Sunday, April 7, 2019

Levels of Sin

Levels of Sin


It is amazing to me of how many people believe that there are various levels of sin placed into categories which define them.  We may not even know that these categories are even sexist unless they are some type of capital crime which makes the news or appears on some social media outlet page.  What we have forgotten is that it does not matter what one does against a certain law it is a crime and God did not create anything on a level system when it came to disobedience.  It is plain and simple as the Bible says, it is either obedience or disobedience according to the established Person who gave the original law.  Sadly, the Church has fallen into line with this categorical leveling and instead of raising the Church up they have accepted that it is okay to play around with the world and define their sins according to a flawed status instead.  This is a part of the process and gift of choice but if not obeyed through the heart of God, shall offer up a deadly game of eternal separation that cannot be adequately explained.

The Scripture reference for this article will be John 8:6-8 and states as follows: “This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.  So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.  And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.”

Some of you may know that I have worked in the medical field for quite some time and during this time period I have been witness to many people who have varying concerns about the job that they perform.  Everyone who has been on the patient side of the medical field also knows how frustrating it can be to have a procedure done on you and then have to sit and wait for hours to receive a report of that procedure.  While some tests take a longer amount of time to complete the majority of medical tests can be completed fairly quickly due to the advancements of technology resources, and while being on that side of the medical field it is also easy to forget that the personnel running that test has other obligations going on at the same time which places an added backed up condition to their workload.  I am not making any excuses at all but when dealing with issues in the medical field there are priorities that have been put into place in order to comply with certain patient conditions which entail who comes first and who is in second.

We have commissioned a level plan of readiness and completeness which signifies the urgency of patient samples in the laboratory system, some of which are used hospital-wide and indicate the importance of the situation at hand.  STAT, Urgent, and Routine are the three main categories or levels of importance used in the hospital setting.  These words and acronyms do not place anyone into a physical category but one that upon presentation deems the status of the overall state of the patient.  There is a certain amount of time that each patient must be treated according to the setting in which they present, so if a person comes into the Emergency Department with a gunshot wound will receive a higher priority than a person who presents with a common cold.  In no way does this mean we treat people differently from anyone else but it does mean that certain emergency issues present as a priority whereas others may not.  I remember a long time ago about when I was sitting in a large ED waiting room and read a huge sign that said: if you do not have a true emergency condition after triage your wait could be up to 8 hours.  The sign was not saying that the ED would not see you but a gunshot wound or a stroke took priority over a minor splinter in the thumb.

While this method of evaluation is an effective one when it comes to medical conditions, God does not and cannot differentiate between what concerns His heart.  God cares for only one issue and that is to see each one of His prized Creations spend eternity with Him by rejecting the disobedience of the world and the ruler which establishes this cesspool of lies and deceit.  God only looks at our lives in one direction and on one level and since He operates on the same level and in the same direction He cannot level out anything when it comes to our lives for if He did He would lose His status as God and would be proven as a liar and a fraud.  This means that God cannot level sin on a staircase scale, sin is sin and that is all that He recognizes.  Stop and think about something for a moment, in God’s eyes, there is no higher caliber of identification of a person than sin.  Sin is the one area that God recognizes the most and is the one area that He wants to fix immediately so that our lives can return to normal in His eyes, yet we are so capable of messing this eternal process up.  Once again, think about this for another moment, if God placed levels on sin then He would “be able” to allow such lower level sins to continue without proper warning to those living out of His Will so in theory He would not have to directly deal with such sin and therefore classify this sin as not a damnable one.  It is this type of thinking and beliefs that many of us see sin as and it goes completely against the Word of God and the definition of God.

Humans on the other hand and with their flawed reasoning have accepted the lie that it is okay to tell a “white lie” and there is nothing to be ashamed of that procedure, in other words, we have given this “white lie” status a so-called lower level of miscommunication and really should not be concerned with it since no one actually “got hurt” because of it.  This is so incorrect since it is not the physical aspects of the words that are deemed sinful, it is the thoughts coming from the heart of the person initiating such words then directing them toward someone else that matters and through these actions is what births the ugly effects afterward and causes the damage.  Even a “white lie” can cause enough damage to someone that they may never fully trust another person again especially when the truth of the matter comes into light from a third or fourth source; marginalization processes are evil and from what our societies present to everyone today we have perfected this lie within a lie in order to please our own selfish reasoning and methods.  Remember, placing self first is a lowering of a standard and thus cannot be represented by God in any form or condition which means this type of belief comes from the world and its ruler who DID lower himself when he tried to lower God’s eternal standard way back when.

Where does this type of “white lie” acceptance lead us?  To one of the biggest lies that many people are being sucked into without understanding the truth about equality and where it really lives and that has to do with the sexuality issues of humans.  Over the past few decades the issue of sexual acceptance has skyrocketed and to those who do not accept such differences are attacked until their compliance with such different views is changed.  But let us take a closer look at what really has transpired during this time frame concerning such beliefs and the growth of such stability.  When people marginalize all things it fuels the concept that everyone will get along when the plan is implemented, but instead what really occurs is that more lowering of the things that harm our societies become promoted and thus recognized more when the human mind acts upon their desires to make a more marginalized personal statement to the establishment.  Right at the moment, the LBGQIT community is demanding that they receive more “rights” in order for them to be fully recognized within every community around the world.  This organization did not start out as LBGQIT but as LBG which did not include certain other recognitions.  So, what has changed that they first did not include the other groups in this title?  Many would see this progression of acceptance as a glorious exchange between humanity but in evidence, it represents that other choices are now acceptable and allowed to be accepted and participate in this overall category.  How many people cry out that have no direction in life that God loves them and that He accepts them for who they are when they come to Him, yet have no changes visible due to the levels of sin they consider more sacred in their lives?  See, we cannot help but lower the meaning of sin against our lives when we try to categorize its existence.

I had a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day about this subject and how it is on a continual growth pattern, so I asked her how she felt about this growth and acceptance plan in societies around the world.  She did not hesitate at all and responded that she had no issues with this organization and accepted everything that they offered to our lives.  Then I asked her if she knew that there were some leaders in the nation that wanted pedophilia to become a part of the community we were talking about.  Before she answered I also placed in front of her ears that zoophiles wanted to be placed into this categorical placement as well.  She was appalled and could not believe it was true, so I told her to look it up and so she did, and amazingly she saw this to be true and was not pleased about it at all.  She deemed the pedophiles and the zoophiles as perverts and demented.  I told her she proved my point about marginalization and lowering of sin and that at some point down the road these people would be included in such leveling groups.  This example is a perfect one to stir up controversy and even an argument or two if one pushes the agenda publicly but in truth this is the case because we have allowed ourselves to marginalize sin and come to the belief that if we sin and nothing occurs that it is alright to become comfortable with it and to harbor it within our lives.  Do we need to reread Genesis Chapter 3 again?

The popular passage in the Bible that God gave us up front gives us the perfect setting concerning the marginalization or leveling of sin but many times the people who use this verse do so in another manner which proves what God is trying to show us today about how sin is sin and no other information needs to be added to this eternal Truth.  We are going to focus on one word here that explains that sin is not a categorical noun but one that groups all sin together as one disobedient act.  Humans love to categorize and then slap labels on people who have committed certain acts and have either been caught in that act, or convicted of such law-breaking situations for this allows those who accuse believe they have a certain leverage account over the ones being accused.  The reference used here is one where the Pharisee’s brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and was demanding answers from Jesus concerning the matter.  It is obvious that the hearts of the ones accusing was not in the correct order for they wanted not only to trap Jesus but to sentence a woman with ulterior motives at the same time.

It is why Jesus’ response is perfect not only in the physical content but through God’s Laws as well for while Jesus understood why and how God’s Laws were written the leaders of the Jewish people did not.  The words “without sin” is the focal point here and it does not refer to the fact that Jesus is trying to say that only perfect people can obtain the authority to punish but with the Greek definition of these words we understand exactly how sin operates and what it means to live a human life.  The Greek translation of “without sin” comes from the word “anamartetos” which means to be sinless.  Now, Jesus did not say anything about any level of sin that could be classified or labeled as a level of sin, but He only said sinless and He, therefore, categorizes sin as such and authorizes no levels on sin.  Satan would love to categorize sin and place it on a scale of one to ten with ten being the highest sin achievable but sin does not work that way for if it did then God would be forced to deem situational human conditions as categories thus proving His all-knowing status into question.  But, that is exactly what humans like to do when it comes to God and this is why it proves its own self that scaled sin is a lie and therefore cannot justify its own weight.

So, If God did not place any level of disobedience in the Garden of Eden and Jesus did not create or establish ANY level of sin when He clearly had the opportunity, why do we do this and what gives us the authority to do such a lie?  Leveling out sin is a justification process and one that is deadly by origin and in turn silences then buries our guilty participation through the same doorway lies that smooth over our disobedience.  This type of pattern is being silently watched as each second of every day passes from people all around the globe and so far there has not really been very many people who understand this spiritual warfare enough to effectively combat it.  This is a deadly lie that many Christians have believed in and continue to use it as a reference point to justify their own sins not counting those around them.  Christians have pacified this leveling of sin for quite some time now and the ones who are supposed to be radiant with God’s Truth shining from their hearts have been dimmed and blown out by those who need God.  With this belief in levels of sin, we have been lulled enough by the enemy that we now preach this blasphemous lie from our pulpits.

If you have not noticed over the past few decades, there has been a great deal amount of emasculation currently ongoing within the world.  It has now infiltrated the Church and is being indoctrinated one denomination at a time.  This process is in direct conflict with the Word of God for Jesus cannot have a weakened Bride when it comes to any area concerning eternity.  You cannot sit on a bench with Jesus’ arms wrapped around you and at the same time have one of your arms stretched out behind the bench holding hands with the world.  When this occurs your effectiveness with the commission that Jesus gave to us is flawed and will steadily weaken until our demise is imminent. The first step in this disastrous turn began in the Early Church and is evident with the messages of the Epistles of the New Testament; this pattern continued all the way up to present day and is steadying its course without avail.  This topic solely rests upon the fact that the Church has strayed away from the truth when it comes to sin.  She has taught for quite some time now that sin is not sin alone but should be categorized according to what has been done. 

It is time we once again teach people to contain their sin and look at sin as an eternal life instead of some play toy that we can casually talk about and then compare notes.  We have allowed such casual approaches to sin to creep into our lives without any hindrance because many of us find this type of leveling pleasing to the eye; in fact, it is more likely a license to participate if we are being honest.  What are we defending Church?  Is it that Jesus Christ came to this earth with a mission that if spoken to the world shall change their lives forever or is it that it is alright to hold hands behind the bench with the world?  In Genesis, God told Adam what would occur if he disobeyed His one law, and looked at what occurred when Adam disobeyed.  All of us have been mucked up in the soup of sin ever since, but for some reason, we would rather swim in this muck instead of finding a way out of it.  God has never entertained disobedience even before humanity was Created, nor did He entertain it all throughout His Word, and He shall not entertain it in your life either.  God holds sin on one level and that is an eternal level, He looks at sin as disobedience no matter what, and He cannot change any of His Ways concerning that fact.  If we want our world to survive and to live with God for eternity, we must return to Him and to once again learn from His Ways about the evilness of sin and how we must do our best to rid ourselves from it instead of inviting it into our lives.


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