Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Heart Condition Stilled

Heart Condition Stilled


How many of us run around like we are invincible but deep down inside us we have a lingering fear that something is just not right?  It is like there is a nagging twinge that will not go away yet we seem to always work ourselves through it and continue to push forward regardless.  Maybe we should take a bit and recognize then address such discomfort before it becomes a noticeable issue that requires further procedural documents signed.  Well, just as most of us do, we still ignore this problem until we are forced to address it in a professional manner and it is this point that God wants us to understand for our issue lies within our heart and we have ignored His Calls for seeing Him too long.  God is about to change our heart, both national and spiritual because we have ignored His warnings about the condition our heart is in and it is time He steps in and fixes things when the heart condition appears.

A little over two years ago, I took a short helicopter ride to the city up the way for a short stay in their medical center there.  While it was my desire to ride in a helicopter at some point in my life as a fun thing to check off, it was never my intention to complete this desire on a medical basis but nevertheless, it occurred and what I was about to experience would change my life forever.  While this ride materialized, God showed me a couple of things concerning not only my heart but the heart of this nation and of the Church, and from that day forward not only did I know I would survive such an upcoming procedure but I was to write about such things in order for God's people to know what is coming because of the condition of our hearts.  This is not going to be an easy message to write nor will it be easy to absorb from those who read it, but believe that what is written is the Truth and needs to be understood as much as possible, shared with others as well.

During this ride, God showed me two onions, the first one was a whole onion and it looked like one you would quickly and proudly choose at the local grocery store.  It was perfect in shape and size and it had the potential to fulfill every culinary desire that a person could imagine.  There were no flaws with this onion and from all appearances, it looked like there was nothing wrong with it.  The second onion was then shown to me as the whole onion faded away.  This onion was sliced in half and had basically had the same type of contents as the first onion, it was perfect in size and shape but instead of being whole, it was sliced in half.  At first, I could only see the backside of the onion but as it turned around I noticed that the onion was just as pure and perfect as one would imagine but as my eyes coursed this onion I noticed that all of the outer layers of the onion were perfect but when my eyes saw the heart of the onion was totally black.  Rotten and mushy which made this onion useless and inedible.  Even though the outside and outer layers of the onion looked perfect, its heart and source of life were completely rotten.  It was then that God placed it on my heart that it was not two onions that He showed me, but one, and the "second" onion was the first sliced in half.  Therefore, in this condition, the onion could not complete the function that it was created to do, a setting in which God sees the nation's heart in the same condition.

When we are talking about onions, the only thing we can do in this description above is to throw away the onion for it has no value to our lives.  If we were to try and use this onion it would not be edible to the point that if we ate it, it could make us sick and produce an ill-timed food poison that could last in our intestines for some time ahead.  God, on the other hand, does not throw us away when we allow our hearts to become blackened, He does, however, have to make some changes so that we can live according to how He intended for us to live.  These changes come in one of two ways, His Way voluntarily or His Way, His Way.  The day of my helicopter ride was an eventful one, for after a few confirmatory tests in some rooms it was decided that I had to have bypass surgery in order to properly correct the issue at heart, the only question remaining was how many vessels would need to be taken care of the next morning.

Now, I have no recollection of any surgery procedures being conducted while I was under anesthesia, for the last thing I remember was a surgical nurse asking me if I could scoot over onto the table to my left, I did and then took a last look around the room at all of the instruments around the room.  The next thing I remember hours later was waking up in my room in ICU with bells, whistles, and tubes everywhere.  The procedure went marvelously well with no hiccups present and within a few hours afterward, people began getting tubes out of me, and let me tell you there were a bunch that had to come out.  Things were for the most part a blur and I really did not figure out what was going on until later that evening when all of my mind began thinking and functioning again without all of the drugs in me.  I still was not up and walking yet for there were still too many things that I was hooked up to but as far as I could tell I was intact and every function that I could think of I had before the surgery I still obtained after.  I spent the next few days in the hospital with solid steps being taken each day, I had only one small issue and that was taken care of with a minor procedure concerning my lungs.  I was out in a week and back home to begin my rehab and regaining of my strength.  The entire healing process took about two and a half months and I even returned to work two weeks early.

The reason I tell you this story is to bring us into light about how our heart condition needs to be attended to by a Person who has the authority, knowledge, and wisdom to ensure our hearts do not stop their beating and can still be repaired before sudden death occurs.  I knew because of my genetics that the day of surgery would come some time in my life, and God understands that when His children do not take care of themselves spiritually that day of surgery shall come to us as well.  Did I want that day to arrive on a late September morning?  No, but it did and I was so glad when I woke up after surgery and continue to wake up each morning since.  I understand the concept of being born again more personally now for my heart was stopped for approximately four hours while the surgeon took care of the repairs needed, my life was completely in her hands and there was not one thing I could do about it.  At that moment, she was the only one that controlled what would happen next and I had to trust her decisions from then on until my eyes opened again.

                                                                          Proverbs 23:26

"My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways."

What does this have to do with our nation or the Church?  EVERYTHING!!  For when God showed me the pictures of those onions He was showing me that not only was my heart in bad shape but the heart of this nation and the heart of the Church was in the same condition and that all of us were ready to be put under the knife as it were.  When my lights were turned out and my heart stopped it was considered major surgery and a procedure that was delicate in nature but necessary in order for me to stay alive.  God has warned us for quite some time now that our hearts are in bad shape and that unless we turn back to Him and once again keep His Ways in our lives, our hearts will need the same type of surgery as I did.  What was the major warning that God gave us you ask?  President Trump's election in 2016 is your answer.  I know that not everyone will agree with this or understand it but God says that is okay, just ask Him to explain it in further detail if need be.  

The event leading up to this surgery of mine was one of a normal day, nothing new or out of the ordinary.  It came without warning and once it began the process could not be stopped.  There was no grand all telling sign or symptom that preceded the grab that convinced me that something was wrong, like stated above it was a normal day.  After the whole ordeal was over and I was back at home recovering is when I started realizing that not everything that I knew before the surgery followed me after the surgery.  Some of my habits, tastes, and feelings had changed yet I carried myself in the same manner as previous standards demanded.  It was my heart that was different yes, it was the same heart and same heartbeat but there were a few added parts that made all the difference.  Now, it was up to me to continue the exercise program, eating correctly, and reducing my stress levels in order to keep this newly changed heartbeat of mine going.  It is this quality of change that shall be required from our nation and the Church when the time arrives for our Surgeon to take control of our existence.

Are we ready for such an occurrence in our lives, such a drastic procedure that must be conducted in order for our survival to be ensured?  It is inevitable you know, this procedure and Surgeon's touch all the way down to our innermost being.  There has been no question that this nation and her followers that do not approve of how this nation has progressed over the last four years, and what is devastating is that all of these beautiful people who oppose what God did four years ago has been missed.  The goal of this presidency has been to expose what needs to be changed in our lives and we have done our best to fight its secrets being shared, we have presented our onion skin to the world as a whole entrapping the truth about what lies within our heart or so we thought.  God does not look at our outside for He already knows that the physical means nothing it is the inner heart that matters and what beats forever.  It is this vital eternal organ that He desires and will do anything He can in order to preserve its beating with Him.  Take heed in the passage of Scripture that God has shared with us for this topic, for if we do not then many more injunctions shall come our way.

Well, here we are today laying on the table with the eternal Surgeon having scrubbed up and now enters into the surgery suite.  We are laying sedated on the operating table helpless with the Surgeon giving the command to put us under, deep.  Whether or not we like to think about this or not, God is about to expose our inner hearts for everyone to see.  We will not have a choice in the matter nor will we have any say of how much exposure shall be done.  Knowing God from all the writings that He has given us over the past decade or so now I am confident when I say that all shall be exposed and it does not matter which side of the political aisle that one rests upon either.  All darkness and putrid contents shall be witnessed in such a manner that the mind probably shall struggle to comprehend.  Fortresses shall be torn down and walls that represent sins tumbled over, nothing will be left to hide; talk about being a city on a hill.  

Our heart condition shall be fixed but not in the manner that humans believe it should be and it is this aspect of the surgery that is most important.  There shall be multitudes of people lost and hurting because of what has occurred, but many of these precious people will not understand why it has occurred and will react according to what their hearts have harbored.  Church, we have sat down on the job for a very long time and to be honest, it is this sitting process of ours that has led to such demise and a diseased heart condition.  Our lack of telling others about Christ and how it is necessary for Him to rule and reign within our hearts and not the world that it now is required for God to stop our hearts for a bit and work on repairing our hearts the correct way.  When we wake from our corrective surgery procedure the question will then be, how will we react to the changes God has performed.  We will know shortly or even immediately after we wake up and realize what has happened.  It is this initial stepped process that we take that will determine our future, whether it will be a promising restart back to God or not.  If one follows what God has forecasted for as the future of this nation it really does not look good at all but God cannot be God if He does not correctly and adequately intervene in the lives of His children when He sees sin overtake their existence.  Many are correct on one issue here and it has brought with it a catchphrase: The Great Reset".  Yes, there shall be one to come but it shall not be anything like you, I, or anyone else can ever imagine.

So, it means that once again God is going to give His Church another opportunity to get things right and to complete what His Son commanded us to do, preach the Gospel to those who need it.  I do not know what the look of our nation and church establishments will be after God gets done with moving His hand over our land and lives, but I do know that many will be in need and it shall be our job to care for these hurts.  Will we allow these people to suffer and go without God still, or will we finally grasp hold of what we should be doing?  God loves each one of us and it is His desire that none should spend eternity away from Him.  We are that link to Him and if we do not finish what Jesus commanded us to do then our heart condition shall eternally be stilled.  our warnings are history, prepare yourselves for the hand of God.


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