Sunday, November 18, 2018

No More Prayers

No More Prayers


Sadly, it has become evident that as time passes, this nation is turning away from her Creator and no longer desire to even speak with Him.  It should be clear to us that the reason why these hideous atrocities that occur are due to our lack of true and serious communication with God, but we fail to recognize this connection and wander wayward instead.  God has never closed the line of communication between Him and our lives and until we realize that it is the issues that we obtain and then harbor from the world that breaks this link, our attention will continue to be jolted.  All God wants is for us to return to Him and for His Church to teach those around us that need Him that He loves us and that there is a way for true peace and happiness.  The first step in our restoration process comes in the form of prayer for it is the direct line we have to God and the only way He can communicate with us on a routine level.

A short while back, California was rocked by another mass shooting at one of the many local establishments in that community.  It does not matter any longer that these types of activities occur on a weekend, for now, the perpetrators are now taking their tasks to weekdays and evenings as well.  School shootings occur during the day and the countless numbers of armed robberies do not have a time frame for definition any longer.  While this latest atrocity occurred on the west coast it does not matter where one looks at the news, for these types of events occur all over this nation and if one wants too can find such dealings all throughout the world.  Motives and the people behind these crimes vary in number, strength, and motive but all of these events have one thing in common and that is people die or injured when these people act.  It seems like these activities have dramatically increased over the last two or three decades, first overseas and now this nation which should tell us something, being like other nations is not a path that one should take but to be separate and under God is the only solution for stability in this crazy and dying world.

When these acts occur it is important that we understand the reasons why the people believed that they were justified in committing such heinous motions. But instead of remembering that God is in control of all things good and bad we make sure that we revert back to our human and physical resources in order to correct the situation at hand.  While these events are tragic another and more important tragedy occurs in that we fail to even recognize the true issue of what occurred, the reason why it occurred, and the real path for future events such as these to be stopped.  Humans love their laws when it suits them for their own devices and purposes but despise them when they actually are enforced, a key component that we throw into the faces of those opposing such legalities but nevertheless a true statement.  A utopian society would be the perfect answer for this type of legal action to work but as we shall see here over the next few moments humans have a great tendency not to follow even the simplest laws much less the ones that could have a drastic effect on the lives of others.  Making laws on a technical condition such as emotions after a tragedy may look good superficially but deep down represent the wavering and wandering worldly belief that more laws will cure humanity, a sad but laughable condition when entertained.  In no way am I advocating that no laws be made or enforced, but what God wants us to understand to remind us that unless we turn our hearts to Him and live under His Covenant with a pure heart all the laws that the human can dream up and enact will not protect one person.  For it is the human that makes the choice to do good or evil and if we already accept the world as our standard then that choice will always be selfishly adhered to; thus, spiritual paths are made and chosen as well and are paralleled.

I understand that this issue has been shared a couple of times before but as time passes we see that a new trend is becoming more prevalent in that we hear more people wanting more laws and stronger control over the weapons that are used in such scenes.  In no way is this call for stricter gun laws, not a noble gesture but we cannot ignore the truth about the matter that it is the human mind and heart that make the decision to commit such crimes against humanity.  Until the mind and heart are changed these acts shall continue and the further away from God this nation becomes the more that these types of instances and others similar to them will occur.  We are all humans and we face the exact same circumstances as the other fellow across the street or in another country.  Yes, some of the circumstances around the world are different but it is still the human that plays the direct role in accomplishing any type of act.  Any act of legislation on any level becomes a superficial clanging symbol when it is not taken to heart and willingly obeyed which once again points back to the human and not the items used in these crimes.  We must contend that if humans want a way around any law they will find it given time and they also shall find a way to obtain or to make such efforts come to pass.

In the recent shooting in California, a mother of one of the victims was interviewed the following morning.  Visibly and understandably she was shaken to the core about what occurred the previous night.  When asked by the person giving the interview if she had a personal message, the mother immediately began to plead for gun control and to pass it immediately.  Up until that point, her voice was shaky as one would expect but as she continued she turned her attention to the words that bring light into this subject of the article.  She then stated in an angry voice that she did not want any prayers or thoughts from people that all she wanted was new gun laws in place.  I am not knocking this lady by any means and I pray that no one else has to ever go through such tragedy and loss again, but the reality and truth behind this event along with all the other similar tragedies, Satan does not give a hoot about your life and he will continue to influence those who wish to do harm to others.

The words of this heartbroken mother do reflect an internal condition of her heart in that she makes it clear that she does not believe in prayer nor does she believe in the Being on the other end of those prayers.  Sadly, what she is demonstrating is the condition of our hearts and how countless people believe or in this case not believe in God and His Ways.  They rely completely on humans and the world to solve the issues at hand, such unknowingly place their future into the existence of the loser ruler of a dying world.  When we recite such words or actually believe that prayers, true prayers do not work we are replaying and reliving Genesis 2:15-Genesis 3:6 all over again and if we get to the point where Genesis 3:7 comes back onto the scene we will increase our horrific setting by including sin to make the decision of prayer instead of prayer itself.  If we could not obey one single law of life what makes us believe that warranting new laws to prevent death would be followed today?  We also must observe that this mother has a point because from all that we can see from the past shootings and bombings is that nothing has changed only continued devastation to unknowing people at the scene, which means that either our prayers are completely empty or we are not praying at all.  This noticeable lack of change indicates that we have no desire to change our hearts in any way but to continue the road of worldly goods and physical attractions just as our society demands.  While we accept this truth about the condition of our lives we must never forget that as long as we harbor such beliefs we shall have no hope for real survival but only invite pain and suffering into our lives with each breath we take.

Genesis 2:15 provides us with the sobering fact that humans do not like to keep or maintain laws that have been given to them.  It would be a wonderful setting, a life of utopian conditions if all of us would have the desire to obey such commands but as this verse tells us along with the following verses behind it show us, that if we cannot obey a single law what makes us believe that we can follow thousands?  We have forgotten who controls and rules this earth and world, and as long as we continue to throw out the only source of true peace and happiness the ruler of this world will continue to have a field day with these types of events.  In addition, when such tragedy occurs and we say we are in no longer need of prayers we must contend and horrifically accept that we are giving Satan 100% access to our lives for further similar or increased acts, we may not like to hear such a prediction but it is an accurate one that we need to really think about before we act upon our worldly whims for answers.

When Adam and Eve arrived at the point that they believed that they no longer had to pray to God in order for them to exist and to survive as their environment provided, their actions became mediocre in a direct response to how their hearts had become.  Yes, God continued to walk with them every day and showed His face to them every day but within their hearts, they had drawn the conclusion that no matter what they had reached the pinnacle of their journey and through the lies of Satan had no deep need to have a relationship with God any longer.  They believed that they could pacify God with their walks and talks and as soon as He left would return back to the Serpent’s guise and work accordingly.  See, what we would consider their prayers to be is actually a direct communication with God on a daily basis, not a periodically and opinionated one.  Yet, Adam and Eve had already fallen into the trap of Satan by believing in his word instead of who Created them and who had provided them with their living arrangements and who had given them their responsibilities.  Ever wonder why so many people do not like to work or are so unhappy with how and where they work?  Here is your answer for there is something going on inside your heart that is not in line with God for it is He who Created us which means He has access to every aspect of our lives and unless we are in complete alignment with Him things are not going to be happy.

Adam and Eve had plenty of opportunities to figure things out before they made the critical election to allow sin into their lives and to the rest of the world.  By design, the human’s ability to choose to obey or to disobey the law supersedes the law; therefore, when it becomes easier for one to disobey the established protocols the nature of the heart has changed and the heart becomes blackened and it is no longer in a comfortable and at peace state; it must exercise itself and prove itself to the outside world of its individuality and presence to its surroundings.  It is this state of affairs that our hearts choose to blatantly disobey laws that are in place and if we are willing to disregard the human laws there is absolutely no way that we shall obey God’s laws either, remember the vertical and horizontal relationship graph?  It is this relational status of humans that represents a true reflection of what power we have in God to do what is correct or if we have no power in God the ability to do what is incorrect.  This too is a direct relationship proclamation for if our hearts are true to God and our belief and faith in Him is accurate and at 100% our words and actions shall be totally contrary to the world and our message clear when it comes to the concessions to the truth when spoken to the world.

This lady, who undoubtedly had suffered a great tragedy in her life had every “right” to be angry at what had occurred the previous night, but when she stated that she wanted to communication avenues to God it placed her situation in a higher state of turmoil.  I do not know if she had any knowledge of God or had any background with God but I do know that when made such a statement it placed her heart into a more hardened category thus allowing our enemy deeper access to her heart.  God never intended for us not to have communication with Him but it was of our own doing that placed us into this idled condition so long ago and it is still working its destructive characteristics in our lives today.  If we are truly wanting to see such horrendous activities stopped then we need to once again have the desire to talk with God again with a pure and true heart.  When we stand up and make such statements against God and thus choose to solve our issues and problems on our own then we automatically defy our Creation and definition and blindly accept and proclaim judgment on our lives.

Choosing God and His Ways was never going to be easy, even back in the Garden of Eden even as Adam and Eve believed as such.  Our enemy shall do his best on every level to snare us and trip us up where truth is concerned.  Church, we have fallen for this liar simply because we have been tricked into seeing what is around us instead of keeping our eyes on Christ.  We have taken the exact same steps as Adam and Eve did that led them to fail and to thus allow our lives to mark death as our representative instead of God and Life eternal.  We have learned from the actions of Adam and Eve and it is evident that we are reviewing daily the consequences of not only their actions but ours as well.  In many eyes and hearts, we have “graduated” from God and have furthered our progress according to the world enough that we honestly believe that we can do things without God or His Word or Ways.  Through our own Creation process it is clear that God never intended for us to be idle either in spirituality or in the physical, and if one of these becomes self-centered the entire equation is thrown off and disaster is allowed to be projected.

As stated above, I have no doubt that the lady that has been referred to throughout this article experienced such devastating tragedy, but it is at this time when she needs prayers the most, not only from others around her but from her heart as well.  Church, through this example alone it is unmistakable that we have not done what Jesus commanded us to do for this lady wants nothing from us or God and if we had been doing what has been commanded of us that attitude and spirit would not be allowed to operate.  We should be ashamed of this statement and grieved by this statement from this precious lady but instead, we have been silent on the issue for I have not heard one peep from that day about how the Church is responding to this cry for help.  Granted, the media plays an important role in the suppression of God and any other mention of His name or works but even with that said I have not heard any side statements coming from the heart of the Church on this issue; which speaks volumes both to us and to God.

Our lack of action concerning such events says that our hearts are not aligned with what God wants us to be doing and saying to the dying world.  It is time that we change our hearts and return back to God so that He can restore our hearts and place them under the Covenant of eternal life and then have the correct heart in place so that we can teach the TRUE message of God and follow through in the command of Christ.  It breaks God’s heart to see such turmoil exist within His children but if we do not step up to the plate and do what Christ commanded us to do God shall continue the hardening process of this nation’s heart until it brings about the death of our presence as we know it.  The time is now to change our heart Church before God has to demonstrate His supernatural presence on this nation and our land.  As we watch our world crumble before our eyes we can ill afford not to pray and communicate with God, having no more prayers with God is following through with an abortive procedure and the existence of what God intended for us to be is effectively wiped out.


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