Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Life Wins

Life Wins


This has been a huge topic of interest over the age of my life and when it researched over the ages itself.  Many topics and subjects have been written about this term from what it means to who has control over it but one constant continues to remain is that once a life is created it is always going to be around and if destroyed a memory.  God intended for this process to occur in such a manner of remembrance it is mankind that tries to sweep it under the rug along with the help of the ruler of the world.  Life is eternal just as the Creator of life and one day we shall see all life come together as it was meant to be established.  The question is this: how will we determine that day and what will become of our life when we witness the truth about creation and what it means to be created.  God wants us to understand as much about life as possible which is why He gave us His Word in order for us to have an eternal reference about our eternal existence.

Over the past few years, we have been witness to many people voluntarily ending their lives.  It does not matter if they are rich and famous or just the so-called normal average person.  I know that our community has been blasted over the past two years with news of teenagers committing suicide due to a number of reasons.  The procedure of abortion is always an interesting topic to discuss for it too erases an act by humans for various reasons all of which terminates a life on the physical side of things yet causes a multitude of personal and familiar issues after the fact.  We continue to see countless acts of violence across this nation and many others and each one of these acts ends in a tragedy that will scar people’s lives forever.  As we turn on the news each day it is easy to become overwhelmed with such human idiocracies and travesties, but we continue to plunge forward without any avail.  Where does this cycle end and more importantly where did this cycle begin would be the two logical questions that need to be answered?

It is clear that the human mind when it comes to its presence in this world is on a personal level only with disregard for anything and everyone else around it.  One cannot argue the fact that each day we see or hear about some type of violent activity that has claimed another life or multiple lives.  Human violence has been around ever since Cain and Able walked the earth and if we are honest, probably further back than that since Adam and Eve were separated from the world while they were in the Garden of Eden, it is just that we read about the first murder committed between their sons.  It is this process of snuffing out of a life that concerns all parents each time their child walks out the household door, and that sigh of relief does not occur until their precious feet walk through the threshold again.  It is also just as easy to pass by when we hear about others’ lives being taken away before natural causes occur simply because we are not close or familiar with those families or individuals.  Far too often this is the case and our hearts eventually become numb to such news and by the next morning, our minds have totally forgotten about such incidents.

I remember a few years back when one of our prominent people in the community took his own life.  He was praised over and over during his funeral service for all of the accomplishments that he had done over his time on the earth.  You would have thought he had died of old age or from some sickening disease for nothing was really mentioned about how he passed from this life nor was there any mention of his eternal status that had already been introduced to him, it was only the positive issues that were mentioned and nothing more.  This is only a half-truth which means it was a lie because his life was just beginning for there is the spiritual aspect of life that God gives us and it is this part of our existence that lives on forever, a term that is difficult for us to understand given that our physical portion lives for a documented amount of time.  We can ill afford to forget this truth and no matter what we wish for our lives they shall continue long after we draw our last physical breath.  Our enemy tries his best to fool us enough in believing that our problems shall end as soon as we draw our last breath, no matter what method takes us away but just all other statements by him this is a lie and one that cannot be taken back if successful.

One of the more grotesque lies that humans fall for is for us to believe that once their life is over that they will no longer be a burden to their families.  They lose all concept of reality of choice and how it should be handled by the spirit that God has given us.  When the spirit is placed second or third in our lives it is easy for our enemy to control our thoughts and lives for our Creator is not first and leading the way.  One cannot expect anything but death if they place God in another position than first.  Satan understands that God places His spirit into our lives for a reason and that reason is to maintain the presence of His Word being spread to a dying world.  Your life is a unique masterpiece that has a specific purpose and while your breath may not always reflect this great setting your children or grandchildren may be the key to some extraordinary achievement down the road.  It is the desire for Satan to see us eternally separated from God and it is this reason alone that we must keep our noses and our hearts grounded in the Word of God for if we do not know what to look for when our enemy attacks we will become target practice for him and at some point our truth shall confide in the world and its reward shall take hold.

When I look back at my life I have to wonder about such an argument for I was what the world would consider being a bastard child who was given up for adoption to save face for my mother.  Now, for the longest time, I did not know all the truth about my life nor did my parents for they were told a lie in order to cover up what had occurred.  Mom and dad never kept anything from me and through their truth about what they had been told they relayed to me as I grew older.  Almost a decade ago now, my biological family found out about me and then found me, the old proverbial knock on the door setting came true in my heart.  At the time I was not writing anything but God was sure knocking at my heart’s door with a bunch of information that needed to be shared with others.  To this day, I have no idea who these words that God gives me to share with others are for but I know that there are those out there who know of someone that needs them and I obey God and what He gives me to say.  I am fifty years old now and up until a few years back, I hated to write but now my heart needs to write for I know that God has this plan for me to give His Words to someone in need.  As of now, this is my purpose that God has given me and I shall do my best to fulfill it every day, it has taken a while to complete but it proves that my life was meant for living not dying.

As Genesis Chapter 3 unfolds we see what occurs when humans try to override God and His plans for each one of us.  While Adam and Eve were just two individuals they continue to represent what life is all about, the future.  They had things made with no issues whatsoever to think of but chose to change their lifestyles to satisfy their own desires.  The manner in which this event occurred actually gave God the eternal authority to end the lives of Adam and Eve and thus wiping out humanity before it even began to grow and establish itself.  Yet, through this complicated system of sin and disobedience, God had created in us through the manner by which He created us the option to continue life and to present ourselves as the ultimate eternal choice of proving His Kingdom to be true and valid.  A further testament and proof that our lives are worth far more than what our enemy tells us for God cannot tell us or show us that our lives are anything less than priceless.  It is through this example that God shows us that life wins because God is an eternal Being and a consistent God who can only create life and since He is eternal that is all He can create as well.  In other words, life shall always win no matter what the case may be.

When we look at the life of King David we can see a similar pattern that I follow.  No, I am not saying I will be a king at all but my life follows many aspects of David’s and we need to take a closer look at what he had to endure and what it meant for the nation of Israel.  The order in which David had to live under at home was brutal, to say the least, but the lessons he learned while living his life at home provided the skill and knowledge that would forever live in the hearts of countless people along with a stubborn and rebellious nation.  A question all of us pose to ourselves at some time is why does God have a plan for us or what is the plan that God has for our lives and why?  If there was not an eternal side to our lives then our enemy would not have a reason to target us today.  His job would have been done and over in the Garden of Eden when he tricked Adam and Eve.  Yet, he continues to adhere to his position of lying to us and thwarting God’s truth from being manifested in our lives.  God understands this and it is this understanding that God Created us so that we may continue His work of life eternal.  It is the specific plan that God has for our life that promotes then conducts the eternal life setting at all of us wish and seek after, so why does death become so important enough to execute?

The ruler of this world loves to tempt us into believing that what our physical says actually rules our spiritual and while this may seem to some as an absurd statement in the eyes of our enemy is cannot be any truer.  See, our enemy used the flesh in order to disguise the spiritual truth about obedience while we were in the Garden of Eden.  Flesh, before spirit is a dangerous state and category to rely upon for the single line of communication with our Creator, is in jeopardy when we are living in this condition and if not changed within a reasonable timeframe it is certain that our eternal communication line will be cut thus relying upon a death sentence as our “savior”.  So, if this is the way we choose to live then yeah, it not an absurd statement at all but a correct one.  However, this type of living is a lie and at some point, the truth shall be revealed and if not while we are breathing then afterward.  See, the title of this article is “Life Wins” and there is nothing else before that phrase or after it either and it is for a reason.

No matter how much we sugar coat our physical lives we cannot escape the truth when it comes to our spiritual life.  God is a consistent God and He is Spirit in nature which means He lives and breathes in this manner, which automatically places Him in a spiritual category that defines life itself.  He is perfect and holy in ALL manners that our minds can comprehend and even to those manners in which we cannot comprehend.  The Jewish language does not even have a definitive definition or written word for God, for He is that vast and incomprehensible.  Yet, He offers us a plan of redemption and salvation so that after we draw our last breath we have the assurance that life as we know it and what we do not know of it yet shall continue.  God is the source of life and if we do our best to obey Him and His Word at all times we will personally know and understand just how life wins for eternity.  However, there is an alternative side of things and it is one that our enemy sells as the optional truth and sadly, many people buy into this lie and upon their last breath realize that they were wrong and God was correct.  Life wins!

Since God is eternal in all things that means life is eternal since He is the definition of life.  We have previously been taught that God has no rival which means He has never been defeated and thus has never been wrong.  What does this mean to us when it pertains to life?  It means that God is the eternal source of life and if we choose to challenge Him and His definition then we are sending ourselves up against the same eternal Being that Lucifer challenged.  Do we need a reminder of how that confrontation turned out?  One can argue all they want in front of human courts and beg to keep all forms of murder legal, it does not matter for when you and I stand in front of the Creator of EVERYTHING, our selfish desires, and wants will melt away when God’s voice speaks which means all of our defenses shall be destroyed before we have a chance to open our mouths.  Life wins!

God is the author of all life and since this is a true statement, He cannot represent or give anything else but life.  Up until Genesis 3:6 Adam and Eve had no idea about what death was for all they knew and understood was life and the eternal benefits that it brought with it.  Adam and Eve were created in life itself and are the only humans that knew how life was intended to be.  Even though Adam and Eve chose the world instead, life continued to win for it did not die but was still intact and protected by God because if it was not then there would have been no reason for sacrifices in the Old Testament and definitely no reason that God would send His only Son to die and serve as the eternal sacrifice in the New Testament.  Even though to our human eye that this type of definition of life is far-fetched or a long ways away, it is not for it is actually closer than a brother.  What I find so intriguing sad is that many people who call themselves Christians spend less time studying the Word of God than those who do not know God at all but are seeking foundation to ignore God.  How can even argue with anyone when they have more knowledge about God than we do?  Do you realize that they actually understand, blindly of course, about life than we?

To the world, this type of final outcome that is constant and secure would be considered final without any degree of variability possible.  This cannot be any further from the truth because we have all the options known to mankind to make such choices while we walk this earth.  When we present ourselves to the world on a daily basis it is a shaky plan and outcome at best, for the world continually changes and as it does take any and all stability with it.  It is well known that our lives do not do very well when the rug that we are standing on is constantly threatened with being pulled from under us.  God cannot create such chaos only the ruler of the world can establish such animosity and uncertainty.  God is the Creator of life itself which follows a certain pathway and is subject to this chaos if we allow our enemy to infiltrate our lives.  To the world, being calm and resting during a storm is madness and in some circles be considered insane, but this is the life that God brings to our lives and is exactly why He can represent Life eternal and why we can always state the truth when we claim that Life Wins!

One of the most probabilities is that people who seek out the truth about life will be bombarded with different opinions concerning the issue.  This type of aggressive behavior should be expected and is warranted since those who stand on this truth statement go against what the world preaches.  It is at this time that the Church should be bold enough to take a stand and to proclaim the truth about life but we sit in silence and accept what the world teaches as the truth and in many cases participate in the physical aspects of the world when it comes to life or ending life.  Ending a life on any scale is exactly what our enemy wants for when the physical is gone the potential for what that life was commissioned to do is null and void but what our enemy shall not tell you is that even though that physical life is no longer present it is alive and well in the spirit realm.  It does not matter if that life was an aborted baby or a murdered adult, the physical is gone but the spiritual is alive and it was the human that took its physicality from this place.  Did we learn anything from this life that is now gone or did we just allow our own selfishness to rule the day and establish the kingdom of the world’s grip tighter around our necks?

In a world that cries out for some kind of consistency and stability, it would seem logical for every single one of us to be running as fast as we can to this eternal and perfect source.  Yet, the one entity that should be the voice of this eternal truth is silent on the matter and promotes personal and physical choice over what is proven true and righteous.  Her voice of reason has been replaced with reckonings of worldly trash and acceptance of revolt in the streets.  Her congregational walls have been lined with adulterers and pedophiles which are on the exposing block almost every week and yet I never hear a single word about repentance from these denominations, only needed time off to get away from the spotlight for a while.  How vile God’s House has become and presents no shame or remorse for such activities, to me it seems like God needs to come down and wipe out a bunch of structures that serve no purpose to Him and once again set straight the moral compass of what His Temple should stand for.  There is a reason God says that He shall never be mocked, for with God and everything He stands for and does cries out to all creatures that Life Wins!  God does not represent a double standard and He shall defend life as it is His definition and since God is a consistent God He cannot vary from this truth.

God wants us to reevaluate our position and stance on just accepting the physical aspect of life once again.  Yes, the necessities of the physical are important but it is the spiritual that gives us our definition when it comes to eternity.  There is nothing we can do about our physical life for it shall end some day, but that is NOT where our existence ends and I can guarantee you that if we do not fully believe in God and all that He possesses and gives then we are sunk eternally due to our teaching of lies.  Eternity is not a game nor is it a handout, it is a free invitation for a battle that needs to be recognized and understood.  God loves each and every one of us and it is vital that we know what is at stake, for if we allow our enemy to infiltrate and then win over our hearts we shall never see eternity in the fashion and manner that God intended for us to walk within.

The world shall always pretend that God is out of date or behind the times and when a presentation that is so wishy-washy in its existence makes a statement such as this it is easy to believe.  Change is a good thing as long as it follows the Ways of God but any variance from such Standard and the world shall win, guaranteed.  In either outcome, God always wins and that means Life Wins no matter what one may believe.  Church, what are you showing and teaching the world?  Is it a worldly stance where you are afraid to proclaim the truth as you stand over a young person’s body after they have been taken from this world by their own hand, or are you eulogizing them adequately with eternal truth being proclaimed to those sitting in the pews of that service that are contemplating the same action?  Too many of our loved ones are dying or are being taken away from us not knowing who eternally loves them and how important it is to obey God and His Ways for the physical may end but the eternal is just that, eternal.  In all conditions and circumstances, Life Wins but which side of Life shall you give stance upon when your time arrives to represent your life itself?


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