Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Who Is Afraid Of Who

Who Is Afraid Of Who


All of us would like to believe that we are the tough person on the block, or on the job, or on some type of playing field, or even in life itself but when it comes right down to it, we must ask ourselves if we walk the talk we offer.  Is it possible to get away with just talking or must we serve notice to those around us who really is boss?  Are we even sure of what areas we are supposed to be contained within and which ones that we need to fight within, from the looks of things we have strayed way off course both on the physical level and more importantly on the spiritual level?  Our actions to the world have been atrocious especially when this behavior of ours is directed toward fellow brethren.  God has no intention of allowing such behavior to continue simply because by engaging in this activity we are exposing to all others that the established leaders of the world cannot contain and properly guard what they allow into their hearts thus producing such evil from their hearts.  The only way that we can save our nation is for us to change our hearts and once again live through the mechanisms that God gave us to demonstrate in the first place.

Do we have the reasoning that if we place all of our offensive weapons on the table and allow our enemies to sift through them and judge whether or not we have complied with certain agreements is an acceptable end to all vile hostilities?  I understand and agree that these types of admissions look great while lying in public view to those who are interested in obtaining our resources, but to those who are considered our enemies we cannot overlook that they are our enemies for a reason.  One of the great leaders of human history always kept the motto "speak softly but carry a big stick; you will go far" and it is through this saying that many a peaceful meeting commenced and adjourned with prideful results on all sides of said tables.  If one keeps this philosophy in hand it will show a great deal of diplomacy and respect when challenged for one can use that stick to draw a line and mean its boundaries but when that stick is used to move lines back and forth all authority given is lost and automatically becomes a hindrance and liability instead of a leadership tool

Combine this loss of tactics with the absence of God in their hearts and one cannot advance safely without assurance.  Relying upon weak advisors and counselors to incorporate such line-shifting policies can only lead to a messy foundation that secures nothing standing on it; therefore, with no solid or firm ground to stand on fear will be the only outcome that one can learn to agree upon.  Fear is a natural course that one takes when they have nothing to gain or to lose, they are just standing in place without any known direction present.  It has become obvious that this nation who still proclaims and is proclaimed as the leader of the free world acts in such a standstill manner with no progress present in their hearts or in their eyes.  This can only mean one thing, God is not present within our lives for if He was then we would still be able to walk and talk with our friends and allies and accomplish the impossible.  Instead, we would rather focus on selfish and superficial ideas and laws to "provide comfort" to those who we believe deserve them; ironically, not the citizens of this nation.  How can we honestly believe that we can survive through lawlessness and deliberate oversight, lying and cheating, and expect to draw respect and authority to others around the world and more closely to home?

This is the job of the Church, to protect what is right and to call out what is wrong and to point out the ruler of this world and to deem his kingdom defeated through the very lies that he tries to embark upon our lives.  Yet, the actions that the Church portrays is one that follows the world's activities instead of the activities of God, and this allowance of defeated exercises can only provide insecure results.  SO, if this presentation from the Church is true, then why would the world feel threatened or contained at all of God?  It shouldn't and it does not which is why we are currently witnessing our nation and its status be torn to shreds by its own citizens first, then by the remaining countries that have any say in world governance.  The verse that God wants us to look at for this topic comes from Joshua sets the tone for how Israel presented themselves to the world both through their ways of action and by the witnessing of their events by those around them, a course that this nation does not accept and the Church has forgotten.  This representation of ours is an eternal tragedy, unlike what Israel displayed.  The verse in Joshua is as follows:

                                                                                 Joshua 5:1

"And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel"                                                           

When we look at this verse, it is easy to understand the magnificent achievement that the children of Israel made when this verse came to life, but do we completely understood what it took in order for this verse to come to life and to be fulfilled?  The answer to this question comes to us in the latter portion of Chapter 4 when God gave specific instructions to the leaders of Israel to follow His Words and not what physically in front of them.  There were detailed instructions that Israel had to obey in order for their crossing to be sound and complete and they knew that if they did not follow as instructed that any attempt to cross would end in disaster.  It is God's utmost desire to allow His people to achieve impossible glory in their accomplishments and movements, but these accolades shall never occur if obedience is not followed.

What are these accolades that were so important?  Many would think that the accomplishment of walking on dry land where water flowed just minutes before would be the defining visual component that set all other sights but we should not always place our hopes on the physical but always on God and what He allows others to see instead.  It is what others see in us that serves them to either invest in what we stand for or Who we stand for; this is a common theme in this entire Book of the Bible and one that needs to be understood and lived more thoroughly.  This verse makes it very clear that the messages that were told to surrounding kings and kingdoms were that the actions of the children of Israel were directed by the Lord (God) alone and should serve as the reason why such a miraculous event took place.  God not only made a way for the children of Israel to cross but He also gave encouragement and fear into the hearts of Israel's enemies all in hopes to secure peace and to bring others into the household of God.  God made sure that His actions concerning the travels and safety of Israel were noticed for when a human eye sees an incredible event transpire or their ears hear of such a motion repeated by more than one witness, it does make people or enemies in the area think twice before causing issues.

Look at what occurred in this verse, God dried up the waters, this means that He represented Israel in their journeys and presence in the land.  Would you want to come up against such a group who has a Being that has the authority to split water without killing or damaging any land or creature?  Come on admit it, any type of supernatural event that is presented as truth raises the hair on the back of our necks or sends goosebumps up and down our bodies.  How many of you have witnessed a miracle large enough to send such physical responses into motion?  I know I would be a bit intimidated by such an event.  While the curiosity of surrounding kings and kingdoms must have been exhaustive, there is another word that must be discussed here and that is "wayyimmas" which means melted and is defined as to dissolve, to melt, to waste away, vanish, drop off, to faint to grow fearful.  The definition of this word is pretty clear and complete, those folks around who got wind of such acts could not help but fear the children of Israel which could prove to be a huge advantage in the future if needed.  All fight and energy put into hearts just went by the wayside and were not even considered any longer, a powerful status that God gave those who Trusted Him and His Ways through obedience.  So, why would anyone wish to lose such status or forget how to keep this status within their confines?

Another detail that needs to be brought into content, is the fact that Israel did not fight one single army or enemy during this feat, it was all done and completed through spiritual means with the example of how no one spiritual or physical can compete with God and those who stand with His Ways.  It is this manner in which we are supposed to conduct our daily lives and when we do God guarantees that our existence shall be known throughout all the world.  Now, stop and think for a moment about a command we have heard from Jesus concerning the entire world.  Yes, He commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone, we should be doing this through the exact same power God used to dry up the waters of the Jordan.  Why can't we understand this concept of spiritual warfare Church?  Why do we fiercely contend that our fight is physical and not spiritual when every encounter with enemies end up being settled through the spiritual realm?  Yes, sometimes the physical must be taken over but if we are not in Communion with God on all levels then our victories cannot be guaranteed.  We should be in total control of what the world says and does yet it has no fear of us at all; in turn, we do not fear the world either for we have joined its ranks and now are spokespeople for its lineages of death.

Do the kings of this world fear us at all Church?  I believe we have answered that question in the previous paragraph which means that there is absolutely no eternal light shining through our lives to break up the darkness.  We no longer have any True voice to proclaim God or His Kingdom much less any type of major and effective protest or march left inside our hearts.  We have given away our separated status to the world and it has taken it and broken its foundation right in front of our eyes; no, our eyes did not swell up with tears of heartbreak instead they were filled with joy and supplication to the one we gave it to.  It has come to the point where we (The Church) answer to the world and live by its rules and for some reason (Satan) we have no problem with this condition.  Ironically, the fear that the world had for the Church and the fear that Satan still has of God, does not exist in a fearless nation that God established for us to be.  The Church is lost in the fear category just as the world is, and there is the equality that the world wants, a place so fearful that it cannot function for our eternal Creator which in turn automatically takes us away from our leader of the world position.  No wonder we no longer can recognize our land on any type of leadership level anymore.

Our nation may be in complete and utter turmoil due to the ineffectiveness that we have voluntarily allowed to overthrow the purpose that we were created to do.  But, even though our status is about to change - and there is nothing we can do about it - that does not mean that we can once again change our hearts and turn back to God and fervently not fear the world and succumb to its death trap.  Church, we still have a VERY short time to repent and to complete this work God has for our lives and for His Kingdom.  Find those around you who do not know God and tell them about Jesus and the plan of salvation for each one of them.  Time is short and it is imperative to get the message of the Gospel to those who are eternally on death row.  I guarantee you this: if we turn back to God and take a stand for Him and His Ways, the world shall quickly change its view toward us and will just as quickly become afraid in the order in which it should be.


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