Sunday, March 17, 2019

Infanticide, No Stopping Us Now

Infanticide, No Stopping Us Now


The modern world seeks to close the gap in healthcare by any means possible, but when this notion of a perfect world crosses into our reproductive lives what will it be to end such a tragedy?  The human mind never ceases to amaze me especially when it comes to our belief that what we think is true automatically should become law.  One agonizing part about free choice is that inevitably humans will think up of something to derail true and eternal progress.  We have just taken another step toward this derailment by accepting and embracing an ugliness that cannot be ignored.  Taking life by means of a human manner is grotesque enough but now we have surpassed such an option by the inclusion of babies in the born alive murder scene.  God cannot be happy with such choices and unless we change our course one day God shall have no choice either.

I was asked many years ago by my Uncle how long does it take humans to make a strong enough choice to change the world or at least popular thinking.  I answered him that it could take minutes, weeks, or years for such developments to occur, it just depends on how the people respond to the spirit that influences them or controls them.  Ever since that day I was asked that question so many things have transpired in our country has had directly and indirectly affected my life.  However, in all cases, the country has been affected in all issues and our response to these devastating actions has been horrific in themselves.  From school shootings to mass protests over grievances centuries old and everything in between not much has been not protested or contested.  One may ask just how we have arrived at such an option so steadily but if we look at what is now in place the decision for this type of argumentative selfishness has been increasing for quite some time and it is the path that our hearts’ societies have promoted and blossomed.  It is this path to infanticide that needs to be addressed and made those who are not privy to such sanctions aware of exactly what this day and age are producing.  God will also show us the parallel steps that some people are taking in order to prevent such devastating consequences to be allowed on this world as well, all of which are contained in this perfectly timed article.

Over the past couple of decades or so the mainstream media and many of the so-called celebrities have voiced their opinions about everything from cars to life in zoos.  There have not been too many areas that have been left out of their pleas and demands, basically forcing people to comply with what they believe to be true, and if you do not comply with their “concerns” then you are considered to be an outcast and deemed not worthy of any further participation in societal matters.  This type of bullying and manipulation is on the constant rise and is accepted as the norm and the “right” thing to do as long as you agree with this side’s beliefs and standards.  As stated above, this process has not become a social topic of discussion and belief overnight, it has been path worked upon and walked upon by numerous people over this time period.  The origins of this type of pathway originate in Genesis Chapter 3 and it has continued to grow and formed ever since, but as like so many before us, we have blindly fallen into the beautiful lies of self-worth instead of listening and understanding the real truth concerning our existence.  The topic that God wants us to realize today is about the progression of abortion and with the new “norm” coming of infanticide, a gross step in the pathway to normalizing murder of any living being when it is deemed okay to submit such a claim.

Over the past few months since this topic has “graced” our eyes on all sorts of media outlets, there have been countless debates between people standing on both sides of the issue and coming to no resolve whatsoever, and who could expect anything else from such a highly contested area.  But what are we following here and has anyone stopped to think of what this pattern will eventually lead?  The focus is what is at hand today and what can be achieved on a personal level today and right now, a selfish attitude that at some point will demand another step further because we all know that humans love to push and produce deeper situations in order to grab the spotlight from another platform.  And who else better to lead such a movement than the typical American and their belief that it is their right to do ________ in the name of self. 

It is this path that is cause for concern because as each demand is made and warranted it always leads to another step or brick along the road.  Look at the development of the technology up to this point.  I remember my dad saying to my mother back in the late 1980s that if she would allow him to get the newest computer (a 486 DOS PC) that he would never have to ask her for another computer ever again for nothing else would be developed that could be better.  Look at the path that we are on now and compare it to what my father stated so long ago, it is a real path and it has been developed far beyond what anyone could have imagined back then, so what is the difference?  Nothing for the human mind was and still is involved and when the human mind sets out to advance an issue and it is dedicated to serving its purpose there is nothing or no one that shall stop it from achieving its goals.

Having worked in the medical field for over thirty years now I have witnessed numerous settings and situations that have crushed my heart and spirit.  For a number of years, my workplace was not large enough to warrant a full-time night lab tech so everyone had to rotate taking call.  On some of my nights, I had to be witness to young women coming in for abdominal pain, most of which were not truthful as to what had occurred to them but it became very clear of what was going on after a required test was performed.  When it was my turn to draw their blood, I could sense hurt, pain, emptiness, and most loudly loss.  It did not take a rocket scientist to figure out what had transpired but at the same time, every party involved remained silent as the internal portions of that young woman screamed out.  At that moment, I believed that there could not be any other situation more painful or wrong that humanity could dream up or allow to occur, but after a few decades of watching and taking notes, I was proved deadly wrong.

The issue of abortion has always been a factor in many people’s lives and for a growing number of people a way out of trouble.  In some cases, ugliness consecrates such a procedure to be completed but I still cannot figure out why one abuse deserves another abuse in order to solve the issue at that time.  Many people also mock those who say or compare a certain biblical setting that they use when this item arrives and that is the sacrifice of children to the god Molech, and when we look at the paths of both settings we cannot ignore the fact that there are huge amounts of similarities.  So we will be looking at 2 Kings 23:10 and using this passage as the foundation of what God wants us to understand about this horrific practice of modern child sacrifice in the name of selfish determination to justify physical contractual proceedings.  This verse is not the only reference to this practice and I suppose that God will direct us to another identical passage sometime in the future but for now, we shall focus on the path that has been made and the proceedings to destroy such wickedness.

2 Kings 23:10 reads as follows: “And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.”  We find that Molech was a popular god that many nations in the area served and regarded as the one god who could provide them with the personal satisfaction that they needed.  There was one thing that the “almighty” Molech demanded and that was child sacrifices, from the persons who were seeking advice and favor from “him”.  So, the parents would intentionally have sex until they became pregnant and when it was time to deliver prepare themselves after delivery to present their child for sacrifice.  This is a willing and knowingly act from them and since it was a specific act it must have its own area in which to complete such an act, a path, and way that people would take in order to reach the fire of Molech.

Josiah is the king of Judah when this verse at the beginning when it says “he defiled” for “he” is talking about King Josiah.  The word defiled comes along next and it kind of makes a projection that many may not understand because of what the word means and how it is used.  It states that Josiah defiled Topheth and sets up a picture of what exactly what this place was used for.  Topheth is a specific place and it was designated for the site where Molech and the sacrificial practices were to take place.  It was an acceptable place and one deemed necessary to have in order to complete what Molech demanded.  The beginning of this verse says that Josiah defiled this place, so how did he defile it and why would he do such a thing or even have a reason to do such a thing?  Josiah understood that this place and the way to it was an abomination to God and that it needed to be destroyed.  Josiah hoped that through this action of his, the previous actions he took concerning vile ordinances that Israel had accepted as truth, along with the ones of sinful practices that he was about to topple would wake up the people to their sins before God had to step in and change their lives forever. 

What about the valley that is mentioned here and what importance does it play in this article?  This verse mentions “which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom”.  The phrase used here in Hebrew is “bege” which is translated as a narrow valley or narrow gorge.  This means that there was a specific entrance that was required to pass through in order to reach the place where the Molech fire center was located.  It is also very interesting that this word “bege” is also the same word that is used in the popular verse Psalms 23:4 when it gives reference to “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” which refers to the direct motion that we take when we encounter such travails.  This cannot be any consequence of terms used for they represent lives walking in a manner in which danger is around them but it is the reference of our text for this article that brings into light the difference of the outcome of choices.  This passage makes it very clear that Josiah desecrated this narrow valley in order to block any further traffic for the single purpose of what was located after this gorge.

The word defiled used here comes from the Hebrew word “wetimme” which means to become unclean, unclean sexually, ceremoniously, or religiously.  We know that Israel was set apart from all other tribes and nations and this separation included laws concerning being clean and how important it was to keep these ways at all times no matter what the circumstances may be.  It is obvious that Israel kept some of these laws in place but many they did not adhere to at all.  It is this manner in which Josiah engaged in setting the record straight and defiled the ways of sin through cleansing methods according to God’s Ways over that part of the land.  It is in this manner that this verse uses the word defiled in such a way that it was a means by which to change the accepted and verified way for another.  Topheth is the name of a specific place as stated above and its meaning is “place of fire”.  One cannot get more central to what was going on there than the definition of itself.  So, Josiah has destroyed the means by which people had to make in order to reach the place of fire.  Now, one can honestly believe and accept that this action by Josiah did not sit well with many people because their way to “answer” their consecrated conditions was no longer available; in other words, their choice was taken away even though it was a standard that destroying them from the inside out and destroying their family one member at a time; the essence and definition of God.

But one will say that this does not relate to abortion or the demand for abortion without apology.  Yes, it does for this practice that this verse refers to has gone beyond the procedure of abortion alone and it gives us a direct line of what we are currently proposing to be accepted as a normal practice.  Let us continue with this verse and move to the middle portion where it says “that no man might make his son or his daughter” and makes it very clear that the parents of these sacrificial children had made the decision to give them to Molech instead of dedicating them to God.  Remember, this time frame occurred after Israel wanted to become a nation like others instead of a separated kingdom that was fully under the protection of God.  Look at what occurs in the minds and hearts of those who stray from the Truth concerning their lives and horrifically how quickly such beliefs grow, mature, and then flourish afterward.  It did not matter if a boy or girl was offered, only that it was required by Molech that a child was to be sacrificed a pure and direct measure to end the existence of a family.

It is true that the practice of abortion per se was not and is not mentioned in the Bible, but we also must remember that if child sacrifices were the acceptable norm for many of the people in Israel then it was no big deal if they tried to end such pregnancies in some form or manner too.  It does not matter what the procedure may entail but it is the idea that such a procedure would even be considered an option to the human.  So, why are we concerned about the title of the article and why it is relevant to this passage of Scripture and today?  This is because the manner in which our progression grows it is now on the table that children after birth may fall into the category of being sacrificed in order to “please” the wishes of the parents or in many cases the parent.  The idea of making the decision to sacrifice your child for ANYTHING is a level of abuse that is hard to fathom but to allow it to be born with the purpose of destroying it is like having the abortionist cut the voice box of the baby as it is being born immediately before it can cry or express the truth of pain.  It is this after a birth procedure that is before us and it is time that we understand what our consequences shall be if this legislation passes.

There is no indication that any major or majority of people opposed this procedural stampede does not mean that everyone was for child sacrifices.  However, with the words of this verse, it is clear that it was a common practice and that no one really inhibited its flow of sacrificial parents’ “rights” to kill their babies.  It is the same today with what is considered to be the next step and that is allowing a baby to die after an abortion procedure fails.  In other words, if a woman chooses to abort the child close to birth but somehow it makes it through the birth canal and into the hands of the doctor or nurse the parent then has time to let the doctor know if she wants the baby to be killed or not.  We must consider the image of Molech and the power t had over the lives of the parents that convinced them to sacrifice their babies, for it is the SAME spirit that directs mothers to abort their babies today.  It is safe to say that the parents in this passage had sex at the appropriate times in order to create a child to be sacrificed like in similar ways people have sex without any care of their consequences either; it is the same selfish level of spirit that operates in many people both in biblical times and today.

When we think about human beliefs and activities we cannot help but compare others to what we feel today; in order to be fair.  If we place ourselves on a modern moral platform and ignore what has occurred in our past societies we cannot expect anything but a disaster because history is full of settings in which countless people suffer due to bad decisions.  It is easy to believe that while Josiah was king of Judah he was not a popular man because of the stance he took with all of the idols and sinful behaviors of his kingdom.  In fact, I can guarantee you that some people even wanted to see him dead and probably spent a good amount of time seeing how this act could be done, a thought that did not differ from the acceptance of those who longed to hold child sacrifices to a dead god as well.  Take a survey of those who wish harm to our president today and I also can guarantee you that similar thoughts and beliefs about abortions (child sacrifices) are shared.

It is quite clear that the people’s heart for God had become blackened for as you study the remaining portions of this chapter of 2 Kings one shall find that Josiah attacked many areas of Israel’s daily life that were not pleasing to God.  How many idols have we built in our lifetime over things that degrade our relationship with God and how many of us have committed our faith in humanity rather than the eternal Spirit of God?  Molech was an idol, a man-made image that sat there and had to be maintained by mankind in order to destroy other humans.  The fire that was inside that image had to be kept going for it did not act alone and by itself.  It was a manmade path to its belly and a man-made decision to place the child into its heat.  For a long time it was hard for me to understand why people (humans) believed that they had to sacrifice themselves for another human cause or belief, especially when God requires no physical sacrificial death promotions at all but instead HE gave His only Son so that we may live for eternity without human sins haunting us.

I was recently asked how come many people who practice ways of the world are so happy and my response to them was simple, for they were not under attack.  As parents we have all had the “joy” of witnessing a rebellious teenager or grumble through the terrible twos as it was but in all situations concerning the attitudes of these kiddos of ours we must admit that if they are allowed to get their way they become calm and quiet and seem to be gentle as the days go by.  But when they feel that they are being attacked or agitated in any way their true colors flare and the true nature of what lives within their hearts comes through.  It is exactly like the master they serve for Satan is still the most beautiful creation God ever made but until you get a glimpse of what it in his eyes you can be easily fooled when it comes to his appearance and voice.

The most beautiful item that a man and a woman can create is a child and that child is the most precious gift God allows us to have, so why would anyone want to destroy such a gift?  It is true that sex is the most satisfying act and the only act that where male and female can become one physically but it does not end with that moment in our timeframes, it continues forever for once a child is created it is just that, created.  It is a part of those two individuals forever and it is a source of extension of us but there are many who wish to end this gift before they have an opportunity to give back, and the progression of that cause has now come to the agreement that a life is not a life even after it is born.  If one stops to consider this act in terms of spirit, then one can say that they have looked into the presence of Satan and have watched his body language and voice instead of looking into the truth about his existence and what he actually wants from your life.  Satan shall NEVER ask you to give yourself a chance to do something for God which means that he shall never promote anything that anything to do with life.

It is an easy question to answer if we asked societies if they have any problems with people sacrificing kids who have survived abortions, but what abhors me and to some others that we would even consider such an act as being legal in our national laws.  Furthermore, it is deeply appalling to many that the Church would be on the side of such practices and thus promote funding for such tributes.  However, it is true that some church organizations have accepted such worldly wishes as a way of glorifying God as a sign of acceptance of all no matter what they believe or have done.  Take a hard look around us and then study this chapter of 2 Kings again and compare the attitudes and the symbols that are in this passage and those that we see every day.  There is no difference at all and we need to take notice of this identity before our nation is ripped into shreds by the Holy hand of God.

It should be well known that God has no double standards within His definition and since we are supposed to be His hands and feet to the entire world we should carry and live under the same conditions God provides.  Yet, as this wonderful message from God states we fall short, way short of this standard and while we are not perfect by any means we should not voluntarily pursue worldly measures on any level.  The Church has allowed herself to lose focus on her mission and to heed to worldly advice instead of listening to her Father and example of existence.  In many church history books, texts and countless pictures, we have pictures of priests and pastors holding babies up and praying for their lives as the parents have brought them to be dedicated to God.  This blessed event has been witnessed by scores of congregations and in each setting, it is a holy and wonderful sight to behold.  It sets the way and the standard for not only the parents but those involved to be true witnesses to that child so that he/she will know the true way to grow up and to serve God in a unique way.

So how is it that the Church was established to give Life to those who are dead should be a part of anything related to producing or promoting death?  It is this double standard that she has adopted and is now overtaking the Truth about what she represents and turning it into a general path of destruction.  In all capacity, God’s Ways cannot entertain death for His Son conquered this evil entity over two thousand years ago and has not look back ever since, so why are we?  What purpose can we serve if we offer a double standard when it comes to life?  Yes, we have to accept the choices of those who are alive but why do we offer ANY support to death when we were created and established to bring forth life to those who are in need of it?  It makes no sense to have this double standard present as an option and while we now stand in our pulpits and declare such lies we must understand that all we are promoting is these people’s eternal damnations for the True Gospel of Christ is eternal life only!  We must accept the narrow way of God and not the narrow gorge to sacrifice for remember to obey is better than sacrifice and it is this verse that demonstrates exactly why God made that statement.

As each day passes, we find out that more and more people are choosing death over life and it is a sad day as each sunset occurs in our lands.  It is evident that our lands are not being healed and through this contact, we cannot deny that our hearts are not becoming covered by the eternal Covenant and it also shows that we are in no willing position to set our hearts correct before God either.  If any church organization or denomination represents and advocates for death they need to be made aware that their entire existence is under eternal threat and more importantly they need to be told that they are condoning sin not only in the lives of those who they support in death but their own as well.  It is not God’s desire to see one person lose their life due to their misunderstanding His Word or Ways but in this modern day and age along with the biblical passage of this article we see that this sad truth is and was the case.  It is time for us to repent Church and turn our hearts back to God and His Ways for if we do not we shall experience a death process like no other and an eternal grave of torment un-witnessed before.

There has been a question that has been asked of some for a while now and that is this: where, when, and at what point do we say enough is enough concerning this subject matter?  Where will this question seriously originate from and when will someone stand up and speak loud enough to grab the attention of others?  Does it have to be when the first notice of an infanticide case becomes public or will one occur and it is covered up all in the name of privacy?  In my opinion, this procedure has probably already occurred, for it makes sense that the human mind would intentionally take steps to normalize a procedure that would be considered off-limits beforehand, it is just the way the human mind works folks.  Finally, at what point so we take official notice concerning this issue, or will we even consider such processes in the legal realm at all, do we have to wait until the next big election cycle to spin its wheels and bring forth candidates where the infanticide issue is acceptable to them?  I believe we know where this is headed, so we should also not be surprised when God stands up and says “enough”.

Church, it is our duty and our calling to stand up and to protect life and it is also our duty to shut down spiritually the forces that seem to be winning our streets in this matter.  We no longer plead for the innocent and for life but drive them through the narrow gorge to their deaths.  Thus, we are advocating for their destruction and are just as guilty as the parents and the leaders of Israel in 2 Kings 23:10.  Do we really want to stand in front of God and defend our actions of voluntary sacrifice in the name of personal and selfish freedoms, and do we really believe that our limited thoughts and gestures shall stand up to God and His eternal Life standard?  How dare we believe that we can lower God and His Ways in order to sacrifice ANY LIFE or ANY voluntary reason.  Oh, we are going to burn Church and drown in our own tears as we are banished from God’s presence.  God wants His children to experience true peace and happiness without any form of selfishness inhabiting and ruling our lives but the only way that this purity can be experienced is if we live under God’s Ways and exemplify Him at all times.  Infanticide is NOT an exemplification of God, His Son Jesus, nor of Holy Spirit but it comes in the name of Satan the father of all lies.


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