Saturday, October 12, 2019

Indestructible Reality

Indestructible Reality


For most of us growing up and realized that when we fell we may have a few issues but would recover nicely, it changed us in ways that eventually we believed that nothing could harm us.  It is a natural process to face issues and challenges head-on, but when these positions become a point of reference that we cannot see past they can subsequently blind us to the truth around us.  This is true when it comes to our spiritual lives as well and with a little time given it can progress into a spiritual wall that we do not even recognize is present.  It is through these types of indestructible beliefs that Satan uses to lie and say that we are okay without God and that everything we have is due to our strong position within ourselves.  Eventually, this position will build a high enough pedestal that will crumble and see us fall hard to the ground, a result that will result in not only our physical death but our eternal death as well.  God does not delight in seeing His children fall from their lives but He also knows that there is nothing He can do when our hearts are turned toward the world for answers.  While we supposedly thrive in such chaotic results, our lives shall not change for the better until we return our hearts to God and dump the deadly world service that we so kindly embrace today.

Scripture References

Genesis 1:26-28

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every a living thing that moveth over the earth.

Genesis 3:6-7

And when the woman saw that the fruit was good for food, and it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.  And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The human ambition and drive are some of the fascinating facts and details about our lives that define our individual characters.  None is more obvious than that of my daughters for all four of them line up a perfect dotted line on the scales of ambition.  My last two are the most diverse in that one is timid and very cautious when it comes to taking chances and being a daredevil while my youngest has no bounds when it comes to excitement.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with these types of characteristics, in fact as stated above they are gifts from God that define our existence and compliments the truth about our individuality.  But it is not this level of ambition that God is directing us to learn about today, but the drive that overcomes sensibility when it comes to self-indulgence states that He wants us to be aware of.  I am sure that some of you or most of you did ridiculous things when you were young to prove to yourself and to others that you were not a “chicken”.  This is a healthy thing to complete along with having the knowledge that some challenges and “dares” should not be performed.

When I was a kid, the most popular daredevil or stunt person of the day was Evel Knievel, a stunt man who made his living trying to execute high profile jumps over many different objects.  Some were barrels, cars, trucks, or trailers but one of his most famous tries was to jump his motorcycle over a large canyon.  It was exciting to watch but very dangerous to perform and while he survived this incredible feat he received much criticism for providing viewers reasons to go out and try some of these stunts for themselves.  We all know that once we take a step in any direction and realize that nothing major occurred after we took that step that the next step in that direction shall be easier because of the increased confidence level we now have inside us and let’s face it when we accomplish such tricks or directional steps we then accept that tempting fate is okay and that our luck shall never run out, a fateful choice to make because even those who are on drugs and wish to increase their intake have this belief.

It is this gift of ambition that God has given us which Satan uses to turn into the belief that we are indestructible and that our actions will have no major consequences and it is here that lays the root of Satan’s plan to destroy your life.  We cannot forget that when we allow the world to infiltrate our lives deep enough that our wills are influenced by such standard that it will not be too much time down the road that we will adjust our physical capabilities to accommodate such thinking beliefs.  This newly accepted standard will soon become “the” standard in our lives and then will be urged to step further in our quest to feel our ambitious side satisfied.  Once again, we have this pattern of the enemy that we humans tend to forget about and it deals with the physical aspect and the spiritual aspect of our lives.  Remember, Satan already has accomplished the fact that our physical is going to die; therefore, if the physical was the only component of our separation from God Satan would not need to work any further for our fates would already be sealed.  But this is not the case and it is this point where we forget what is really at stake, for it is our spiritual aspect that Satan focuses on and he does this through the physical attributes that God gave us when He created us.

When God created us He did on His level which means that we are spirit just as He is Spirit.  It was God who Satan has quarreled with long before our establishment and it is this fight that is still in effect today.  Satan did not attack the animals or the trees when he decided to hatch his plan, it was us that he came after.  Satan cannot touch spirit he can only influence it enough that we make the choice to give up our gift of eternal life that only obeying God can provide which means that it is the spiritual aspect of our existence that is truly indestructible and shall live forever.  Genesis 1:26-28 tells us how God was to make mankind and through His specific words He stated that we were to be made in His image which means that since God is eternal alone then the manner in which we were to be made was to have a portion of our lives eternal as well.  We all know that we were formed from the ground and then God breathed into us His spirit.

Since the physical was obtained through deception in Genesis 3:7 and given the fact that Satan cannot come up with any new tactic to misguide us it is logical that the same pattern he used to beguile Eve and Adam would be continued on us today.  See, our egos and pride can swell to inaccurate proportions quite rapidly if given the opportunity and we will gladly allow this to occur when it becomes known that a certain amount of praise and notoriety will follow at some point in time.  Who knows, maybe a simple act of stupidity will get enough hits off “YouTube” that we see our names and faces on the news or receive invitations to be on some early morning daily show.  With this thought in mind, we will then become famous through an act that we accomplished ourselves thus deeming our existence worthy enough to accomplish anything we want in the future.  Just like Satan did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he allows our thoughts and abilities to overrule the truth about what we were made to do from our beginning.  Satan knows that when our Creative alignment is out-of-whack he has the perfect opportunity to interject his distractive initiatives into our lives and watch them grow thus producing a satisfactory setting for future decline and devastation.

It is this half-truth that we become convinced about that will cost us our eternity if we do not realize just how high of a gamble we take when we place all our intentions and ambitions on worldly sources.  As we know, the world shall only promote self for it is that selling point that convicts so many people with ease and if the leader can convince us to rely on our own ambitious devices he can then begin to manipulate them enough so that we lose sight of our real indestructible portion and place us into serious jeopardy.  Just as God commanded Adam to keep and dress the Garden of Eden it is our responsibility to keep and dress our indestructible portion of our existence.  This portion of us is our definition, our eternal existence that means everything to our Heavenly Father and Creator.  Satan gave up his holy and pure place through greed and entitlement and he is hard at work to provide the same eternal opportunities that he has to look forward to if we only disobey God.

When Satan gains enough access to your physical sources he will then set his sights for your spiritual; never believe the lie that he will not only take your physical.  Satan has a fanatical way to achieve this goal but while elaborate that it is, it has not changed one bit for the only thing he can do to you is convince you that God is not who He is or what He says which means Satan can only regard himself as the father of lies.  When we give in to these lies about our indestructible status we place ourselves into a position of complete failure not only on just the individual level but the organizational level as well, for these levels go hand-in-hand with each other.  What important lesson to understand here is that Satan cannot get directly to our spiritual aspects of life unless we give it to him.  He has one way of gaining this access and it is through our physical beliefs.  If we play his game long enough that process shall succeed and it will control our lives enough to convince us that he is correct and that God and His Ways are inferior to the present and physical realm.  Think about this folks, think long and hard at the patterns of the flesh and learn what those ways produce.  Quick and easy physical completions are just that, physical which means that they are limited and shall succumb to the consequences of our deception and are NOT representative of our indestructible side of life.  It is this definition that explains the truth about Kingdom and how it works, for if Satan needs access to our spiritual it means that he cannot penetrate it unless we give him access, he is on a chain and cannot just interject his kingdom whenever and how deep he wants.

It is a Truth that God has placed ambition and competition in our lives to serve as challenges they help us focus on the smaller tasks and to overcome the larger ones when they arrive.  But since these attributes are a gift from God they must not be placed above God in any way for when we do we become subject to the lies of our enemy and give him pathways to destroy our lives.  Satan could care less about your life on any level and since this hatred for you flows in a constant manner it is vital that we understand exactly how he operates and how he gains access to our lives so that when times of temptation and overzealous ambitions arise they can be quickly placed back under the control of God and His Ways.  God does not want us to have a mundane life by any means but He also understands that if we do not consult Him in all things there will be grave consequences at some point down the road.

How are we standing on this issue Church?  Are we engraving the Word of God and the Truth about living under God’s authority or are we promoting a freestyle life without any separation from the worldly games of life?  What type of abundant and prosperous lifestyle are we promoting, and how are we relaying this type of information from the pulpit?  As stated many times in the bible God rewards those who love Him and keep His Ways but how can we live by this Truth when our focus is squarely on the excitement of the world?  We have done a fabulous job of exonerating the physical by accepting the fact that God accepts us “just as we are” and then leaves it at that stage, then automatically allowing our enemy to lie to us by telling us your physical is most important and there is no need to pay attention to the dying spirit inside.  There is a reason why God’s Word tells us that we need to be continually renewing our minds with His Truth because if we do not the lie of our physical indestructibility shall take over and eternally withhold the real indestructible portion accountable.

Think about this Church, the physical shall pass away, for it is written that we are going to return to dust so why do we place all of our efforts into the physical and the ways of the world while ignoring the spiritual which is the eternally indestructible portion of humans?  It is expected that Satan advances his kingdom through the physical, so why are we pushing him forward at breakneck speed?  It is evident that the manner to which Satan deceives us by using the physical in order to gain access to the spiritual.  This pattern is established in the first passage of Scripture in this article and it is vital that we grasp this concept because Satan used it back in the Garden of Eden and he continues to use it today and unless we combat this tactic correctly he shall continue his success rate.  Why do we allow this action to flourish when we know how to accurately fight against it?  Church, our eyes are focused on the goodness of the tree and not the Word of God and unless we turn our hearts back to God we shall follow so many others before us and bite that fruit and fall into eternal damnation.

Church, God is stretching out His heart for us today so that we may look upon it and know the truth about what this world has to offer.  There is nothing good that can come from this world, only despair, disappointment, destruction, and death.  It is these two passages that lay the foundation for the last Scripture reference for the article and that is Ephesians 6:12.  This battle of ours was set into motion a very long time ago and for many of us still walking around today continues to lose such a battle because we are ignorant and refuse to understand the simple truth of how to fight correctly.  Church, we no longer can teach or even acknowledge that our worth comes from the physical for when we do we limit ourselves to death alone which provides for the appearances of reckless and restless determinations.  We represent a gross insult to our lives, our eternal lives for we can no longer see the real and eternal value of why and how we were created.  Wake up, Church!  Allow God back into our lives and return to Him so that we can proclaim true life and eternal victory over Satan and the world.  Just imagine what we can accomplish and what will occur when we realize our true indestructible life and use it according to how God made us act.


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