Monday, September 3, 2018

Adam and Eve's Division

Adam and Eve’s Division


It is difficult to imagine that the first couple that was created had any type of division between them, but it is a truth that is rarely talked about yet an important topic for it rears its ugly head today.  God has always meant for our humanly relationships to be equal not only with each other but with Him at the same time but how often do our relationships separate even when we are still connected?  It is this dangerous position that God wants to show us about today and how important it is to keep Him first in all aspects of our intimate relationship with our spouse, for if we do not we are vulnerable to the devastating individual consequences of such divided relationships.  God also wants to remind us that no matter how our personal relationship status may be shaping out that it can be healed if both come together and renew their hearts with God and re-establish the “Definition of We”.

As I have stated a couple of times before, I have been through a divorce many years ago, and while that event occurred more than two decades ago I still carry a burden for the brokenness that came my way because of it.  Not only for my own self but for my past wife and daughter that was created during that marriage as well for both of them have suffered as well.  Living together yet separate is never a easy matter simply because it is a state in which God did not intend for any relationship to be subject to; however, it was a setting that I was well aware of and lived for quite some time and if I am to be completely honest was experiencing even before the marriage began.  I took matters into my own hands and ignored others’ opinions and advice concerning the entire situation and it was through this selfish mindset of mine and my past wife’s that caused so much deep anger and hurt that on certain levels still lives today.

It is difficult for me to admit that during this time in my life that I was not living for God and that I really had no intentions of living for Him either.  And while I had countless people praying for me and my family at the time, I knew that I was in control of things and that everything would turn out for the best for everyone involved.  I went into the military single in 1988 I got married and was divorced before my enlistment was up in 1992.  Now, how much control of the setting did I have as I look back on this period of time in my life?  It is clear that I had complete control of my life and did not allow the Creator of my life to have any part of what occurred either.  When I take a closer look at things, I have to admit that while I was married we were not one together in all areas, in fact, we were not one in most areas of our marriage yet we were still trying to function as one unit.  It was this condition that eventually took its toll on us and bit by bit separated us until the day came that things ended in total disaster.  Today, I am still not proud of this fact about my life but I can say that through God’s restoration of my life He has given me another chance to show the world that His Love endures no matter what our circumstances and choices present and that if we turn to Him and follow His Ways He is faithful to guide us into eternity according to His Covenant standards.

During this time in my life, I also lived according to what type of standard the world teaches is okay and acceptable.  It is a morally and spiritually plank that people walk when they fall for such a lie for they have no idea about what they are following and leading themselves into.  Furthermore, many see the end of that plank and instead of stopping before it is too late to continue walking hoping that their faith in themselves will change their situation before the end is reached.  I found out personally that this thought is not a good one because we end up walking right off the end of that plank when the time arrives.  Not only does it reflect about the choices we made but it also reveals the consequences of those choices in the public eye.  The world shall never even contemplate everyone getting along and living in one frame of mind and heart, for if it did then it would be following what God proclaims as the only way to true happiness and peace.  Having people or forcing people to accept certain ways in order for them to be accepted is not true peace or harmony.  The only true example we have of this peace and harmony is to have a perfect relationship with our spouse but if we follow the example of the world and live divided as we try to function as one, it only shall prove to be a lie.

As God shows me more about the vertical and horizontal relationship statuses I am overcome with sorrow because of all the things I did on my own instead of following His Ways and living in accordance with Covenant.  Today, as well back in the Bible times, that selfish initiative of humanity ruins the plan of God in people’s lives, I am lucky that God had enough of a hold of my life that I was able to see what was really transpiring around me and the fight for my eternal status.  No, I was never to the point of taking my life nor was I planning on destroying another life either for I did know that if I did that I would present myself as a complete violation of what life stands for and what God wants to teach all of us.  The world cannot teach life only death for death is the only thing that it knows, so why do we look towards the physical instead of the spiritual.  What do we depend upon or should the question accurately be asked who do we look toward for our help and the answers we so desperately seek?

A while back God shared with us the topic of being “we” in the article titled “The Definition of We”.  If you have not read this article I encourage that you locate it and read it for it explains what occurs when we live completely in a godly relationship before our eternal Creator and then what we are subject to when we choose to live without Him.  This topic serves as a consequence of what occurs when we leave such pure and holy presence to seek out the truth about life without God being first in our lives along with an answer as to why God doled out the consequences to Adam and Eve separately instead of together.  Up until a few days ago, I had never thought about this detail about God, Adam, and Eve before but it is a truth that explains just how important it is to not just live together but to be eternally bound together in ALL things. 

Most of the time when we think about the Garden of Eden and how perfect its creation was we cannot help but include both Adam and Eve in this picture.  It is not wrong to do have such a thought for when God created them He did so in such a manner that made them not only equal with each other but with Him as well, thus defining the eternal “Definition of We” that all of us still try to achieve this status again.  I am not trying to establish that we as created beings are God’s equal, there is no way that this can be possible but we were created in a state of perfection that only God can provide and it was in this status of relationship that was part of the definition of we.  Genesis 2:21-24 gives us the creation of woman from man and with this act of God gives us the first reproduction of human life.  It is done with perfect precision and completed with a perfect product that Adam saw was excellent in his eyes and heart.  In all aspects of life Adam and Eve were created equal even the spot where God chose to create Eve from was on the level, so according to this diagram of their establishment and lives together it is easy for us to place them together in all categories.

They are so much alike and equal that in Genesis 2:23 Adam proclaims that since the woman is from within him that she is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and is one together based on this creation type.  God is pleased with this proclamation for it is re-enforced that Adam understands the importance and necessity that they are one together and that nothing can separate them from this intimate condition.  So why would we ever separate them and place them into individual categories instead of keeping them as one at all times?  Have you ever taken into consideration that after Adam and Eve had sinned that God did not judge them as one but as individuals?  This seems like it goes contrary to how God created them, and since God is a consistent God shouldn’t He keep in line with that order?  As we shall see, God does keep in line with His Ways and it explains just how important marriages are and how vital it is that couples stay faithful to each other in all ways.

When God gave Adam the command to dress and keep the Garden of Eden the woman had not been created yet, but since she came from Adam her creation and subject fell under the same command as Adam because Adam and God were one in relationship at the time.  So, since this is the case it would naturally responsible to assume that Adam and Eve should be judged as one when they fell, but there are a few details that need to be examined before we can proceed with this claim.  As we look at how God created Adam and Eve and the eternal Law in which He brilliantly did so, we cannot overlook the fact that He gave us free will to choose whether or not we follow Him and His Ways or not.  When Adam and Eve were created they were so in a perfect environment with no flaws possible to invade their lives, unless of course, they chose to alter that state.  In Genesis Chapter 3 we find that they chose to do so but a detail is presented here that says that a bunch of time and events must have occurred between Genesis 2:25 and Genesis 3:1.

When couples decide to get married they forsake all others and live together as one in all aspects of their lives or at least that is what we all hope would occur.  It is evident that after Adam and Eve were united by God all seemed well and it looked like that they would make the perfect couple in a perfect place and setting.  However, at the time that Genesis 3:1 comes into play we see a different light being shone here because the serpent is now in the picture and he is addressing Eve alone and Adam while there says nothing nor does he place his thoughts into the setting.  It is this truth that gives reason to the statement that a great deal of time had passed since Genesis 2:25 was stated for it is clear that Adam and Eve are communicating as one but as individuals now.  If they were, then Eve would have taken her authority as a perfect creation of God along with her husband and stood against the invader.  But this did not occur and it is clear that the serpent had enough knowledge of her that he was comfortable with bringing up the issue of obedience concerning the fruit of the tree.

Now, common sense tells us that if a couple is in close communication with each other and that they are in total agreement with each other on all levels it should be easy for them to speak for each other incongruency.  If so, then Adam and Eve may have been okay with talking to the serpent and drew no violations with the encounters, but it is also evident that all three had previous conversations about the living conditions because it would not seem reasonable to just jump into a major conversation with a stranger about a specific topic that was the single item linked to obedience.  As stated before, it is evident that Adam and Eve might have been in unity here but a division had occurred for they were now not in unity with God which makes a breach between the protectorate and the protected.  Also, where was Adam while the serpent was talking to Eve?  We know that he was there for the Bible says so but at no time in Genesis 3:1-6 did he step up and defend his wife, a huge clue that Adam and Eve were divided on many levels.  This action of Adam’s does not correspond with his statement in Genesis 2:23 and therefore we can conclude that not only were there divisions between God and His prized creations but divisions between Adam and Eve as well.

It is known that the woman knew the command of God about the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but through the words that she said to the serpent her interpretation of said command had been altered enough to make it her own law and no longer God’s Law.  This is not a dig on women at all nor is it a stance that the man should be considered better than the woman either but it is a statement on the importance that we all know and understand the Laws of God according to HIS standards and not ours.  In order to do this, we must continually study the Bible and ask God to show us everything possible about His Ways for if we do not then we shall be subject to the serpent’s lies and will prove that we are vulnerable to those lies.  It is evident that Adam was comfortable with the answers Eve gave to the serpent, because he did not go contrary to what she proclaimed, plus the fact that when Eve saw that the fruit was good and ate, gave him the fruit and he did not stop or refuse it.  Sin now entered into their lives and their lives changed on every level for the remainder of their time on earth.

God has shared with us before about how important it is that we have a continual and fluent relationship with Him (vertical) so that we can have the same type of relationship with our spouses and with the people around us (horizontal).  We cannot deny that some type of major breach had occurred with the humans and God for the answer Eve gave to the serpent was a blatant lie.  Through the efforts of seduction along with time, Satan used these powers to effectively gain access to Adam and Eve, and in doing so further dividing them into individuals as the acquisition of sin was introduced into their lives.  This process was not an immediate presentation it was slowly introduced to them and then when the division was far enough and deep enough it was time to strike thus establishing a permanent division between God and mankind and allowing the entire set of the human to be changed.  It was this acceptance of disobedience that opened the door for us to be judged as individuals and not as one.  It was evident that something was amiss between Adam and Eve and with God which should tell us of how important it is that we include every bit of information that occurs in our lives with our spouses and to lift them up to our level as much as possible to keep and to dress that dominion command of being eternally equal.

When couples fall apart it is never a simple process for one half of their existence is ripped from their existence and even though another may be replaced that original division is still present and not given back.  That part of our lives still is missing which means ½ of us is not present and off elsewhere so how can we be united as one again?  It is this devastation that God saw between Him and the prized creations when it came time for Him to pass judgment for He could not judge them as one for they had become unequal with their creative origins before they actually committed the disobedient act.  So, when God placed His judgment on them He did so according to His Ways but also followed His gift of free will which dictated that He did such judgment on an individual basis.  The last example here is the most painful because it demonstrates that God must take into consideration the choices of Adam and Eve through the judgment that He hands down to His prized Creations.  Both Adam and Eve chose to divide themselves from the original position that they had been created in, thus through this decision of theirs proved that this painful portion comes to fruition when Adam and Eve are not judged as one but as individuals, the result of their own division plus the division with God.  If anyone ever wants to know why societies fall it is because of their divisions between God and mankind and a direct reflection of this division comes in the form of relationship divisions between man and woman.  What does the world promote?

Genesis 3:9-13 we see that the first blame game occurs when God directs His questioning to Adam, remember God is a consistent God and created Adam first so naturally, He would ask him first; not sexist just following His holy and unadulterated pattern of creation.  Adam decides to the most individual thing a human can do and that is to take the responsibility off of his shoulders and place it on someone else’s.  In verse 12 Adam exposes himself like no other human could ever compare in the future for Adam reiterates to God that it was the woman who God gave to him that was responsible for their setting and nakedness.  If Adam considered Eve to be his equal and the other portion that made them one, then he would have never made this statement to God and would have been “man” enough to take the lead as one body that had been originally created as such; the definition of we.  It is this aspect of division that God cannot ignore and while He understands what occurred He must hand down the eternal punishment that was mentioned to Adam and Eve back in Genesis Chapter 2.

The law that God gave Adam before the woman was created not only represented the obedience of mankind to God but also represented the relationship that man had with God as well.  For both, the command and the condition were in perfect harmony with each other and thus established the definition of we based on holy and purity on all levels.  The only way that this law could be broken is if one party would violate such unity and equality and since we know that God cannot deviate from His status ever, that left only one side of the equation and that was humans.  We have no sign of any hesitancy between Adam and Eve in Genesis Chapter 2 which means Satan started his work at the end of Genesis Chapter 2 and it culminated in the beginning verses of Genesis Chapter 3.  Which now brings us to the ugliness of inequality in a relationship for it is directly and strictly through relationship that God created Adam and Eve and relationship is still today the ONE thing that God desires from His prized Creations.

In Genesis 3:15-19 we have the individual judgments handed down by God to Adam and Eve.  Yes, I know God also judged the serpent as well but he is of no consequence here because his eternal placement is already spoken and it is ours that now hangs in the choices that we make.  We will learn more about each judgment at a later date but for now, it must have been a devastating nightmare for Adam and Eve to stand there and listen to the words of God be uttered against them each.  They had never heard such words from God before for all other meetings together were of a pleasant tone even when God spoke of the dangers around them.  They were now aware of what the importance of God’s words meant by their obedience and as to why it was dire that they kept His Word in their hearts.  But now, God had no choice but to sentence them as individuals for it was what they chose to become and thus no longer willing and through their own holy creation live as the eternal definition of we.  If God would have at any point judged them according to their original status then He would have proved Himself a liar and everything that defined Him would be a lie.  Ever wonder why each one of us will individually stand before God one day and review our lives?  It is for this reason alone way back in the Garden of Eden that this shall occur one day.

Now, God once again asks us about how important it is to keep and to dress our intimate and personal relationships not just on a superficial or horizontal plane but eternally and more importantly on a vertical plane.  It was this old adage of ours that should ring loud bells in our hearts for it needs to be eternally presented at such a level.  When we have a holy and pure relationship with God then we will be able to have the same type of truthful relationship with those around us.  Every one of us desires to have a relationship with others that we can completely put our trust into but in truth can the world provide such a status?  The track record of the world is deadly and cannot raise itself to any higher standard than such, so why do we continue to accept this lie into our lives for such a time that we believe that lies are all that is available?  God plainly states countless times in His Word that if we turn our hearts back to Him He will protect us with the same protection that He presented to Adam and Eve before they became individuals.  There is nothing better to know that the intimate relationship you have with your beloved is covered from God and that both of you rely on each other as one to function each day.

The deadly game of shifting relationships cannot be emphasized enough for it creates a partnership of devastation even when the best of intentions are intended.  Ripping people apart from a holy union does not come from God but only through an act of Satan just as he successfully did back in the Garden of Eden.  It is vital that when we begin a relationship it must be done as one with God begin at the head of such institution at all times and if this standard is not kept the relationship that has been established will be subject to every shift of directional wind change that is present.  And as the winds continue to migrate in their own direction, someone will eventually eat of the fruit around them and create another breach in the definition of we.  It does not matter which level of relationship one wishes to obtain, this truth stands firm on and for all.  Nothing shall be left untouched including the most intimate of all relationship levels that physically bring man and woman together.

So, Church, what is your response to this truth about relationship status and how are we supposed to protect such institutions?  Can we do this through selfish pogroms of individuals by excluding the truth for the world’s stance?  Can we take sides with the world to prove our denominational point of accountability?  Or can we even just sing hymns of peace, love, and joy and ignore the fact that people are committing both physical and spiritual suicide while we all sit around in our flower circles and have a group hug around the coffee machine?  Eternity is no game people, it is just that ETERNITY!!  And once our life is over we can no longer make choices for they have been permanently made.  We are not supposed to be out to prove Adam and Eve correct or even wrong but to choose God and His Ways so that our eternity is represented by the covering of God that He intended for all of us to have.  We can never hope to obtain such peace and perfection again if we do not first believe and live under the law of God and to despise our enemy enough to boldly stand against his world.  We need to love people enough to share with them the true and unadulterated Life that God promises and that only comes by obeying His Word and Definition.


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