Saturday, March 23, 2019

Speaking Solemnly

Speaking Solemnly


How many times have we raised our voices in an inappropriate time?  Humans tend to do such things without thinking of what the consequences of hostilities toward other hostilities bring and kind of goes along with the concept of providing abuse because of previous abuse.  God did not make us allow such emotions to rule our lives for He understands that if this order is presented only deeper divisions shall result.  There are times that raised voices are a necessity but not when we are listening to God’s voice and hearing what He wants us to say to those who are making poor choices for their lives.  It is these choices that the world wants us to commit to and if those who are called to witness (the Church) to those dying scream and yell why would anyone change into the same condition that the lost already inhabit?  God brings peace and satisfaction to life and brings out the eternal in all life when He is the center of things, repent Church and let us start acting like God again so that our witnessing has a chance to eternally change a person’s life.

A long time ago, one of the more popular Christian music composers of the 1990s wrote a song that has stuck in my heart ever since I first heard it.  The title of the song is “The Basin and the Towel” by Michael Card.  While the entire song is about how we should be serving each other at all times with no rank and file present, there is a certain portion of the song that describes our societies today.  This song was written in the meaning of when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples and what it meant to have it done but even at that moment some of the disciples did not understand what Jesus was doing and insisted that they wash His feet instead.  They had no clue that what they were saying was their own representation of division amongst them and Jesus.  The lyric line here is as follows: “And the space between us sometimes is more than the distance between the stars”.  It is this line of words that God is showing us just how far apart we have become and that He wants His children to return to Him so that we may come together in unity through His Son before our world is rocked so devastatingly destructive that it shall never turn a profit again.

Over the past years, we have been witness to an ever-increasing amount of hostilities to the Church and her presence in the world.  The reason for which are many folds and to be honest the reasons for such animosity toward the Church and to Christians continue to rise with good cause.  It is sad and with a heavy heart that I must say that previous sentence but it what God is saying to us today and He wants us to comprehend the truth that He knows what we have done to organize such a darkened heart movement against His establishment of Truth.  It is strictly our fault in that the world has had free reign over scores of lives and nations due to the fact we want to pacify instead of providing the Truth to them.  When the stakes are against you it is not advisable to join into their style of conversation and it is for this reason God directs us to this familiar passage of Scripture in 1 Samuel 8:2-10 and a lesson in understanding the humanity and condition of the heart instead of reacting to the voices being spoken.

A few weeks ago it was announced on one of the major news organizations that Donna Brazile was going to be a regular commentator on their network.  Many people believed this announcement was a joke and one not to be taken seriously but as the days followed it became clear that the network was serious and that she was going to be on the network on a continual basis.  Now we must consider something here for we know that there has been an ever-increasing divide between the political party supporters over the past two decades or so.  This division has recently elevated as well and is almost gained so much support that it is threatening our Union as a nation.  It is evident that there is a vast number of people who want the worldly way of provisions to be installed as the norm, and if one says that these numbers are not growing they have not been really listening to their surroundings adequately.  When subjects are treated in the same manner as monetary benefits there can be no doubt that the same type of result shall be incurred for the concept of such shall follow the law that it is subjugated under.  It is for this reason that God calls us to be different from the world, to go against it for it is this manner in which He operates and guides.  Plus, we cannot forget just how much we get accomplished when we strenuously argue in response to the world’s attitude and demeanor.

Why is it such a bad thing to have opposing views on the same program material?  Are we not supposed to love our enemies and those that hate us?  How can we honestly abide by this all-important command from God if we look upon them that disagree and immediately argue with not only their beliefs but their appearance as well?  This type of action is not healthy and it cannot stand, as we are seeing when times become tough and true answers are needed in order to keep our lives as they have been established.  With our current attitudes towards those who are seemingly against our point of view, we have become unaware that we are being played by the ruler of this world so that his kingdom of death can be exalted in our existence.  What the world has to offer is not now, never has been, nor ever shall be healthy on/for ANY level of humanity which is conceptual and factual truth which we need to never put on our heart’s back burner for when we accept this behavior the only way that we can respond is down.  It is our basic human responsibility to keep all channels of communication open in order to come to some type of resolution with each other and if our physical resolve is broken how can we as Christians expect to show them the eternal resolution God has to offer?

Over the past few years, God has brought this passage in 1 Samuel 8 to our attention and He has given us a great deal of wisdom concerning the people of Israel and our lives today.  God continues to do so with this article for He wants us to make sure that we know how to approach such hostile environments when it comes to our lives encountering the lives which are engrained within the world and its standard.  We have Israel telling Samuel that they are tired of the ways of the judges and their prideful and proudly stated practices, in that they are ready to ditch God and have the ways of other nations set the example of their living conditions. Now, that is a popular method of getting one’s point across to others who do not share the same views and in this passage we see that the people have come together and are now demanding a huge change.  Today, we have this type of “solidarity” being shared with us around the world and many of the weekends in these nations are filled with protests that have led to ugly incidents, furthering and escalating tensions between leaders and citizens and heightening the probability of violence; it is this type of control that God did not wish to see committed thus kept His pattern of free will in His children.

In verse 3 we have the definitive example of what the sons of Samuel were doing that caused the people to say that it was time for a national change but what they did not realize is that in order for them to state such a demand that their hearts had changed as well and were “ready” to accept another course of lifestyle as a result.  Of course, any human being would have some type of response to the knowledge that their judicial system was corrupted but through this confession it was known that the judges and the people had made up their minds to do such activities and set their priorities as such as well; therefore, setting the stage for the mob presence at Samuel’s door demanding said changes.  Samuel displays a wise thing here; he does not immediately react to the people but goes and prays to God for guidance in the matter.  I often wonder what our nation would be like if we actually observed what God asks us to do in times such as these instead of trying to figure things out on our own; anyway, Samuel asks of God and God responds in the most wonderful way.

In verse 9 it states: “Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.”  Let us stop for a moment and review what God has just said and what the situation has provided that things are at this point within the people of Israel.  It is not difficult to understand what type of hostile environments are created when people believe that justice is not or has not been served and this belief of non-justice will be heightened further when God is not in the center of the issues.  Over the past few years or so our violence level and the methods of retaliation methods have exponentially increased and almost every day we see the results of such inadequacies.  So, we can see what Samuel was facing when it came to the attitudes and voices of the people.  But as we also see, God has the perfect response for the people in this matter.

In this verse, God uses the word “solemnly” which is a calming word and one that has great influence over how ears respond after the sayings are completed.  The word solemnly that is used here is the Hebrew word “haed” which has meanings that point directly how one should address people in situations.  First, it presents a condition of returning to a hostile place and restores the atmosphere through a presence and soft tones.  Secondly, it means to say again and bear witness in a calm protest while giving a warning to those who are present and the warning is intended toward.  It is this usage that states just how the first meeting went between the people and Samuel and from all indications through this Hebrew word alone it was not a pleasant sight.  Next, we have the word “protest” that God uses as well.  This comes from the Hebrew word “taid” and is used here in conjunction with “haed” in order to make sure that the second message to the people is done so in the appropriate manner.  “Taid” is strategically placed in front of the word “haed” so that Samuel and the people will understand what needs to be shared from God.  This does not mean that Samuel wimped out and went back with a nonchalant attitude either, he was still bold in the message God had for them but Samuel did it in such a manner that would not burn bridges before they were even crossed.

It is important to keep in mind that if we stand on the street corners and minister to groups of protestors then participate in shouting matches between sides not much shall be accomplished except for more division and fewer chances of others coming to Christ.  It is not good enough that we argue people to God nor is it effective to display a condescending attitude towards the ones against us either.  A solemn approach and one that does not send animosity towards others are what needs to be conducted so that if there is any possibility of finding common ground it can be seen and then reached.  Our choices have reached a point that it is near impossible to have such a calm and rational conversation with those who sit on the opposite side of God.  This is why God showed Samuel how to return to the people and to speak to them and warn them about what would occur if they continued this path.  God did not refuse their request but He wanted to make sure that bridges were not burned per se and that if at some point in the future they could feel like God would listen to them when they began to cry and wanted Him back in the driver’s seat again.

We all know that if the so-called bridges are not available due to human causes there will be little or no chance of any type of relationship returning or forming again.  Over and over we see this type of attitude being presented on many levels of our national societies and as each passing week goes by it does not look like any procedural reconciliation is on the informal or formal tables.  This is where the Church should be stepping in and showing both sides what needs to be done to diffuse the situation because it is BOTH sides of the nation that is responsible for the messes that we are sinking in.  I may not agree with many people who support ideas and laws that go totally against God and His Ways, but that gives me NO authority to shun them as friends, acquaintances, co-workers, or even spouses because of this uniqueness that dwells within us all.  God gave us brains to think through such events without coming to blows with each other and that includes the national scenes as well.

How can we even call ourselves or consider ourselves to be Christians when we are not doing one extraordinary step in order to promote and advance the Kingdom of God?  All we do is sit back and wait until Jesus comes to take us home without honestly seeking God to know what to do for the Him where it concerns the dying people in the world, or promote worldly events and practices in order to keep protestors away from our front doors.  We must ask our hearts which eternal kingdom we serve for it cannot be both on ANY level.  Church, our hearts are blackened by sin and we need to repent and to once again allow God speak through our hearts so that we can stand up against the worldly tide that is sucking people down eternally as each moment passes.  God asks us today if we are willing to listen to His voice to ensure that His Testimony that should flow from our hearts out to those who need its Life so that we know how have and which tone to have when He speaks through us?  This is honestly called obedience.

Have we participated in foot washings with those who we consider friends and family?  Have we spent time in the parks or sitting on benches in public and just quietly listen to the conversations of people as they pass by and learning about how to speak with the general population in a sensible manner when the opportunity arises?  God taught Samuel how to approach the people who were in array concerning their future because He knew that if anger rebutted anger no chance of reconciliation would be possible.  It is our job to listen to God and to respond according to how He wants us to witness to people because if we do it on our own, then we will have disastrous results and a possibility that the ones who we were talking with will never reach God or live with Him in Heaven.  God has never wanted any division to occur between His children yet we do our share of creating it and harvesting it when the times come.  It is time for this to stop the spread of division and to proclaim the Truth and live the Word of God each day of our lives.

Almost everyone one of us when we have the opportunity to witness to people pass on the subject and sit or stand in silence as the opportunity ceases and life returns to our immediate surroundings.  All of us are guilty of this and I must include myself in this statistic for when I look back on all of the opportunities I had as a young person or even in my professional experiences I have failed at times to complete this task.  If we allow these perfect placement opportunities to slip away and hold no sorrow for such removed conveniences it will become a habit in continuing such practices and before you know it we have no interest in witnessing at all and will one day we will graduate to the level to not even think about it.  While we are accomplishing this anti-command status of ours we will allow the enemy to fill up our spirit with worldly intentions and not only begin to divide and separate from our Christian life but also start the process of division within our own lives and families.  Are you beginning to figure out how important it is to know, to understand, and to live the Word of God and how vital it is to speak to those who do not know God in an appropriate manner?  Jesus taught so many things when He was on this earth, so did His disciples and the prophets along with every other word that appears in the Bible.  It is our responsibility to share this Truth with others and promote and teach the advancement of God and His Kingdom for He is the ONLY One who can guarantee us eternal life.


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