Sunday, February 25, 2018

An Uncomfortable God

An Uncomfortable God


Have you ever explored the idea that God Himself can become uncomfortable?  It is easy for us to function in this type of mayhem and manner at times, but up until a few days ago, I had never understood that God can become uncomfortable as well.  Being uncomfortable creates in living beings a state that requires something to be done differently, and when God sees His children in a voluntary state of sin He must do something because it is this willingness to sin that forces God into this position.  Until we realize this truth about our hearts, God will continue to nudge us and provide chances to change our patterns so that we can understand our dependence on Him for our eternal salvation, for see, God loves each and every one of us with a love that our minds and hearts cannot fully understand and until we turn over our lives to Him completely this uncomfortable feeling of His will continually be present.

A little bit ago God shared with us an article concerning that we should be willing to change our patterns through listening to His voice.  God also shared with us that it is His voice of concern that gives us this information because He sees what it has done to our creativity and livelihood, He also guides us in these changes in order to protect us in future events and to help others when they are struggling as well.  The example that was given in that article was about how I should take another path when I went into my building for work, I did so and for as far as I could tell nothing happened to my physical body.  But when I was completing this task God gave the remaining information concerning that article and in a few days time He gave me another topic to write about which is the foundation of this article and it has to do with an action of mine as well.

Last week I was listening to one of the webcasts of a lady who God delivered from witchcraft and how God has been showing her avenues that have infiltrated her life enough to produce connection ties to others all around the world.  It is these connections that God wants to sever and when she began to do what God asked her to do she began to feel the actual release from the world, a tie, and condition that she had not even recognized in her before.  It is these ties and connections that set into motion the patterns of the world that God wants out of our lives and if we do not listen to what His voice is telling us to do AND THEN OBEY His command we will find ourselves in a heap of trouble in the very near future.  We must remember that when God addresses an issue that resides in our lives and we do not allow Him to weed it from our lives our enemy will take full advantage of the situation and further his grip on our lives.

I must admit that I will be telling on myself as I give this example to you for God pressed on me a few weeks ago to slow down on the social media aspect of my world and to give it a rest, not delete it or anything as such but to allow Him to lose its grip on my life.  So, I deleted the direct status bar content and took all of them off of my favorites menu as well.  This was in complete obedience to what God was saying to me and I really believed that I would be alright in doing such a thing.  As I look back at these few weeks I have come to the realization that I have not decreased my connection to these outlets even though I now have to directly type in their web addresses in order for me to access their content.  In fact, I probably am guilty of frequenting their sites more ever since I have taken them off my favorites list on the computer.  When I asked God to search me He did so and He chose this avenue of my life to reduce and even though I initially agreed to follow His request I have been lax in my attitudes towards this command of His and it is this example that I present to you as the sole reason God becomes uncomfortable, because He has given His children a command to clean up their act and we have said yes but have not followed through with our answer.

Over the past few years now I have heard many messages from God, been given over five hundred messages to write with countless more to complete, been awakened in the middle of the night numerous times to pray for something – most of the time not knowing anything at all just obeying – and yet I still wonder how many things I have missed from God because of my lazy heart and deaf spiritual ears.  This thought and worry of mine were reinforced the other day when it dawned on me that I was in direct disobedience to God concerning my lack of reduction in the social media outlets.  This thought gravely concerns me and it makes me uncomfortable because it makes me wonder if I have missed a direct message from God that someone needs to hear, that is not being a faithful servant at all but a selfish one and one that is still tightly engraved into the world.  I understand that my physical presence on this earth cannot change but I also understand that my spiritual presence needs to be in constant, direct, and clear contact with God in order for me to complete my purpose.

2 Timothy 2:16 defines why God would ask me to rid myself from the social media aspect, and yes, God’s Word does address this modern day dilemma way back during the Early Church era for it is this verse that defines such a media gossip outlet.  “But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.”  I love these short verses that say so much in them and this verse is included in this truth.  My father preached on modern technology and its usages a short while ago and he did a fantastic job in telling God’s people how important it is to be on guard when dealing with such institutions.  There are so many aspects of infiltration that modern technology can bring but the most important issue is that of a person’s spiritual awareness and how it can be snatched from you quickly if you are not paying attention to the surroundings.

This verse does not mention specifics or even specific instances of what was occurring in and around the Early Church body but he does emphasize the importance of being aware enough about those specifics to stay away from them.  If you have studied Church History at all and have included the Early Church in your findings, you will know that the Gnostic movement concerning God and the Church was in full bloom during Timothy’s time period.  This teaching destroyed so many people’s lives, turned countless people away from God and opened many doors for worldly persecutions for those who were associated with the Church.  It was these divisions that caused so much pain and agony in the Church and served as a basis for what was to come in the lives of those precious people.  They became so divided that they could not even agree on how to conduct themselves at home and whose role was going to take the lead.  This painted picture is a sad setting but it is a setting that is also in full bloom and on display for all to witness again today.  In addition, we cannot forget that the kingdom of the world was alive and well back during the time of the Early Church and it is just as alive and well in our time as well, for if the Kingdom of God is alive then the opposite is true as well.  It is this forgetfulness of ours (mine) that defines God’s uncomfortable condition.

There are countless passages in God’s Word that tell us that God is a loving God and that it is His utmost desire for our lives to live in purity, peace, and holiness.  If this state is what God wants His children to exist within why is it that we fall short of this status?  This question is easily answered and when we find ourselves in such a manner it is important for us to recognize this sinful existence of ours, ask for forgiveness and to turn away and change paths.  God does not just sit on His holy throne, watch us make mistakes, and erase our names from His book of life.  God is not an angry God at our existence but one that understands if we allow sin to infiltrate and then reside in our lives that He cannot sit back and do nothing, He must act like a holy and eternal Father.  God also understands that there are many avenues that the ruler of the world will use in order to take hold of our lives and these avenues are specifically addressed in 2 Timothy 2:16

The answer to what lies within our lives is actually given first in the verse immediately before 2 Timothy 2:16.  2 Timothy 2:15 tells us that we need to continually ask God to show us our inner hearts and spirits and to expose each detailed sin that has been allowed to live and grow inside us.  This verse also gives us the understanding that when we really allow God to complete this study we will be able to see what is truth and what is a lie and anything that is not from God is automatically a lie.  It is not this process of cleaning out our hearts that makes God uncomfortable, in fact, God loves to clean our hearts because as soon as our hearts and spirits are clean He can fill us with His Spirit and restore our hearts to His Covenant status.  This cleaning process is a constant washing in motion, remember Satan’s kingdom is alive so when it is removed it recognizes the change and must try and compensate its loss, a constant battle indeed.

When we do not recognize what God is doing in our lives or wanting to do in our lives then He must try a different method in order to grab our attention.  On the morning that He showed me to go another route and I obeyed that was a great issue to God but that specific also served as a basis for me to wake up and to figure out that I was not in obedience to an earlier request from God.  It is the recognition of God’s requests that should spark the truth and furtherance of 2 Timothy 2:15 and it is through obedience that 2 Timothy 2:15 comes alive and wipes out the content of what 2 Timothy 2:16 is referring towards.  It is the content of 2 Timothy 2:16 that needs to be identified and weeded out by God and with all of the issues that face us today concerning social media and all other outlets of information around we have a bunch of infiltrated lies and ugliness that our spirits and hearts need to clean from.

As my father stated in his sermon a while back not all of the modern technology avenues serve as an addictive element in our lives, for we know that these types of communication tools are a valuable commodity to our presence.  But it is our responsibility to ensure that these modes of communication do not become ingrained into our lives so much that we feel the need to constantly have it running in our minds.  The physical distractions on this level are bad enough, just ask my brother and his wife who were rear-ended by a person looking at their phone instead of paying attention to what was going on around her, but the spiritual implications are far greater because it takes away our time from God.  We may not believe it is a problem or an issue but as I have found out over the past few weeks that it is a huge issue that many of us have ignored or have refused to address.

Now comes the touchy part of the topic that God wants us to understand what makes Him uncomfortable.  Each child of God who ignores His voice of repentance and restoration makes Him uncomfortable but it is when His children who know Him or have been taught about Him who do not live under His Ways or seek for His cleaning power that make Him most uneasy.  God recognizes that we have been exposed to the truth and for your information so does Satan – remember both kingdoms are alive, which means that the fight for embedded lies becomes intense.  The Church has become comfortable in the world and it is this lie that has been embedded into her that makes God uncomfortable for once a lie is planted it shall grow and if not exposed will continue its growth pattern until it becomes a policy or truth in the host.  Any lie that is present automatically creates a status of instability in the spiritual world and if not corrected by God will eventually protrude into the physical.  Do we have instability within the church congregations today?  THAT is an easy question to answer.

When God turned on the light in my heart concerning the social media issue, I recognized the instability that it had created and then when I did not allow God to clean it from me through my obedience the instability had grown and shook me even deeper.  But up until I figured this aspect out, I had no clue of what it was doing in my life for I had become dependent on it and it was rooted deep into my life all-the-while its roots were subtly hidden, an act of control and deceit from Satan that I had given him.  It is through this root that the increase of ungodliness that 2 Timothy 2:16 talks about occurs.  How often are we distracted or disturbed by what we see occurring around us?  How do we deal with these aspects?  Do we go on social media and spew our physical rants for everyone to see or do we get on our knees and seek God for true answers to what is encompassing us?  Why do you believe God inspired Timothy to write 2 Timothy 2:15-16?  There must be a reason why God showed Timothy what to write.  God also must have had specific reasons why He wrote all other verses in the Bible as well.  That purpose is for us to understand how important it is that we are always doing our best to live under Covenant conditions and that we are also doing our best to not make God feel uncomfortable when it comes to His children.

Which answer is it Church?  It is at this stage that we need to really allow God to examine our hearts and see what needs to be taken care of by Him.  We have become cold not only to the truth about the command of witnessing to the dying world but as well as to the separating ourselves from the world, both of which directly reflect on each other.  Our physical and spiritual lives have become so unstable that we are now trying to change physical characteristics of our lives instead of allowing God to change our spiritual aspects and characteristics.  This instability only fuels the world’s aggression against God and while we should expect an aggression against God it should not be fueled through sinful activities by the Church but by the correct standards of holiness and separation from the world.  It is this characteristic incorporation of the world that makes God uncomfortable for He continues to understand what it means to have His children lost for eternity, a detail that we now play around with and try to dismiss.  I understand that not everyone who is reading this article has issues with social media, however, I do understand that each one of us has issues of some detail that we need to allow God to rid ourselves of and it is this detail which God wants us to give to Him.

It is of the most importance that we study God’s Word every day and live by its wisdom every day.  It is also of the utmost of importance that we seek God in prayer for His wisdom and guidance and be continually open for Him to weed out every detailed sin in our hearts.  When we understand the fullness of God’s Word we can then understand WHAT needs to be taken from our hearts and we can know WHY it needs to be gone from our hearts as well.  If your life is living with a contradiction to God’s Word it needs to come out and to be corrected by God and if you choose to ignore what God wants to clean, your life will become unstable just as the world is unstable.  Church, repent and fall on your knees again so that God can fulfill 2 Timothy 2:15 and rid ourselves of the content of 2 Timothy 2:16.  It does not matter what your attraction or addiction to the world might be, just listen to God’s voice and follow through with His words of wisdom and healing.  God does not want to be uncomfortable in any way, shape or form yet He shall be until all of His children know and love Him.


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