Tuesday, August 14, 2018

No Beginning

No Beginning


It is difficult for our thought process to comprehend that something has no beginning for the very definition of our life begins at conception, a process that takes place and begins a growth process.  Yet we are familiar with or have at least heard about a being that has no beginning or an end, one that cannot be accurately defined due to this status but one that provides eternal life and love beyond our human belief system.  The world projects this Being as a controlling and manipulative creature that wants nothing but to place you under His thumb but in truth, all He wishes to do is to bring us eternal life and freedom from the true enemy of our existence.  We have chosen to accept the world as our friend and as we do so, watch the world grow within our hearts which only can bring tragedy.  It is time to bring back God into our lives and to once again believe and place our trust in the One who has no beginning.

It is no mystery that our lives have a beginning, a place where male and female come together as one and form a new life this is an old practice that has not changed since mankind was out from under the eternal cover of the Garden of Eden.  When one studies the process of Embryology, it becomes apparent that the entire act of conception and then growth is a process that is a miracle within itself, for there are so many errors that can take place yet few ever materialize.  It is this conception point that represents our beginning and a point that many will contend as the arguing stance for their beliefs, but no matter how one wishes to perceive this truth, it is the truth of conception that begins our life until we draw our last breath sometime later.  It is this point of reference that if something does go wrong the issue can be noticed and in some cases fixed but the point is we have a definitive starting point and everything from that moment on can be written about and talked about as our point of reference.

Everything about our physical lives can be defined from the point of our conception for it is at this point where our genetic makeup begins to replicate itself into who we are and who we will become.  There are no genetic codes for some of the current theories that the world is promoting, just eternal lies that seem like great alternatives to facing reality and the truth about the fight that is being waged against us.  Angels are in the same boat as we are, for they too have a beginning for they are created beings, it does not matter if they are fallen angels or angels that continue to serve God and His Ways, God is the only Being that has no beginning and it is for that reason alone that He is always given a capital letter when referred to.  It is hard for our finite and limited minds to believe or to even comprehend such a truth and so it goes that through this limited and foiled mind of ours we should believe that there is one Being that stands far greater in wisdom and knowledge that we can ascertain.  Isn’t it kind of worrisome that many people who want to find a definition of their lives totally ignore the Bible?  In truth, it is not a mistake but a conceived lie from our eternal enemy to keep us ignorant of our existence and purpose for our life.

Genesis 1:1 brings us into light about just how long God has been around, or it at least gives us an idea that even though our beginning as we know it God was already present and from all indications had been present for countless ages before our starting point.  Genesis 1:1 also states that even before we were present on this earth God was present and through this verse alone proves that God was around when the beginning of all things known was started.  This verse states as follows: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  This means that God was around long enough before this verse occurred that He understood the necessity of this creation and the reasons why this creation was needed to further His Kingdom.  Now, to be honest, this type of information is hard to deal with in the presence of our minds for we cannot even remember when we were little babies much less when our Creator was alive and well so far back in time that there is no way to measure such an era.  It is also through this verse that God sets apart the foundation of eternal faith in Him and therefore defines His existence through the truths of His Word.

It is this foundational truth about our Creator that our enemy seeks to destroy in our hearts for he knows that if he can place doubt in our hearts about this truth all other lies that he will present in our lifetimes have the possibility of believing as well.  We forget that science is all based upon the physical laws the God established for our learning, not in the direction of disproving that God exists.  The idea that God does not exist is a concept that many educated people have come to agree with, solely based upon the theories of humans seeking the truth but believing a lie when their results are presented to them.  The human laboratory (the heart) can never fully understand what occurred eons before time began but we can put pieces of the puzzle together if we are listening to the correct voice.  God placed it in our hearts to learn, this world is limited and God is not; therefore, in order to understand this limited rock, we must first begin to understand God.  We can never forget that there is only one Being that has no beginning and since God has no beginning that automatically means that He can only have and thus survive in one direction. 

Since God has one direction this also means that anything He creates will be created in the same manner but since God is the ultimate representative of eternal love He gives all of His beloved creations the ability to choose Him and not hover over us like a controlling master or slave owner.  Which sets the Scripture passage of Isaiah 55:8 into motion when it states: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”  Now, many have used this verse to try to grasp the understanding of how God works in His mysterious ways and rightly so, but how about we look at things on a more direct and personal level and place this verse to our standards.  If we do this we see ourselves as a failing creation due to our choices and one who needs pure and holy guidance at all times in our life.

God understands that our finite minds cannot completely understand His existence.  While this is a detail about His existence that might deflect some thoughts and beliefs about Him, His Word does provide our minds and hearts with enough information to give us the direction in which He wishes for us to know.  For example, while Adam and Eve were still within the holy confines of the Garden of Eden and pure in all standings of existence, God knew that even in this perfect state humans could not fully understand His presence and existence.  This limited ability of ours is explained in Genesis Chapter 2 when God instructed Adam to dress and to keep the Garden of Eden and not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  If mankind would have understood all things about life and about God, God would not have needed to instruct this command to Adam and Eve for it would have already been known; for even the angels have choices and our enemy is one that chose to leave God and His Kingdom.

God has never left any of His people to rot in a land without giving instructions; in fact, God has never left mankind rotting in ANY type of living conditions or existing conditions for that matter.  God has always instructed His people, everyone, that is, of how to live under His protection and grace and it is our choice to either abide by His authority or to go our own way and live according to the world’s principles.  Today, God has left us with specific instructions on how to survive in this world and trough this definition of His existence also provide a means to which others can live eternally as well.  In doing so, God has not left out the truth about His existence and in Isaiah 55:8 we find that God is willing to share with us the truth about how long He has been around.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, saith the Lord.”  Through this verse, God sets Himself on a different plane than what we are constituted, for we have a beginning and if He represents a different plane, He must not have a beginning.

It is this difference that begs our hearts to study His existence and definition, or if we are honest with ourselves and listen to the desire of worship that He placed within our lives.  Through God’s will for our existence to understand His being, He made His Word possible for us to understand it, which means that humans had to write His definition in such a manner that through His Divine instructions gave to us as wisdom and knowledge about Him; a brilliant method of individuality and personality that no human could ever conjure up alone.  While many people seek the Bible for disproving His existence, God has placed His Word in our hands so that it may serve as the greatest covering and guide for eternal life.  God has never pushed any one of His children away from Him but made it strictly our choice to serve Him or not and it is through this eternal gift of His definition (the Bible) that serves as the foundation of eternal life if we choose to bring ourselves closer to Him through living within His definition.  In short, if you do not believe that the Bible is the eternal, unadulterated, pure and holy Word of God you cannot truly state that you believe in God or His Son because if one does not believe in a definition as being specific, no definition can be adhered to.

Isaiah 55:8 might seem a tad odd or even a verse that has no relevance to the topic at hand but when you dig deeper into the verse one will find that it actually brings inviting possibilities into our lives not only about God but our existence as well.  This verse does separate those who wish to understand God and the true and holy definition of His existence from those who superficially and whimsically read over verses to satisfy a reading guideline or conscientious timeline (religious) which provides a guilt-free mindless environment.  Many people use this superficial drawing table as a defense for how they wish to interpret God’s Word and in doing so, voluntarily invites our enemy into our hearts with an open door.  If we pursue God with a pure and holy heart, He has stated that He will justly show us His Ways and thus can adopt them into our lives.  As God demonstrated to us back in Genesis about how He cannot serve our lives when our hearts are not pure, this holy Way still stands true today.  However, He did not leave Adam and Eve back then and He will not leave us today, for He always provides a way even when the waters rise and take away dry land.

How many times have we humans tried to make things work, or provide answers on our own without God being the center of the explanation?  I know that I have personally tried to hand out answers to those with these types of limited and rhetorical words, all to the effect of naught for nothing gets accomplished with such gibberish.  If we stop and really contemplate what God is saying to us here we will begin to understand that everything that we need cannot be defined or answered from a finite beginning.  All true and vibrant answers must come to a different and separate source that has far-reaching abilities than what a limited source can provide and God wants to make it clear to His children that He and He alone, is the source of all our answers and the eternal provider of all our needs. 

Over the past centuries, many individuals, leaders, and nations have come to rely upon their own physical characteristics rather than having faith in the One who has no beginning.  While some scientists will tell you that anyone who believes in such spiritual and faith-related beliefs is hysterical in nature, they fail themselves in providing a sound and holy alternative answer.  When one who has a beginning tries to rise above a Being with no beginning the entire truth claim of that person’s presence is automatically falsified.  Once again, the prime example of this is given to us in Genesis Chapter 3 when humans choose to believe in a defeated and created being instead of listening to the One who has no beginning.  Now, God poses another question here concerning our beliefs and lives, and that is who do you believe in?  Do you believe in the created beings that have a worldly covering defined through a defeated enemy or do you believe in an eternal Being who has never been defeated and has no rival who can give you short term, long term and eternal answers that will not only give you answers you wish but eternal knowledge as well?  The answer to that question is definitely visible today and it does not look good for the people that walk the earth.

Church, you too are included in this limited answer session, for you have violated God’s truth laws when it comes to your desire to live under the Covenant that He provides.  Oh yes, you love to claim the “grace” portion of the Covenant but fail to recognize, understand, then live under its ENTIRE Ways.  Claiming grace alone will not provide you with ANY protection from the wiles of the devil, nor will living at the edge of the Covenant “umbrella” either – you know, the condition that you can step out from under the covering in public but step back under it when time comes to show off your Christian status.  Church, you have become stricken with a disease that you deem is necessary to be accepted within the communities of the world, to remain relevant. You are NOT supposed to become relevant to the world, you are supposed to oppose the world in love according to the Ways and definition of God.  So, once again God has a question for us and it goes like this.  How do you expect the conditions of the world and especially your lives to miraculously improve if you first do not follow the One example that can provide everyone with the desired conditions? 

The answer to this question is quite simple in that we shall never understand or know the true meaning of life and the conditions that God desires for ALL His children until we turn our hearts back to Him.  God’s call to repentance is clear and concise with no hesitations or obstacles in front of it.  God knows that at some point if we the Church do not stop our sinning and turn back to Him so we can correctly proclaim His dominion to the dying world, our nation and all other nations that exist shall be physically and spiritually affected by a grave judgment, and this judgment is NOT the one represented in the end times.  We must once again find the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to burn away all ugliness and sin from our hearts before God has to say “enough”.  Church, repent and allow God to restore His perfect heart into our lives again so that we may fully understand His Ways and His truth about His No Beginning.  This is good news, people and it is our responsibility to teach this and to proclaim this truth to those who are dying and need answers.  Are we afraid of the answers that we may receive or is it really that we are afraid of the truth about God and the truth that He has no beginning?


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