One of the most common questions about the Bible is how
one views its contents. We cannot ignore the fact that many do not see
the Bible as anything else but a bunch of stories that someone has dreamed up
and written down at a later time and date. I believe that the Bible is
the authoritative Word of God, His eternal definition, and our guideline to our
lives. It is amazing to me just how many instances the Bible talks about
what we can see occurring today, yet still ignore its value in our lives.
With all of the instances that seem to have no answers, we turn our hearts to
the world for answers and receive cold hard devastation in return, thanking it
with our praises in the end. God has a different plan for our lives and wants
us to live life abundantly at all times and there is a simple process and a
hard fight to ensure this freedom. His Word shares with us about our
needs and our troubles and through this process of study we can receive the
help we truly need and better yet avoid such catastrophes before they occur
when we turn our eyes and hearts to God.
One of the most powerful deceptions that Satan has within
his repertoire is the command influence to deter us from our specific purposes
in life. His means of accomplishing this task vary widely and are so
effective that many times through these tactics we completely lose our ways
long enough that delusion about our existence becomes the focal point of our
actions. Also, through this delusional process of his we eventually
forget about how we are supposed to work in agreement with each other and to
pursue the eternal equality that humanity had when we were first Created;
however, through our own admissions, we seem to fall way short of this goal
simply due to the fact that we no longer agree much on anything, resulting in a
fatal society that has no brakes to stop us from advancing over the end of the
tracks ahead. It cannot be helped but to view the world in such a state
these days, but when you take a look at how people felt in the past about the
world that they lived in, one can easily attribute this same condition of
animosity toward their societies as well.
Humans like to believe that each society that their
generations are involved in represent the pinnacle of what societal life is
supposed to be, and we have to look no further from our own present society to
see that pride present. As this pride continues to grow and demonstrate
itself openly it blinds us to the truth about the old adage about pride and how
it makes us fall at some point in the future, inhibiting our true purpose
because of our selfish platforms rise faster than our stated desires. How
can we live in such angst when we have an unlimited supply of secular examples
before us that clearly provide a way in which we should go and should not
go. Also, it is this mindless ignorance of ours that we fail to recognize
that all of our societal and moral failures recorded in human history are
present from prehistory that God provides in His Word. This means that
humans before the “accepted” time of our history began were doing things on
their own and failing within their own environments thus giving us a human
record of uncertainty that comes first and establishes a pattern that we still
follow today. God purposefully did not give us all the answers to our
lives and to our problems in written form nor did He give us all the answers to
His Life either. He did give us a heart and a mind to pursue such answers
through His Truth, however. It is this path that He so desires for His
children to choose and since He also knows that many shall not He put clues in
His Word for us to study and to learn from which gives us an accurate
historical record to gain from. It is this platform of Truth that
converts God’s Word into a book of Life and prophecy that directly relates to
not only our past but our present and future as well.
Wouldn’t it be spectacular to have a guide in our lives
that gives us answers to questions that appear out of nowhere, or to ones we
have pondered for years, and when those answers are given to us provide more
questions and then more answers down the road? I know that sometimes all
of the questions we have about life itself, how and why things occur can be
overwhelming at times but when we receive such directions it all seems worth
it. The world can throw so many curve balls towards you with us wildly
swinging at air sometimes, but when we know where to look for the correct
answers to life’s questions the answers are brilliantly clear with explanations
that are mind-boggling, to say the least. It is for this reason that God
has placed such prophetic words of wisdom in His Word to serve as guidelines of
how to avert such issues in our lives. Many of these prophetic statements
are missed or misdirected as such and then not fully understood.
Many do not know what a prophecy is and the majority of
those who do not know do not care to understand either, but they are a part of
our lives and a necessity in order to figure out which direction we should take
in life. I have often stated in the past that I am not too keen on
prophecy due to the fact that many people claim to be prophets yet do not
understand the magnitude for which they stand thus creating a spiritual
environment that is detrimental in content. Each prophet in the Bible was
segregated and called out from the people by those same people they were
presenting as those in need of God’s Covenant again. Over and over the
prophets were considered outcasts because of the so-called doom and gloom that
they represented to others, faithfully delivering the messages that the lost
needed to hear in order to bypass the issues that would deflect God from their
lives while directly fulfilling what God was warning in the first place.
Often we place the prophets only in the Old Testament and
it is easy to do for the writers of the New Testament considered themselves
preachers and teachers instead of prophets even though their warnings,
writings, and sayings were exactly online with the words of the Old Testament
prophets. Not many of us think that the contents of the New Testament are
prophetic in nature either but oh how we miss so many truths about our living
conditions and heart conditions because of this misunderstanding. Yes, we
can find so many occurrences within the Early Church that are present today but
do we understand that when God speaks something it is alive and when He points
out something in human history as a point of reference if we do not correct it
then it becomes a prophetic word in our lives according to His authority.
Isn’t a prophecy a spoken word about the future of a person, group, nation or
society thus deemed as true or not according to how things play out of said
future? Well, can we not say that the same spirits that were present in
the Early Church do not have access in our hearts today? If you are
honest, then we must capitulate that they are along with countless others that
we have voluntarily attached ourselves to as well. And is not every
person who takes a breath considered a child of God? Then through these
two truths, the passage for this article serves as a prophetic word from God for
us today.
Romans Chapter 1 is an extraordinary passage in that
after Paul’s introductory salutation to the Roman Church, basically describes
the exact position that so many people including church denominations include
as a mainstay of their lives. It is this small portion of this great
letter of Paul’s writings that God wants us to understand that serves not only
as a truth statement for when Paul was alive but for us today serving as a
prophetic message and one that should hasten our spiritual hearts to change our
ways. The specific passage for this article is Romans 1:20-23 and while
not every word is going to be specifically drawn out here I suppose that God
shall at some point direct us to that state, so hold on here we go. From
the content of this passage, we can see that the Roman church was in chaos
spiritually and through this disaccord produced a great deal of division within
the likes of its people. If one knows the concepts of how to keep an
organization intact and functioning with a certain degree of profitable
productivity in place, they would know that this condition within the Roman
church does not support such product. They would also know that unless
significant changes occurred that the organization itself would not be in
business too long either. So, in this manner how difficult is it to place
this passage into the prophetic category?
Ever since my helicopter ride back in September 2018, God
has placed it on my heart to write about the darkened condition of our
spiritual hearts. He has focused His attention on the Church and how we
have allowed ourselves to be caught up in the worldly vanity and how we have
placed it as a foundational building block in order to prevent outrage and
criticism from the ruler of this world. Verse 21 of this passage directly
states this inclusion of vanity because when vanity is present it means that
the world has taken over enough of our hearts that God is no longer desired as
the King of our lives. The world sees God and His eternal authority as a
vanity in itself for vanity serves as its own ruler and thus rejects any other
opinion or law that says otherwise. Vanity has no other purpose than to
supply itself with continual rationing from others in order to satisfy its
own appearance. And in this instance, we must remember that when vanity
rules our lives we will see God and the Laws He represents as boundaries and
limitations to our worldly freedoms instead as protective truths that cover us
and shield us from our enemy and his kingdom.
We will begin with a couple of notes concerning a few
words and phrases in this verse that bring the depth of what has occurred here
into light. The first is “for although
they knew God” which comes from the Greek words “Dioti gnontes” which stands in
usage of the verb to know. The manner in
which this phrase is written in English suggests that it is a descriptive
phrase in which another phrase or portion of a sentence will finish the
introduction and give completeness to the first part. The word “Theon” is used next which is the
Greek word for a supreme deity which refers to God, the God of the Bible. These two phrases put together gives us a
picture that at one point in time the church in Rome had experienced God and
the wonders of His presence in their hearts but as the next portion of this
verse unfolds it becomes clear that when this presence occurred they did not
wish to glorify God nor did they thank God for His presence which nullifies why
God makes His presence known and felt.
How many revivals have we sat through or been a part of where God has
shown us His glory and then we brush it off as soon as we walk out the church
building doors? If this portion of the verse wasn’t bad enough the last
half of the verse becomes more of indoctrination about a self-serving god
instead of an eternal and Heavenly giver of Life.
In verse 22 the next stage of personal vanity takes
charge for it is common that vanity shares its content with others through its
own reflection. See, people who are stuck with vanity as their
motivational life cannot produce anything else but selfish “wisdom” thus
conveying to whoever might listen to a sense of correctness that will serve
vanity’s leader. There is nothing true about vanity itself and the legacy
it produces to those who actively and proudly wear it. Look at how vain
the Church is today, she rivals the world in this category producing superficially
spectacular presentations while harboring a darkened or in many cases a
blackened heart. Is there a better definition of vanity than what the
Church portrays today? With the contents of this verse, the Church today
can be easily compared to the condition of the church in Rome back when Paul
wrote this letter, further solidifying the truth that this passage serves as a
prophetic message to those who read it today. Why do we give the enemy
fuel to burn us with when we should know how to not surrender to the wiles of
the devil? Yet, when we do succumb to this obscene gesture, to our
astounding “shock”, we scream and cry out at the people within the Church
instead of the spirit which is present within the Church’s heart.
All throughout God’s Word, He
has done His best to inform His people that they should have nothing to do with
the world for the world can offer nothing good for our lives. But the
words in verse 22 in this passage proclaim a different tone that His people took
and established a foundation of lies instead of the truth. As each day
passes, it becomes easier to see just how “wise” the world believes it is and
when Paul mentions this setting in this verse t means that this spirit was
present back then within the Church hearts just as it is today. We have
no contentions that the world thrives on these type of lies but why is it that
today’s Church continues to follow step-by-step in those same lies that plagued
them back shortly after Jesus left this earth? Even more disturbing is
the fact that we completely ignore what Paul teaches and what he begged the
church in Rome to rid their hearts of back then, today.
When the Bible uses the word
“fools” it really has a specific connotation, for these words tells us that they
are literally living out the fact that they are fools through their own
beliefs. The church in Rome should have known better and should not even
have the inkling of the idea that their own “wisdom” could make themselves wise
for human wisdom originates with a death sentence; therefore, can only market
such an ending. So, what are we doing today? The exact same thing
as the church in Rome did thousands of years before us, follow our own thinking
and beliefs to arrive at our truth instead of The Truth. It would be one
thing if the world had its own policies and the Church had hers, yet as we cry
for separation of Church and State we continually try our best to blend the two
entities together. The Greek words used here to make up the term “fools”
is “emoranthesan” which literally translates to become insipid or to make as a
simpleton. It is a dumbing down process in which one goes from a wise
stance to a dumb stance due to something that is believed.
Tragically, we have recently
had an occurrence which proves this point of Paul’s so long ago and what God is
trying to tell us today. A bit ago, one of the major historical
cathedrals almost burned to the ground in France. The world watched in
“shock” was the flames roared through the building and gutted the roof and
interior of the building. People went crazy as their eyes beheld the fire
and the same people cheered as the leaders of the Catholic Church and of many
nations uttered almost the exact same words that President Bush and other US
national leaders did on 9/11. We have not learned one thing from our past
whether it be from human history alone, Church history alone, or both tied
together. It is for this reason that God gave us the New Testament so
that we would have more than one example to guide us with our walk with Him and
to shun the world completely for if we do not do both our eyes will become
focused on selfish goals and lead to our demise.
Verse 23 comes along as says the following: “And changed
the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and
to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.” There are numerous
issues with this statement from Paul that can be addressed but where it comes to
the authority of the Church and what Jesus commanded her to do and to be this
verse cannot be determined as anything else but prophetic for us today.
The world has done a fantastic job in promoting and then raising up animals,
constructed objects and other environmental stages to our level of dominion and
has established physical laws to back these foolish claims up. It is
absurd that the Church even contend with such foolishness for we should know
our dominion status that goes back to the Garden of Eden yet we are so willing
to give it away to something that was created below us. We have churches
and church leaders supporting abortion laws that allow babies to be born alive
after an attempted abortion to die after their birth and at the same time establish
laws that make it a felony to harm a bird’s egg. If any member of any
denominational church sees this aspect as okay, then you are not studying and
believing the Word of God correctly but only through selfish and worldly eyes
are you abiding by its Truths; which is a lie from Satan himself.
We now come to break down verse
23, and this verse highlights the next step in the worldly thinking process in
that we see that the church in Rome begins to lower the status and existence of
God to fit their own patterns of mortality. A keyword used here is
“changed” and gives us a picture of what happened within the lives and hearts
of the church of Rome. The Greek word used here for “changed” is
“ellaxan” which means to exchange. The church willingly and voluntarily
exchanged the eternal and immortal status of God for a mortal and limited view
of His existence. The rest of the verse describes what they exchanged but
it is the act that they did in the first place that set the tone for the
remaining words of this verse. What is frightening about this portion of
the verse is that they had direct communication with a worldly leader in order
for this to occur. Their beliefs became so off base with God that the one
that convinced them otherwise had a greater influence than the Truth.
Each person attending or who were associated with the church in Rome that agreed
to this exchange participated in a spiritual handing over ceremony in which
they took upon worldly standards for God’s Standard.
The devious part of this
ceremony is that it is an active one that grows within your spiritual
heart. See, when one talks about kingdom they must never become lax in
the fact that the kingdoms that are vying for your life are alive and moving,
and whichever kingdom inhabits your heart not only will it move but it shall grow
as well. So, in the end, the deception of the world’s kingdom will
eventually grow enough in your heart that you will truly believe that the world
is not such a bad place and that its ways are ordained by God. It will
become your inner “peace” and fool you at the same time while it throws in a
little bit of peace bit by bit. All the while turning you from the
eternal and immortal God that Created your life to a mortal image that you
worship on a daily basis instead. No wonder God said way back in Genesis
to Adam that he should obey the one command concerning the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil; He did not want any other images or ways before
Him. Through these last few verses, it becomes even clearer just how
Paul's words to the church in Rome are Prophetic to today's Church as well.
What we have read so far is bad enough and would describe
the majority of people who live double lives when it comes to attending
church. By the way, do we really
understand what it means to attend church?
Paul writes these words to people of the church in Rome but as we scroll
through our screens today it could easily be written originally for those of us
today. What is even more appalling is
that the remaining portions of this passage describe what one might consider to
be more grotesque of sin against God, it is this portion of the Word that
proclaims that not much has changed over time thus rendering it a living
prophetic word that unless broken shall continue its path of destruction until
God says enough. All of us are born into
sin which is evident through this passage of Scripture but it is our choice to
break this cycle and to be separated from the world’s nature and live under
God’s Covenantal Laws. However, just as
the Early Church dug its own hole of self-indulgent behavior and belief system;
therefore, it is our responsibility to close such a hole and to repair the road
so that people who seek to know the Truth shall not fall prey to our own
historical sin. But, we have not closed
this hole instead we have dug it deeper and wider.
The remaining verses in this chapter further detail the
state of not only the church in Rome but how today’s Church functions, thrives and proclaims. I cannot see God allowing
too much more for us to worldly incorporate, but I am not Him. What must God do in order for us to open our
eyes and see that we are not fulfilling our command from Christ and that we
have been fooled into accepting the dividedness of the world into our spiritual
life? Church, we need to shed the world
and all of its services from our hearts because our hearts are becoming darker
by the day and unless we turn our hearts back to God first, all we can offer is
Romans 1:20-23 conditions to those who are lost. To put it plain and simple, we are in the
emergency room with severe chest pains and we know what is going on and we have
been shown the truth about our condition.
So, it is our choice to allow God to pilot us to His facility so He can
repair our hearts as we need it or we can flatline and die from within and
allow the enemy to secure our eternal future separated from God. This fact does not just abode with us it goes
out to the entire world just as Jesus commanded us to do than proving that this
passage of the New Testament is a prophetics verse.
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