Monday, January 25, 2021

Informing The Law

Informing The Law


One cannot help but question where all of our values have disappeared and how they slipped from our grasp.  Many people would provide just as many explanations as to why these core tutors have gone away, but while there are numerous explanations hardly any of them will contain the word "God" in their definition.  That is okay because we have no intention of including God in our ways any longer, so anything comprised within the Bible would not be considered.  This belief is our failure and until we figure out that our existence as individuals, nations, and Church depends solely upon God our morals and values shall continue to fail and fall.  Failure is not an option with God yet we love to abide by the world's ways and examples.  No longer do we adhere to or even respect the Golden Rule or any of its components, it is "me" first and death to anyone who wishes to invade my space.  We do not have to live in such a standard, there is a much higher place that we can inhabit but only God knows if that is obtainable any longer.

It strikes me interestingly enough that we as a species have morphed into societies that would rather turn a neighbor into the police for various reasons instead of ourselves not respecting others first.  Ironically, our selfish tendencies have turned our outward focus on others into inward fractures based upon the belief that no one else matters but "me".  Sadly, this is our new Golden Rule when it comes to life, live for yourself and turn in any opposition to your beliefs no matter what that cost may be or who that person or group represent.  Where is the communal camaraderie that has bound society after society throughout human history?  Are we to state that we have returned to the days of the Inquisition or Naziism that we feel it is our duty to inform the law on our acquaintances, friends, and even family?  What benefit will we have upon applying such irreverence to our fellow humans?  

Do we not see that this policy of information concerning lives and every other similar plan such as this comes from one place alone, and that is the world.  How can we face our own existence in such a manner with people that we know is now in such peril because we knew something about their lives that disagreed with their conduct with the ruling party of the government?  Let us take a moment and to think about a bigger picture here and ask ourselves another question, who is it that has eyes upon you and the things that you do and say?  You cannot honestly believe that you are exempt from such practice just because you turned someone one in once or twice.  When people live in such a way you better be nice to them and do everything they say because the people who knocked on those who you turned in could soon be doing the same motion at your door.  Always keep in mind that the heart is evil at best and shall look toward every opportunity to return the favor.

I guess it is too much to ask people to live by the correct rule of living, you know, the one we call the Golden Rule.  It seems like we have completely forgotten this eternal Truth because our hearts have turned toward the world so much.  When one takes a look at this passage, they cannot help but find peace, happiness, and contentment all around them.  This means that this atmosphere of hope is purchased by this rule which is one that comes from God and not the world.  So, here is our verse for this article, and it goes like this:

Matthew 7:12

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

Many people have heard this principle spoken and taught for a good portion of their lives, but just as many have ignored its meaning or powerful freedom knowing results.  As stated above, there is no way that anyone can honestly state that the ways of the world can bring any type of unity, honesty, peace, and trust to their lives while following such flawed and painful beliefs.  A self-servicing organism can only survive so long before its own countenance begins to think of ways to rid itself in hope of producing a greater and bigger organism.  Stop and think about this for a while folks, it is exactly the vital principle that the world teaches we must incorporate into our lives in order to be successful.  In other words, it is my way or the highway mentality placed on steroids with a nuclear energy supply as its power source.  There can never be any peace or happiness in this state of mind or functioning concepts; yet, we fall for this false hope of finding our personal gold mine, followed by deeper expenditures that require that nuclear foundation to be placed at full capacity.

This concept that billions of people follow every day is not conducive to life and will produce a short circuit sometime in our near future.  All of us have sinned and come short of God, which means all of us have chosen to follow such ways of the world at some point in our presence on this planet.  Of course, the entire Bible is the definition of God and one eternally gigantic pattern book that gives us all the information needed to live a wonderful and peaceful life and there is no greater example of this through the verse that serves as our core for this article.  This verse teaches us that we should always be kind to those around us and wish to be treated in much the same manner.  Now, the world cannot stand any type of harmony between humans for this type of living has the urgent appeal for our spiritual eyes to be opened and to see the Truth about God and His Kingdom.

Do you know that this verse alone could stand as the flag of the Bible?  Everything about this verse Jesus represents and the Standard God created in us for every person to see and to encounter.  This explains why Satan wants our lives ended as quickly as possible, better if you do not know God then you will have no chance of eternal life after you draw your last breath.  This verse also represents what Jesus commanded us to do, to witness to others all over the world, without exception.  What is the current topic and attitude at hand these days, equality through division how much further from what this verse is proclaiming than that of the message of the world?  It is clear that there is a total division between God and the world, and God does not leave any room for doubt here, He has the answer, the REAL answer for our lives.

Because we do not follow the Golden Rule, it is no wonder that our levels of violence and anger toward each other come not much of a surprise, yet for some reason, we seem so shocked when these events rattle our neighborhoods and cities.  It should be crystal clear as to why such activities are increasing and not decreasing, even in our so-called modern and civilized societies.  It is plain to see that our existence thrives on such hatred and self-serving ideologies and that in order to get ahead or make amends for wrongs we must beat down, antagonize, and if necessary eliminate those around us who do not share the same ideologies at that moment.  We live in a time where everything we experience comes and goes within a few days at most, then another crisis arrives and we travel to its epicenter leaving numerous other ones unsolved or properly corrected.  All examples of a society not living by the verse of this article.  How quickly we forget that when we operate through the ways of the world we take the law into our own hands and by doing such we automatically not only turn our fellow citizens into the authorities but we are performing the same act to ourselves as well.

And do not think you are exempt from such an operation either, Church.  To be honest, we are the worst for we have been taught the Light and the Truth and instead of sharing this fact, we have perverted our status for personal gain and ammunition.  Do you know that by not preaching the Truth to the dying world that you are doing the same acts that got the world in the place that it is in?  It is called disobedience, yes, disobedience because if you do not live by the Golden Rule - witnessing to the dying world - then you are promoting death to those around you.  In other words, you are turning those precious people who need Christ in their hearts over to their executioner.  As time steps closer to the coming of Christ, we should be out doing our part ensuring that everyone we meet or know knows Jesus as their personal savior.  

Which law are we going to observe and obey?  Physically, if one keeps the Ways of God, at some point you shall be challenged by the world this is a given.  It should be expected that those who follow the Golden Rule should clash with the world; oh and by the way, the world and its followers do not care that you are a nice person or that you hold 18 degrees from a prestigious educational institute they just want compliance, and if they do not get it then they shall have a blooding.  We should never base our life on the physical, for the physical shall pass away but our spirit shall live in someplace forever.  It is our responsibility Church to promote this verse to others and shun the ways of the world and do not inform these lost souls to eternal death.  What is coming to this nation and to the many countries who have followed our lead is incalculable to the human mind.  God wants us to stop informing the law on our fellow neighbors and family and to once again tell them about God and that they need Jesus.  For we will need as many people with us as possible to survive.


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