Friday, July 5, 2019

You Do Not Have To Be Defenseless

You Do Not Have To Be Defenseless


There are times in our physical lives that we are caught off guard when certain situations arise, this is a normal pattern of life itself and we must face these contingencies as they unfold.  The same types of situations occur in the spiritual realm as well, but the conditions of being caught off guard are different for in these cases we do not have to be defenseless.  God has given us the perfect blueprint of how to deal with and the defeat these attacks that come out of nowhere and this plan comes from His Word.  Humanity loves to strike deals with others in order to get things accomplished but in reality, all that process does is delay future tactics against each other, real solutions need to be handled correctly in the appropriate manner and over and over it has been proven that the only way for this to be achieved is if we follow the examples of the Bible.  Putting God first in our hearts guarantees us a defensive plan against any attack the world provides and while these attacks may scratch us at times, our spiritual core alignment will be intact and we can live the prime example of how Jesus wants us to be.

How many of you know in detail what the entire status of the Major League Baseball players is?  I mean, what are their playing positions, batting orders, on-base percentages, and for those of you who follow the pitching side of things, what is each starting pitcher’s ERA?  Now, I understand that only the avid and enthusiastic follower will know all or even a majority of these statistics and that the ones who do know these numbers follow quite closely this sport.  The point of these questions centers on knowing the entire realm of the game of baseball and how to out-think the opponent and in order for this to be done all areas of offense and defense must be considered.  How in-depth can one really understand what is going on if they do not know details of both sides of the game operating at the same time?  One cannot foresee or predict what is ahead of them unless their entire heart is in motion when it comes to such activities and we surely cannot enjoy the game if we are continually being taught lessons as each pitch, hit, home run, error, and out are committed.

When I was a kid I loved the sport of baseball, and to be honest almost every sport I was a huge fan, but while I liked these sports my main interests sided within one aspect of the game and that was the offensive side.  When we ask you won the game last night, we really mean who scored the most runs, points, or goals.  The team with the highest numbers won and we could only hope that the winning team was the team you and I were rooting for to win.  Baseball has been around far longer than my 51 years of life and has produced some great players throughout its history, Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson, Ty Cobb just to name a few.  Hank Aaron, Willie McCovey, Pete Rose, Steve Garvey, Rod Carew were in their prime when I was at a young stage in my life with Andrea Dawson, Mike Schmidt, Dale Murphy, Kirby Puckett come to mind in my teenage and 20s decades of life.  All of which were powerful and feared offensive players that could change the current game around or even end one just as quickly.

For the most part, all of these players made their names famous by their offensive prowess and excitement filled the air as their names would be announced and they stepped up to home plate.  But how many actually know what position these people played when they are on the defensive side of the game?  I must admit that even though I followed teams quite regularly I had not much of a clue about these players when it came to the field positions.  It does not matter how well a person knows one aspect of the game but not the other half for if this setting occurs, the game cannot be known and played to its full potential simply because not every detail has been covered in order to win the game.  Understanding one part or even half of the game cannot present itself as a winning attribute and it sure cannot produce a winning record if one is actually playing the game.  It is for this reason that all aspects and all sides of the game need to be understood as much as possible in order to provide a good result.  So, why do we still play around with God’s Word on this spiritual half knowledge level and then come crying when things do not go the way that we believe they should?  I see this time and time again throughout the Christian world yet we still miss what is occurring because we only allow ourselves to know about one side of Kingdom Warfare and refuse to understand the other side of spiritual warfare; it’s our own death actually, so let’s change course.

Having a strong defense is just as important as a strong offense and is key to winning any competition for when one has an equally strong defense the team does not always have to rely on the offense to win the game or in our case pushing forward the Kingdom of God.  We cannot totally rely on the excitement when heavy hitters come to bat and swing for the fences in order to make ourselves popular and well-known, for it is this concept that we have allowed overgrowing the Truth about our mission to those who need God and not a memorial souvenir from attending.  It is this memorial gift idea that has infiltrated the Church and has mesmerized countless people on superficial feelings instead of telling them that their eternity is at stake and that God should be number one in their lives not the novelties of offensive excitement.  Completing the knowledge of the Word of God and living it on a daily basis puts us in a position to do great things when it comes to advancing the Kingdom of God.   There is no stronger word in any language than the word love, but when this word is not spoken and lived through according to God’s definition it becomes a perversion and a lifestyle that does not promote God’s Kingdom at all.

It is this lie of greatness that Satan loves to tell us we have, but when he does he leaves out the fact that we need both sides of the Word of God in order for us to understand the potential that we have.  See, for as long as I can remember the common belief has been that if you are saved and consider yourself to be a Christian that your ticket has been punched and that your life is already complete through Jesus.  This belief is not wrong but it is NOT entirely the truth either, for if one understands that the entire Bible has been written for us to use as a guidebook and a life book then we would know that it needs to be shared with those who do not know God.  In this passage of Scripture for this article, we see that people believed that John the Baptist was a great man and preacher through the words he taught them.  This was the case with John, but Jesus knew that His life and Testament was going to be written for those who lived in the future and that God’s Word could not be complete without Him.  For this reason, Jesus makes the statement that where there is no greater prophet than John but whoever is in the Kingdom of God is greater than John.  If a person is in the Kingdom of God they are doing their best to advance God’s Kingdom at all times and on all levels through the knowledge and understanding of the complete Word of God and without compromise.

Jesus knew that many people had missed the Truth about what the Old Testament meant and taught, He also knew what His life was to represent and that if we were to understand the importance of eternity and why God Created each one of us it is without question the importance that we know and live the entire Word of God.  You may proclaim to be a Christian but do you walk it every day?  How many more people can we reach for God through the mannerisms that we present by just walking on our town’s streets?  It is this presentation and verbiage of our daily lives that Jesus was referring to when He said we could become greater in the Kingdom of God than even the prophet John.  The point here is that when we have the entire Word of God with Jesus as our center we can do so much more than what John the Baptist did for the Kingdom of God.

Recently I heard a sermon on how important it is that we know that our fight is in the spiritual realm and not in the physical and while there are many aspects to the physical realm and the antics people demonstrate there can be no higher in representation than eternity and as we have learned in the past it is vital that we fight with the same weapons that our enemy has because when we do not it shall be a spiritual slaughter with him winning and us lying spiritually bleeding somewhere asking where God is.  John understood the entire defensive plan and with it had a beautiful and effective offensive plan to spread the Truth about God and how the Pharisees and other religious and secular leaders were not getting it.  Yet, Jesus states that we will be greater in the Kingdom of God through the Truth of not only the Word of God but in Him as well.  Placing up a defense has always been, is today, and always will be easier when you know the defensive plan, you have confidence in its meaning, its goal, and what it can provide for you along the way but if you only know a portion of it, it shall be no good to your life and thus a weakness instead of a strength.

John had a total love for and knowledge of God and His Word, and to be honest, if one has such a total plan in their life they shall not be liked too much by those who operate through worldly standards, This is why John ran into such controversy during his ministry.  It is also through this overall principle setting that church denominations are either accepted by the world or they are not.  For those who understand and accept the Word of God in its entirety see such patterns rising and call them out when they are near and while I wish I could say we are winning the world over for Christ it is also easy to see that the world is winning due to the Swiss cheese configuration of our hearts and congregational doors.  A person’s defense can only be presented according to what they understand and it is for this reason why many people who call themselves Christians are attacked effectively because we do not truly do not know our defensive playbook.  When our defenses have weaknesses, you can be sure that our enemy will quickly recognize them and then use his tactics against us.  We do not have enough confidence in what we believe to stand against these attacks and to share the Truth with those who believe a truth and not The Truth.  In short, if we do not know how stand and fight against our enemy then we do not believe in The Truth as it is for our lives thus proving to the world that we are liars and have no Living Faith to prove God.

The question cannot help to be raised if we, the Church, wish to spread the Gospel, to live abundantly through Christ, and gain spiritual Truth or not.  From what is currently being displayed we would rather seek time showing off our sitting around and watching skills instead of telling people about God and how they really need to know what is coming if we do not repent and turn from our wicked ways.  This nation did not come to this point by a one-sided pattern, for it is all of us who have established such a cesspool of lies and selfish behavior and we need to have a heartfelt realization of this before it is too late.  It is difficult for many to see this truth about our condition because we have voluntarily accepted that equality can come from a fleshly establishment.  But look at where we are headed, each day another grip or complaint is added to our list and to be honest our arms should have an untreatable amount of lactic acid buildup due to all of the finger pointing we consistently do.  A worldly defense shall crumble after a short while, guaranteed yet we keep turning to its message as being one of truth and getting disappointed with each turn.

Church, this is where we should be stepping in and showing these hurting people the way that God wants us to be.  But we are stuck within ourselves and rather than showing the eternal Truth we show them another worldly option to get lost in.  Can’t we see that this is such sin?!?  We ourselves have become famous for clouding the truth when it comes to knowing and living right from wrong, did we not read the story about that tree and what occurs when we partition our minds from the Truth of God?  A wealth of information is not a good defense if its words cannot form a perfect outcome on The God Level.  Listen, when we use an offensive tactic to gain a worldly advantage of acceptance we cannot truthfully witness to anyone for everything that we say is out of disobedience and thus a lie against God and His Kingdom.  If we use the Bible as a defense mechanism for the world, it is sin and an abomination to God and I would classify it as an unforgivable sin against God because THAT is the definition of taking the Lord’s name in vain.

Where does this leave us as a defender of the faith?  I was talking with one of my good friends the other day about the church in North Korea.  Yes, North Korea has a Church and a strong one in faith, much stronger than the Church in the United States and Western Civilized countries.  During our conversation, we talked about how weak our faith is and just we do not know how to defend the Faith.  It broke my heart to that the people in the Church in North Korea are praying for us daily but not in a manner in which should be taken lightly.  We would like to believe that they are praying for our patience, virtues in Christ, strength in God and confidence in our daily walks with God but they are not.  They are praying for our salvation and repentance and the understanding how to defend the Faith through the Word of God, its message and most importantly our return to sending out missionaries to the world to spread the gospel.  Wow!!  In other words, they do not have any desire to become like us, but are praying that we become like them in understanding how to defend God, His Word, and our salvation.  From a nation that does not have a television in every house, cell phones to see what is constantly occurring around their villages and cities, they sure know what to pray for and it should bring us to our knees knowing this about people who have nothing.

“My only hope of salvation is in the infinite transcendent love of God manifested to the world by the death of His Son upon the cross.  Nothing but His blood will wash away my sins. I rely exclusively upon it.  Come Lord Jesus! Come quickly!”  This quote is from one of those atheist and deist Founding Fathers and signers of the Declaration of Independence of this nation that we hear so much about today, Benjamin Rush.  “God commands all men everywhere to repent.  He also commands them to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and has assured us that all who do repent and believe shall be saved.”  This comes from another atheist and deist of our Founding Fathers Roger Sherman.  Do these statements from just two of our great fathers sound anything like what the Church is teaching and showing the dying world today?  No way at all, and not even close to being close if you think about those statements.  How do we correct such a misguidance?  By doing and living these words of wisdom from just two of our Founding Fathers for they understood about how to live in True freedom and what it means to have freedom indeed.  Repent, Church and allow God to show us how He wants to direct our lives and our future through defending the Faith through the Bible and all of its defining contents of Jesus Christ.


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