Sunday, December 29, 2019




This word has been used for numerous occasions to make a point about someone’s activities.  It does not matter what type of activity one refers to either, for at some point all of us have sued this tactic to delay another progress or maybe even ours.  In the Kingdom of God, there is no obstruction present nor can there be since God’s definition alone settles any obstacle that might have the guts to stand up against Him.  However, one obstructive force did try once to override God and he and his followers were thrown out of Heaven and thus began a campaign to disrupt anything and everyone he could in opposition to God.  It is our job to identify this obstructionist and point him out to as many people as possible but in order to do this we cannot just recognize the superficial aspects of such a hinderer but we must understand the origin of where this obstruction process came into our lives before we can defeat this nasty order of sin and death.

The definition of obstruction is as follows: the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed which means this: to block; be or get in the way of.  It is this word that many of us use on a daily basis without even speaking a word to another person, a process that we use in order to obtain our way or a process to silence someone that places a different view than yours; whatever the cause may be we knowingly or voluntarily commit an obstructive act even when we brush our teeth.  For the most part, it is relatively safe that most people do not want to harm others by their methods of obstruction, yet sadly, the percentage of those willing to do harm for obstructive purposes continue to steadily grow.  Why?  Why do we have to resort to a violent method to render our cause viable to others?  Forcing others to submit to a cause through obstructive views and means is not freedom but tyranny and this method of passage has grossly elevated such hostilities between people not only in this country but many others as well that no one really can be friends or have friends any longer.  The definition of this word and it's original or tender does not come from a personal or human setting but a spiritual setting long before mankind was created by God which makes this word and it's meaning an eternal word and one that has a spiritual origin.

A quick reference about my heart sport soccer, one that will give light to just how dangerous obstruction can be to our lives and to others as well.  One of the most brutal and vulgar aspects of this game is when a player from the opposing team comes up to the player with the ball and physically knocks them off the ball forcing them to the ground.  Usually, this event occurs when the player with the ball is running at top speed headed to the opponent’s goal.  It is this foul that causes the most injuries to players in this sport, so much so that some of these instances cause broken bones or even career-ending injuries.  This is how dangerous obstruction can be to people, yes this example is a sport but if it can cause physical damage that is crippling it can to cripple a person’s spirit.

Obstructive behavior is noticed around the world in many different forms.  A few weeks ago, one political party impeached the President of the United States strictly on a party vote with obstruction of Congress as one of the formal charges.  This act leads some to question the real reason or the root of the problem and if this action would even perpetrate the actual crime that was believed to be committed, exposed, a dangerous precedent set into motion that many have no clue about what it means for the future of countless citizens, groups, or even this nation.  Another issue popped up this last week and it comes from a comedian who stood up in front of her audience and proudly proclaimed that she had an abortion and loved it.  She also encouraged the ladies in the audience to become pregnant and then go out and have an abortion saying that they too will love doing.  This person also stated that she absolutely loved being God and that it gave her so much power and having such power made her feel good.  This statement of hers, referencing almost a direct quote from Satan to Eve, which this conversation shall serve as one of our passages of Scripture for this article concerning obstruction and the origin of the word and process.

How many of us would continue to practice this word if we really believed its origin and what it established in our lives by the established being that started it all?  Each day we see scrolling across our screens some type of protest that wants to obstruct some type of function ongoing in a portion of the world.  We must ask ourselves this question, does it do an overall good for this to occur and if so, what do we think about those who stand in the way of such differences of opinion?  This nation has been riddled with protest after protest about some sort of injustice that they believe has occurred, in many cases, they are correct but shutting down interstates and state highways, are these methods the correct manner to protest?  In truth, the act of obstruction has become a spiritual aspect in our lives, and rightly so for it is from a spiritual origin that this word raises its ugly head.  Ironically, our belief and the subsequent misuse of this word that actually thrives inside our hearts which while we may complete the act of obstruction toward others we truly have obstructed ourselves even deeper.  See, we were Created by God and God cannot be stopped for any reason known or unknown to mankind; not saying some beings have tried but when they did they failed miserably and their actions were eternally marred because of it.

Isaiah 14:12-15

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the most High.  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”

Genesis 3:1-7

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God made.  And he said unto the woman Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat from every tree of the garden?  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.  And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”

In the first passage of Scripture, we see that Lucifer began all of this obstruction nonsense when he decided that he should be the one in charge of Heaven, thus establishing the motive within his heart to be like God and if at all possible higher than God.  It was this act of Lucifer that first initiated the opposition to God and to the advancement of His Kingdom.  Nothing or no one before had any plans to do such an obstructive process because they understood that there was no higher power than God Himself.  At times I stop and wonder what Lucifer was thinking and why would he even do such an idiotic thing, but then I quickly have to end that process because I myself have overpowering ambitions within my heart at times; yet, I do not believe I would ever think that I could rise above God, that thought to I must nip in the bud because I remind myself exactly how many times I chose not to do what God had planned for me to do, which is the perfect example of obstruction.  See, God was here and alive long before He created angels and He sure has been around longer than humans so this can mean only one thing, since God has no beginning and no end He cannot change His course nor can He be hindered (obstructed) by any created or uncreated being or belief; therefore, since this is a Truth statement it is only Satan, his angels, and his kingdom that serve as the origin of obstruction.

We now come to the second passage of Scripture for this article and we return to the Garden of Eden with the three major players all gathered around the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, having a conversation about who is correct and what would really occur to those who did their own thing.  There is no doubt that God had warned Adam and Eve about the reason why His garden needed to be kept and dressed but as time drug along this threat seemed innocent enough to warrant conversations with the enemy who questioned the Rule Maker.  Adam and his wife knew that Satan was a liar and that he was the only one who had lied in the past, so one would think that this would be a great reason to leave him alone and to fight him off as God instructed previously.  Shortly after this conversation ended we find that Eve and then Adam believed that what the Serpent said was more accurate than what God had stated sometime in their past – a dangerous position that some Christians hold about the Bible and how old it is – so they both ate from the tree and we find that sin had a green light into their lives and subsequently into yours and my lives as well.  Ever since that fateful moment Adam and Eve allowed Satan to obstruct God’s plan for their lives, humanity has suffered the consequences of going in a down-hilled manner ever since.

There is no way possible that we can accurately account for all the wrongs and obstructions that have occurred because of this allowance way back in the Garden of Eden.  Also, we have only a fraction of information of all the wrongs and obstruction attempts by Satan after he fell and before we came into being.  Both settings are mind-boggling at best and really overwhelming if one tries to spend any lengthy amount of time trying to sort them out.  Since the Serpent leveled this obstructive component into our lives, it is this one-sided opinion of his that we use many times in our obstructive content against each other.  Therefore, since obstruction has its origins on a spiritual level it simply does not exist on a personal or physical aspect either, it is an obstruction against YOUR eternity.  In any case, known or unknown, if resistance is presented in front of God obstruction is in play.  Make no mistake, God’s Kingdom shall be fulfilled it is just whether or not our hearts allow it to be fulfilled peacefully or not.  In this true light, we make fools of ourselves when we cry obstruction of justice when it is ourselves that caused such an event to occur initially.  Countless numbers of us fail to grasp this truth and then question why we suffer devastating consequences as a result of such processes.

Unfortunately, we are currently witnessing this cruel amount of consequential results from an unjust process within the nation’s government leaders.  There is absolutely no question that one side of the political aisle is out to get the President, but at what costs do these folks have to expend in order to witness what is really going on here.  ALL parties involved in this procedure are at fault, NO ONE is innocent and it has taken the presence of this President for some to recognize this fact and how dangerously close we are to a supernatural destruction followed by a national implosion that shall change the entire course and world statistical structure.  I cannot help but look on with inner tears as some elected officials make this charge of obstruction yet deliberately squelches so far 80 official motion requests to recognize abortion is murder.  Here we have just how deep obstruction has infiltrated our lives in that we have forgotten that anything that God does not ordain equals death and we would wish to guarantee death to millions of potential rocket scientists, doctors, engineers, inventors, pastors, etc because we cannot see that killing innocent babies is just a horrible obstruction to God as lying to one another on other issues.  Physical obstruction is a direct product of the origin of this word which makes it a deeper issue and one far more dangerous to our eternity because it grows on a regular and generational platform.

Church, how do you stand on the issue of obstruction to God?  Are we committing this vile act and sin on a routine or voluntary basis?  It pains me to say this but, I believe we obstruct God and His Kingdom more than we think we do.  We have incorporated our personal feelings and personal gainful methods into the heart of the Church at a steady pace ever since the Early Church was established by Christ.  You doubt this to be true?  How many denominations are thee today and why were these denominations created?  Yes, I believe we have placed personal beliefs into the heart of the Church and therefore have provided Satan with a mastered tool of obstruction to God’s Kingdom.  Whether you know it or not, God places individuals into leadership positions for a reason and it is NOT for you to obstruct what He has ordained.  God has given us the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at our hearts and to see the sin that God has shown us is there, give it to Him and live in a purified and restored life once again.  Instead, we have acted foolishly on all levels due to the fact we do not know God and His Word at all and have shamefully exposed this fact to everyone around us, especially to God.

It is obvious that if we DID understand the Word of God we would be very cautious in what we protest and what we obstruct.  God expects the people of the world to act according to such foolishness but from the ones who claim to be of Him?  Also, if we truly understood the Word of God each and every person who considers themselves to be a Christian would have no problem standing with God on the right to live and to live abundantly.  Our lives and church buildings would be filled with the Spirit of God once again and over a short period of time, all of our problems would simply disappear.  Yet, another day goes by and we see another obstructive process being formed and executed in our world.  When are we going to change this procedure Church?  It is strictly up to us to do such a change but until we turn our hearts back to Him and seek Him and His Word again in our lives, the change we all want to see shall never come close to our grasp.  Obstruction is a word and condition from Satan himself, so why do we claim it as a part of our duty to instruct?


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