Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Heart Condition Stilled

Heart Condition Stilled


How many of us run around like we are invincible but deep down inside us we have a lingering fear that something is just not right?  It is like there is a nagging twinge that will not go away yet we seem to always work ourselves through it and continue to push forward regardless.  Maybe we should take a bit and recognize then address such discomfort before it becomes a noticeable issue that requires further procedural documents signed.  Well, just as most of us do, we still ignore this problem until we are forced to address it in a professional manner and it is this point that God wants us to understand for our issue lies within our heart and we have ignored His Calls for seeing Him too long.  God is about to change our heart, both national and spiritual because we have ignored His warnings about the condition our heart is in and it is time He steps in and fixes things when the heart condition appears.

A little over two years ago, I took a short helicopter ride to the city up the way for a short stay in their medical center there.  While it was my desire to ride in a helicopter at some point in my life as a fun thing to check off, it was never my intention to complete this desire on a medical basis but nevertheless, it occurred and what I was about to experience would change my life forever.  While this ride materialized, God showed me a couple of things concerning not only my heart but the heart of this nation and of the Church, and from that day forward not only did I know I would survive such an upcoming procedure but I was to write about such things in order for God's people to know what is coming because of the condition of our hearts.  This is not going to be an easy message to write nor will it be easy to absorb from those who read it, but believe that what is written is the Truth and needs to be understood as much as possible, shared with others as well.

During this ride, God showed me two onions, the first one was a whole onion and it looked like one you would quickly and proudly choose at the local grocery store.  It was perfect in shape and size and it had the potential to fulfill every culinary desire that a person could imagine.  There were no flaws with this onion and from all appearances, it looked like there was nothing wrong with it.  The second onion was then shown to me as the whole onion faded away.  This onion was sliced in half and had basically had the same type of contents as the first onion, it was perfect in size and shape but instead of being whole, it was sliced in half.  At first, I could only see the backside of the onion but as it turned around I noticed that the onion was just as pure and perfect as one would imagine but as my eyes coursed this onion I noticed that all of the outer layers of the onion were perfect but when my eyes saw the heart of the onion was totally black.  Rotten and mushy which made this onion useless and inedible.  Even though the outside and outer layers of the onion looked perfect, its heart and source of life were completely rotten.  It was then that God placed it on my heart that it was not two onions that He showed me, but one, and the "second" onion was the first sliced in half.  Therefore, in this condition, the onion could not complete the function that it was created to do, a setting in which God sees the nation's heart in the same condition.

When we are talking about onions, the only thing we can do in this description above is to throw away the onion for it has no value to our lives.  If we were to try and use this onion it would not be edible to the point that if we ate it, it could make us sick and produce an ill-timed food poison that could last in our intestines for some time ahead.  God, on the other hand, does not throw us away when we allow our hearts to become blackened, He does, however, have to make some changes so that we can live according to how He intended for us to live.  These changes come in one of two ways, His Way voluntarily or His Way, His Way.  The day of my helicopter ride was an eventful one, for after a few confirmatory tests in some rooms it was decided that I had to have bypass surgery in order to properly correct the issue at heart, the only question remaining was how many vessels would need to be taken care of the next morning.

Now, I have no recollection of any surgery procedures being conducted while I was under anesthesia, for the last thing I remember was a surgical nurse asking me if I could scoot over onto the table to my left, I did and then took a last look around the room at all of the instruments around the room.  The next thing I remember hours later was waking up in my room in ICU with bells, whistles, and tubes everywhere.  The procedure went marvelously well with no hiccups present and within a few hours afterward, people began getting tubes out of me, and let me tell you there were a bunch that had to come out.  Things were for the most part a blur and I really did not figure out what was going on until later that evening when all of my mind began thinking and functioning again without all of the drugs in me.  I still was not up and walking yet for there were still too many things that I was hooked up to but as far as I could tell I was intact and every function that I could think of I had before the surgery I still obtained after.  I spent the next few days in the hospital with solid steps being taken each day, I had only one small issue and that was taken care of with a minor procedure concerning my lungs.  I was out in a week and back home to begin my rehab and regaining of my strength.  The entire healing process took about two and a half months and I even returned to work two weeks early.

The reason I tell you this story is to bring us into light about how our heart condition needs to be attended to by a Person who has the authority, knowledge, and wisdom to ensure our hearts do not stop their beating and can still be repaired before sudden death occurs.  I knew because of my genetics that the day of surgery would come some time in my life, and God understands that when His children do not take care of themselves spiritually that day of surgery shall come to us as well.  Did I want that day to arrive on a late September morning?  No, but it did and I was so glad when I woke up after surgery and continue to wake up each morning since.  I understand the concept of being born again more personally now for my heart was stopped for approximately four hours while the surgeon took care of the repairs needed, my life was completely in her hands and there was not one thing I could do about it.  At that moment, she was the only one that controlled what would happen next and I had to trust her decisions from then on until my eyes opened again.

                                                                          Proverbs 23:26

"My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways."

What does this have to do with our nation or the Church?  EVERYTHING!!  For when God showed me the pictures of those onions He was showing me that not only was my heart in bad shape but the heart of this nation and the heart of the Church was in the same condition and that all of us were ready to be put under the knife as it were.  When my lights were turned out and my heart stopped it was considered major surgery and a procedure that was delicate in nature but necessary in order for me to stay alive.  God has warned us for quite some time now that our hearts are in bad shape and that unless we turn back to Him and once again keep His Ways in our lives, our hearts will need the same type of surgery as I did.  What was the major warning that God gave us you ask?  President Trump's election in 2016 is your answer.  I know that not everyone will agree with this or understand it but God says that is okay, just ask Him to explain it in further detail if need be.  

The event leading up to this surgery of mine was one of a normal day, nothing new or out of the ordinary.  It came without warning and once it began the process could not be stopped.  There was no grand all telling sign or symptom that preceded the grab that convinced me that something was wrong, like stated above it was a normal day.  After the whole ordeal was over and I was back at home recovering is when I started realizing that not everything that I knew before the surgery followed me after the surgery.  Some of my habits, tastes, and feelings had changed yet I carried myself in the same manner as previous standards demanded.  It was my heart that was different yes, it was the same heart and same heartbeat but there were a few added parts that made all the difference.  Now, it was up to me to continue the exercise program, eating correctly, and reducing my stress levels in order to keep this newly changed heartbeat of mine going.  It is this quality of change that shall be required from our nation and the Church when the time arrives for our Surgeon to take control of our existence.

Are we ready for such an occurrence in our lives, such a drastic procedure that must be conducted in order for our survival to be ensured?  It is inevitable you know, this procedure and Surgeon's touch all the way down to our innermost being.  There has been no question that this nation and her followers that do not approve of how this nation has progressed over the last four years, and what is devastating is that all of these beautiful people who oppose what God did four years ago has been missed.  The goal of this presidency has been to expose what needs to be changed in our lives and we have done our best to fight its secrets being shared, we have presented our onion skin to the world as a whole entrapping the truth about what lies within our heart or so we thought.  God does not look at our outside for He already knows that the physical means nothing it is the inner heart that matters and what beats forever.  It is this vital eternal organ that He desires and will do anything He can in order to preserve its beating with Him.  Take heed in the passage of Scripture that God has shared with us for this topic, for if we do not then many more injunctions shall come our way.

Well, here we are today laying on the table with the eternal Surgeon having scrubbed up and now enters into the surgery suite.  We are laying sedated on the operating table helpless with the Surgeon giving the command to put us under, deep.  Whether or not we like to think about this or not, God is about to expose our inner hearts for everyone to see.  We will not have a choice in the matter nor will we have any say of how much exposure shall be done.  Knowing God from all the writings that He has given us over the past decade or so now I am confident when I say that all shall be exposed and it does not matter which side of the political aisle that one rests upon either.  All darkness and putrid contents shall be witnessed in such a manner that the mind probably shall struggle to comprehend.  Fortresses shall be torn down and walls that represent sins tumbled over, nothing will be left to hide; talk about being a city on a hill.  

Our heart condition shall be fixed but not in the manner that humans believe it should be and it is this aspect of the surgery that is most important.  There shall be multitudes of people lost and hurting because of what has occurred, but many of these precious people will not understand why it has occurred and will react according to what their hearts have harbored.  Church, we have sat down on the job for a very long time and to be honest, it is this sitting process of ours that has led to such demise and a diseased heart condition.  Our lack of telling others about Christ and how it is necessary for Him to rule and reign within our hearts and not the world that it now is required for God to stop our hearts for a bit and work on repairing our hearts the correct way.  When we wake from our corrective surgery procedure the question will then be, how will we react to the changes God has performed.  We will know shortly or even immediately after we wake up and realize what has happened.  It is this initial stepped process that we take that will determine our future, whether it will be a promising restart back to God or not.  If one follows what God has forecasted for as the future of this nation it really does not look good at all but God cannot be God if He does not correctly and adequately intervene in the lives of His children when He sees sin overtake their existence.  Many are correct on one issue here and it has brought with it a catchphrase: The Great Reset".  Yes, there shall be one to come but it shall not be anything like you, I, or anyone else can ever imagine.

So, it means that once again God is going to give His Church another opportunity to get things right and to complete what His Son commanded us to do, preach the Gospel to those who need it.  I do not know what the look of our nation and church establishments will be after God gets done with moving His hand over our land and lives, but I do know that many will be in need and it shall be our job to care for these hurts.  Will we allow these people to suffer and go without God still, or will we finally grasp hold of what we should be doing?  God loves each one of us and it is His desire that none should spend eternity away from Him.  We are that link to Him and if we do not finish what Jesus commanded us to do then our heart condition shall eternally be stilled.  our warnings are history, prepare yourselves for the hand of God.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Who Is Afraid Of Who

Who Is Afraid Of Who


All of us would like to believe that we are the tough person on the block, or on the job, or on some type of playing field, or even in life itself but when it comes right down to it, we must ask ourselves if we walk the talk we offer.  Is it possible to get away with just talking or must we serve notice to those around us who really is boss?  Are we even sure of what areas we are supposed to be contained within and which ones that we need to fight within, from the looks of things we have strayed way off course both on the physical level and more importantly on the spiritual level?  Our actions to the world have been atrocious especially when this behavior of ours is directed toward fellow brethren.  God has no intention of allowing such behavior to continue simply because by engaging in this activity we are exposing to all others that the established leaders of the world cannot contain and properly guard what they allow into their hearts thus producing such evil from their hearts.  The only way that we can save our nation is for us to change our hearts and once again live through the mechanisms that God gave us to demonstrate in the first place.

Do we have the reasoning that if we place all of our offensive weapons on the table and allow our enemies to sift through them and judge whether or not we have complied with certain agreements is an acceptable end to all vile hostilities?  I understand and agree that these types of admissions look great while lying in public view to those who are interested in obtaining our resources, but to those who are considered our enemies we cannot overlook that they are our enemies for a reason.  One of the great leaders of human history always kept the motto "speak softly but carry a big stick; you will go far" and it is through this saying that many a peaceful meeting commenced and adjourned with prideful results on all sides of said tables.  If one keeps this philosophy in hand it will show a great deal of diplomacy and respect when challenged for one can use that stick to draw a line and mean its boundaries but when that stick is used to move lines back and forth all authority given is lost and automatically becomes a hindrance and liability instead of a leadership tool

Combine this loss of tactics with the absence of God in their hearts and one cannot advance safely without assurance.  Relying upon weak advisors and counselors to incorporate such line-shifting policies can only lead to a messy foundation that secures nothing standing on it; therefore, with no solid or firm ground to stand on fear will be the only outcome that one can learn to agree upon.  Fear is a natural course that one takes when they have nothing to gain or to lose, they are just standing in place without any known direction present.  It has become obvious that this nation who still proclaims and is proclaimed as the leader of the free world acts in such a standstill manner with no progress present in their hearts or in their eyes.  This can only mean one thing, God is not present within our lives for if He was then we would still be able to walk and talk with our friends and allies and accomplish the impossible.  Instead, we would rather focus on selfish and superficial ideas and laws to "provide comfort" to those who we believe deserve them; ironically, not the citizens of this nation.  How can we honestly believe that we can survive through lawlessness and deliberate oversight, lying and cheating, and expect to draw respect and authority to others around the world and more closely to home?

This is the job of the Church, to protect what is right and to call out what is wrong and to point out the ruler of this world and to deem his kingdom defeated through the very lies that he tries to embark upon our lives.  Yet, the actions that the Church portrays is one that follows the world's activities instead of the activities of God, and this allowance of defeated exercises can only provide insecure results.  SO, if this presentation from the Church is true, then why would the world feel threatened or contained at all of God?  It shouldn't and it does not which is why we are currently witnessing our nation and its status be torn to shreds by its own citizens first, then by the remaining countries that have any say in world governance.  The verse that God wants us to look at for this topic comes from Joshua sets the tone for how Israel presented themselves to the world both through their ways of action and by the witnessing of their events by those around them, a course that this nation does not accept and the Church has forgotten.  This representation of ours is an eternal tragedy, unlike what Israel displayed.  The verse in Joshua is as follows:

                                                                                 Joshua 5:1

"And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel"                                                           

When we look at this verse, it is easy to understand the magnificent achievement that the children of Israel made when this verse came to life, but do we completely understood what it took in order for this verse to come to life and to be fulfilled?  The answer to this question comes to us in the latter portion of Chapter 4 when God gave specific instructions to the leaders of Israel to follow His Words and not what physically in front of them.  There were detailed instructions that Israel had to obey in order for their crossing to be sound and complete and they knew that if they did not follow as instructed that any attempt to cross would end in disaster.  It is God's utmost desire to allow His people to achieve impossible glory in their accomplishments and movements, but these accolades shall never occur if obedience is not followed.

What are these accolades that were so important?  Many would think that the accomplishment of walking on dry land where water flowed just minutes before would be the defining visual component that set all other sights but we should not always place our hopes on the physical but always on God and what He allows others to see instead.  It is what others see in us that serves them to either invest in what we stand for or Who we stand for; this is a common theme in this entire Book of the Bible and one that needs to be understood and lived more thoroughly.  This verse makes it very clear that the messages that were told to surrounding kings and kingdoms were that the actions of the children of Israel were directed by the Lord (God) alone and should serve as the reason why such a miraculous event took place.  God not only made a way for the children of Israel to cross but He also gave encouragement and fear into the hearts of Israel's enemies all in hopes to secure peace and to bring others into the household of God.  God made sure that His actions concerning the travels and safety of Israel were noticed for when a human eye sees an incredible event transpire or their ears hear of such a motion repeated by more than one witness, it does make people or enemies in the area think twice before causing issues.

Look at what occurred in this verse, God dried up the waters, this means that He represented Israel in their journeys and presence in the land.  Would you want to come up against such a group who has a Being that has the authority to split water without killing or damaging any land or creature?  Come on admit it, any type of supernatural event that is presented as truth raises the hair on the back of our necks or sends goosebumps up and down our bodies.  How many of you have witnessed a miracle large enough to send such physical responses into motion?  I know I would be a bit intimidated by such an event.  While the curiosity of surrounding kings and kingdoms must have been exhaustive, there is another word that must be discussed here and that is "wayyimmas" which means melted and is defined as to dissolve, to melt, to waste away, vanish, drop off, to faint to grow fearful.  The definition of this word is pretty clear and complete, those folks around who got wind of such acts could not help but fear the children of Israel which could prove to be a huge advantage in the future if needed.  All fight and energy put into hearts just went by the wayside and were not even considered any longer, a powerful status that God gave those who Trusted Him and His Ways through obedience.  So, why would anyone wish to lose such status or forget how to keep this status within their confines?

Another detail that needs to be brought into content, is the fact that Israel did not fight one single army or enemy during this feat, it was all done and completed through spiritual means with the example of how no one spiritual or physical can compete with God and those who stand with His Ways.  It is this manner in which we are supposed to conduct our daily lives and when we do God guarantees that our existence shall be known throughout all the world.  Now, stop and think for a moment about a command we have heard from Jesus concerning the entire world.  Yes, He commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone, we should be doing this through the exact same power God used to dry up the waters of the Jordan.  Why can't we understand this concept of spiritual warfare Church?  Why do we fiercely contend that our fight is physical and not spiritual when every encounter with enemies end up being settled through the spiritual realm?  Yes, sometimes the physical must be taken over but if we are not in Communion with God on all levels then our victories cannot be guaranteed.  We should be in total control of what the world says and does yet it has no fear of us at all; in turn, we do not fear the world either for we have joined its ranks and now are spokespeople for its lineages of death.

Do the kings of this world fear us at all Church?  I believe we have answered that question in the previous paragraph which means that there is absolutely no eternal light shining through our lives to break up the darkness.  We no longer have any True voice to proclaim God or His Kingdom much less any type of major and effective protest or march left inside our hearts.  We have given away our separated status to the world and it has taken it and broken its foundation right in front of our eyes; no, our eyes did not swell up with tears of heartbreak instead they were filled with joy and supplication to the one we gave it to.  It has come to the point where we (The Church) answer to the world and live by its rules and for some reason (Satan) we have no problem with this condition.  Ironically, the fear that the world had for the Church and the fear that Satan still has of God, does not exist in a fearless nation that God established for us to be.  The Church is lost in the fear category just as the world is, and there is the equality that the world wants, a place so fearful that it cannot function for our eternal Creator which in turn automatically takes us away from our leader of the world position.  No wonder we no longer can recognize our land on any type of leadership level anymore.

Our nation may be in complete and utter turmoil due to the ineffectiveness that we have voluntarily allowed to overthrow the purpose that we were created to do.  But, even though our status is about to change - and there is nothing we can do about it - that does not mean that we can once again change our hearts and turn back to God and fervently not fear the world and succumb to its death trap.  Church, we still have a VERY short time to repent and to complete this work God has for our lives and for His Kingdom.  Find those around you who do not know God and tell them about Jesus and the plan of salvation for each one of them.  Time is short and it is imperative to get the message of the Gospel to those who are eternally on death row.  I guarantee you this: if we turn back to God and take a stand for Him and His Ways, the world shall quickly change its view toward us and will just as quickly become afraid in the order in which it should be.


Monday, November 23, 2020

The Coming Anger


The Coming Anger







Recently, we have watched some people destroy buildings in a few of this nation’s cities, but what if this anger spreads across the entire country?  What would occur then, you know, systemic and viral increases of anger that no one can control?  Do you understand that it is this type of uncontrolled settings that Jesus refers to and ones that shall occur in the last days?  Have you ever had to turn in your brother or another family member for wrongdoing that they did?  What about when they did nothing wrong, have you destroyed their life for such a reason?  It will appear folks, and its appearance shall impact this nation and the world in such a manner that no one shall be excluded.  Anger is the most common form of emotion shown in human motion, this is not the way it is supposed to be, but the truth hurts.  God still wants repentance from our hearts and He still offers this glorious gift for anyone who turns back to Him.  It’s going to get rough folks, and this roughness shall be fast-paced too, rampant and uncontrolled.  Get ready now, for things are about to change.


There is nothing more devastating to the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of people’s lives than when built-up anger is unleashed on others.  Furthermore, this unleashing is complex in nature by the fact that many times the ones performing this act do not fully understand why they are acting as they are or why they are acting in such a manner of destruction on those who do not have anything to do with their anger.  Our current level of anger being displayed did not begin over this past year; it has only been built-up with what our current conditions are.  We fail to recognize that the virus setting and the anger we have built up inside run parallel with each other and represent a coming release that will not be unfamiliar.  Some people may not believe what God is about to say to us, but it needs to be told for it is the process of spreading that God wants us to recognize as the parallel; plus, He has always told us what and how things would come to those who do not understand what sin means and what it means to those who willingly harbor sin after hearing about the Truth concerning sin. 


We have taken things lightly for many years concerning issues that we know need fixing, and it is a human accolade about such “progressive” details that we seem to like to skip over, even if we know that the results could be physically and emotionally explosive.  Our nation was constructed in such a manner that our survival depends upon wise individuals recognizing the problems that are present and to foresee future issues that might develop and to have the guts enough to resolve these issues instead of delaying them and hoping they will go away from or never arrive at a later date.  We claim that if we tend to these past issues we may be condemned for being apart of how they came to be in the first place, stereotyping and grouping have a way of producing such labels.  What we have done is to actually drag ourselves backward enough that we cannot see that all of us are the problem, not just one side or those who might have a different belief than someone else.  Instead, we have chosen to take the wimpy way around our issues and instead cling to those issues of selfishness and lack of self-control basis to promote and to protect by any means necessary, blindly bringing aboard deeper problems, hurt, and anger with them.  The funny thing about this fact is that when we instill and then grow these types of solutions we actually build a foundation that is cracked and will one day force us to take steps backward in order to keep the ugly exposure from being the destructive measures that end our nation as we know it.  It has been said countless times before that if we do not learn from our mistakes of the past, we will be bound to repeat them later, and as our history has shown us when we throw our brothers to others because of differences nothing good results.


Do you know that the hatred for those who do not politically adhere to your observations is presenting your gospel to the world?  I remember many people protesting Mr. Trump before he became the President of this nation; was still campaigning to be president in the middle of debates, interviews, travels, meetings with people and groups.  Most probably do not remember that he was not leading in any poll and believed he would not last through the primaries.  He continued to be behind in all arenas yet numerous people protested him and his presence every opportunity they could.  They continued this process when he became President and throughout the four years of his Presidency.  Yes, he can be somewhat ugly to people around him, and his demeanor is not one of a political sense but he has done exactly what he said he was going to do and it is THIS aspect of his term that people cannot stand.  If one looks back and sees all of what he has accomplished they will find out that he has reeled in the wild antics of previous administrations, not cut them but made them correct, better and righteous.  To some, this projected anger toward the President may seem biased or coordinated on baseless claims, but what these beautiful people fail to recognize is what (who) they are actually throwing tribulation toward and what the overall eternal policy of these actions secure.


Unfortunately, many people have incorrectly promoted that all of our problems have come to pass because of Donald Trump; this is not even in the same hemisphere as the truth.  Our failures have been intertwined into our society for a very long time and we are so blind to it that millions of people in this nation just voted for one of those responsible for these tragedies and lies.  Mr. Trump has corrected many failures and then set them back on course with a new purpose, a good purpose.  The actions of those who do not like him are not surprising, for they are acting exactly how their puppet master who controls them acts.  It is clear and precise decisions that we want nothing to do with our past or to correct it in any way; all we want is to party all the time and forsake our responsibilities as the leader of the world.  Instead of asking for forgiveness and for the healing of our wrongs we are going to open them deeper by administrating personal vitriol into our wounds.  Fine, but remember God shall not allow us the dignity to say we destroyed His Creation, He has to step in and to ensure that we as people have the opportunity to repent and to restore our eternity with Him which brings us to the biblical proof that we are a dying nation that stinks up the place instead of restoring it.



Matthew 10:19-22


“But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.”



There are many different topics that can be addressed here in these few verses but God wants to tell us about how things will be during the last days and how ugly friends, brothers, and families shall treat each other.  From all indications, these people who are inflicting beatings and explosives against others do not care about what damage it does to physical structures or to other people, all they want is to release pinned up anger over issues they do not directly have knowledge of.  Yes, it is a serious tragedy about what has occurred in our land for generations but it does not give the authority to those who wish to take matters into their own hands.  There is enough violence published on a daily basis to feed such antics on a fictional level much less place it into real-life amongst fellow citizens.  So far, we have not witnessed any brother turning in a brother or a father turn over their child but unfortunately, this day will come soon a grave scene that will bring about conditions never witnessed by modern humanity before.  The published violent mindset that is present has brought into our culture an invasive evil that can only be contained for a certain time, then it must be loosed.


It is easy for us to place such an outward projection of anger against other humans when a war or major conflict breaks the barriers of diplomacy.  We have many examples of such anger just within the last two hundred years of history, but while this type of anger refers to another group of individuals not associated with the other side, what Jesus refers to here is another and deeper anger against others.  There is a level step-up when one fights a brother from within the same confines of a family and it is this type of anger that must be unleashed in order for this passage of Scripture is fulfilled.  No, it is not a subject to be taken lightly nor is it thought of pleasure even after the fighting stops.  Even the father and child differences are taken into account by Jesus, a setting that a good portion of people have witnessed already, but to turn against each other in a violent manner is new but shall eventually grow into a vast array of displayed hate and anger for those in the public and in the private.  The powder keg has been brought to the place of argument and one is standing by to light the fuse at the given moment; that moment is very close at hand.


The singer Carmen addressed this issue in one of his songs a while back titled “A Witch’s Invitation”. Stating that people believe that they can control the anger and hostile facilities within them but at some point, those entities shall demand their place which at that point they no longer can be hosed, but their personal and outer intelligence gathered provide such a frenzy upon release that there will be no containment.  What people do not understand about this inhabitance is that these inhabitants infiltrate through the same conditions that the human harbor because many do not know that spirit attracts spirit. So, whatever spirit we invite inside our lives automatically has free reign within our lives only obeying their ruler when commanded.  This might be a scary topic to be dealing with but we must spread this truth around because we need to know that it is present and about to be unleashed; the perfect setting for the coming anger.


How are you at anger management skills, as in seeing them and then properly knowing how to defend you and your loved ones without entering into the physicality of such behavior?  Are you willing to throw spears right back at these people or will you even be present when they come knocking on your car window or home door?  There have been news anchors and reporters that have “compared” Trump and his supporters as Nazis who support and participate in acts that mimic Kristallnacht, the nights where the Nazi party violently took over the Jewish communities within Germany.  What should concern us is that when terms such as these are heard by the spirit realm inhabitants, it can only further deepen their drive for the destruction of humanity.  People actually believe what this reporter, Christian Amanpour said and once their believed result is overturned and Saturday turns into Sunday, things are going to become incredibly and probably indescribably ugly.  Once again, we must ask for forgiveness from God because we have no idea of what we are doing, not only to us in this nation but throughout the entire world as well.


A pastor has recently had several dreams concerning the period of this timeframe.  One of his dreams focused on the crowds that were gathered in many places across this land, and they were not happy at all.  Anger and violence-filled their actions according to this pastor, and as he saw their actions unfold he also saw vultures and gargoyles circling above them and swooping down as each circle completed.  Some people scoffed at this dream and what he saw but it makes perfect sense if one understands the spirit realm and what battles are fought there.  However, if the battled personnel on one side do not know what is going on and allows such activities to complete unimpeded, the spirits that are in control shall legally pull every human string in order to accomplish their task at hand.  This is the source of the anger and the reason why it increases more than at the present level because it is time for them to come to grips at what has just unfolded physically.  Sadly, these activities are going to come to pass and for a specific reason and that reason as one can imagine shall not be a good thing in many hearts.


It is also difficult to imagine that this inflated anger has been ignored as it has been showing signs of spewing for quite some time.  I cannot help but think about all of the pressure valves located in Yellowstone National Park, you know, Old Faithful types.  When the pressure rises enough the ground spews steam into the air, and it can be almost timed down to the second.  It is this type of anger release that God wants us to know about for it is something we need Divine guidance on in order to handle it properly.  Being blind and ignorant to such actions is not the True preparation that God wants to see being displayed when this occurs.  Sadly again, the Church should have already been preparing its congregants about such wickedness being unleashed but she has been too busy being more interested in her physical appearance and world satisfaction program to figure out what really is going on around her.  None of us know exactly what will transpire in the next few days, weeks, months, or years but all I have been told is to be ready and to get the Gospel out to those who need to hear it.  Let it put in this manner, when Jesus was beaten for us the Word of God says He was unrecognizable, that takes a huge amount of anger that is unleashed.  Let us think about this for a bit, for it shall be comparable both physically and spiritually.


I am not looking forward to the coming days, weeks, and months but the one comfort I have is that I have 100% confidence that God is in control and everything that He plans on doing to this country is of Pure, Holy, and Ordained work.  God still loves us with all His heart and it is His desire that no one perish and spend eternity separated from Him.  But this eternal status all depends on the choices we make concerning God and His Ways.  I am beginning to understand why it is going to be so vital that we stand with Him all the time for the level of discontent and anger is portrayed each day and since it is already headed in the upward direction I do not foresee it decreasing when everything unfolds.  Church, there is still enough time to turn our hearts around and once again witness to those who need to hear the Truth about God and their lives.  The anger is rising and it is coming in such a manner never witnessed to humans ever before, its growth pattern shall be mightily revealed and therefore scattered among entire nations.  Repent and turn your hearts to God for time is short and the work Jesus commanded us to complete still needs to be done.








Sunday, November 15, 2020










How is it possible that people who are placed into high-level positions totally forget how to run their title, area, or nation?  One can pick up a news headline and read such corruption being portrayed all across the world, and sadly, many times these corruption headlines come from the Church.  Of course, we are all humans but we should accept the responsibility to live separated lives when called by God to complete His work.  It breaks the heart of God to see how far down the Church has become due to the insubordination of Church leaders, thus influencing their congregations that sin is ok and that God really did not mean the harsh examples He gave in the Bible.  It is this attitude and vocal belief that got Judah into dire trouble with God, so much so that their nation was led away into captivity and totally abolished from the earth.  The passage of this article begins by addressing the people responsible for such calamity for they should have known better. Today, we should have known better as well and we are about to face a similar consequence too; turn now, and tell as many people as possible.


Once again we face several conflicting and deepening settings that have been thrown in front of us due to our lack of responsibility that the status of humans requires.  But even with these high profiled cases set before us, we continue to serve our selfish courses and look to blame someone else instead of addressing the appropriate committees, you and I.  We could sit and read about each scandal, accusation, deposition, subpoena, etc for twelve hours a day and still not match the new ones coming in front of us.  Yet, while all of this grotesque and embarrassing turmoil festers around us our setting really does not seem to bother us that much for we are actively not trying to correct such atrocities that we are committing, it seems like we are doing these infractions in the name of our way of life, therefore, giving us the authority to create and then execute such plans without any thought or belief about what will occur as a result of such whimsical projections and with these contentious events being spewed out like a burst artery, we wallow in this “blood” and therefore desire it to cover us as a symbol of our personal and national devotion. 


In turn and with stride, we then accordingly elect such officials that portray what we want to hear instead of what we need and when we accomplish such tragic directions, we further and deepen even more the quagmire that we wish to live within.  So, when everything is said and done and the end of the day arrives, who is to blame for such directional discourse?  It is partially the leaders who we encourage to run for public settings, but when it comes down to the truth it is our fault for even wishing or allowing such confused directional people to be put into such positions for our overall appearance to our Creator shall follow such course and we all should know what happens when we live in such a state.  Eventually, we will find out exactly who we have placed in charge of our lives and while they were elected by our votes it still should be necessary that these leaders should understand and know the True foundation of what makes us who we are, but as many can attest, this is coming true but not on the level that is eternally beneficial.



Micah 3:1


“And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment?”



This passage clearly gives us a timeline of selfish behavior that has become the main focus on those in charge who should have done things differently.  When a prophet, leader, minister, layperson makes such stark words in order to get across the seriousness of what is imminent, something or many things have not been correctly addressed and handled.  So much so, that the warnings have been given and it is time for God to do something far more drastic in order to grab the attention of those who should have known the Truth in the first place.  It is also evident through the words of Micah, that even the leaders have made excuses for not upholding what is right and following through with what is right; in other words, both parties have been found guilty of not upholding what is true and now from all circumstantial evidence is deemed worthy of a far greater decision.  When people know what is correct do not do anything when wrongdoings occur, those actions – on both sides – shall be noticed and will gain notoriety and strength at some point down the road.


This passage also states that this lending machine of spiritual failures has crossed over into the physical sector which is a logical pathway for disobedience to travel.  Once a pattern such as this is allowed, it will gain a hold on others and thus allowed to be accepted as a way or a pattern that is normal.  How many acts of scandal and barbarism took place over a long period of time before Micah had to make such statements to those who know what it means to be judged?  It is one thing to make a mistake in judgment in a certain case or item of human iniquity, but when it is obvious that continuous malpractice of the spiritual level of existence rampantly is accepted as law it must be called out by those who still deem the foundational right to be right and wrong to be wrong.  In many laws of different lands, they are written in the manner to which the people that had broken them either knew they were doing wrong or that they should have known that what they were doing was wrong.  This act and wordage from Micah speaks to those specifics that the leaders should have known and taught about.  However, for reasons given through human behavior, those laws were overlooked and not followed which allowed people to fall away from the Truth and then fall away from God Himself.


We fail to recognize that it is through our leaders that our actions have become such atrocious so much so that we deem these actions of ours as normal thus providing a dividing line that will certainly cut deep if trying to cross to change. We cannot go any further unless we define exactly who we are referring to as leaders because this word can reference any type of position when dealing with the English language but when it was written in Hebrew it was done so with a specificity of which level of leadership it was meant for and according to this word “rase” it means the top level of leadership which includes the total, sum, chief, or head of the nation.  In other words, Micah is addressing the people who are supposed to be in charge of the entire nation of Israel because Micah goes a bit further in detail and makes sure he states that God is directly referring to the entire leadership position by saying “ye princes of the house of Jacob”.  You cannot get any more specific than that types of a call-out besides naming each individual one by one.


In your opinion, why would God single out the leaders of Israel instead of the people themselves?  Wouldn’t it make more sense if He would address those who are more in multitude than a mere few or small groups?  It is evident that the will of the people have embraced these people as their leaders according to what they have said they would do.  Also, it is apparent that the ways of the people have fueled such electoral processes and ordained such activities as their own throughout the ages.  This type of language against the leaders by prophets (Micah, here) does not come overnight, it is a procedural step by step adaptation that grows as time passes.  With this type of spirit in place, fixing what is wrong with the system becomes tainted by the courses of sinful activity, thus creating and establishing a set of rules that serve the wants and wills of the world instead of God.


Here lies the underlying or inner problem, and that is our hearts have been filled with worldly pride that we would rather live out on the incorrect path and flower it up with lies instead of admitting wrongdoings and wholly correct those issues.  Israel and Judah had built themselves up so high in their new worldly positions that they had no intentions of returning back to God because they would have had egg on their faces, if they did.  All credibility to their friends and surrounding nations would have been lost and when a choice is made to extend someone or something in a new course or manner, it is difficult to retract that extension and to go back to a previous standard or standing.  But is this type of return such a bad concept that those involved would fight against their own people in order to keep the incorrect path intact and on track?  That answer is clear, for you know that not all of the people in Israel and Judah wanted to be extensions into the world, there were godly people living then and had their voices heard.  It was the majority that was taken into consideration when it came time to venture out into the world of secularism and through the words of Micah and all of the other prophets, it was a good choice for those who loved the world but not for the One who Created them to be separate from the world.


Micah mixes no words here in this verse and right from the start he states that these leaders should know the difference between justice and judgment.  From the context of this single verse, it seems like the difference in opinion in these words were being played out just as they are today.  Micah solemnly yet with God’s authoritative voice proclaims that these leaders who have charge over the people should recognize that if they do not first, turn their hearts back to God that they will be intimately reminded what the word judgment stands for and what God’s definition means.  Micah also makes it clear that God sees exactly what is transpiring amongst their lives thus giving Him an overall picture of the entire nation.


When the word judgment is used it should bring into play a way to stop the actions that cause such pain and agony and repent to those who are over you.  At the same time, it should bring back into play exactly who you are subject to and that you have a responsibility to repent of your actions to them as well and if you do not then the appropriate conditions for judgment are ripe and should be placed on the table for all to witness.  However, if pride and arrogance have been allowed to occupy our hearts for an extended amount of time the process of true repentance will hide and then superficial “being sorry” will publicly flourish and deemed adequate for a new beginning.  This is a product of soft and false teachings from those who have authority over others and can only produce a heart set of lies that will quickly return to the ways set in motion.  Micah saw this type of face valued words and lies and God reminded him to ensure that he included such maligned practices were not going unnoticed and that if they did not truly repent and turn back to God that He would have no choice but to exhibit His hand over their lives and land.


Micah reminded the leaders of the house of Jacob that it was their responsibility to teach God’s Ways no matter if Israel and Judah had physically chosen to abandon the Ways of God.  Unfortunately, we see what occurred to Judah and to Israel and even though these terrible events occurred to the Children of Israel you still had prophets and leaders of the synagogues from Jesus’ time on earth all throughout the New Testament proclaiming God in a demeaned manner that was underneath the choices of mankind.  Micah made it very clear in his reminder to the leaders that God knew that if the leaders continued their lax mannerisms towards the obedience to God that the people would continue their descent into sin and therefore require judgment upon their lives as well.  As stated directly above, this model for leadership had not stopped or been hindered for its presence still thrives unabated in the Church leadership today.


Micah tells the leaders of the house of Jacob that their game is up and if they do not change ugliness shall soon follow afterward, God has done the exact same process that we see Micah for quite some time now to His Church not only to just the leaders but of the congregations as well.  It is evident in this passage of Scripture that God did not warn just the leaders of Judah and Israel but provided many signs to the ordinary people as well during this specific time in human history, He has done the same today; for God does not change on any level.  It is obvious what lies within our hearts due to the results of our elections over the past decades, it is not just here in this nation but in all other nations that claim to be Christian nations. That is why when this leader falls we shall take down the entire world with us simply because we are responsible for all our actions and to those who believed our lying and selfish hearts.


Why such a hard and gloomy message for an article in such a time as this?  Look back at the times of Micah and you will see that while the nations of Judah and Israel had luxuries in many areas, their spiritual content was in shambles and their actions began to tarry on their physical benefits just as we are witnessing today.  They condoned sin every day and justified it as modern thinking and “woke” societal behavior, does this sound familiar at all?  It has been stated over the past years that America has positioned herself, lined up herself with, and paralleled herself with the Roman Empire, and that is a good comparison – sort of.  But more intimately, we have paralleled ourselves with Israel and Judah due to the fact of our Creation and who created us and this alignment has far greater consequences to it.  We can say that we do not belong to God and that we were not established to please God or to serve as a new manner of religious freedom but no matter what our mouths state and our hearts convey we still belong to God and to His Ways.


As one can imagine, this article and its message is directly targeted to the Church and the leadership of the Church.  It should be for we are the ones who are supposed to be encouraging those who claim to love God and follow Christ to go out and to all the world and tell them that they are sinners and that they need to repent before it is too late.  Instead, we have condoned sin in our hearts and have allowed its rule over us spread into our families, then into our jobs, then into our communities, and so on.  Even more ludicrous we have added our own personal belief that we are doing God a favor by allowing those who come to Him to stay in sin without any type of repentance needed.  This type of behavior on our parts cannot provide any better example of worldly death and lies to those who need God.  Ironically, those who believe such antics are true are in need of God just as much as those who they claim to be witnessing to; yes, that is how far we have fallen and why this topic needs to be discussed right now.


Sadly, Israel’s and Judah’s destruction was so severe and complete with their leaders being so weak spiritually that they had no legitimate response to their destroyed dilemma.  Not only that but, it took thousands of years later before they could regroup and allowed to reform as one nation again.  It was a horrific day when God scattered the people away from the Tower of Babel, and it was a devastating sight to behold what came of Israel and of Judah after their enemies wreaked havoc on them, you can say that even though people knew where they had been taken they were no longer identifiable as a nation or solid group.  All of this was due to the fact that their true leadership could not have the willingness to do what was right and to lead the people in the Ways of God.  There is nothing good about the world even though it will shine like a bright light as you walk by it.


What God says, shall come to pass, just as Micah preached continually during his time as a prophet.  Israel had plenty of time and opportunities to repent but chose to continue to do it their own way, so have we.  God has chosen a plan for this nation and it is one that shall not have good results; in fact, what is coming to this nation is what Israel and Judah faced it may not be at first through human hands but it shall be according to the hand of God, then shall the ravens and buzzards are allowed to pick through the distorted and mangled flesh of this nation’s heart.  This is our fault Church, we have utterly failed in the mission that Jesus gave us to do and our light is now flickering and will soon be squelched completely.  The message of Repentance is still here and remains the ONLY hope for our lives.  What is coming has been ordained by God and cannot be changed, but we can still change our hearts and get right with God before things halt.  This is the message we should have been telling others back when, but it still is the message we need to tell them now.  Our leadership may be coming to a close, but we can still demonstrate God’s Leadership to those who need Him even through His judgment.