choice of mine.

I remember back in the early 2000s, a huge news conference was called to announce that the human genome had finally been completely mapped and that the entire genetic code could now be recognized.  General knowledge of such an existence already was in place and since this issue of homosexuality was and still is a huge detail it would have been proudly told about this gene’s existence, but the people making the presentation did not say anything about it.  For if they did, it would present a huge issue for the question would now be if the person who had this real “gay gene” fell into the category of a genetic defect or if those who did not have this “gay gene” fell into that category, a quagmire that just does not exist but could be used to endorse such a behavioral issue.  Ultimately, if there was a “gay gene” in our lives then God has some huge explaining to do and to provide humanity with an astronomical apology for His actions, which God has NEVER done and shall Never do because this act is our choice and not His.

Psalms 51:1-5 explains a detail about our lives that separate us from genetics and choices when it states the following: “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according to unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.  Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.  For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.  Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speaketh, and be clear when thou judgest.  Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”  It is this verse that confirms that sin inhabits our lives from the day we were conceived which means that since disobedience is the definition of sin, we have a choice to disobey God’s Word or to obey His Word and Ways.  This represents a choice which goes straightaway with why God had the authority to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because the people there chose to live in their sins that they were born with thus subject to God’s holy hand.

As the old saying goes, the proof is in the pudding and we all know that God will not leave us hanging when it comes to the Truth concerning our lives.  With the truth of Romans 3:23 encompassing our lives, we cannot say that we are not and will not be treated equally in the eyes of God, so we really need to be careful when we casually throw out the “you cannot judge me” statement that we hear so often.  With everyone being sinners that means sin itself totally envelops our lives even further and deeper than we can imagine, our entire concept of existence is compromised with sin and therefore cannot be exempt from any door that lies within our bounds.  We have the greatest example that separates this genetic mistake and lie that many have used in order to justify their sins instead of being convicted of them.  This prime example also explains what God would do if homosexuality is a genetic issue, remember God is a consistent God and one that can only act according to His Word.

John 9:1-3 is our example and it states the following: “And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.  And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?  Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents, but that the works of God be made manifest in him.”  Jesus then goes on to make clay from the ground and place it on the eyes of the man then told him to go to the pool and washed the clay from his eyes and was able to see.  The conditions of people who we come in contact with are usually known by others and it is not uncommon to talk about such people as well when we encounter their presence.  The passage here describes Jesus and His disciples coming up to a man which had been blind at birth, a tough place to be even in today’s standards but one that occurred in Jesus’ time and in our “modern” world as well.  A logical question is then asked by the disciples about why this man was born blind and the way that Jesus answers them is unique and specific at the same time for it gives us suggestions that something else is working in our physical bodies that has the explanation as to why this man was blind.

We must consider that DNA technology was not possible back during the days of Jesus, now, given this statement we have proof that Jesus understood such DNA concepts through the answer He gave to the disciples for He said that neither instance provided the accurate setting for the condition of the man which means that there was something else underlying that made the difference.  Jesus turned and healed the man by spitting onto the ground, made a type of clay from His action and then rubbing it over the man’s eyes.  I find this technique very intriguing because Jesus used His holy and pure state along with the origin of our existence in order to heal this man, the perfect example of His authority and purpose for Him being on earth.  Jesus made an important remark here when He said “Neither” for it meant that the two knowledgeable forms of beliefs about deformities were not in play here.  Jesus’ answer also provides a great deal of information about how sin operates in our lives as well, a subject for later discussion.

The remarkable detail here yet one that should not surprise us is the fact that Jesus willingly and lovingly heals the man from his blindness.  While there is no mention of the reactions of the disciples here, one would believe that it at least would have triggered their curiosities enough to wonder what the underlying cause might be.  It is this portion of the Scripture that proves there is no divided status between God and Jesus as well, for if Jesus would have done something other than heal this man, say, condemn him, Jesus would not be in alignment with God and therefore prove Himself not to be who He said He was (is).  So, Matthew 12:25 is satisfied with Jesus’ actions here and we now understand that Jesus knew about the DNA makeup and potential for genetic mishaps.  Therefore, if Jesus healed the man from this genetic blindness yet God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality and with God and Jesus being united together in all things, we must come to the conclusion that homosexuality is not a genetic issue but one of choice.  If homosexuality was a genetic issue, then God would have made a way for those people to be healed of such uncontrolled condition, but He did not which means there is another explanation for such action of His and we have this proof coming centuries later when God’s Son heals a genetic issue instead of destroying the man.  Consistency is a wonderful detail about God that is intriguing to realize.

As stated above the saying “I was born this way” when referring to homosexuality concerns has become a rallying cry for many, yet we can see it in the eyes of these beautiful people that they are struggling and hurting because they have not found what they are looking for to make them happy.  All of us are born into sin and this condition completely overwhelms our lives and can become exhausting at best sometimes.  But what we need to recognize that the statement by these people is a correct statement for we all are born into sin and our enemy has done a fabulous job in convincing us that sin is okay to harbor and that it is okay to live in such sin because there are no major consequences for such condition.  All of us need God in our lives and we need to have Him 100% in our lives as well, not just ½ the time or even 10% of the time.  This is a complete lie from Satan and we have bought into it hook, line, and sinker and it is costing millions of lives each day. 

Another consistency about God is that He wants our lives to be free from this world and to live with Him for eternity.  God will do His very best to ensure that He heals those who are hurting in all forms and manner.  It breaks God’s heart for Him to know that His children have a way out of their misery yet continue to choose to be ruled by lies.  In this truth from God we, find that there is a difference between genetics and sin and that there is also a great difference of how God deals with each setting.  God does not wish to see anyone of His children falling into the wiles of sin and dying without knowing who He is and what He has done to protect us.  God has also made a stance against sin and He is consistent with this stance both in our history, today, and in our future if need be.

One of the main themes that we recognize in the Bible is that mankind falls into a stupor when it comes to sin and the recognition of sin.  The minds of these people are sharp concerning this condition but over time seem to relax their beliefs and thus their standards and eventually end up falling into danger.  Our pattern is quite similar and I would argue identical to what the people in the Bible provide, so why don’t we figure this out before something drastic occurs in our world?  God is not in the business to destroy our lives that is the job of our enemy.  God is in the business of restoration and protection from our enemy.  We see every day many leaders and so-called common people crying out for responsibility for some reason but do not take the initiative to find out what truly needs to be done to correct such ignorance.  The answers we need shall never come from human sources nor shall they ever come from worldly standards and as long as we continue to ignore God and His Word we will be inching ever closer to our destruction.

Societies throughout history and the ones today have ordained the act of homosexuality as a normal practice that should be praised and completely accepted as a normal state.  Coming from a worldly presence and attitude I can fully see where it would be classified as such, but the world and its leader are defeated and the ruler of the world is a liar as well.  Church, BY NO MEANS NECESSARY should we be promoting homosexuality as the truth and a holy order of life.  YES, we should accept the people of this lifestyle into our lives but when we do we cannot allow their sin to go unnoticed.  We need to carefully yet passionately share the gospel with these people and to tell them of God’s Truth concerning the lie that they have fallen for.  Complete separation from the world is what God placed Adam and Eve into, showed the children of Israel, showed the Gentiles as Jesus walked the earth and provides us in His Word today.

God urges us to study these verses in this message and to know them well enough to be able to witness to those that have fallen into the trap and lies of homosexuality.  Any worldly order that defies God’s true form of intimacy shall fall and the societies that harbor such abominations shall fall even harder.  Church, it is time to stand up for what is written in the Bible and not what we want written from the world.  It is time we repent and begin to spread the Truth once again for God is a consistent and loving God who wants all to live with Him for eternity.  The best way to defeat our enemy is with the complete Word of God and just parts of it.  Study to show thyself approved is an excellent example for this article for it is the only way we shall ever know the truth about our lives, how we were created, our purpose in life and how much God loves us.  Listen to the voice of God and g with God all of your days.  Rely on His Word and His guidance and He shall never leave you.  Give God 100% of your heart and He shall reward your service continually.  We may all be born into sin but that does not mean we have to stand by and allow it to rule our lives, we do have the eternal means necessary to win this fight.


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