Wednesday, November 14, 2018

For or Against

For or Against


This concept of reality has come into question over the past decade or so and has grown exponentially over the last few years.  The basic and fundamental base for this truth is easily projected in the worldly sense but ignored and reviled as an enemy of the popular State when it comes to the Holy Writ and Sacredness of God and life.  The one-sided presence of this basic law of life has now become a “right” and one that shows off the intent of the spirit that is in control of not only this nation but in all of the powers to be around the world.  God is beckoning us to not fall into the same category that His people did in the Bible but it looks like we might just have to find out the real Truth from experience instead of wisdom and knowledge of our history.  We need to understand that our hearts believe we live in frivolous times, but in truth, we are on the verge of complete destruction, we have time to change our hearts before God has to remind His people once again exactly who is in control.

How many times in our lives have we believed that the things that we are doing at the present are the right thing to do even when others are telling us that we are making mistakes?  There comes a time in all of our lives that we as individuals reach the point that we believe we no longer need to take or to heed any other types of advice besides our own.  That our minds have been made up and the choices that we make are deemed popular enough that comfortability and the pride of being “right” vastly outweighs what is actually in the best interest of our existence.  There have been many times that I have thought this case to be true and as I now look back at those times, I can once again hear my mother pass out that sound advice of hers that hindsight is 20/20.  How many things would we do in a different way if we had the opportunity and how many people would we not have to apologize to if we had such an opportunity to reverse the course before it occurs?  One of the key factors of Satan and his tactics against us is to lie to us enough that we believe that not everything God says is bad really isn’t and Satan manipulates the setting in our hearts enough that eventually, our eyes agree with him, a very dangerous pattern that many of us fall for and then find ourselves in a state of conglomeration down the road.

How many of us have placed this selfish ideology of ours up against the level of holiness and God?  Not as a level of punishment but an eternal standard that we can measure our choices based upon a sound foundation, a solid enough baseline that will ever be present in the good times and when things fall apart.  We easily forget or readily demean the position of a choice, water it down enough that we justify making such decisions like a whimsical decision or placing these important decisions on convenient circumstances instead of integrated patterns that continue our internal stability.  Do we converse with God on a personal and intimate level before blurting out these choices or do we ignore His presence and turning towards Him as we defy our true foundational Creator?  Just as we have watered down the word “right” so that it fits our own personal feelings, we have completed the same process with the word choice.  Not realizing that what both of these words actually say to others is that an election has taken place inside our hearts and we are standing by this election results.  Meanwhile, other people who have taken another position automatically become enemies of the elected state and are considered to be targeted until they are wiped out or go away far enough that one does not have to deal with them.  All reasonable conversational attributes of human nature with others that differ are erased all the while we are crying out for provisional and sectarian unity.

For the last few months, God has been returning us to the same Scripture passages from His Word.  Each time He does He adds a bit more detailed information about what He wants us to understand.  This process of His amazes me in that He does not give us the entire picture of what His Word says all at once, but as this new wisdom He shares comes into light, it brings our hearts closer to Him and it allows us to further know that we need Him more than ever today.  But the world is continually gaining strength and is making our relationship status with God more and more evident, in either direction of this line.  The world makes no bones about the fact that it wants nothing to do with God and everything that He represents, this means that the history and past course of our society no longer are welcome.  We have graduated from asking God for direction to demanding that our laws reflect upon how we feel at the moment, claiming evolution in practice as the source of this directional change.  When the same leaders totally contradict a position that they viewed a few years back from how they feel today, can only mean that a directional change has been warranted.  If one changes their beliefs and turns to God this type of change is noticed as well, ridiculed but noticed by those who have ventured off in the opposite direction.  This paints an ugly conglomeration of events that can only be solved with the confrontation of two kingdoms vying for the same point of reference. 

The relay of the gospel is the foundational message that God wants us to complete for through this command it is made known that the world cannot accept God or His Ways for if it did then God would not have given this command so long ago nor would Jesus have either.  Our enemy does a great job in sugar coating this fact so that we have inner sympathy for the world, enough that we drop our entire separation truth from the world and accept its boundaries within our hearts.  This is another example of us electing the world and voting its categories internally and externally and through this action, it is clear that we not listening to God and thus admitting publicly that we believe God is a fraud.  1 Samuel 8 deals with this aspect of electing the world and it is where God wants us to focus our attention again, for it is vital that we understand what the Israelites did in accomplishing this condition and how their actions demonstrated what was going on within their hearts to complement such beliefs.

In this passage, Samuel cannot believe that the people would go against such sound authority even though it was his sons that were one of the issues that the people had.  But the hearts of the people had reached a conglomerate verdict and had elected the concept that we should take into consideration when it comes time for local, state, and national elections occur.  God, however, makes it clear that the people have voted Him out of their lives in order to live according to the ways of other nations.  Israel had been so wrapped up in their own devices that they had become subject to the world instead of God and reached the point where their origins no longer mattered and were “ready” to pursue their destinies on their own terms.  There is no question that Israel had made up her heart to advance her presence within the world and no longer be separated from the world.  This elected choice of theirs had already been established and made known for God never argued against their position but only placed into context truths about how things would be when they finalized this election.  God did not hide anything or any aspect about their decision including the fact that they would be making these decisions and not God, directly placing the responsibility on themselves with no divine intervention first.

I know that not all of the people had such condemning beliefs and desires to go it alone that there had to be some that held out according to their origins and faith in God.  But it is very clear that the people wanted something worldly and thus acted upon their hearts and chose to live in the world and with the nations instead of their birthright.  This brings up the fact that many now believed that God was a fraud and that the ways of the world were better suited for their lives than what He had to offer, a setting that is being screamed in many of today’s societies.  Israel had come to the conclusion that they would boot God out of their ways, no longer trying to understand the reasoning behind God’s Ways but to incorporate their own ways so that they could become more appealing to other nations around them.  Israel had no excuses about what they were doing for they understood about the choice that they were making and once this choice had been made they set into motion their means of following that path.

I have no doubt that Israel understood what they were wanting to do but from how quickly they responded to what God showed them would occur in their lives it cannot be helped but to know that they were looking at things with superficial eyes and not spiritual ones.  It was easy to fantasize about how their lives would be while gazing upon the actions of others who came from different cultures and refusing to acknowledge and accept the realities of WHY God separated them upon their Creation.  The glamorization of the world’s gratuities are bling to anyone’s eyes and can be a process of consumption enough to forge an appetite for such opportunities and when talked about with others who have witnessed similar events the spoken wants of the same will eventually come forth from our mouths which is exactly how this movement in Israel’s heart began, grew, and then flourished until it became their own law within their desires.  God states in this passage of all the things that He had done for them up until this point in their lives and how they had forgotten them in their hearts, and even though Adam and Eve were not a part of the nation of Israel, God could have warned them about their actions resembling of what those two did way back in the Garden of Eden which led to disaster after disaster for everyone.

It is a known fact that many couples that have been together for many decades begin to take on physical characteristics of their spouse.  It is difficult to explain at times but I have witnessed this phenomenon over my life and this unity takes on a special meaning for the spiritual aspect of our choices as well.  If we elect a position to stand upon in our lives that ruler or leader of that kingdom shall be present within our lives and if we are witness to such kingdom on an intimate and continual basis then we cannot help but take on the characteristics of the kingdom we serve.  It is this detail that many slightly of see but for the most part miss when addressing those that are around them; however, as the alliances continue to strengthen with the world the followers of that kingdom gain access to those lives who call themselves Christians because they understand that because of the infiltration of the Church by the world we have become hapless due to our ineptitude where spiritual warfare is concerned.  When we have a personal election and side with the world, ANY part of the world, then we are allowing the mission that Jesus gave us to complete to be sabotaged.

Over and over I hear many people state that they cannot stand how this nation has become over the past few decades.  Why?  The reason that we have found ourselves in these situations is that we have elected such materials by our own accord.  Our problems are real and they are growing and as long as we continue to elect leaders that are self-serving cowards with no biblical morals to speak of you can expect only for issues to become greater in size and in number.  God laid out what would occur to Israel if they were to finalize the deal about wanting a physical king to rule their lives and nation.  God was dead on when He gave them specific details about what their nation would face if they sealed and signed that declaration and each one of those statements by God occurred and are still in motion today.  Frighteningly, there are vast numbers of Israelites that have still missed out on what God was saying to them today as back in 1 Samuel 8, yet God is so wonderful in the fact that He still allows us to choose our own destiny.  When an election is finished the results are final and cannot be changed, let us think about this truth when we are making our choices of today for they shall affect our lives and many others’ lives some time down the road; for an election result is a Covenant result and this process shall play a significant role in what the Bible has to say concerning our world.

In verse 7 of 1 Samuel 8, God makes it clear that there is a dividing line between Him and the world.  God also makes it clear that when people make this decision to leave the protection of God that they are taking their lives into their own hands because God cannot protect those who He does not recognize as on His side.  He cannot move from one side of the battle to the other in order to gain people for His Kingdom, the elective choice for God must strictly come from our hearts without any compromise present.  Verse 5 of 1 Samuel 8, states that the people knew that the judges over them were not walking in the light of God, so they decided to follow in the judges' footsteps instead of doing the correct thing by ousting the judges and letting God deal with them according to His Covenant.  As stated from the events in the Garden of Eden to the last punctuation mark in Revelation God’s definition is of one side or the other and no one can straddle the fence and serve two masters.  Yes, our enemy shall tell you that it is possible and okay for you to allow both kingdoms to reside in your life, but this is a grave and eternal lie that shall cost you your eternal position with God.

Do we recognize that the current situation that this nation faces actually is playing out each day within the spirit realm?  It is fascinating to me that with all of the so-called wise people around the globe that they cannot figure out that the answer to all of our problems is located in the Bible.  We have so many charts and graphs of how decimated our population has become with drugs, guns, sickness, debt, and every other issue known to mankind yet cannot find a single solution that is worthy of permanent relaxation within the population, but we sure do support those programs that promote the exact same problems that have landed us in this mess, to begin with.  I know that there are numerous people in this nation who do not approve of how this nation is directing itself and they foresee major catastrophes ahead if we do not turn our lives around.  I also understand that not all of the people that were a part of Israel in 1 Samuel 8 were in complete agreement with the decision that was made either but it was the heart of the nation that God saw and came to the holy and honest conclusion about which direction they wished to walk.  The same is true today and as each day passes it seems like this nation turns more towards the world and are proud of the decision to do so but what we cannot forget is that even though the world approves of our elections and wants further directional results it does not make our actions correct in the eyes of God.

If we continue to follow in this direction we must keep one thing in mind and that is when we pledge our lives completely to the ruler of this world we will have many issues that we might only dream about today become fully engaged in our land a short time down the road.  God made that statement in 1 Samuel 8 for a reason, not to try and put us under His thumb but because He created us He knows humanity like no one else ever could and He understands that when we do not abide by His authority we shall “righteously” approve of things and beliefs that shall only harm our lives and make us more miserable.  With every decision and choice we make in our personal lives and in our national lives we have an election and what our approval of demonstrates what is within our hearts, no exceptions present this is a 100% voter turnout which is exactly why we are seeing the violent divisions flashed across our screens today for we have reached a point in our hearts that we do not care what other authority figures say what we think is always correct and your other opinion is wrong and deserves to be permanently squashed.

So, once again we come back to the actions of the Church and to see what she has to say about the issues of the world and how they are being protracted into our atmospheric heart conditions.  The message that the Church has for its people is that everything is okay and that God accepts you as you are and you do not have to change one bit in your worldly beliefs in order to be saved and live an eternal life in heaven with God.  The Church has placed her total faith and outlook in the political world and is following and demanding that her congregations submit to such protocols.  How can this be a true message from Christ when it goes totally contrary to what God showed in the Old Testament and what Christ and the writers of the New Testament provided?  It is impossible to please God and the world at the same time; I have heard that saying somewhere before, have you? 

We have taken hold of the concept that our choices are flippant and what we have stated as our opinion as being our truth; our truth is absolutely wrong!  God’s Word is the definition of God and through His Word, we are defined and this means that everything that His Word contains is directly related to our lives and it is eternally important that we do our best to ignore and separate ourselves from the world and live under Covenant conditions at all times.  For if we don’t we will get what occurred in 1 Samuel 8 and what is going on in our nation today.  Wake up, Church!  For if we do not then God shall wake us up according to His supernatural Ways and we will never recover and be sustainable again.  It is our election and which side shall you choose?


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