Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Death Of A Hero

 Death Of A Hero







Celebrations of life usually follow a pattern of who knew the person or who supported their views to great length.  It is not uncommon for public gatherings to remember such person or people so that the devoted can pay their respects to the fallen.  On the other hand, there are times when popular people die yet receive no recognition at all because of their beliefs and tactics and still receive historical coverage decades or even centuries later.  It is the response that we bring to the present and the future that defines the character of what lies within our hearts and displays it to the crowds and cameras around us.  Many times we have no clue about how much the people we look up to harbor our decisions to ourselves and to others around us.  Do we understand that our spirit is affected in such a manner that it can join with a national movement, or that it can do its best to forcefully manipulate a setting or belief of others?  Stay tuned, for God wants to bring into light a transference setting that if allowed could bring this nation to its knees.


Some may believe that the events of this Rosh Hashanah was the reason to bring into light another reason for unrest, while this maybe partially correct, it is not the one event that will set off a complete standstill come winter and further future dates within this nation.  When a hero dies it is never a good point in history because it is a time when humans become unpredictable in their actions due to the reactionary forces that we harbor.  All throughout history humans have spoken their voices, when such deaths occur and as each death point, arrives, the region or the world sets on edge to wait how people will act, a nervous and tense unspecified amount of time sitting at home looking out the window and hoping things shall not explode.  Once again, we have such a situation that has the potential of doing such a thing, but God wants you to know that there are far more devastating things coming due to the fact we refuse to repent and want matters dealt with in our own selfish and wicked ways.


Not long before I was born, a great human being passed away by the name of Sir Winston Churchill.  Most people liked this man but of course, there was a fair share of those who did not and still do not care for what he stood for and what he did during the years in office.  When Churchill died, the nation proclaimed a day of sorrow, and after laying in State a large funeral procession that was covered live for many to see and talked about all of the accomplishments he made during the greatest conflict the world had witnessed.  Glory was the name of this leader’s accomplishments and the world suffered a huge loss when he left it.  On the other hand, another leader of the world did not receive such accolades when he died, for he died a coward and a humiliating death and his name was Adolf Hitler.  This leader was the instigator of the world’s worst conflict and tried to control the world through human means with a militaristic point of view against many other races that inhabit the planet.  A grotesque human being that some still consider prominent in their way of thinking but for the most part that is all who give this person any praise for his accomplishments.  In either case, there were actions and reactions taken in response to such an individual’s death and a condition that we need to desperately understand before the prominent death occurs in this land.


It is a mystery to some as to how people today can still marvel at those who they either idolized growing up or who have studied their behavior and beliefs so much that they continue to fulfill the plans that they institutionalized and marketed so long ago.  I know that many people do not even recognize that many ideas and incorporations that flourish in this nation today demonstrate identical aspirations of the Roman Empire, how can this be and why would anyone want to harbor such dead ideas?  Worse, the majority of people do not see what influences these ideas have within our individual lives and our national life, a dangerous combination that will soon combust if not properly corrected.  It is this spirit that we have harbored within our lives that unleashes the kind of attitudes that we are proudly displaying today.  It does not matter who what when where or how is legally in a place of leadership, it is a must that we respect such a leader and more importantly PRAY for them, not in a biased or political manner but in a manner which is pleasing to God through a pure heart.


Instead, we promote rioting, violence, chaos, and mayhem with a little death thrown in for good measure.  Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself why are we promoting such activity and justifying this turmoil with ridiculous efforts and explanations?  It is maddening to believe a civil society can function on such a basis but to be honest, it does make sense for we do not understand that this world and the leader of it has two of the three portions of our lives already in hand and now have the open door to invade and to kill the third aspect of what God gave us in our Creation.  It does not matter how we stack our creation up, we all have these three aspects joined together by the Order that God Created us in and that order is supposed to be placed in a manner in which our spirit should be at the top of the list, for as Adam and Eve quickly found out that when this order is messed up some immediate pleasure may be obtained and felt the eternal consequences are not favorable on any level.



1 Thessalonians 5:23


“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”



For about four years now, God has directed many of these writings in accordance to the past Queen of Israel Jezebel and we have discussed so much about her spirit and how it continues to thrive in our lives today.  Whenever we allow such spirit to control our existence, we cannot help but succumb to that spirit that resides within us but it does not stop there for this type of spirit requires us to submit ourselves totally to it and to live by its standards according to its function and definition.  It has been encouraged in the past that one study the life of Jezebel and to take copious notes about her attitude and behavior, and if you have done this you will see that this spirit of hers is alive and well within many of the hearts in this nation and it is this infiltration that is the deadly circumstance that shall fuel the complete standstill of this nation and give reference to a point of death as well.  We cannot deny that we have given our emotions and bodies over to the world for we now see that these two entities of our lives depend upon the wiles of the world for function and “stability”.  How vain we have become in these two manners that we must turn to every whimsical notion that is thrown at us in order to occupy and to satisfy our daily lives.  Look at where it has taken us these activities, we no longer can have a decent conversation with anyone without becoming offended or engaged in a heated debate about who is right who is wrong and why they are right or wrong.


I have always pondered as to the reason why God would allow such wickedness to rule the land and hearts of Israel but then I am quickly reminded that God is a loving God and not a controlling God so He allows His children to make their own choices.  Also, notice with the King and queen of Israel that God did not anoint them as His leaders, so that means even though He watched their comings, goings, and doings He allowed them to make such actions; up until a certain point and time then all things changed.  I have mentioned before that on election night 2016, God spoke to my heart and told me that we had just elected Jezebel, which confused me for about two years until in 2018 God spoke to me again and reminded me that Jezebel was a woman but a spirit as well.  With this added information and reminder, it began to make a little bit more sense to me about things when they unfolded, but God was not done with His holy information yet; for some reason, the last few “even” numbered years God has spoken things to my heart concerning current issues so once again this year, God dropped a bomb when He stated about the death of a hero.


As it has been stated a few times in previous articles, I heard God speak to me on election night 2016, saying that we had just elected Jezebel.  Also, as stated previously it took a while for God to complete that statement, and while He has spoken a definitive directive I have a feeling He is not done with that statement either.  However, He did reveal another detail about such a statement and it deals with the death of the modern world’s hero, Jezebel.  There have been a few prophecies concerning Hilary Clinton and her not making it physically.  During the 2016 election, it was between Trump and Clinton for the presidency, it was a revelations night, to say the least, but one that only God could have perfectly orchestrated.  So, while I have not been directly shown that Clinton’s death strictly fulfills this topic, it does make sense when it comes to Jezebel because Clinton has so much in common with Jezebel and when God reminded me that Jezebel is also a spirit, along with what He showed me recently I cannot ignore all of the commonalities.


Have you ever thought about what it would mean if the harborer of the centered Jezebel spirit was to physically die?  As stated before, it is easy to agree that most of the modern-day societies have given themselves over in the physical and emotional states of our existence, with the evidence of the Jezebel spirit being released into the spirit realm with so much consternation concerning God and His Ways, it would be quite “exciting” for those who fall into this category to voluntarily give themselves away to such a spirit.  If this occurs, then all three parts of our personage that God Created will be handed over (voluntarily) to the world thus indoctrinating our presence on this earth to the ruler of the earth.  When this occurs, the world as we know it shall immediately change from organized and structured society to one that will have no orderly relevance, the perfect breeding ground for an ugliness that is totally unimaginable, yet present at the same time.  In other words, this type of living conditions would be ripe for someone who has a “good” idea on how to solve these issues but because we would be so mesmerized about his appearance and “talents” we would not even grasp the fact that his words would be all lies.


I have no idea when this transference of the Jezebel spirit shall occur, but I have a feeling it will be sometime real soon.  Also, I understand that there are a bunch of things that need to occur before anyone world leader is ready to be placed on this large of a stage; in other words, there is an enormous amount of chaos and anger still to be released before he arrives, along with all of the destruction and devastation that precedes him.  Think for a moment about when Jezebel herself was killed through the prophecy that was forecast about her sometime before.  Then, think about what Jesus stated in Matthew 12 when He referred to how demons action when they were flushed from a house especially when they were allowed to return and who they brought with them when allowed to return.  Now, place your thinking to what God is showing us in this article and you have the perfect setting for such a gathering which would complete a total redirection of not only individuals but when finished a nation or even continent.


I do not try and mess around with the prophecies God gives to people and to place them on a timeline.  I have read many instances where folks, groups, denominations, etc have tried their best to put dates on items that God has given them or revealed to them, most of those who try to specify such events usually come out with egg on their face instead of the truth.  I see no difference in this article topic either, I know something extraordinary is about to occur that will usher in the complete succumbing of humanity to the world but I do not know when it shall take place.  The only thing we must be heeding now is the voice of God in order to know what to do when this time approaches.  The only way we are going to hear His voice is if we are on our hands and knees earnestly seeking God through prayer.  We were not made to walk this life blinded by what the world has to offer, and it is not our place to live in such darkness either.  We are the salt of the earth and God is the light that shows the path into the darkness, it is time we begin to show it again.  Watch and see things that take place, and if we are hearing the voice of God, we shall know exactly what each day tells us.


Almost every week we see or hear about another death of a hero to the world and the corresponding reactions to each from countless people who did not even know these folks personally, but only by superficial likeness.  It is evident that many unknown people pattern their lives or even live out their lives vicariously through these so-called “champions of freedom”, a place of self-centeredness and topical reasoning as guidance at best.  Many of these people do not understand the spiritual connections they promote and tie themselves into by converting their emotions and bodies over to specific causes that the world contains and dangles in front of us like a carrot on a stick; especially with them not thinking of the consequences that these actions of theirs might bring in the future, or my future or in the future of our children and their children.  Anger prostrated throughout society can lead only to one conclusion, further and deeper anger towards not only one group but a number of groups as well.  If the body and mind is already consumed by one entity, which entity do you believe has the home-field advantage to take the third entity?


Church, we have failed in our duties as a leader and provider of the Truth to the dying world.  No longer are we able to witness to others for we are too caught up in our own glory to recognize the need around us.  Just as the influence of God in our lives grows, so does the influences of the world if allowed.  Someone at a recent health update that provided good news about a person stated that “that wasn’t as fun as yesterday” when the reports were not as favorable.  Wishing “good luck” on the current virus o do its job or feeling sorry for the current virus that has infected a certain leader indicates that this total takeover of our existence is closer to reality than we even think about.  These short examples are not just recent ones or just a few in number, they are growing in both number and in intensity without remorse; and to think, we are considered the leaders of the free world.  I shall never forget the anger and animosity on the faces of those in the White House staff on Inauguration Day, it set the tone of this nation and her heart up until this day and it has only progressed in one direction, the entire definition of hate.  God still wants all of us to be repentant BEFORE these actions take place, for when things roll we may not have time to stop and make that decision.


A specific death of a person may trigger this account against this nation’s spirit and this death may “satisfy” some curiosities but in the end, this nation shall never look the same again and she definitely will not function the same either.  Worse and the most devastating is that this nation shall no longer be the shining light and the beacon of freedom for the world.  This means that this nation shall never be again what she was designed to be, nor shall she be considered the protector and supplier of the world in need.  In other words, when we allow ourselves to be totally overtaken in all three areas of our lives, this nation shall be dead and the most tragic death of all is this nation as the hero of the world.  May God have mercy on our lives and for the future of our nation, and upon the world.  Be prepared for each one of these deaths, for they shall occur in sequential order according to God’s Holy Order and Holy Hand.








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