Sunday, April 28, 2019

Remember Your Creator

Remember Your Creator


How many of us know our father?  I know that many of the people around the world have never known their father for one reason or another, and when the truth is told it is more common than most of us ever imagined.  The same question can be asked on a spiritual level as well and from the looks of today’s church denominations, we can deduct a similar percentage of those Truly knowing God.  So, if we do not know who our fathers are, then how can we ever know our true identity and the reason why we were made in the first place?  It is this topic that many may find difficult to address but when we apply its truth to both aspects of our lives it becomes imperative that we know our spiritual Father for it is He who will have the final say on where we spend eternally.  Church, it is time we teach the world the Truth about our eternal Father and stop condoning the world’s loser as a father figure.

There are many reasons as to why kids become separated from one or both of their parents, but one of the most common and might even be the most common separation tactic that humans have to display such a divisive stance is divorce.  Up front, I am going to tell you that I have been divorced and I understand what this process does to a family.  It might have solved the issues of that day but in the long run, it has had a great deal of pain that continues to smolder within all parties involved.  I know that there are countless reasons and ways for people to divorce and in all cases, nothing returns good for at some point in time the separation issues from a parent will rear its ugly head.  We are not going to be focusing on issues that cause this devastation to families but what it means to be separated from your creator, more specifically being separated from your Creator.  Unless we go back and understand the true principles of Life we shall never overcome the divisive deficit that we have fallen for so long.  This process did not start when the BCE period of time turned into the AD/CE time “began”, it had a further back origin than this and we need to seriously take a heartfelt look at this origin once again.

We have mentioned a few times over the past few years just how many divorces there have been that involves personal friends of yours and mine.  Almost every day I hear people who freely discuss a few details about their lives and each one inevitably include divorce.  How can we not suffer consequences when divorce is rampant and so popular?  How can we function not only as a single family but as a nation as well with this type of track record?  Our destructive ways have been promoted and lived for countless amounts of time and as we continue to live in such manner all we do is dig our hole deeper.  When division is the main goal as a means to gain control or power it can only represent a process of forgetting.  This is exactly what occurs when parents divorce or do not even marry.  There is no cohesive stability that is present when this type of living is exonerated and/or promoted.  Yet, for some reason, we have marched toward this separation and now thrive in its wallowing.  Divorce is a literal ripping apart of a family and it is due to both sides of the marriage and union.  As stated above, there are countless ways and circumstances that lead to this process, but it does not have to be as such but in order for the union to stay together both sides must agree to live according to a higher standard that brought them there to this ending point.

Many believe that this divorcing process is just superficial and that one will have better luck the next time around, but as many find out it only occurs again and sometimes again, and each time brings more pain and division set as a normal tradition due to the fact that so many have followed in its footsteps.  Again, God asks us how can we know our physical creator if he is not in the picture at all times, and more importantly, He asks us this same question when it comes to Him too.  When a person’s creator is not known it only brings forth future problems down the road for if one does not know their origins how can they be sound on any level of their lives?  You want to look at this another way?  Then take a gander at the political assassinations that are ongoing in our government alone, how many rounds of ammunition are spent each day toward others?  They cannot be accurately numbered or measured, all the while they cry out for gun control when they cannot even reel in their hearts, minds, and tongues.  It is the same process as divorce and until we return to God and completely live under the blood covering of Christ this pattern shall continue to increase just as any other portion of Satan’s destruction plan does.

Divorce separates everyone involved in the family and it directly takes the father out of the picture.  This process allows another father to join the family and to begin trying to direct the new setting as much as possible.  He tries to bridge the gap if you wish to put it in those terms but most of the time it only ends up in a badly constructed crossing that most do not dare cross for fear of it collapsing as they walk across.  Why is this?  What do people expect when they are already in a compromised state when they personally try to bring the new family together?  It is a tragedy when this setting occurs, for it deepens the wounds of everyone involved and it does not solve any issues of the first union and only establishes further division and devastation down the road for the second family.  To bring this process and how it affects people down the road we must again return to the Garden of Eden and take another look at Adam and Eve and how this process of divorce and separation from our Father has led us to the point at which we are today.

Most of us know that the fall of Adam and Eve did not occur overnight, that their demise came over time.  With that in mind, when we examine our text of Genesis 3:4-7 once more we can see that Eve has a direct face to face conversation with the Serpent and he questions her about what God has spoken to them concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which she badly messes God’s command up.  All it took was for the Serpent to hear the fact that Eve added to the command for him to know she was ready to listen to his advice and to reject God’s command.  Nowhere does it say that Adam stood up for God, his wife, or himself either (we have discussed this earlier) which means that the level from the time of equality with God had dropped enough for the Serpent to gain his access to the humans.  The issues had raised enough to warrant an end to such games but Adam and Eve were too preoccupied with the Serpent and his ideologies that they refused to address the issues head-on.  These issues festered suitably then grew in quantity and quality so as to look to be the source of all their problems.  Ever wonder why Adam and Eve doubted God’s Word and command?  This is it and it occurs to each and every one of us with each day we arise and go about our daily lives.  It is for this reason alone that we do not allow our enemy any access to our lives for when we give him an inch he shall take four thousand miles.

As time passed, Adam and Eve became weary of their job and of their dominion for why would anyone else add to a job responsibility unless impressions were at stake?  When Genesis 3:7 finally arrived and both Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the consequences of the failure to deal with the issues in the correct manner with God came to fruition and the process of divorce from God occurred.  There was no question that God understood what was happening long before Adam and Eve took the bite and even though God continued to allow their curiosities and issues move forward He never once forced them to anything out of their will.  Yes, it disappointed God greatly and He knew where it would eventually take them, but God’s mercy continued to set the standard that Adam and Eve saw every day up until Genesis 3:7.  After Genesis 3:7 occurred there was no turning back and Adam and Eve had to leave due to their failure of obeying the Law of God; thus, the first “divorce” occurred and ever since that dreadful day mankind has been fighting to save every inch of their hearts against an enemy that we did not refuse to understand then and in which we totally ignore today.  When Genesis 3:24 arrives, we see that Adam and Eve had now been separated from their Father and their direct relationship would never be as it was in the beginning.

The only way we can understand this fact is if we remember that when God created Adam and Eve He did so in such a way where all three of them were in equal accord.  I am not saying that they were like God or even like a god but through the way they were created Adam and Eve were in complete unity with God on their foundational level.  It is this equality that we still strive for today because it was built into our lives when humans were given life for the first time, that feeling and desire have never left.  Yet, as we continue to seek this unity of ours we have already shot ourselves in the foot due to our own selfish exaggerations when it comes to relationships.  As stated above I am not here to blame anyone for the process of this devastating act, but God does want us to know that it is our choices to behave in such a way to warrant these dangerous patterns.  God wants us to understand that it is our responsibility to keep the family intact and in order at all times for even the slightest opening to our eternal enemy and our dominion and origins of Creation will be destroyed.  When this direct contact is broken it is thus rendered stolen and according to the kingdom laws of Satan, the spoils of victory belong to him for they were rightly attained through ties that were given to him voluntarily.  So explains the accolades that occurred in the Garden of Eden; think about this folks.

In times past, divorces were a taboo subject and many people did not even speak about that period of time in their lives, understandably so.  But as history proceeded and current times approached this subject became easier to talk about and now, some people brag about their divorces and consider them to be a positive issue.  All in all, this process of division harms the individual and the unity between couples and families.  When Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden it was the perfect setting with the perfect union possible, a perfect condition created by the one and only perfect and eternal Father.  Of course, this was the perfect setup for Satan to destroy but God had the confidence of His Creations to resist such offers through the process of choice.  How could anyone have a better knowledge of one another than what Adam, Eve and God had?  It is this example that Satan saw from the beginning and it is this same example that he sees with us today.  It is our job to see the tricks that he presents to us and to resist them on the spiritual level first and then on the physical.  What Eve stated to the Serpent was not just words but it came from her heart which means that it was on the spiritual aspect of her existence.  The truth about the tree was not just the physical alone, God did not care about the tree itself but it was the will of the human that He wanted pure through obedience and it is this aspect, the spiritual that our will longs to obey.

Adam and Eve had a standard that was presented to them upon their Creation and it was one that could not falter on any level because it was God who supplied the standard.  As stated many times before, it was the choice of Adam and Eve to lower the standard of their lives and not God and this dropping of the bar could not be ignored for if God had said it was okay and He chose to look away, then Satan would have legal grounds to claim his position back in Heaven and declare God a fraud.  From the moment Adam and Eve made that choice to disobey, the world has taken this lowering standard and ran with its consequences.  Before sin, Adam and Eve did not know separation or any part of a permanent division, but they did have the choice to make when it came time for decisions to be completed.  Adam and Eve knew each other intimately and along with God being on the same plane they had their fortunes to themselves for God was at the center of all their lives. 

It is not difficult for us to see the world and to think that its way of life is chaotic at best, but many tend to live in this manner and thus do not deem its presence a big deal.  But all of us have stopped at some point in our lives and have asked if we could have known more or could have been closer to our families.  As these thoughts continue to surge it is easy to understand that it was the lack of separation that kept us together on all levels of family life but when a part was taken away it a part of us that was lost and then eventually died.  It is true that not many families reunite again in marriage after they have divorced, probably over 95% of divorced couples and families never have direct or continual relations from that time, so what is it that we are so quick to leave the situation instead of trying our best to tame our hearts and work things out in order to keep the family intact and rolling in the direction, it was designed to do?  Can you imagine the number of drops in suicides, drug addictions, divorces, and other divisive conditions would there be if we stopped choosing the world and its standard and once again strive to live under the level that God has set for us at our Creation?  Those numbers of unity would skyrocket and solve many issues within our societies just within a short period of time.

However, I must contend that we have a huge problem here and through this problem, it looks like those encouraging numbers of reunifications or unified statistics will not be happening any time soon.  This is because the one entity that was established and designed to proclaim such reconciliation with God and His standards has fallen into the same trap as Adam and Eve did.  The Church has so divided herself that she can no longer function as a viable example for the world.  We are now threatening to divorce God because we feel like we know better than His Ways and that the world is really not that bad in its stances; plus, if we keep the world on a string maybe it will not tell our secrets about our personal lives and we will have an opportunity sometime down the road to correct such “mistakes” without everyone knowing about them, the perfect recipe for a divorce.  The only thing that God wants us to know is that it does not matter what your physical walls look like and that He is not interested in your superficial religious attitudes.  All God wants is a pure heart that will come to Him each day and to desire a relationship with Him, and from what He is seeing from us, the superficial lies rule our hearts not Him.  Think upon something for a moment, the world in all of its disdain promotes the step-father in almost every case presented in the legal spotlight, do you think that this is a simple coincidence?  The world promotes its father to our lives each second of the day and the only way that one can spiritually accept this imitational father is to have a spiritual divorce from our Real Father.  So, why would the Church promote such a divorce?

How can one remember their father from a distance?  If the child who suffers from a divorce cannot have a decent remembrance of their father on earth how do we believe that we can have a fond memory or ANY memory of our eternal Father when we separate ourselves from Him?  We forget that when that Day of Judgment arrives we shall see Jesus as He is not how we think we see Him.  Our beliefs will no longer matter but what our hearts have done for Him after our first breath.  God does not want a divorce from His prized Creations, but a direct and refreshing relationship with us so that we can have happy lives under His protection.  God understands what it means to be separated from His children and it is His desire that no one else dies and leaves His presence.  I can envision Adam and Eve becoming a bit lazy in their dominion leading up to the time that they fell and were cast from God and His sight.  Why are we following that pattern from the Church?  They were created to be the eternal example of life but failed miserably by their own ties and accord with the temptation of the world, are we going to complete this damnation or are we going to really change the way we live?  There is no more perfect example of separation from Who is correct than the Bible gives us in Genesis chapter 3, and if we continue to fail to understand the dynamics of such a story our lives are going to fall apart in ways that have no bearing that can be mentioned.  These unthinkable outcomes shall not just stick to the world and its population, for God is a just God and He serves the just and the unjust together for He cannot change one iota; sadly, when we become separated from our Creator we cannot see His warnings for our spiritual eyes have been blinded by the serpent’s guile.

How can we as the single entity that is supposed to go into all the world and exalt God through witnessing to those who are lost if we are actively working on the process of divorcing God?  With all of the divorces going on in the world, along with all of the perverted acknowledgments of fornication that lead to broken families, why would we seek to complete the same activities on the spiritual level as well?  If children that come from divorced families do not know their father in the way that they should how can we believe that we can live for Christ when we live in the same contingency?  When divorce becomes a generational aspect of a family there can be no resolution with the father so how can we even think that we can know or remember our Creator while living in the same manner spiritually?  Let’s go Church, it is time to turn our hearts back to God and to return to Him as our first love, not our 3rd or 18th.  We no longer can afford to sit back and watch the world go to hell in a handbasket and believe that we are prepared to meet Jesus our mission is out in the world not on a pew.  To be honest, if we believe that we can sit on a pew and believe that we are saved, we have already divorced God and no longer have ANY recollection of what His Word says and definitely, His Word does not reside within our hearts either.


Friday, April 19, 2019




One of the most common questions about the Bible is how one views its contents.  We cannot ignore the fact that many do not see the Bible as anything else but a bunch of stories that someone has dreamed up and written down at a later time and date.  I believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God, His eternal definition, and our guideline to our lives.  It is amazing to me just how many instances the Bible talks about what we can see occurring today, yet still ignore its value in our lives.  With all of the instances that seem to have no answers, we turn our hearts to the world for answers and receive cold hard devastation in return, thanking it with our praises in the end.  God has a different plan for our lives and wants us to live life abundantly at all times and there is a simple process and a hard fight to ensure this freedom.  His Word shares with us about our needs and our troubles and through this process of study we can receive the help we truly need and better yet avoid such catastrophes before they occur when we turn our eyes and hearts to God.

One of the most powerful deceptions that Satan has within his repertoire is the command influence to deter us from our specific purposes in life.  His means of accomplishing this task vary widely and are so effective that many times through these tactics we completely lose our ways long enough that delusion about our existence becomes the focal point of our actions.  Also, through this delusional process of his we eventually forget about how we are supposed to work in agreement with each other and to pursue the eternal equality that humanity had when we were first Created; however, through our own admissions, we seem to fall way short of this goal simply due to the fact that we no longer agree much on anything, resulting in a fatal society that has no brakes to stop us from advancing over the end of the tracks ahead.  It cannot be helped but to view the world in such a state these days, but when you take a look at how people felt in the past about the world that they lived in, one can easily attribute this same condition of animosity toward their societies as well.

Humans like to believe that each society that their generations are involved in represent the pinnacle of what societal life is supposed to be, and we have to look no further from our own present society to see that pride present.  As this pride continues to grow and demonstrate itself openly it blinds us to the truth about the old adage about pride and how it makes us fall at some point in the future, inhibiting our true purpose because of our selfish platforms rise faster than our stated desires.  How can we live in such angst when we have an unlimited supply of secular examples before us that clearly provide a way in which we should go and should not go.  Also, it is this mindless ignorance of ours that we fail to recognize that all of our societal and moral failures recorded in human history are present from prehistory that God provides in His Word.  This means that humans before the “accepted” time of our history began were doing things on their own and failing within their own environments thus giving us a human record of uncertainty that comes first and establishes a pattern that we still follow today.  God purposefully did not give us all the answers to our lives and to our problems in written form nor did He give us all the answers to His Life either.  He did give us a heart and a mind to pursue such answers through His Truth, however.  It is this path that He so desires for His children to choose and since He also knows that many shall not He put clues in His Word for us to study and to learn from which gives us an accurate historical record to gain from.  It is this platform of Truth that converts God’s Word into a book of Life and prophecy that directly relates to not only our past but our present and future as well.

Wouldn’t it be spectacular to have a guide in our lives that gives us answers to questions that appear out of nowhere, or to ones we have pondered for years, and when those answers are given to us provide more questions and then more answers down the road?  I know that sometimes all of the questions we have about life itself, how and why things occur can be overwhelming at times but when we receive such directions it all seems worth it.  The world can throw so many curve balls towards you with us wildly swinging at air sometimes, but when we know where to look for the correct answers to life’s questions the answers are brilliantly clear with explanations that are mind-boggling, to say the least.  It is for this reason that God has placed such prophetic words of wisdom in His Word to serve as guidelines of how to avert such issues in our lives.  Many of these prophetic statements are missed or misdirected as such and then not fully understood. 

Many do not know what a prophecy is and the majority of those who do not know do not care to understand either, but they are a part of our lives and a necessity in order to figure out which direction we should take in life.  I have often stated in the past that I am not too keen on prophecy due to the fact that many people claim to be prophets yet do not understand the magnitude for which they stand thus creating a spiritual environment that is detrimental in content.  Each prophet in the Bible was segregated and called out from the people by those same people they were presenting as those in need of God’s Covenant again.  Over and over the prophets were considered outcasts because of the so-called doom and gloom that they represented to others, faithfully delivering the messages that the lost needed to hear in order to bypass the issues that would deflect God from their lives while directly fulfilling what God was warning in the first place.

Often we place the prophets only in the Old Testament and it is easy to do for the writers of the New Testament considered themselves preachers and teachers instead of prophets even though their warnings, writings, and sayings were exactly online with the words of the Old Testament prophets.  Not many of us think that the contents of the New Testament are prophetic in nature either but oh how we miss so many truths about our living conditions and heart conditions because of this misunderstanding.  Yes, we can find so many occurrences within the Early Church that are present today but do we understand that when God speaks something it is alive and when He points out something in human history as a point of reference if we do not correct it then it becomes a prophetic word in our lives according to His authority.  Isn’t a prophecy a spoken word about the future of a person, group, nation or society thus deemed as true or not according to how things play out of said future?  Well, can we not say that the same spirits that were present in the Early Church do not have access in our hearts today?  If you are honest, then we must capitulate that they are along with countless others that we have voluntarily attached ourselves to as well.  And is not every person who takes a breath considered a child of God?  Then through these two truths, the passage for this article serves as a prophetic word from God for us today.

Romans Chapter 1 is an extraordinary passage in that after Paul’s introductory salutation to the Roman Church, basically describes the exact position that so many people including church denominations include as a mainstay of their lives.  It is this small portion of this great letter of Paul’s writings that God wants us to understand that serves not only as a truth statement for when Paul was alive but for us today serving as a prophetic message and one that should hasten our spiritual hearts to change our ways.  The specific passage for this article is Romans 1:20-23 and while not every word is going to be specifically drawn out here I suppose that God shall at some point direct us to that state, so hold on here we go.  From the content of this passage, we can see that the Roman church was in chaos spiritually and through this disaccord produced a great deal of division within the likes of its people.  If one knows the concepts of how to keep an organization intact and functioning with a certain degree of profitable productivity in place, they would know that this condition within the Roman church does not support such product.  They would also know that unless significant changes occurred that the organization itself would not be in business too long either.  So, in this manner how difficult is it to place this passage into the prophetic category?

Ever since my helicopter ride back in September 2018, God has placed it on my heart to write about the darkened condition of our spiritual hearts.  He has focused His attention on the Church and how we have allowed ourselves to be caught up in the worldly vanity and how we have placed it as a foundational building block in order to prevent outrage and criticism from the ruler of this world.  Verse 21 of this passage directly states this inclusion of vanity because when vanity is present it means that the world has taken over enough of our hearts that God is no longer desired as the King of our lives.  The world sees God and His eternal authority as a vanity in itself for vanity serves as its own ruler and thus rejects any other opinion or law that says otherwise.  Vanity has no other purpose than to supply itself with continual rationing from others in order to satisfy its own appearance.  And in this instance, we must remember that when vanity rules our lives we will see God and the Laws He represents as boundaries and limitations to our worldly freedoms instead as protective truths that cover us and shield us from our enemy and his kingdom.

We will begin with a couple of notes concerning a few words and phrases in this verse that bring the depth of what has occurred here into light.  The first is “for although they knew God” which comes from the Greek words “Dioti gnontes” which stands in usage of the verb to know.  The manner in which this phrase is written in English suggests that it is a descriptive phrase in which another phrase or portion of a sentence will finish the introduction and give completeness to the first part.  The word “Theon” is used next which is the Greek word for a supreme deity which refers to God, the God of the Bible.  These two phrases put together gives us a picture that at one point in time the church in Rome had experienced God and the wonders of His presence in their hearts but as the next portion of this verse unfolds it becomes clear that when this presence occurred they did not wish to glorify God nor did they thank God for His presence which nullifies why God makes His presence known and felt.  How many revivals have we sat through or been a part of where God has shown us His glory and then we brush it off as soon as we walk out the church building doors?  If this portion of the verse wasn’t bad enough the last half of the verse becomes more of indoctrination about a self-serving god instead of an eternal and Heavenly giver of Life. 

In verse 22 the next stage of personal vanity takes charge for it is common that vanity shares its content with others through its own reflection.  See, people who are stuck with vanity as their motivational life cannot produce anything else but selfish “wisdom” thus conveying to whoever might listen to a sense of correctness that will serve vanity’s leader.  There is nothing true about vanity itself and the legacy it produces to those who actively and proudly wear it.  Look at how vain the Church is today, she rivals the world in this category producing superficially spectacular presentations while harboring a darkened or in many cases a blackened heart.  Is there a better definition of vanity than what the Church portrays today?  With the contents of this verse, the Church today can be easily compared to the condition of the church in Rome back when Paul wrote this letter, further solidifying the truth that this passage serves as a prophetic message to those who read it today.  Why do we give the enemy fuel to burn us with when we should know how to not surrender to the wiles of the devil?  Yet, when we do succumb to this obscene gesture, to our astounding “shock”, we scream and cry out at the people within the Church instead of the spirit which is present within the Church’s heart. 

All throughout God’s Word, He has done His best to inform His people that they should have nothing to do with the world for the world can offer nothing good for our lives.  But the words in verse 22 in this passage proclaim a different tone that His people took and established a foundation of lies instead of the truth.  As each day passes, it becomes easier to see just how “wise” the world believes it is and when Paul mentions this setting in this verse t means that this spirit was present back then within the Church hearts just as it is today.  We have no contentions that the world thrives on these type of lies but why is it that today’s Church continues to follow step-by-step in those same lies that plagued them back shortly after Jesus left this earth?  Even more disturbing is the fact that we completely ignore what Paul teaches and what he begged the church in Rome to rid their hearts of back then, today. 

When the Bible uses the word “fools” it really has a specific connotation, for these words tells us that they are literally living out the fact that they are fools through their own beliefs.  The church in Rome should have known better and should not even have the inkling of the idea that their own “wisdom” could make themselves wise for human wisdom originates with a death sentence; therefore, can only market such an ending.  So, what are we doing today?  The exact same thing as the church in Rome did thousands of years before us, follow our own thinking and beliefs to arrive at our truth instead of The Truth.  It would be one thing if the world had its own policies and the Church had hers, yet as we cry for separation of Church and State we continually try our best to blend the two entities together.  The Greek words used here to make up the term “fools” is “emoranthesan” which literally translates to become insipid or to make as a simpleton.  It is a dumbing down process in which one goes from a wise stance to a dumb stance due to something that is believed.

Tragically, we have recently had an occurrence which proves this point of Paul’s so long ago and what God is trying to tell us today.  A bit ago, one of the major historical cathedrals almost burned to the ground in France.  The world watched in “shock” was the flames roared through the building and gutted the roof and interior of the building.  People went crazy as their eyes beheld the fire and the same people cheered as the leaders of the Catholic Church and of many nations uttered almost the exact same words that President Bush and other US national leaders did on 9/11.  We have not learned one thing from our past whether it be from human history alone, Church history alone, or both tied together.  It is for this reason that God gave us the New Testament so that we would have more than one example to guide us with our walk with Him and to shun the world completely for if we do not do both our eyes will become focused on selfish goals and lead to our demise.

Verse 23 comes along as says the following: “And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”  There are numerous issues with this statement from Paul that can be addressed but where it comes to the authority of the Church and what Jesus commanded her to do and to be this verse cannot be determined as anything else but prophetic for us today.  The world has done a fantastic job in promoting and then raising up animals, constructed objects and other environmental stages to our level of dominion and has established physical laws to back these foolish claims up.  It is absurd that the Church even contend with such foolishness for we should know our dominion status that goes back to the Garden of Eden yet we are so willing to give it away to something that was created below us.  We have churches and church leaders supporting abortion laws that allow babies to be born alive after an attempted abortion to die after their birth and at the same time establish laws that make it a felony to harm a bird’s egg.  If any member of any denominational church sees this aspect as okay, then you are not studying and believing the Word of God correctly but only through selfish and worldly eyes are you abiding by its Truths; which is a lie from Satan himself.

We now come to break down verse 23, and this verse highlights the next step in the worldly thinking process in that we see that the church in Rome begins to lower the status and existence of God to fit their own patterns of mortality.  A keyword used here is “changed” and gives us a picture of what happened within the lives and hearts of the church of Rome.  The Greek word used here for “changed” is “ellaxan” which means to exchange.  The church willingly and voluntarily exchanged the eternal and immortal status of God for a mortal and limited view of His existence.  The rest of the verse describes what they exchanged but it is the act that they did in the first place that set the tone for the remaining words of this verse.  What is frightening about this portion of the verse is that they had direct communication with a worldly leader in order for this to occur.  Their beliefs became so off base with God that the one that convinced them otherwise had a greater influence than the Truth.  Each person attending or who were associated with the church in Rome that agreed to this exchange participated in a spiritual handing over ceremony in which they took upon worldly standards for God’s Standard.

The devious part of this ceremony is that it is an active one that grows within your spiritual heart.  See, when one talks about kingdom they must never become lax in the fact that the kingdoms that are vying for your life are alive and moving, and whichever kingdom inhabits your heart not only will it move but it shall grow as well.  So, in the end, the deception of the world’s kingdom will eventually grow enough in your heart that you will truly believe that the world is not such a bad place and that its ways are ordained by God.  It will become your inner “peace” and fool you at the same time while it throws in a little bit of peace bit by bit.  All the while turning you from the eternal and immortal God that Created your life to a mortal image that you worship on a daily basis instead.  No wonder God said way back in Genesis to Adam that he should obey the one command concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; He did not want any other images or ways before Him.  Through these last few verses, it becomes even clearer just how Paul's words to the church in Rome are Prophetic to today's Church as well.

What we have read so far is bad enough and would describe the majority of people who live double lives when it comes to attending church.  By the way, do we really understand what it means to attend church?  Paul writes these words to people of the church in Rome but as we scroll through our screens today it could easily be written originally for those of us today.  What is even more appalling is that the remaining portions of this passage describe what one might consider to be more grotesque of sin against God, it is this portion of the Word that proclaims that not much has changed over time thus rendering it a living prophetic word that unless broken shall continue its path of destruction until God says enough.  All of us are born into sin which is evident through this passage of Scripture but it is our choice to break this cycle and to be separated from the world’s nature and live under God’s Covenantal Laws.  However, just as the Early Church dug its own hole of self-indulgent behavior and belief system; therefore, it is our responsibility to close such a hole and to repair the road so that people who seek to know the Truth shall not fall prey to our own historical sin.  But, we have not closed this hole instead we have dug it deeper and wider.

The remaining verses in this chapter further detail the state of not only the church in Rome but how today’s Church functions, thrives and proclaims.  I cannot see God allowing too much more for us to worldly incorporate, but I am not Him.  What must God do in order for us to open our eyes and see that we are not fulfilling our command from Christ and that we have been fooled into accepting the dividedness of the world into our spiritual life?  Church, we need to shed the world and all of its services from our hearts because our hearts are becoming darker by the day and unless we turn our hearts back to God first, all we can offer is Romans 1:20-23 conditions to those who are lost.  To put it plain and simple, we are in the emergency room with severe chest pains and we know what is going on and we have been shown the truth about our condition.  So, it is our choice to allow God to pilot us to His facility so He can repair our hearts as we need it or we can flatline and die from within and allow the enemy to secure our eternal future separated from God.  This fact does not just abode with us it goes out to the entire world just as Jesus commanded us to do than proving that this passage of the New Testament is a prophetics verse.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

If Not For The Bettering

If Not For Bettering


It is a common goal of humanity to make things better for our children and for everyone else around us and for the most part we try to adhere to this structure of living.  But as our eyes open to a new day we find that it seems like while we try to accomplish this bettering of our lives we are actually pulling away from each other faster than ever before.  There is a reason for this and that is because we are becoming more idolatrous and egotistical when it comes to our choices and we flaunt these eras in the face of others as we curse them for defying our ways.  This conglomeration of beliefs cannot exist but the god that we have chosen to rule our lives deems otherwise, right over the cliff.  Until we return to the true Creator our lives shall continue to the end of the track and we will have no choice but to roll to our eternal end.  He can stop this wreck from occurring and when we let Him we can save so many other trains from falling over as well.

Over the past few years, we have been discussing how the Church has fallen down on the job when it comes to witnessing correctly, effectively, and truthfully to the dying world.  It is so sad to me when I see politicians defend God with the idea of death being at their forefront and defending their actions through the word “love”.  It disturbs me that these people have fallen for an eternal lie from our enemy and have been fooled for fluently that they believe that what they are saying and defending actually comes from God’s own heart.  Every time my ears hear such travesty it breaks my heart and it aches for them to know the truth, the eternal Truth and not the truth of the world.  Ironically, while these people are defending God through their own means the world in which they are standing up for is doing its best to silence the true Love of God and His Ways.  The only way that this could ever occur is if we are out winning the lost for Christ to be an effective missionary to the lost and not sitting in the pews waiting for God to work miracles in our lives and for the return of Christ.

As almost every person in the world knows, next year is the presidential election in this nation.  The “political gurus” have already begun their crusades against the other parties and it is only a matter of time before our phone lines are inundated with political opinion polls and questions wanting to know “my concerns”.  The other day I was listening to one of the Democratic people running for president and me could not help but sink my head as he made it clear that he loved God and that his way of life (married homosexual) was acceptable to God and that if a certain person in the political opposition had any problems with it that it was not him he was to deal with but “his creator”.  Well, the reason my head sank was that for the entire monologue this person praised how his husband made him a better person and a better human being.  He gushed at the fact that his life with his husband could not have been defined any better and that every stable thing in his life was owed to his husband.  Then he made the statement about God and how the opposing person should take matters up with Him and not him.  This is where my anger flared a bit because in essence, this Christian person, as he believes he is, was using threats to “witness” to others about his stance concerning his life.  Not once did this person ever say let us come to the table and talk about God and maybe we can mend some fences, nor did he once initiate a compassionate witness statement about Jesus and serving Him, only his denomination.  And to be honest, his belief in God and what he thinks about those who do not agree with his lifestyle is no different than those people who have been sitting in pews for their entire Christian walk and have done nothing for the advancement of the TRUE Kingdom of God.

It is true that at one point in the early stages of a person’s Christian walk, they were on fire for God and properly witnessed for God and was not a hypocrite.  But as time went along, their enthusiasm began to dwindle and after a while, the wind came along and easily blew that eternal light to the world out.  At first, it bothered us but as more time went along and seeing the world in another light, it became easier to function “normally” without God being first in our lives.  Yes, we kept up appearances by attending Sunday School and almost every church service offered but our candle within was still burnt out with no match in sight to relight that flame.  We then came up with the idea that we were safe in the eternal arms of God because we did get saved on a certain date that we emphatically remember and that since we live a good life there is no need to do anything more.  Our battle over the enemy is done for we have accepted God and He has promised to take care of us when we come to Him; in other words, not completely changing the atmosphere when it comes to defeating the enemy.  We are standing over him because it is true we have defeated him but by us sitting and doing nothing we are making a grave error and it shall come back to haunt us one day.  We have a wonderful example of this in a popular story that almost everyone who attended Sunday school will recognize, David and Goliath.

1 Samuel 17 covers this great story and it is one of great victory for God through the simplicity of a shepherd boy who would one day become king of Israel.  The passage that we are going to be using for this article is 17:48-51 with the main focus being on verse 50.  We have David hitting his target square on the forehead with a simple stone being slung from his sling, an event that seems to be totally impossible to play out but it is a true story and every bit of detail occurred just as the Bible said it did.  David did exactly what he was trained to do when he encountered an enemy that wanted to harm his sheep and the entire actions of David was ordained and approved by God.  It is this action by David also gives us the ideal picture of how Christians are to attack the enemy and how to defeat him completely, but over our lives as “Christians” we have become soft and hypocritical over our actions towards the enemy and because of these disobedient actions of ours we are now witnessing a return of the enemy that has reversed the setting of 1 Samuel 17 and now he holds the eternal slingshot and stone.

This passage tells us a lot about how we as Christians conduct ourselves over our enemy, the issue that God has with our conduct is that we do not follow His example and thus allow the enemy to rise up again and take charge over what God has Created.  The word prevailed used here in verse 50 comes from the Hebrew word “wayyechezaq” which is translated as to be strong, grow firm, resolute, prevail upon and to harden.  This is a state or status which means that the condition of the said person, when faced with a difficulty, rises up to the occasion and takes care of business with the strength and authority that God has given them.  It may not always look like you have the advantage when you step into the spiritual ring of battle and you might get laughed at by the enemy when you arrive, but it is through the eternal strength of our eternal Father that gives us the stamina and the wisdom to overcome such occupation.

David uses a sling and a stone as his weapons against the massive giant that faced him.  The word for a sling in Hebrew is “baqqela” and it means a simple drape, curtain, or sling.  It is simple in nature and structure and would not be considered to most warriors as a threat when it is used as a single instrument but when driven by God it becomes a different type of seizure and one that shall always hit its target dead center.  The word for stone in Hebrew that is used here is “ubaeben” which is just a simple common stone.  Again, if a person picked up a stone and threw it at someone it may hit them and hurt for a while, but it would not inflict major damage or even death but as stated above, when God has His hand on the day and the situation nothing can stop the Truth from being conducted no matter what the situation presents.

What David does here is a good example of the Church being on fire for God and living through His Ways and obedience.  However, it is also this position of ours where we stop and put down our holy weapons and return to the spiritual pew and believe that we have completed the job that God wanted us to do.  It is this action of ours or lack of continued action that explains our eternal mistake and serves as the basis of our downfall.  For Jesus said to go into the entire world and preach the gospel, He said nothing to do it and then return back to our safe houses.  This passage that God uses in this article explains this position of ours and it really defines our condition more than we think for it also gives us an extra step here that many of us do not do and probably most of us do not even understand.  Prevailing over our enemy is the foundation of what Jesus commanded us to do and it served as the Living example of how He lived when He was on earth.  But prevailing was not and is not good enough we must take the authority that God and Jesus gave us and do one more thing, cut off the head of our downed enemy.

Do you know what the Philistines would have done if they had witnessed David drop Goliath with the stone, just stood over him, and then nothing to finalize the victory?  When you have an opponent down and to all eyes, it looks like the competition is over it is a gross mistake not to finish the opponent off until there is absolutely no life available again.  How many times have we been at a sporting event and the highly favored team does not rise up fully and just put the opposing team away just to have them come back and beat the favored team in the end?  The same eternal and spiritual opponent that we face everyday lives under this concept as well and if we do not cut the spiritual head off of our enemy his army shall see this fault and incompletion of ours and shall rise up again and take spiritual revenge against us down the line.  This is not a maybe or might occur it is a guarantee for Jesus addresses this subject in Matthew 12:44 when He teaches about the demons returning from a cleaned house that is still empty.

Church, for too long we have stood over our enemy and claimed victory over him without finalizing the act on the level that our enemy truly lives by and understands.  It is truly a victory for God when His children follow through and defeat the enemy and when a person is saved that is exactly what occurs; however, it does not stop there nor is the process at its end.  Taking a stand against the enemy is the first step, you are prevailing and then you down the enemy dead with the weapons that God gives you, not mankind’s weapons.  All who live and proclaim Jesus as their Savior have been at this position over the enemy but when we are in this position many of us find ourselves gloating over the enemy and then walking away from the position like the battle has been won.  That is far from the truth because our enemy shall rise up again and will remember what occurred and come after you and your surroundings with a spiritual vengeance that might just eternally separate you from God. 

What is demonstrated here is a person sitting and not bettering themselves through the Word of God and through the command of Jesus.  Remember that Jesus said He came to give us life abundantly; one cannot receive such a gift if we are not actively accomplishing His command.  Sitting around and doing nothing is not going out to the world and preaching the gospel, it is not continually setting the example of what Christ did, nor does it represent why Jesus gave His life as a living sacrifice for all mankind.  How many times have we read in the Old Testament about how God told Israel to complete a certain job in a specific manner, then have Israel turn around and not complete the task at hand according to what God said to do?  This disobedient action cost Israel many lives in the future but it also cost them a few kings and great leaders as well.  How much are we willing to give up because of our stubborn and prideful actions instead of completing the job as God has directed us?  What we do not realize is that through this action of ours and not cutting off the head of our defeated enemy we are setting up one of the most incredible slaughters ever known.

It is true that God’s Word cannot be changed in any way, shape, or form but at least we can delay some of its conclusions if we turn our hearts back to His Ways before things get out of hand.  God is a proactive God and One that is alive and in constant motion.  His Word says that He is the lamp to our feet and a light unto our path.  This means that the light and lamp can only be effective if we are moving for both do not mean much when one is standing still.  This is why Jesus said for us to go into the entire world because if we just sit around and do nothing for His Kingdom not only will we miss His glory, but we will also fail to see His Kingdom work as it was created to live.  Oh how one can imagine if Adam and Eve had not allowed God’s completely defeated enemy into their lives and thus our lives; we can only imagine how our existence would be today.

Oh, Church, it is time that we get off our duffs and go into the world and complete the work that God has told us to do.  We need to be bettering ourselves through the command of Jesus.  1 Samuel 17:50 is a victorious verse but we can no longer afford to stop at this verse and leave David (the Church) standing over Goliath (Satan) and completing what God has told us to do.  Living in a victorious life under God is just as His Life is, complete and continuous not half way done or wishy-washy.  From what God’s Word tells us if we live in such a half manner lifestyle then it will be certain that we shall fall at some point in time during our lives, but if we live completely in Him defeating His and our enemy fully, we shall live abundantly under the eternal Sacrificial Lamb’s blood along with the ones that have come to Christ through our obedience to His command.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Life Matters

Life Matters


There are countless ways to interpret this phrase with most of these interpretations resulting in disagreement attitudes against all sides who hear the specific words.  But are we listening to what is important here or are we getting our grammar points mixed up, I am not talking about how the sentence structure actually is but what the focal point is when certain phrases or words come forth out of our mouths.  It seems like we are running ahead to reach a goal without any value to our names to purchase it and it is this object that God wants us to know that through our off the cuff remarks about who we support really entails how far off what should be the most important issue to our lives.  God loves life on all levels and since He is most interested in life He really wants us to understand that we cannot live a full life without Him first in our lives and when He is first in our lives all of the adjectives to describe life may be around but they do not rule us.

As all aspects of our lives become increasingly polarized, it is difficult to even have a basic conversation with our neighbors without being afraid of making a statement that might be construed as offensive.  I find it very frustrating not being able to just freely say hello or hi to someone as they pass by me coming in or out of a restaurant or store.  Along those lines I have noticed people deliberately put their head down and watch the ground go by as they pass another person, just to say that I did not see you or give the appearance that they did not want to talk or to be social with someone else.  I have found myself simulating that type of thought through my head as someone approaches me in such conditions and as I struggle to speak when they come near, I find myself screaming at me inside for I have never been like that in my entire life.  It does not end there either, it has now invaded how we say things or what we even support or do not support, that counts and if we do not agree with everything the popular opinion deems true, watch out you have a target on your body and it will be hit many times in quick succession.

When I was a young kid, it was said of me that I never knew a stranger and that I would talk to just about anyone.  While that part of me still exists today, we must be more careful than before because it seems like most people nowadays are at trigger point and just waiting for the next opportunity to explode.  How silly and ridiculous have we become because of this attitude and increased frustration level?  Our belief that our opinion is the correct one and if anyone disagrees with it should be subject to a screaming match or punch in the face, is destroying our capability to obtain what we as humans desire the most and that is happiness, love, and peace.  Also, this hyped up internal activity sensor of ours defines to others how we define life and demonstrates how we will react to real problems when that day arrives.  Is this how we were meant to live or how to approach each other on a social basis?  It is hard for me to accept but there are many people in this world now that this type of hyped up level of existence is the only way they know how to live for they have achieved a successful approach in allowing the world to control them thus nullifying any opportunity of knowing what real life is and how to live it abundantly.

We have heard the cries of “black lives matter”, “blue lives matter”, “red lives matter”, and even “LGBQT lives matter”, “army lives matter”, but one phrase that is ruled off limits is “all lives matter”.  This seems a bit unorthodox when you look at the individual stances versus this overall stance but when you add how we personally look at things it does make sense because we only see through selfish eyes and deem only what is important in our eyes as worthy enough to notarize such a stance.  But are we seeing what these phrases do to us and how they are defining how we exist, just by using these phrases alone?  What about the placement of life itself in these phrases, do we know where we are placing life in our eyes?  It does not matter which phrase above you use, the position of life is in the last position and serves us as secondary items after the words protrude from our hearts.  What is God saying about this and how does it pertain to my life and to your life?  Let us take a closer look at how God views life and how He wants us to live and if we open our hearts to this Truth, we shall see that these phrases are destroying not only our concept of a heart’s sentence structure but our spiritual sentence structure as well.

I am fifty-one years old and have been out of school for quite some time now.  However, when I was in school we had a grammar exercise almost every day that included a test called diagramming a sentence.  If you mention this type of test to a young person today they will look at you funny and say that they have never heard of such a thing.  I really did not care for these tests even though I did fairly well on them most of the time.  But while I was required to take them I did not like them so I really had no oomph behind the answers I gave but even though my heart was not in that test I did learn some things about grammar and what word categories serve as important ones over the lesser ones, emphasizing this truth when building sentences.  It is this type of sentence structure that protrudes from our hearts that gives everyone else the clues they need to increase our human divide with each other deeper and longer which can only represent a quicker demise of our existence.

First off we are going to address the situation and usage of adjectives in the phrases that are now running rampant in our daily lives.  What do you see common in the words black, blue, red, and yellow that come before the word lives in these phrases?  Most of you know that these words are being used as adjectives to describe life or group of lives.  Now, normally this type of descriptive actions would not cause too much heartburn with other when spoken but since these phrases have been designated as ignition statements and offensive ground phrases to gain leverage over others they can no longer be included or associated with the word “all”.  In this instance with all of the polarized hotheads running amuck today, it is deemed more important to classify “self” as the first priority, it means that everyone else must be represented in their own individual categorical mode as well; therefore, the word “all” becomes an “offensive” word for trying to be inclusive all around.  When our words directly become focused on adjectives or adverbs instead of the noun, we are in trouble and thus are blinded by what comes out of our hearts towards others.  We must remember that it is okay to use adjectives and adverbs to describe life but we should be mindful about where they are placed in the order in which it directs the truth about life first and not the descriptive word.  When adjectives become more important than the noun then we have no option but to identify with that adjective instead of the noun and when we live out this way we cannot help but voluntarily segregate ourselves and place us back into a mental state of world slavery once again.

What does the Bible say about inclusion of life and how God views life when it comes to His prized Creations?  One very popular verse sums up how God feels about all of us and that verse is John 3:16.  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  Where is the divisive factor in that verse?  This verse tells us that God sent His Son for everyone and not for just a few select people.  There is no mention of job holders here nor is there any mention of a color scheme either but for all who believe on Him.  God states here that whosoever wants to change their lives from the attitudes of the world and the grip it has over them, He is waiting to do so.  To God, your life matters and your life matters, for God can only represent life for that is His only definition.  So, if God has no limits about who can be accepted what gives us the gall to believe we have the authority to reject any biological person from receiving God?  Oh wait, I guess that the usage and emphasis on these adjectives instead of the noun reflect what is in our hearts, which is blackened and dark and not full of light.  There should be no demeaning life when God is the source of light in our lives nor should there be any segregated congregations either.

Next, let us take a look at how having Jesus in our lives makes our life viewable to others.  We can see just how important and different our lives and how we view life through another very popular verse in the same book as above in John 10:10 and as a matter of fact, we even see an important grammatical point used here too.  “The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  Here we have another example of just how opposite God and His Ways are from those of the world.  One of the most easily missed questions that many misses is the fact of how do we know who is the thief that is stealing from us, especially when we do not submit to the entire Bible as the authoritative author of our lives.  Then one comes to the end portion of this verse and we find that someone else brings us life abundantly, and yes this wording is an accurate one and one that has special meaning for all of us.

This verse clearly states that Jesus says that He is the one that was sent to bring us life which means that no one else ever can claim this purpose again; even though many have failed at trying.  Here we have the word life being used in its glory by itself and since it is used in this context we find that the truth has been spoken.  However, we also know that God does not just sit on the usual but takes His Ways to the unusual and Jesus does so by the next statement that He makes in this verse.  Yes, Jesus could have stopped with the middle portion of this verse but God will do anything possible to show His children that He eternally loves them and with the final portion of this verse gives us that unusual setting.  Jesus says that through Him He will give you life abundantly.  The emphasis is spoken up front “life” and is meant to be stated in such fashion for then the adverb arrives after the noun which transforms the noun into a specialty and not just an ordinary.  Life abundantly is something totally different on all levels than black lives matter or blue lives matter, the emphasis is reversed and so is the positioning of the words.  Yes, in both instances the emphasis is placed on the first word and purposefully so.  In today’s society along with many writing concerns, it is acceptable to believe that the catchwords or intended target words are placed first thus creating a stage so that positions can be ascertained quickly.  One cannot be anything or have anything until life occurs and thus it should be eternally noted that life is the greatest gift that any human has ever received and if that person should know Christ and their personal Lord and Savior, it does not matter what this world throws at you, you shall have life abundantly.

We often hear that the Bible is outdated and should not be used as any reliable source of help or guidance, but when we study these two Scripture verses we have two great pieces of advice about how to mend our divisions with others and close the doors of anger that deeply compromise the potential survival of so many today.  When we understand the concepts of God’s definition we will know that His purpose alone is to give life on the highest level without any division present we can see this in Genesis.  The order in which God states how He gives life here should be indicative of how we should pursue life as a single entity of establishment, not one as segregated or partitioned, for there is nothing higher than life abundantly.  The word abundantly here comes from the Greek word perisson which means that is more than what is expected or generally given.  Church, why are we not teaching this eternal truth about how we should live?  The answer is simple, it is because we have fallen for the complexities of the world and the idea of real truth no longer exists within our lives.  Over and over it has been proven that a person who is steadfast in Christ will accomplish better results than many others who hold onto the world.  What must be painful for God to watch occur is that His children constantly cry out for this life abundantly but as soon as their cries end they curse the One that shows up to give them abundances.

Church, we can once again fulfill the mission of Christ by teaching and promoting life abundantly instead of segregated blue lives matter or any other adjective lives matter.  God did not create mankind in a divided manner but one that was created, established and grown in unity through His Presence, His Law and His image.  When we place adjectives in front of life we bring forth a worldly lie that may seem acceptable to some but for those who live life abundantly shall recognize that what they are presenting is a destructive mannerism that can only reflect the first portion of John 10:10.  Nothing positive or eternal comes from stealing, killing or destroying so why do we even entertain these worldly phrases for when we do we only promote our destruction.  We have the authority and the power to change this worldly mentality Church, but first, we need to get the spiritual blinders off of our eyes and allow God to clean our hearts again.  We are the only hope that the dying world has and it is in our stance that God will either restore our land or destroy it.  Of course, the world is going to do its best to segregate humanity as much as possible for it is in this state that we become most vulnerable and the least productive.  God is the opposite of static He is always moving forward in His eternal light and positive manner.  It is our choice to walk in either path but for goodness sake, always choose life abundantly.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Levels of Sin

Levels of Sin


It is amazing to me of how many people believe that there are various levels of sin placed into categories which define them.  We may not even know that these categories are even sexist unless they are some type of capital crime which makes the news or appears on some social media outlet page.  What we have forgotten is that it does not matter what one does against a certain law it is a crime and God did not create anything on a level system when it came to disobedience.  It is plain and simple as the Bible says, it is either obedience or disobedience according to the established Person who gave the original law.  Sadly, the Church has fallen into line with this categorical leveling and instead of raising the Church up they have accepted that it is okay to play around with the world and define their sins according to a flawed status instead.  This is a part of the process and gift of choice but if not obeyed through the heart of God, shall offer up a deadly game of eternal separation that cannot be adequately explained.

The Scripture reference for this article will be John 8:6-8 and states as follows: “This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.  So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.  And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.”

Some of you may know that I have worked in the medical field for quite some time and during this time period I have been witness to many people who have varying concerns about the job that they perform.  Everyone who has been on the patient side of the medical field also knows how frustrating it can be to have a procedure done on you and then have to sit and wait for hours to receive a report of that procedure.  While some tests take a longer amount of time to complete the majority of medical tests can be completed fairly quickly due to the advancements of technology resources, and while being on that side of the medical field it is also easy to forget that the personnel running that test has other obligations going on at the same time which places an added backed up condition to their workload.  I am not making any excuses at all but when dealing with issues in the medical field there are priorities that have been put into place in order to comply with certain patient conditions which entail who comes first and who is in second.

We have commissioned a level plan of readiness and completeness which signifies the urgency of patient samples in the laboratory system, some of which are used hospital-wide and indicate the importance of the situation at hand.  STAT, Urgent, and Routine are the three main categories or levels of importance used in the hospital setting.  These words and acronyms do not place anyone into a physical category but one that upon presentation deems the status of the overall state of the patient.  There is a certain amount of time that each patient must be treated according to the setting in which they present, so if a person comes into the Emergency Department with a gunshot wound will receive a higher priority than a person who presents with a common cold.  In no way does this mean we treat people differently from anyone else but it does mean that certain emergency issues present as a priority whereas others may not.  I remember a long time ago about when I was sitting in a large ED waiting room and read a huge sign that said: if you do not have a true emergency condition after triage your wait could be up to 8 hours.  The sign was not saying that the ED would not see you but a gunshot wound or a stroke took priority over a minor splinter in the thumb.

While this method of evaluation is an effective one when it comes to medical conditions, God does not and cannot differentiate between what concerns His heart.  God cares for only one issue and that is to see each one of His prized Creations spend eternity with Him by rejecting the disobedience of the world and the ruler which establishes this cesspool of lies and deceit.  God only looks at our lives in one direction and on one level and since He operates on the same level and in the same direction He cannot level out anything when it comes to our lives for if He did He would lose His status as God and would be proven as a liar and a fraud.  This means that God cannot level sin on a staircase scale, sin is sin and that is all that He recognizes.  Stop and think about something for a moment, in God’s eyes, there is no higher caliber of identification of a person than sin.  Sin is the one area that God recognizes the most and is the one area that He wants to fix immediately so that our lives can return to normal in His eyes, yet we are so capable of messing this eternal process up.  Once again, think about this for another moment, if God placed levels on sin then He would “be able” to allow such lower level sins to continue without proper warning to those living out of His Will so in theory He would not have to directly deal with such sin and therefore classify this sin as not a damnable one.  It is this type of thinking and beliefs that many of us see sin as and it goes completely against the Word of God and the definition of God.

Humans on the other hand and with their flawed reasoning have accepted the lie that it is okay to tell a “white lie” and there is nothing to be ashamed of that procedure, in other words, we have given this “white lie” status a so-called lower level of miscommunication and really should not be concerned with it since no one actually “got hurt” because of it.  This is so incorrect since it is not the physical aspects of the words that are deemed sinful, it is the thoughts coming from the heart of the person initiating such words then directing them toward someone else that matters and through these actions is what births the ugly effects afterward and causes the damage.  Even a “white lie” can cause enough damage to someone that they may never fully trust another person again especially when the truth of the matter comes into light from a third or fourth source; marginalization processes are evil and from what our societies present to everyone today we have perfected this lie within a lie in order to please our own selfish reasoning and methods.  Remember, placing self first is a lowering of a standard and thus cannot be represented by God in any form or condition which means this type of belief comes from the world and its ruler who DID lower himself when he tried to lower God’s eternal standard way back when.

Where does this type of “white lie” acceptance lead us?  To one of the biggest lies that many people are being sucked into without understanding the truth about equality and where it really lives and that has to do with the sexuality issues of humans.  Over the past few decades the issue of sexual acceptance has skyrocketed and to those who do not accept such differences are attacked until their compliance with such different views is changed.  But let us take a closer look at what really has transpired during this time frame concerning such beliefs and the growth of such stability.  When people marginalize all things it fuels the concept that everyone will get along when the plan is implemented, but instead what really occurs is that more lowering of the things that harm our societies become promoted and thus recognized more when the human mind acts upon their desires to make a more marginalized personal statement to the establishment.  Right at the moment, the LBGQIT community is demanding that they receive more “rights” in order for them to be fully recognized within every community around the world.  This organization did not start out as LBGQIT but as LBG which did not include certain other recognitions.  So, what has changed that they first did not include the other groups in this title?  Many would see this progression of acceptance as a glorious exchange between humanity but in evidence, it represents that other choices are now acceptable and allowed to be accepted and participate in this overall category.  How many people cry out that have no direction in life that God loves them and that He accepts them for who they are when they come to Him, yet have no changes visible due to the levels of sin they consider more sacred in their lives?  See, we cannot help but lower the meaning of sin against our lives when we try to categorize its existence.

I had a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day about this subject and how it is on a continual growth pattern, so I asked her how she felt about this growth and acceptance plan in societies around the world.  She did not hesitate at all and responded that she had no issues with this organization and accepted everything that they offered to our lives.  Then I asked her if she knew that there were some leaders in the nation that wanted pedophilia to become a part of the community we were talking about.  Before she answered I also placed in front of her ears that zoophiles wanted to be placed into this categorical placement as well.  She was appalled and could not believe it was true, so I told her to look it up and so she did, and amazingly she saw this to be true and was not pleased about it at all.  She deemed the pedophiles and the zoophiles as perverts and demented.  I told her she proved my point about marginalization and lowering of sin and that at some point down the road these people would be included in such leveling groups.  This example is a perfect one to stir up controversy and even an argument or two if one pushes the agenda publicly but in truth this is the case because we have allowed ourselves to marginalize sin and come to the belief that if we sin and nothing occurs that it is alright to become comfortable with it and to harbor it within our lives.  Do we need to reread Genesis Chapter 3 again?

The popular passage in the Bible that God gave us up front gives us the perfect setting concerning the marginalization or leveling of sin but many times the people who use this verse do so in another manner which proves what God is trying to show us today about how sin is sin and no other information needs to be added to this eternal Truth.  We are going to focus on one word here that explains that sin is not a categorical noun but one that groups all sin together as one disobedient act.  Humans love to categorize and then slap labels on people who have committed certain acts and have either been caught in that act, or convicted of such law-breaking situations for this allows those who accuse believe they have a certain leverage account over the ones being accused.  The reference used here is one where the Pharisee’s brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and was demanding answers from Jesus concerning the matter.  It is obvious that the hearts of the ones accusing was not in the correct order for they wanted not only to trap Jesus but to sentence a woman with ulterior motives at the same time.

It is why Jesus’ response is perfect not only in the physical content but through God’s Laws as well for while Jesus understood why and how God’s Laws were written the leaders of the Jewish people did not.  The words “without sin” is the focal point here and it does not refer to the fact that Jesus is trying to say that only perfect people can obtain the authority to punish but with the Greek definition of these words we understand exactly how sin operates and what it means to live a human life.  The Greek translation of “without sin” comes from the word “anamartetos” which means to be sinless.  Now, Jesus did not say anything about any level of sin that could be classified or labeled as a level of sin, but He only said sinless and He, therefore, categorizes sin as such and authorizes no levels on sin.  Satan would love to categorize sin and place it on a scale of one to ten with ten being the highest sin achievable but sin does not work that way for if it did then God would be forced to deem situational human conditions as categories thus proving His all-knowing status into question.  But, that is exactly what humans like to do when it comes to God and this is why it proves its own self that scaled sin is a lie and therefore cannot justify its own weight.

So, If God did not place any level of disobedience in the Garden of Eden and Jesus did not create or establish ANY level of sin when He clearly had the opportunity, why do we do this and what gives us the authority to do such a lie?  Leveling out sin is a justification process and one that is deadly by origin and in turn silences then buries our guilty participation through the same doorway lies that smooth over our disobedience.  This type of pattern is being silently watched as each second of every day passes from people all around the globe and so far there has not really been very many people who understand this spiritual warfare enough to effectively combat it.  This is a deadly lie that many Christians have believed in and continue to use it as a reference point to justify their own sins not counting those around them.  Christians have pacified this leveling of sin for quite some time now and the ones who are supposed to be radiant with God’s Truth shining from their hearts have been dimmed and blown out by those who need God.  With this belief in levels of sin, we have been lulled enough by the enemy that we now preach this blasphemous lie from our pulpits.

If you have not noticed over the past few decades, there has been a great deal amount of emasculation currently ongoing within the world.  It has now infiltrated the Church and is being indoctrinated one denomination at a time.  This process is in direct conflict with the Word of God for Jesus cannot have a weakened Bride when it comes to any area concerning eternity.  You cannot sit on a bench with Jesus’ arms wrapped around you and at the same time have one of your arms stretched out behind the bench holding hands with the world.  When this occurs your effectiveness with the commission that Jesus gave to us is flawed and will steadily weaken until our demise is imminent. The first step in this disastrous turn began in the Early Church and is evident with the messages of the Epistles of the New Testament; this pattern continued all the way up to present day and is steadying its course without avail.  This topic solely rests upon the fact that the Church has strayed away from the truth when it comes to sin.  She has taught for quite some time now that sin is not sin alone but should be categorized according to what has been done. 

It is time we once again teach people to contain their sin and look at sin as an eternal life instead of some play toy that we can casually talk about and then compare notes.  We have allowed such casual approaches to sin to creep into our lives without any hindrance because many of us find this type of leveling pleasing to the eye; in fact, it is more likely a license to participate if we are being honest.  What are we defending Church?  Is it that Jesus Christ came to this earth with a mission that if spoken to the world shall change their lives forever or is it that it is alright to hold hands behind the bench with the world?  In Genesis, God told Adam what would occur if he disobeyed His one law, and looked at what occurred when Adam disobeyed.  All of us have been mucked up in the soup of sin ever since, but for some reason, we would rather swim in this muck instead of finding a way out of it.  God has never entertained disobedience even before humanity was Created, nor did He entertain it all throughout His Word, and He shall not entertain it in your life either.  God holds sin on one level and that is an eternal level, He looks at sin as disobedience no matter what, and He cannot change any of His Ways concerning that fact.  If we want our world to survive and to live with God for eternity, we must return to Him and to once again learn from His Ways about the evilness of sin and how we must do our best to rid ourselves from it instead of inviting it into our lives.