Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Death Is Disobedience

Death is Disobedience


This seems like it is profound statement since everyone has to see this process pass our eyes at some point in our lives and more intimately experience it for us as well.  This phrase strikes fear in all lives for we have no real concept of what occurs after we die and even though we may have an idea the reality of such future actions are not known.  So, since death has to be experienced by everyone why then is it considered disobedience and since this is the case who are we being disobedient to when we take our last breath?  For some it can be an easy assessment as to why this process occurs but to others it may come as a surprise to know that we were never created to die in any manner but it was our choice to surface this fixed wage and thus establish our spiritual journey as the only way to know eternal life.  Do not worry, we have an option to choose once again that will guarantee our eternal life as we know it and also to further our knowledge of God which is the eternal unknown.

I have mentioned once before about the first funeral that I attended when I was in the 4th grade.  I was in Salinas, California and it was an elderly gentleman who I looked up to when I was at this age.  My words to him I really did not understand for I was a young lad but whatever I said to him on those numerous occasions must have meant a great deal to him for one phrase I used he had placed on his wreath over his casket.  This specific memory about this portion of my life I do not think about very often but when I do I remember how my father and mother kept me close to their sides as I approached the gentleman’s body for the first time after he left this world.  Both of my parents did a fabulous job in consoling my fears while at the same time explaining to me, on my level, why this event had occurred.  Most importantly they shared with me that he was now with Jesus and that I would see him again one day.  To be honest, I am glad that I did not fully understand death that day because what my eyes, heart, and spirit are subject to today burn deep within my spirit and it pains me greatly on a daily basis.

The story of our death does not begin with the day that sin actually entered into our lives but on the day that Lucifer rebelled against God and was thrown down to the earth as a punishment for his disobedience.  It is stated in the Bible that Lucifer was the most beautifully created angel that God made and that he was the “#2” created being in heaven.  This is a status that many of us would love to have in our lives but if we ever obtained such a position and appearance it is easily known that we would certainly fall and disgrace our existence by our selfish wants based upon the ultimate nature of our existence.  Yet, at the same time it is also difficult for our finite minds to completely understand why Lucifer would do such an idiotic maneuver to but whatever the cause it did occur and now he had his eyes set on a new target of God’s and that is where our article comes into play with why death is a disobedience.

It has been said many times in God’s Word that no one can serve two masters which means that whichever side one chooses to represent they must follow that leader in order to be true to their cause and ultimately their existence.  God has followed this truth for as long as He has been around which once again is a period of “time” that we cannot understand for spirit has no time and it knows no time thus deeming the definition of eternity.  If God had no choice but to cast Lucifer down to the earth for his greed and selfishness then that means that unity, peace, love, harmony, and truth are all part of God and His creative purposes.  When something goes wrong and since God cannot serve another master because of His Holy status then that means someone else must have done something wrong to rock the eternal boat.  This is not news to some of us but it needs to be said to set the foundation for the next portion of this article.

So, when did death occur?  It first occurred when Lucifer fell from Heaven and when he could not live up to his wanted potential God spiritually slapped him in the face by creating humans.  Humans had the consciousness of choice yet we were created in such a manner that spirit came last and physical first, placing a unique order intact but at the same time continued to keep the eternal settings as a choice.  This process we have already discussed and it is a brilliant design plan by God and it proves again that His thoughts are not like ours and they are definitely not like any angel either.  Satan then went to work on our eternal existence and it is here where Adam and Eve gave into the earthly relationship that they had with the serpent, thus proving sin was real and that God’s words about death were, in fact, true and not a lie as the serpent suggested.

Anything that has to do with disobedience represents sin and to narrow it down a bit more sin equals disobedience.  Sin and disobedience coincide with each other and they define each other which are why death is disobedience because death is a sin against God’s Kingdom.  If these two words define each other that means that no matter how they are used or in which position they present first they mean the same.  One can place any type of condition in this position and equate it with the word sin and it will interpose with each other.  This means that no matter what word one uses to describe sin it is on the same level as the word sin; therefore, sin is anything that goes against God’s Kingdom and the advancement thereof.  So, in short, since God does not represent death that means that death is disobedience to God and therefore considered a sin to which we ourselves cannot change on any level.

In Genesis 2:15-17 states as follow: “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.  And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

How powerful are the arts and the acts of sin and how important are they that we do not harbor such activity in our lives?  This passage gives us the entire truth about how separating sin is and how far the boundaries of such devastation are wide.  As stated above it is hard to imagine why Lucifer wanted to disobey God but it is just as hard and maybe even harder to fathom why Adam and Eve wanted to disobey God because while Lucifer set the precedence for sin God did not hide this meaning from Adam and Eve.  So, the question is why did they purposefully disobey them and allow death into our lives?  We will find that this question plagues our inner and deepest thoughts on a routine basis and haunts every one of us as each day passes and we come another day closer to this eternal destiny.  God did not create Lucifer to be separated from Him nor did He create us to die either.  God cannot create something to automatically die for it does not represent a characteristic of God.  While Lucifer’s will against God was ugly and spiritually violent it kept true to form the battle for Daniel’s answer did, no one died for spirit is created only on one level; however, Lucifer did sin and God cast him down and one day Satan’s reign over this earth will end and he too shall be eternally separated from God which can only mean one thing, eternal death.

When medical researchers look at the human body they cannot help but be amazed at how organized and specific the human body is designed.  They offer no answers as to why the body one-day functions with the utmost functions of vitality and then the next day is found to be in a chaotic form and disarray so engulfing that its integrated systems are collapsing and shutting down with each passing minute.  The reason for this sudden turn of destruction is a process that only two humans did not completely experience but only for a certain amount of time, another portion of the sin equation that confounds our thinking because as soon as our developing body inside our mother’s womb reaches the fifth cell of maturation the physical death process begins and then increases over time, so you see we do not need any other types of death help in the initial stages of our lives for all of us who are lucky to open our eyes outside the womb shall meet an untimely death anyway.  Sin takes its toll on our lives from the initial moments after our conception and with the definition of sin being disobedience and vice versa we fall into this disobedience category pretty young.  It is this fact about our growth pattern that also gives credentials to Scripture where it states that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

We really do not know exactly how much time passed from when Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden of Eden until the time their son Cain killed his brother Abel.  But we can see that the process of sin was still alive and working through the human heart even though it was already known what consequences it brought.  A logical question that can be raised is if Adam and Eve knew that death could not only originate from their minds about their own lives but could it originate and then be executed from one human to another?  The depths of sin and the effects it has on a human are complete and whole which cannot be eradicated from our lives for as science tells us death begins at an early stage and continues until we draw our last breath no matter how that last breath is taken.  The world portrays death as a true alternative to the problems that one has while on this earth and it is a gross abnormality to believe any such other offer.  This is why it is so important that we understand and then teach our children about the vitality and truth about life and how important it is that we respect life on all levels.

We have no authority to take a life and it does not matter in what stage of life we are talking about either.  Yes, we have that choice and through the mind and heart of humans, we have developed a vast array of systems to enable us to kill even though we do not have the eternal authority to complete such a measure.  People who believe in God should in no way entertain the idea that death is okay and should be explored as an option for our hearts.  We only know about life and how to operate through such a condition but we believe the rumors (lies) from our friends and other settings around us that say there is nothing wrong with death and that if we find a way to escape such a condition we should take it.  Death comes from Satan who is the ruler of this world and is no friend of yours or mine.  His goal is to seek you out and to terminate your life in any way possible and if we open any door to such activity he will grab a hold of your heart and try to convince you that death is a good thing.

When we choose death over life it is always a clear indication of what our hearts deem as 1# in our lives, or I should say which kingdom we have chosen to be #1 in our lives.  There is an eternal war for our lives and it does not matter how hard we may think we have things on earth if we take our own lives there will be nothing for us to stand on for suicide is a voluntary death sentence and the most selfish act one can do against yourself and to God.  There is nothing glamorous about death or the way one approaches it and then succumbs to it for it is the highest form of sin against how you were created and to our Creator.  All I know if life and while most days I do not even think about how lucky I am to be able to open my eyes every day I am reminded of how things are meant to me as soon as I realize that I have taken another breath in the midst of another day that God has made.

You ask as to why does one wish to choose death for it would not seem to be a logical option?  But the ruler of this world has bombarded us with so much false information concerning the matter that unless one knows the eternal Word of God and what it truly means we really have no choice but to believe in what the lies tell us.  On every level, humans have willingly and voluntarily taken God (life) out of all public content and conversation and as long as this trend continues the more life will be drained from our spiritual existence that at some point in the near future we shall collapse and not be able to return to our spiritual feet.  This process will not stop with the spiritual but will include the physical identities as well and if you have been paying attention to what is occurring around us you will know that this process has already begun in the physical which means the spiritual is already on the ground.  No wonder it is an important detail for God to be out of our lives for when this occurs we have no defense against the enemy thus creating an environment of a turkey shoot and a so-called hiding place without any walls to mention either.  One cannot correct measures for protection unless all aspects of obedience (truth) has been taken into consideration and then applied for if it is not in place Satan will be able to drive legions of demons through what we believe is our adequate heart’s beliefs and the resulting battle will come as a complete annihilation of our lives. 

For the past few articles, I have mentioned that this small community of mine has been “rocked” by two youth suicides three weeks apart.  While it has been a tumultuous time in this valley there is still a ray of hope that we can cling to and look towards.  Touchy words and quick popping remarks have ripped the airwaves of this area and then combine these two tragedies with other expected and unexpected deaths and you have the perfect ingredients for an explosive dialog between different sides.  While there is a time and a place to send and hand out condolences the time for responsible truth never goes away.  It is important that when addressing such matters that it is done in a loving manner and yet a truthful one for lies at a funeral are still lies and shall only infect (doors) others in the sanctuary to entertain the idea of death at some point down the road.

All voluntary deaths are ugly and cannot be hidden from the public eye for an extended period of time.  Youth suicides are extremely devastating on the entire community especially hitting hard in the schools.  It is enough of a tragedy that these events occur and that acquaintances, friends, and family are left wondering why and left to grieve without any true resolution or answers.  School counselors are under enough pressure as it is to oversee that each student receives the highest quality of education demanded but when such a tragedy occurs a greater pressure accrues at a breakneck pace.  All types of informational gatherings occur, support groups form, and grief sessions occur and while all of these contributions are important and are necessary there is One ingredient that is not mentioned or even welcomed in this healing process and that is God.  We must take into consideration a very important detail here and that is this: if a person cannot cope with their world and their worldly surroundings enough to end their life, then what makes us believe that we can provide the necessary help through otherworldly and human alone provisions?  This makes no sense and will do no good for not too further down the road we shall read about another close tragedy, thus the pattern continues without end.  It is our duty to teach the truth about God and to share with them that God does not represent death and that He has provided a way of eternal restoration.

Which brings us to the cure for those who wish to not die and for that way out there is only one way possible.  It is evident that the Church has voluntarily turned her authority over to the world for she has been weakened when it comes to the truth and her effectiveness in times of need and trouble.  When issues arise she does the instinctive thing to sound the alarm and to inquire help but is quickly told to go sit back down in the corner until the current issue is improperly dealt with according to those who now are in charge.  Church, take a hard and long look at the conditions that this nation and all others are facing for it is your lack of truth and responsibility that has led us to such a disastrous setting.  Jesus commanded us to go and teach the gospel to the world for a reason, for He understood that if we did not do it according to His authority things would end up in a manner such as we see today.  The world is doing its job how come we are not doing what Jesus told us to do?  You want to see these horrific suicides and unnecessary deaths cease, then turn back to God and proclaim the truth about life again.  There can be no hope if we accept voluntary death as a standard amongst which we deem normal.

Do you understand that if you do not proclaim Jesus’ Will and follow the Ways of God that you automatically promote death?  There is no sitting on the fence when it comes to any issue concerning God and our eternity and since we cannot serve two masters then if we are not doing what God has told us to do then we must fall into the other side of things.  Death is disobedience which is sin and can thus only represent the world and its defeated fallen ruler, so we need to stop defending it and once again expose it by the eternal light.  It is our duty and our loving obligation to tell the world about Jesus and the good news of life.  Church we can no longer defend death on any level but we must promote life as God created it.  Repent, Church and follow through completely with the command that Jesus gave us to do, throw away the sin of the world and put on the armor of God so that we may fight our true enemy and recognize exactly what is going on around us.  God loves each one of His children and it is our responsibility to tell them and then show them that God is different than the world.


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