Sunday, October 20, 2019

Dealing With Sin

Dealing With Sin


It is amazing how frustrated we become when we realize that the issues we face come from the choices of sin allowance in our lives.  God has given us the ability to recognize such ugliness and to deal with it according to His Ways and Laws, but for most of us, we fail to recognize these problems of ours as sin and then live with them the best we can after we try and correct them ourselves.  This pattern of self-correction is a failure from the beginning and no matter how we approach it in this manner, shall always provide dead ends.  Until we return to God and begin tackling these issues with His Ways again we shall see no change but forward progress of further hate and discontent for God does not provide such catastrophe only the world and its ruler does. 

Genesis 3:14

“And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field, upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.”

Genesis 3:3
“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.”

Genesis 3:21

“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”

As each day passes, we find that our lives are bombarded with new challenges that seem to arise from nowhere.  These challenges completely divide our societies today and they further deepen the angered bodies who think differently than those who have dealt with them.  Some of these issues have been around for quite some time while others appear as the sun rises in the East; whatever the occasion, it seems like nothing can be solved correctly enough to satisfy everyone involved.  This partisan outcome has folded our country into one giant winkled conglomeration that no longer could sustain a viable campaign against an enemy and I dare to say we could not even fight our way out of a wet paper bag with a hand grenade.  Also, with each new day that comes our way, we will find that these un-dealt issues that we have will only grow in number and size than present themselves as an overwhelming majority that cannot only be properly controlled but cannot even be comprehended correctly.  Once again, case in point the societies of our world, and you can add the Church into this mess as well.

The reason for all of this ignorant behavior in problem-solving is that we fail to deal with our issues from the Order in which we were designed to follow, God’s Order.  Sometimes we forget that when we do not approach our issues in the correct order, no solution will be granted when our processes focus on ourselves and not God.  God has never dealt with issues on the superficial level He always has and always will deal with them from the root outward.  This detail of His is the key to understanding many problems that are thrown at our windows and if we do not know how to properly defend ourselves from these issues we will crumble just as fast as these wiles hit us.  Sin is the origin of our problems and as long as we entertain this truth about our existence and then ignore its presence we are doomed to fail from the time our feet hit the floor in the morning until and including the time we go to sleep each night.  Simply put, sin is the disorder and disobedience that we embrace that causes us to experience horrible outcomes on a daily basis and until we deal with this issue in the manner in which God shows us how to, we will never see victory; child of God or not all are included in this passage.

The first passage that is used for this article we have touched upon a few times before and I am certain that God will continue to use this verse and others in the same portion many more times in the future.  Also, as in the past, God has shown us the pattern that He uses when establishing a creation which means that the manner in which He deals with things is a constant and cannot be changed.  In this matter, God addresses the origin of the problem by talking to the Serpent, not the man or the woman.  How many times have we lost our direction at this point when we realize a problem exists then focus our attention on the superficial or residual aspects (man and woman) first instead of finding out the root of the issue before going ahead?  From the looks of our personal, local and national stances and positions it seems like we have fallen for this obtuse protraction instead of finding the root cause for such anomalies.  Yes, all parties involved in the situation were present but it was the source of the issue that God addressed first, not the recipients and it is this Way that we must deal with the problems that we face, not the way we have chosen to do so.

God gives us the perfect example of how we are to respond when things go wrong in our lives, such as when we recognize that sin is at the forefront and not God.  God provides us with the understanding of how the order should be addressed and since God directs this motion and action then it is the pattern that we need to follow when we address the issues that dominate our lives as well.  Satan was the one who initiated this action not Adam and Eve and would most likely pose an orderly questioning by other humans for we are quick to keep the obvious at hand and ignore the origins of the issues.  As parents, it is easy to place blame on the people involved first and not foresee the real turmoil that birthed the complication.  As we see in the subsequent verses in Genesis 3 God deals with the humans that are involved in this mess, but, in eternal and correct order God goes to the source first and then properly goes down the line.

Also, some might question why God took His frustrations out on the serpent itself for it is just an animal.  But it is the allowance of the animal to be influenced due to its creativity that Satan found attractive and submissive, thus giving rise to the source of influence to the eyes of Adam and Eve.  As we all know, animals have the ability to chose as well, maybe not a Savior but they can choose how to act or what influences them; plus, they are not created on the same level as humans for God did not place His Spirit in them even though He did Create them according to their own.  Defining how Satan can influence anyone he wishes if allowed, a chord that many people including Christians do not believe in or understand at all.  Satan shall use any means necessary to obtain his goal, which is to deceive humans enough to doubt the truth of God and if we allow this deception to fester long enough we will follow such advice and change paths that serve us instead of God.

Sin is the origin of our problems, not mankind.  Did Adam and Eve have any issues in their lives before sin was allowed into their lives?  Not one.  This is where Satan has done a bang-up job in misleading people in that he wants us to keep out blame games on the physical level alone because when we do this the real issue shall never be addressed properly and therefore cannot be contained and ended properly.  Sin affects spirit for sin originated from spirit origins into the physical; remember Lucifer is a spirit from his origin.  If we deter this truth from our existence there is no way that we can ever be free from the grip of sin, it will only be able to grow and flourish uninhibited.  The first passage of this article says clearly that God does not address secondary issues first, and since He maintains a personal order of His existence He must direct Himself in this same Order for all instances.

So, what does all of this mean to our lives when we do not follow the correct way of handling issues that come our way?  In the second passage of this article, we find that sin has enveloped Adam and Eve immediately after they joined their actions together and participated in the act of eating of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The avenues for such activity had already been established in their minds due to the answer Eve gave to the Serpent in Genesis 3:3 when questioned about eating from the trees.  See the equivalence issue here that led to their downfall?  Satan’s plan for your life is always playing the part of equality on your terms instead of God’s terms.  Remember, mankind can only be considered equal when we place God first and completely first in our lives for it was this Order before sin entered into our lives that we were Created.

In reality, what can we expect to transpire in our lives if we do not understand and then implement this origin of sin?  Growth of sin, that is what we can expect and it shall continue to grow and to expand until we one day realize that what we are walking in is our own mire and muck that we have allowed to flourish.  We do not have to live this way, folks.  We have the perfect plan in place for us to live on dry ground if we only stop and proceed to correct our issues in an eternal manner.  The third passage of Scripture for this article gives us the Way to complete such a task and if we believe God is who He says He is then we should be jumping on this Truth and claiming it every single day.  It is also where the origin of the song “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” comes from because if we do not believe that God will provide all of our needs then there is no reason to have any hope for anything or in anyone.

We see here, in the third passage, that God understands that we have sin in our lives now and that He can no longer provide for us on His level; being that we were created in a perfect state without sin.  One condition remains and that is the gift of choice and we see here that God chooses to once again provide for His prized Creations the way to have restoration.  We also see that we are still on the same level of God when it comes to choosing, will we choose Him and His Ways as He has chosen to cover us according to Hiss Ways.  God provides Adam and Eve with coats of skins, which means we have the first example of a life being taken and bloodshed as the origin of covering.  Adam and Eve tried to make such a covering and while it may have covered their skin, it did not touch their eternal skin for it was not adequate enough to penetrate the necessary layer.  Adam and Eve had already forgotten the importance of being separated and the reason WHY separation was important in the first place, and when this loss of belief came into question they fell quickly and instantaneously.

So where do this article and the topic at hand leave us?  The answer to that question is simple, is God in control of your life and do you give Him access to your inner being at all times?  If you answer no to that question then you probably have some very hard dealings in your past and current life.  Your anger, inability to forgive and to trust is probably non-existent, and I am referring to deep and meaningful levels here not some superficial or whimsical preludes.  These types of emotions probably rule your heart and mind trapping you into a permanent skid which does not allow you to see any hope for a lasting future.  The promise of hope from other humans seems bleak at best and even when those people get their way you find that the emptiness still resides and resounds.  Even worse, you have even tried going to church and seeing if friendly denominational stances can help with your searching, only to find non-gratifying results.

Sadly, many people end their trust in God at this crossroad and never have any further desire to seek God and a relationship with Him.  God has been placed inside the proverbial box, but with a very grotesque and eternally deadly twist in that, it is now acceptable to believe like God accepts sin and does not mind at all if you live through it and in it.  This is the lie that countless people fall for and come out with a false sense of salvation; salvation should set you free from the chaos not add to it.  This lie falls into the exact position that Adam and Eve faced when they faced whether or not they could eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or not.  The Church has embraced this type of sinful belief as a just one and that it is okay to accept people into their walls just as they are and then allow them to sit in their sin and do nothing about teaching them the Truth about their sin.  God tells us in these passages of Scripture that it is not alright to accept sin as a norm or that it is okay with Him if we present ourselves to Him but not allow Him to change our lives.

Church, we are to keep the Spirit of God first in our lives so that we can be a True Testament to God and what He has done for our lives.  We cannot afford to spend our time bringing people into our church walls and then setting them up for an eternal failure because of our satanic beliefs about God.  God did things in a specific manner in the passages of Scripture He chose for this article and He has continued this Order from that time forward; before that time also.  God does not change and He cannot change ever.  This is why it is so vital that we know the Word of God like the back of our hand for if we do not then we are just as susceptible as Adam and Eve were.  The last passage of Scripture gives us a picture of where our lives stand with God and the world in that we are placed into the world around us because we are separated from the physical presence of God yet we still have the opportunity to wear the covering that He has made for us.  In NO circumstance or honor can we rightfully stand up and proclaim the ways of the world and be separated from it, either you are under the skin of that God provided for you or you have shed it to walk in the ways of the world.  We cannot change the course of physical separation (death) but we can ensure that our lives are eternally secure by accepting and proudly wearing and displaying the covering that God provides every day.

The question God asks of us today is where does He lie within our lives?  Do we have His Order first in our lives and the utmost of priorities or do we believe we are abiding in the world yet putting on and taking off the eternal covering whenever we wish?  God wants us to know that when Adam and Eve sinned they were forced to leave their perfect state and not allowed to stay in the place that they had been accustomed to, nor shall God allow us to live in a wishy-washy spiritual environment, we must make a choice of separation but whom we shall separate is strictly up to us.  I know that I am allowing God to deal with the sin that invades my life according to His Ways and not my own; yes, it is a tough and hard process because it is buried deep within my inner being and it must come out for me to be free.  This is what we must teach others about how to deal with sin that we all harbor, it is not an “if” statement or a “might have” statement but it is a state of existence that if allowed shall destroy us.  But what beautiful freedom and satisfaction if we allow God to cover us with His eternal covering, this is what God has intended for us Church.


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