Sunday, October 11, 2020

No Happy Day


No Happy Day







Most of the time when our team wins an event it is considered a victory and every supporter for that side celebrate the accomplishment of the day.  There is nothing wrong with feeling accolades with a victory one may ask?  Nothing at all and it is appropriate to celebrate such happiness, but there are times that such victories cost teams, such as a player being injured and out for the remainder of the season.  Yes, a victory occurs but a key ingredient to the entire composition of the recipe cannot participate any longer.  A team should operate like a well-oiled machine that fires on all cylinders, God’s team did just that until one tragic day when a participant fell apart and was lost forever.  While God won the victory that day, the eternal setting changed and He immediately knew what would eventually take place at some point in the future.  It is this cost of that dreadful day that all of us continue to struggle with, for when the day Lucifer fell God lost not just one of His team players for eternity but many along with him and still to come countless more that follow that same fallen angel.


Have you ever been involved in an event where your side, group, or participant was declared the winner of that event?  It is common in multiple sporting events where one team or side wins that specific competition, and it is just as common to find out later that one or more of the participants of such contest was injured during that contest and could not return to finish the contest.  This occurs many times during such events and when the news travels far enough to allow viewers or listeners the information that those injured players will not return for the remaining events of that season, it strikes damage and sadness into their hearts.  Yes, an important game or event was conquered but while the victory celebrations were ongoing, somewhere there was another scene taking place that was not so celebratory.  When we look at the big picture, we may find that winning is not always the best outcome for a team, yes the win is a great and wanted outcome but when that victory comes at a cost to the team the win is shadowed by a loss and the congruency of the team and mission can be hindered.  It is this status that can be devastating and prove to be a future trial in order to accomplish such high hopes and goals.


I have stated a few times in the past that when I lived in the South as a young boy I would be fascinated by storms that would greet our area.  I loved the bright light of lightning and it would get goosebumps on my arms when the accompanying thunder would arrive.  My weirdness did not stop there though, I loved to watch the wind make sheets of rain fall fiercely down to the ground and begin to flood the streets and yards.  I loved it so much that when we lived in SE Texas and had a hurricane come through, I looked out as many windows as I could just to see tree limbs fly by and trees topple over like they were twigs.  The lightning was amazing, it was quick and even though I expected to see it I had no idea when or if it would show.  The power of lightning should be respected at all times, for it is precise in its destination and when it touches its destination, all know it.  However, the most intriguing part about lightning is its finality, for once it strikes it is gone and the results of its strike are now visible.  We look around the area struck for signs of damage and feel the leftover tension and expectation of whether or not another strike would be imminent.  Indeed, the victory in Heaven when Lucifer fell was the great day in history, but it also had its damage that all of us still go through today.


It really does not matter what type of environment we wish to place into the above example, for all areas of life have missed opportunities due to variables being played out.  For the most part, humans cannot foresee such variables coming into play, we can stand by and hope nothing occurs and that all is well after the event but there is never a guarantee that thee wishes come to pass.  There is another setting that took place a very long time ago that had the same long-term misfortunes of coming to pass but instead of the winning side’s leader not knowing what was going to occur He did know and still handled the setting with eternal glory and an honor that cannot be adequately explained to a finite mind.  While the Holiness atmosphere was never in question and it was completely preserved, a loss of some the team occurred and these team members were lost not just for a season but for eternity.


Furthermore, after this event transpired, it was also known by the Leader that one day in the future that this event’s outcome would produce another day when He would have to once again say goodbye to those who He had created.  When a coach or team leader sees the potential of greatness partially or totally collapse in front of them, it cannot be a good day, for a great deal of what they had worked for and longed for was now at risk of not coming to fruition.  It does not matter what the setting may be, this hurts and brings the corresponding results to the table almost immediately.  We have such an example about our eternity and the battle for it in the Bible and it is one that while God won the victory that day so long ago it was a win that would have a high price to pay some time down the road.  But it was a price that had to be paid and one that if accepted by human hearts shall produce a glorious eternity with the One who set all of our lives into motion, however, it is known or it should be known that that glorious day was not a happy day.



Luke 10:17-18


“And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”




I cannot agree more that this passage is one of eternal victory and should be celebrated as such, but there is an underlying tone here that one cannot forget, that victory had a cost and if we are not careful and follow Jesus alone we could be caught up in that eternal loss as well.  These two verses explain a setting where one is thrown from his place of residence and who is continually leading the fight against those who inhabit the world.  Now, we must understand while God is the eternal victor and has never lost a battle nor shall He ever lose a battle, He still does not like division to be present.  What a gift it would be if all of our existence had no type of division within it or where every presented idea or thought was pure and holy with an eternal concept that serves as its foundation, humans can only imagine of such a process but it is one that is present and eternally possible if we only keep God first in our lives and trust Him on all things.


See, the definition of God is a complete one without any loopholes or wrong initiatives in its confines, in other words, there is no division present and that is the perfect living conditions that all of us seek.  In NO WAY am I saying or even suggesting that God does not deal well with division or any type of divisional status, for He, deals with everything according to His definition and takes care of business immediately and without hesitation for God lives through His definition like no other; if we could only live in such a capacity.  Additionally, if one wants to make this divisional question complete, it is division that does not deal with God well simply because division cannot withstand God’s infallible eternal existence which is why Jesus correctly and adequately used the example of lightning to describe Satan falling from heaven after he tried to bring division into God’s Kingdom and Realm.


When we think of Heaven, we do so in such a manner that no discourse, trouble, doubt, or concerns are present and this is an eternal and correct belief.  However, God continues to create in a specific manner one that even though humans are a bit lower than angels but also gave them free will as well and this verse gives us a glimpse of what occurs when someone tries to eternally challenge God.  When Jesus speaks about this event, He does so with an authoritative voice yet one with humility because He understands what it meant when that day of old occurred.  His words are authoritative due to the fact that God defeated the rebellion hands down, and yet, humility because even though the battle was a complete victory for God He lost some of His creations to an eternal damnation.  Plus, with this battle and the end result, God and Jesus knew that the remaining portions of eternity would be different as well.


It is amazing to me that we do not take this passage of Scripture more seriously, since there will be another day of reckoning that will produce an identical pattern of people falling from God into an eternal tormented status.  There have been several articles and other types of written communications lately with the topics of if humans can really change their ways of life or not.  Most of these articles were written by secular authors with a few Christian ones added in for “balanced” sake.  Sadly, the majority of these articles stated that there is really nothing to warrant the human to change their ways, only to mask them so that others will come to the superficial conclusion that they have changed.  Even worse, the Christian authors never provided any True solution to these changes and how God is the only One that can completely change a person. Which is the sole purpose as to why the Church is sick and in need of a Savior herself, you know, the One that she is supposed to be telling those who need Him in the first place?


It is at this point of self-righteousness that God cannot stand any longer.  The spirit that dominates this nation–thus the leadership of the world- has been allowed to infiltrate into the Church and to become the new foundation of the mission of the Church.  Is this acceptance of the world’s spirit helping us to lessen the next no happy day or is it strengthening the numbers of those who shall fall from God in an eternal shocking manner?  Where have we gone wrong?  Where are the prayer warriors who fill the altars each day of the week?  Oh yeah, there are no altars in the church buildings any longer, sorry did not mean to forget that tidbit of information.  Church, we are facing perilous times and whether you want to admit it or not the situation in this nation is dire and as each day passes she bleeds out more and more of the lifeblood that God gave us to dress and keep when He Created this nation.


Obedience is an action verb and an action command, it is not one that can be followed by sitting around and filming events as we attend them.  It is time we listen to what the true men of God are stating from their pulpits, take copious notes and Scripture taking then going out and being complete witnesses to those who are lost.  The next no happy day, day will arrive at some point in time and when you or your family members fall from God there will be no begging to God or changing of His heart, it shall be final.  There will be no last-second reprieve or clemency, no matter if you were born and raised in church or not, the decision of Blood shall be complete and final.  I know that all of us have not contributed to the advancement of the Kingdom of God as we should have been doing, but we can change that by turning back to God completely and allowing Him to rekindle His Life within our hearts so that we desire that everyone knows Him and His Ways.  As the minister recently stated, brace yourselves folks for it is going to be a very bumpy ride and the only way for us to survive is to be ready with the Word of God in our hearts.  The second no happy day shall arrive in a short matter of time, let’s be prepared and prepare others at the same time.








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