Saturday, July 20, 2019

FDA Standards Only?

FDA Standards Only?


I find it very confusing many times when I hear about another standard being raised or lowered in order to keep production equal and steady.  On another side of this spectrum, we have a few levels of absurdity that run deep within our food organizations that seem far-fetched and unnecessary at best and while they are put into place for a specific reason we need to not waste more than we consume.  This may seem like a secular title and subject but it does have a biblical manifestation and law that we need to understand and live under.  It is not God’s desire to have any of His prized Creations go hungry, either in the physical manner or in the spiritual yet countless do each day.  Church, we have the ability to feed the spiritual lives of every person around the globe yet we pick and choose where we witness and to whom we witness and we need to understand that this practice is wrong and it is utterly one of the gravest sinful beliefs Satan can manipulate.  Let us turn our hearts back to God and allow Him to once again show us exactly who to witness to and bring in the appropriate harvest as we are commanded to complete.

I have stated a few times over the past years that when I was a kid I grew up in a pastor’s home.  At the time, I had no idea about how pastors were paid or how much they were paid and to be honest it was not my place to question such a fact especially when I had no clue about what I would be inquiring about in the first place.  I never really questioned this process when I was older either for you see, even though there were many people and many of my friends who ran around with flashy abundances, it was never an issue with me for my parents supplied me with everything that I needed in life.  I always had transportation to and from activities, had food on the table, clothes to wear and a good roof over my head.  I went to good schools, had plenty of friends, lived in many different cultural towns and cities and had a family that cared for every breath I took.  I am thankful for the things God gave us when I was living with them for I know that all of my needs were cared for just as His Word tells us.  It became clear to me that not everyone had such opportunities to live with needs met, and it was my trip to Haiti in 1985 that changed this view of mine.  But somehow, those people in that beautiful/dank country lived and survived and while their living conditions were appalling at best they amazed me and scared me at the same time. 

Out here in the west, farming are a huge part of life and the crops that this area supply does so for many people around the world, not just for this country.  Many FDA standards and policies follow each farmer as they complete their daily routines, and when not followed some penalties can be implemented in order for compliance to be observed.  We have standards in place to ensure as much as possible the quality of food that is being produced and thus placed on our tables for one can produce much quantity of supplies but if the quality is not sufficient much waste can be incorporated.  This guideline is one of great importance and since its establishment has done a great many things for food and other health products.  One of the benefits of such a standard is that once a field is harvested for a company the general population has the opportunity, with the permission of the farmer, to locate left over products that were not used.  To some, this practice is beneath them but for the folks who wish to utilize this benefit it is an added blessing for the coming winter months.  The high standard of production is in place for a reason and as long as the FDA is in charge of such laws that standard will not change, for while many aspects are not perfect to what we may believe to be for our pleasure, we cannot forget the reason why those standards are put into place and thus seek out a means to ensure we consume these standards with a grateful heart.

However, there is an issue that we have taken for granted and one that we now place ourselves on which represents a selfish detail that we do not even recognize.  Current “policy” is to make sure that entry-level jobs bring in a sustainable wage-earning which on paper looks like a splendid idea but in reality it is a financial farce that will quickly hurt the local and national economy.  Many youngsters today believe in the socialistic society lifestyles but they do not understand that when such policies are implemented it brings everyone and everything down and not up, across the board the entire governmental environment goes bankrupt.  On the other hand, we must contend that not everyone can be raised up to millionaire status either which is the “dream” goal of equal wages for everyone.  I have been in my profession for over 30 years now and I still do not come close to other sectional jobs of others.  We cannot forget that the spirit of entitlement operates on both ends of the financial and non-monetary spectrum with consequences being equal on both ends.  How come we can see how to argue and to resist certain ways and laws then vocalize them in a militant manner but fail to see the true higher reasons these laws why it is important to understand why they are in place in the first place?  We also fail to recognize that it is this Truth about God that we fail to obey as well because it is by our own doings that these laws had to be established, talk about lack of respect and responsibility.

For an untold amount of reasons, people find ways to not partake of what is available to them and since we do not exercise this benefit much of the products that are grown are not harvested and then plowed under and used for fertilizer for the coming year.  We have had plenty of good harvests seasons here in the recent past but how much longer can we truly count on such conditions to exist?  I mean, how will we act or react when this land of plenty of ours is stricken with a supernatural phenomenon that changes the planes of all markets around the world?  Political food gathering and other examples of popular or public food competitions represent a dangerous field because when you politicize food it can only mean that you are representing a selfish inkling and one that is based upon gluttonous and prideful heart wishes.  I do not see any people harvesting fields and directly giving their goods to food kitchens or homeless shelters, no unorganized or organized groups are volunteering to help those around us, instead, we allow the food to waste away buried in the ground never to be used.  How many opportunities do we have to miss to share the gospel with others before our resources are taken away?  This number can only reach so far before it looks like a tower of Babel to God because so many people stand before His throne every day that has left this earth not knowing who He is and what His Son has done for them.

Our Scripture passage for this article is Ruth 2:1-3 and it gives us a picture of how we are to gather food when we have the capability for God shall supply the time for this completion for He does supply our daily bread.  However, do we turn away such standards and then complain about them when our personal livelihood goes array or do we seek out true opportunities to find food where it can be obtained legally?  The same process occurs when we do or do not share the gospel with others for as Jesus says He provides living water so does His Father supply living food as well.  Do we find ways to share the gospel when our conditions and settings change or become more difficult to complete such commands?  Do we find ourselves basking in the revels of such standards that God has provided for us and at the same time arguing against God for other standards that we may not agree with?  God has given us the ability to reason out the ways of the world from His highest standards, yet we find ourselves running out the Ways of God in order to justify our whims and whines instead.  It is a saddening process to watch unfold when standards are dropped in order to make things and even people “equal”.  God knows how to correctly put into place rules and regulations that will protect and then help His children in all circumstances that we may face, but as long as we continue to ignore such Providential Ways our wanderings will be nothing more than that.

There have many days that I have driven by the harvested fields and witnessed a sad sight, countless crops still left in the field to be picked up by someone.  Yes, the majority of the fields have been thoroughly tapped but even with this percentage being high it is still not 100%.  Maybe that is a bit high for me to expect but on the other hand, there are so many people that do not have a steady supply of food set on their tables come evening time.  I guess this is where we should do our part in helping out those who are in need and complete the harvest that still remains, not only for our own families but for those who have nothing.  Do you think that this concept can be placed into the context of the Bible as well and be used as an example of how we are supposed to feed on God’s eternal Standard and then share it with those who do not know His Ways?  Who would have thought that a worldly principle such as this one has a biblical meaning to it?

See, the FDA laws were placed into effect for a certain reason, to provide the best quality and the safest food possible that we put on our tables.  While other nations have similar food quality standards none of them compare to the ones put into place by the FDA and it is through this standard that we do not see many instances in this nation of bad food reaching the consumers.  Even though we have slip-ups our state of food production is grand and should be continually commended and not scorned.  Most people have no clue about what the FDA laws are and what the standards must be before the harvest can even begin much less hit our tables, but if we desire to know such higher standards we can go online, to a library, call the FDA directly, or write to them to find out what each one of their standards is and how they reached such agreements.
I have heard of many protests against such laws from groups all across the nation.  It has always been a fascination with humans to act up when they do not like what rules are in place and will do almost anything in order to make sure that the higher authorities know just how they feel.  Protests have their place and can be very effective if they are done correctly for when they are setting the record straight usually follows and within a short period of time, all can go back to being normal once again.  A question that God wants us to think about today is this: have you ever thought about just how high His Standards are compared to the ones humans put into place?  This passage of Scripture puts things into perspective when you deeply look into its content and sets into motion about just how far below our lives are when compared to God, plus it should remind us that when we adhere to God’s Standards that we benefit from His majesty and not suffer.

Ruth asks Naomi if she can go to the fields and glean what is leftover from the harvest, from those who allowed such practice to occur.  When she found one who would allow her to do such a practice, she had no idea of what would later become of this encounter but for the here and now she was able to get the food necessary to feed her family.  The product that she received was not of bad stock or rotten in any way but it came from the highest quality for it was from the same field as was harvested for everyone else to buy.  The field of grain was of top form and there was plenty to go around so as per the custom of that day, a portion of the crop was left for those who could not easily afford to buy it at the markets; a generous practice that did not have to be done but it did show an act of servitude towards those less fortunate.  It is this type of scene that many are willing today to adhere and to keep gladly, but we as a society have frowned upon such gratitude for it would be embarrassing to be seen harvesting food after the harvest itself, a total misconception of what the entire process of harvest means.

How hard is it for us to see that the FDA standards that are in place today can be compared to the standards that God has put into place for our lives?  Would it be impossible for us to understand that God has a much higher standard of Life than our finite bodies can imagine yet at the same time He has placed in front of us the resources to partake of the eternal harvest?  It is extremely easy for us to fall into the category of believing that the harvest is not for us (Christians) and only for the ones that are lost.  The overall harvest plan is for everyone, even those who know God and Jesus as their Savior for the harvest of God is a living concept and one that never leaves or dissipates.  Why go to church or study the Word of God if the harvest is not for you?  Why tell others about what God has provided for you if His harvest is not for everyone?  See, one must work in the fields in order to bring in the harvest, but what you do with the harvest after it is in your household is just as important as harvesting it in the beginning.

Bringing God’s Standard to our family tables every day is what His harvest is all about and it is the mission that Jesus gave to each one of us to complete.  When we study the Bible what we are doing is working in the fields of God and gathering His harvest so that it can be shared to the dying world.  Yes, the unsaved and ones that do not know God are the harvest and if you stop and think about it the entire process of gathering and harvesting represents a standard and it is our duty to ensure that it is God’s standard that is given to people in need.  If we do not work and get Jesus’ mission completed those fields that are ready shall sit and rot as the season's change, and through this lack of harvesting so much damage will be done to those who need this food.  In other words, you drive by these incomplete harvested fields and say that it is a shame that so much food is wasted; you know, like I say when I drive by a field in such condition.  That means that you would rather do things on your own and not take advantage of what God has provided for you.  It is also a sign of laziness in that you do not wish to take the time to receive the best products of the highest standard available but settle for a subpar product instead.

When we complete the harvest in the manner to which God established us to do, all aspects of the Garden are dressed and kept.  It is when we begin to stop what is necessary and to believe that it is okay to leave a few pieces of straw lying around that our enemy sees the opportunity to invade.  We can never forget that if we do not completely keep what God has commanded us to do at all times His Kingdom cannot be forwarded thus allowing the enemy’s kingdom to be advanced.  No, it is a fact that we shall not like all of God’s Laws for they are harsh to our physical and selfish lives but that is exactly what they are designed to do rub out all of the sickness and death particles that inhabit our lives.  In a world that is in need of a complete harvest unto God, many people who consider themselves to be Christians constantly drive by inadequately harvested fields and look away towards the mountains.  How is it possible that we believe that an incomplete harvest is one that we can be proud of especially when we stand before the owner of the field and give account of how the harvest went?  Oh, such sin we harbor in our hearts for those who have not been eternally harvested for God and His eternal promises.

Have you ever thought about what would have occurred if Ruth had not wanted to go into the fields to get food for her family that day?  Ruth married Boaz, the owner of the property and the field that she gleaned her wheat from and if she had not gone that day who knows if she would have ever met Boaz.  Also, Boaz and Ruth are in the direct lineage of King David which we all know that produced the line of Jesus.  How important is it to listen to the voice of God and to obey His Word you ask?  It has also been forgotten that our physical actions take a direct reflection from our spiritual actions and it is acceptable to draw conclusions about one’s spiritual life through the physical aspects of their lives.  I know not many people like to hear that but it is the truth and it needs to be dealt with quickly for we know that if things linger unattended for some time rottenness occurs.  Church, how are we doing with the harvest that God has placed before our lives today?  Are we attending to the complete harvest and doing what Jesus commanded us to do and what God commanded Adam and Eve to do in the Garden of Eden so long ago?  Or are we seeing the work to be done today and leaving it to be completed tomorrow?  You know, God never procrastinates His timing is impeccable but it is also one of holy origins and completed authority that we cannot assume or even imagine.

Church, we can no longer afford to do things on our own and live by the standards that humans believe will work for everyone/s existence.  The world is WRONG on every level of our lives and it is high time we stop driving by the fields that need to be completely harvested, because what we do not realize is that when we do this process we are accepting a lower standard of what we believe to be the Truth and this action of ours places us into a category of a truth instead of the True and Eternal Truth.  In other words, when you drive by a field that needs attending you are not only condemning your fellow brethren to an eternal death you are in a state of sin just as they are for God has set an FDA Standard that cannot be changed, moved, or lowered in any fashion and if we do not do our best to complete the harvest that He has readied we are setting ourselves up for a huge failure that has an ugly eternal outcome.  Take a hard look around and see what the Church is producing and doing with the fields that are being harvested; what you will find is that the fields are empty and wasting away because the line of cars driving by form a mile-long uninterrupted chain of people looking the other way.  Repent Church!  Because if we do not, those fields shall be taken away from our sight and the nation that we know and the Church status that we know shall be changed forever.

Thank God that we cannot change the “FDA Standard” that He has put into place.  And since this Truth is a constant why do we continue to struggle against it?  There is only one conclusion to the previous question and that is it is because we listen to the ruler of the world and are tickled by his lies instead of knowing and living by the eternal Creator’s Standards.  It is our responsibility to feed the ones who do not know the Truth about God and His Ways and we no longer can afford to sell them anything less than the entire Truth about eternity.  Just as the FDA and other organizations have put into place standards that do their best to ensure safety and quality in food so does God when it comes to our eternal existence with Him or for many that we do not reach, without Him.  Church, it is our responsibility to show these wonderful people that God has a better life than when the world can produce and if we do not tell these people about His Greatness that means we do not believe in what His Word states either.  Repent Church, and once again complete the mission that Jesus gave us to do, without compromise and definitely without portions of the harvest uncollected.  SO, when asked if God represents an FDA Standard then the answer would be an emphatic yes, because there is no higher standard than God.


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