Remembering Stone
What type of atmosphere would present such a person to
remember stone? How many of us in this
world can relate to such an environment growing up, sadly, probably more than
we care to imagine? That type of growth
pattern was not the intention of what God had in mind when He placed us in the
Garden of Eden, but as sin continued to infiltrate our choired living standards
this type of upbringing was inevitable.
Even though our lives were opened to a multitude of discourses, God did
not have just a single plan that was destroyed because He already had figured
out what our lives could have turned out to be.
We do not have to remember a stone heart growing up nor do we have to
pass that stone on to our children either.
God has given us the perfect opportunity to change our surroundings
according to His Ways, not as the popular worldly view wishes to command us
from. God loves to turn our stones of
heart into beating and living organs again the question is this, will you allow
Him to do so?
Some of you may know that I was adopted when I was a baby
and the story that my parents received from my birth mother sounded good at the
time but after decades passed, I found out that what was told to them was a
lie. Mom and dad always told me about my
roots and how I was adopted and that somewhere out there I had brothers and
sisters. Details were not really
revealed until about ten years ago when my biological family contacted me. Not much time to go into specifics but my
older brother was never told about me until that time of contact which really
had a confusing tone to this new knowledge of his. At the same time it, my appearance answered
some questions he had since he was a young boy but mainly, threw open a gated
community of unanswered questions that still had not been witnessed yet.
Now, knowing this information about my biological family,
I was still kind of numb when the news broke about their contact, but I had an
idea about them so the shock of everything was not a devastating blow. Not so for my brother, he was hurt and angry
and still is in some ways about this arrival if you please. His family and mine have a wonderful
relationship today and it grows as each day arises but it has brought up many
hurts from his childhood once again and he struggles with them at times,
completely understandable. The
relationship with our biological mother is no longer present and through many
instances that occurred before I came onto the scene of their lives, and probably
shall never be redeemed. I look at my
brother and hear his voice ring out with deep and inner questions about his
younger life, with no real concrete evidence to support truthful answers. In turn, this knowledge hurts me as well even
though I was not directly a part of his growing up years but I cannot help but
think about what my heart would be like if I was not placed into the loving
arms of my parents so long ago.
Jeremiah 17:1-2
“The sin of Judah
is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven
upon the table of their heart and upon the horns of your altars; Whilst their
children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the
high hills.”
“The sin of Judah
is written with an iron stylus, engraved with a diamond point on the tablet of
their hearts and on the horns of their altars.
Even their children remember their altars and Asherah poles, by the
green trees, on the high hills.”
How many stories of similar worries could be told of
people today? Of course, more gruesome
tales could be extrapolated upon by either reading about or hearing from those
whose childhoods were not of structured purity.
We cannot ignore such conduct for it is a common item that our eyes and
ears would hear if we took the time to listen to simple conversations around us
or to take a few moments to look into someone’s eyes to see what their heart
bears to the public. It breaks my heart
to think that people my age or even older and younger than I did not have
wonderful parents or great childhood memories growing up; yet, at the same time
I cannot help but think to myself about those people whose hearts were broken
and hardened when they were younger.
Now, they pass on the same type of separated and fractured love toward
their children for it is all they know how to give, or they cannot love in
depth or in truth because their inner heart is rock hard and cannot change if
they wanted to, a dilemma that even many medical professionals either ignore or
do not know how to deal with properly and adequately.
In addition, we have some parents who have made deep and
worthy vows to not raise their children as they had been treated but always end
up following in their parents’ footsteps many of which falling deeper into the
stone cold-hearted atmospheric raising that has added implications against
their children. This lack of
understanding about what really has been allowed to infiltrate their lives only
further deepens the eternal lies that sin has been allowed to grasp a hold of. It is no secret that kids look like the
parents that created and bore them but so often we forget to deal with the
inner (spiritual) doors that we pass along to our children without even knowing
what has occurred? The Textbook of
Psychiatry has even taken the chapter of true forgiveness from its pages and
basically forgets to teach patients that forgiveness is the key to any mental
or inner healing, but gives these hurting people session after session of
feeling techniques and prescribed drugs as their therapy closings. This teaches people to be dependent on a
human profession that is just as messed up as they are for control of what lies
within; Satan’s dream of masking a lie with another lie and it is the perfect
setting to allow such devastating youth days fester and grow within untreated
until it is time to pass those traits on to the next generation.
This passage of Scripture brings up a couple of points
concerning just how hard we have become toward our lives and also how far we
have fallen away from God our Creator yet it also describes what our actions
shall lead to when we do not understand that God is the ONLY way to our
physical and eternal peace and rescue.
In verse 1 of this passage, we find that it is being said that the hearts
of Judah have become like stone or metal and that in order for anything to be
said from such a heart it must be done so with a sharp and strong enough
instrument that will forever engrain its markings. The general term used for “a pen or iron”
means that it would be a chisel or some type of instrument with a diamond
pointed tip so that its markings would penetrate deep into the surface. This verse also refers to the idols of the
land and how much they mean to the hearts of the people, thus forming a single stone
cry as a sign of their allegiance to what their hearts desire.
It is bad enough that the hearts of the people in Judah
have hardened as much but it is verse 2 of this passage that deals with the
more serious issue and that is the growth of such idolatry and selfish
servitude that we see that the future of Judah is now adorned with precious
little ones that shall remember the activities of their parents which will
detail deeper and further into sin and sinful indulgences as a norm of life. Many people will say that their actions do
not influence anyone nor do their actions deeply affect them personally either,
until trouble comes along of course. It
is the doorways to sin that mean so much in this passage and it is of dire
importance that we understand that if we accept the world into our lives and
use it as a routine function of our existence that is what our children shall
see and then at some point begin to use and rely upon as their truth. Satan is the only influence that reverts back
to your past or to things in the past and then continues to use these issues
against you in as many ways possible in order to get you to stay on his
side. He does not tell you that as long
as you allow this door to remain open, he and his buddies have direct access to
you and to your family through your willingness to comply with this spiritual
law. Oh, and it really does not matter
if you believe in this spiritual law or not because it is there and it is
functioning through your doubt too.
The word that is of great importance here is the verb
“remember” and how it is used through the Hebrew definition of it. The Hebrew word used here is “kizkor” and
every meaning it refers to always returns to the active process of remembering
something of importance or big enough in experience worth remembering. In this instance and usage, it cannot be
termed as a word or process that is easily or quickly forgotten but a process
of routine growth of importance within the heart of the person, or as already
noticed in this verse the heart of Judah.
Also, this type of memory would be one that would bring back some type
of stability to the heart whether or not it would be pleasant would depend upon
the remembered activity. Most of the
time when one deals with the world it shall seem like a good thing at the
beginning but become a burden by the time another young setting comes along;
now, you have two to deal with and grow.
This verse also speaks about the altars and groves that Judah placed along
the green hills, the word groves in Hebrew is “Asherah poles” which served for
one purpose only and that was idol worship.
Grotesquely, this verse continues its specificity concerning the
children for it will be the children that remember such proceedings which
means those practices are now a firm part of their lives and ready to be passed
along to their children. These poles and
altars were established for a reason and it was over time that these poles and
altars were demanded upon their existence as a right of life and to live
according to such rituals.
This process may not seem too bad for some folks reading
this article, but in order to appreciate the dire necessity for understanding
here, we must be reminded or remember what took place at these groves and altars
that Jeremiah refers to here. It is the
children that are of some older age that this verse is talking about, for it is
their hearts and minds that recall exactly what their parents did at some past
point in their lives. The altars were
not an altar to God but an altar to a god who demanded real sacrifices as gifts
for healing, fertility, wealth, status and any other worldly state a person or
family would wish to obtain. But the one
major item that would stick into their mind is that one day in their past they
had a younger brother or sister and then at another day in their past they did
not. Parents teach their children
through actions and through conversations that come from the heart which means
that those practices are accepted and normal within not only that particular
family but in others' presences as well.
If continued, this process of sacrificing would become a normal setting
and one to be expected at least once during their young adult lives and that
right there is the prime example of a heart that had been molded over time and
hardened through the confines of the world’s rules.
It has been presented to us a few times over these past
three years that this nation has formally elected the spirit of Jezebel, and
while her spirit continues to expose herself every day we must be reminded that
she will not command a presence or an audience at first but eventually demand
your attention. There are many issues
that the world deems precious and should be fought over and it is through this passage
of Scripture that we see the results of such programming by the world shine
through children and their children and their children. It is a generational practice that becomes
enough of a part of people that they are lost without its practices and through
these practices, the person’s “truth” is magnified and adored. How is this known or how can this be
said? The last portion of verse 2 gives
us the authority to say it, these groves and altars were located on the green
high hills. This means that they were
strategically placed so that when it was time to incorporate the practices
everyone would be able to watch it take place.
They were proud of their accomplishments and performances and had no
reservations about their activities. To
put it into today’s terms they shouted their sacrifices from the rooftops. Once again, we are called to remember that
Jezebel does not wish to be exposed until she exposes herself in her own timing
which is why it is vital that we allow God to chisel away at our hearts of
Some might say that this type of activity never occurred
or that if it did it was not on a major scale that could have involved the
entire nation of Judah. I would like to
inform you that God cannot help but see some type of sin within the heart of
our lives, for He understands that our physical lives shall cease one day,
which is an abomination to Him, but it is the voluntary sinful acts that make
up these categories that do the eternal damage.
These wonderful people were the direct descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob God’s chosen seed for the separation example from the world but it was
they who chose to be separated from God.
It was their choice to leave the confines of a Law governed by God for
one that is flawed and dead in context.
Their hearts were persuaded by the events and interactions with the
world that became their influential statements of change. The evidence from the world became greater
than the evidence from God, at least to some of them and then more of them
until most of them agreed with the world.
Their spiritual vision was turned into physical lust and desire which
then illuminated into spiritual vulgarity and vanity enhanced by their demands
to leave God. How many do you know or
have heard people say “I tried God once” or “God left me”? It is the exact same influence here today
that was present in Israel’s heart way back when.
It is obvious that the day-to-day activities that Israel
began to perform became the centerpiece of their lives. This is a common factor that all of us deal
with and one that should be the grounding place of God and His Word in our
lives first. It is indisputable that
Israel had been born and grown through God and His Ways but at the same time it
is also undeniable that the world had its influences on their hearts as well
and eventually, the world’s ways became deeply appealing more to the hearts of
Israel than God did. God expects us to
work and to keep our dominions intact for that was the command to Adam and that
command has not changed for today either; however, when we lose track of God
and His position in our lives it becomes easy for our enemy to gain access to
our hearts, infiltrate them and then claim resident status legally. It is this allowed resident status that
begins the process of stone building and if we do not proclaim the truth
against this stone formation, it will consume our lives in such a manner that
will overpower us after a calculated amount of time.
Church, this is a problem that we need to understand
because if Satan can fool the children of Israel enough to convince them to
leave God and seek out a life in the world, we will be easy targets for this
activity. Since God is addressing this
issue, we can safely estimate that we are either in dire condition of this occurring
or most likely it has already taken over in our hearts. This means it is built up enough that God
recognizes it as a problem and is showing us that we need to have it
removed. We should have no problem with
God doing this for it is the purpose of our lives to show everyone else what is
going on so that they can remove things as well. Through this message from God, we should have
the initiative to stop and to get on our knees and ask God to show us where our
hearts are at in the stone building program of Satan. If we do this, God promises us that He will
heal our land; this includes our hearts for it is our hearts that represent
our land. If we do not complete this
task then our hearts shall continue on its stone building project and at some
time in our future, our hearts shall no longer beat and thus be claimed for the
kingdom of the world.
This type of trickery from Satan has not changed one bit
over the millennia yet we have not learned from our history because we still
fall into identical issues today. This
passage of Scripture informs us just how things become if we do not continually
seek God and allow Him to search our hearts on a daily basis. Not only are we hardening our hearts against
God and the desires He has for our lives but we are actually shaping our
children’s hearts with this pen of iron and diamond tip. Think about this folks, we are shaping our
children’s hearts by living for the world and its ruler. If we shape their hearts starting at a young
age how hard will their hearts be by the time they reach their teen years or
their young adult years? What are the
chances of them seeking God and living for Him at these ages? What will become of our nations if we do not
spread the Truth about what Satan does to and with our hearts? Church, let us change our hearts now so that
we can teach our children properly about the auricles of God so that they may
live in holy eternity with God. It is
well written that God does not wish for any one of His children to die in their
sins and spend eternity in a place marked for the devil and his angels, so why
do we begin making that death process possible ourselves? Our command is not stonework but tell those
stone hearts about God so that they may beat once again. Remembering a rock is nothing special, but eternal life is beyond our imaginations.
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