Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A Sudden Change in Course

A Sudden Change In Course


Not many parents demonstrate tough love any more toward their children, and no one can argue this statement simply because of the way young people demand their attitudes and expressions, trump adults.  However, when these types of attitudes publicly portray themselves it should form a clue a to how these people and many others similar to them will act when God decides to demonstrate His tough love conditions.  There are many examples of tough love in the Bible, some that are easily spotted while others not so recognized.  God still believes in tough love and when He shows us this fact it is difficult for most to see it as such and react emotionally instead of spiritually.  It has been foretold that this nation is about to experience a sudden turn concerning every aspect of our lives, this is a true statement and one that God wishes for me to elaborate to His people so they can fully know what is occurring.  If we understand this Truth, then we will not fall into the same trap as Israel did a couple of times in the Bible and we can get through this mess with God inside our lives and totally committed to Him and His Ways at all times.

Have you ever had problems understanding why your parents spanked you, put you in time out, or grounded you, and why some times all you received was just talking to?  Of course, we did not like it but to be honest, we deserved it and we needed it so that we would think about crossing those forbidden lines in the future.  However, at the time we sat somewhere or left to go somewhere and ended up pouting about the conditions instead of trying to figure out exactly what needed to be changed in our hearts so that this type of punishment would not occur again.  There were many times that I could not see the truth of why my parents were doing it because of my selfish attitude, all of us have been there and expressing the same emotional status.  But the question still remains, did we learn anything from these experiences, or did we "suffer the consequences" and waited until the confinement process ended?

For those of us who could have known the future and saw what we would be doing in that future, would we have still acted selfishly and pouted instead of trying to see the lessons that our parents were trying to teach us?  I know that some would have figured things out and might not have done some of the things that caused us so much pain and time away from family and friends, but most of us would have followed those footsteps exactly.  But what if because of those ignored opportunities of learning failed to contain our human desires enough that our actions did not help and we did not care and then come to find out our lives never reached their fulfillment and potential because of those missed learning sessions before.  Then what would we do, would we step out of our temporary confinement and consciously redefine our motives for life or would we ignore it and stay put as we are?  The questions are endless but the results are invalid because we failed to understand what and why at that time of release.

On 12 June 2019, God gave me a dream that at the time I did not understand much about it.  Occasionally, its contents would pop into my mind and I would ponder its passing a while, and then my thoughts would eventually turn to another subject.  Dreams are unusual of course and have several meanings to them, some with symbolism dominating the scenes with others being more vivid and personal dealing with family members or other loved ones.  In either case, some type of specific meaning is portrayed across your mind and many times never leave your mind and heart; without you ever knowing or understanding why, either.  This dream was specific and had a purpose behind it, it just took a while before its contents could be understood.

I was working in a hospital and from the sense of things, I knew my way around which suggested that I had been at that facility for quite some time.  I was not old and grey nor was I a patient, I was a worker and was helping a gentleman out in his room.  It was early in the morning and the curtain was opened to his window, for some reason and I do not know why but I knew the room well enough that I knew this room was on the top floor of the hospital.  It was going to be a clear day or at least for a while because there was enough light coming from the sky that one could tell it was a cloudless day.  The gentleman and I continued to have a comfortable chat between us for a bit and gazing out of the window until both of our sets of eyes saw a plane flying low and slow outside the window.  The hospital I was working in was on a mountain top or high up on a hill so that when one looked out a window they could see the valley below.  Also, one could see the other side of the valley and that mountain range as well.  On this morning, it was still dark enough that a good portion of the city lights in the valley was still lit so you could see the entire populated valley with no trouble.  It was not a huge city but it did fill the entire valley floor, a nice small-sized city I would say.

As the conversation continued and looking out the window of the beautiful morning, we both saw a plane flying low and slow as stated above.  It did not look like it was having any problems at all but it was not in the usual place as its regular flight pattern should have been.  This is another detail that was not correct here for I knew that the plane was scheduled to leave at a certain time and fly to a specific destination.  I told the gentleman that something was not right because that was the plane that went to Dallas, Texas every morning from the local airport.  While the plane was going in the correct direction as if it were going to Dallas, it was not where it was supposed to be, for I knew that its flight path to Dallas took it on the other side of the hospital and it should have never been over the valley and its population.  I also knew that the size of the plane that went to Dallas every morning was the same size and model, and with me knowing the time of day it definitely was the flight I was familiar with.

Both the gentleman and I were watching the plane in silence and with intent trying to figure out what was going on at that moment.  While it was known that the flight of the plane was not unusual about its altitude but it was the course that was way off.  In my mind, I knew something was not right but I would not know just how much was wrong for a few seconds more.  All of a sudden, the plane seemed to stop its forward progress and at the same time its nose pointed upwards and it made an unusual left turn, not a bank like normal but a sharp left turn for it was a 90-degree angle where the entire plane was on its side as I saw it.  I could see both wings clearly with the right wing on top, then the fuselage, and on the bottom was the left wing.  The plane then leveled out, back to normal, and as soon as it did its nose took an immediate 90-degree angle drop; a straight nose dive.  Incredibly and in just a matter of a few seconds, I could see that this complete nose dive was not only a complete nose dive but gravity had taken over and the plane was increasing its speed.

As the plane continued its dive and fastly approaching the ground, my vision and sight zoomed in for a closer look at the plane.  I was able to see the pilot of the plane in the cockpit but could not make out any further details inside the cockpit.  I could see the pilot only, I do not know if he was the only one in there or not, my eyes focused fully on him and what he was doing.  He was in his normal seat and position, I could see the pilot holding on to the controls but not trying to turn the plane's direction holding it steady in the direction it was going; not trying to avoid the ground just staying on course.  The pilot did not defend the plane for even at that moment he still believed in the course they were on to be correct.

My vision backed away slightly from the scene as the plane crashed into the ground.  I saw the plane's impact as it hit the ground, it immediately exploded with a huge explosion with black smoke with a red and orange fire present.  My eyes were then pulled back into the room but my eyes were still focused on the fire.  The plane did not crash into any buildings or into a neighborhood but in an open field that had some type of structures present around the area.  My eyes watched the fire for a few more seconds, then the dream ended and I woke up.  The plane and its path were ones that would not have seemed out of place to the everyday person on the ground, all things seemed normal and in normal operations.  However, if one knew the normal path of such a plane and course they would know that something was wrong because of the position of the plane and where it was located, along with its speed.

As stated above, I periodically am reminded about this dream but no other details would emerge about it or any extensions to it either, just a short reminder, and then it would be gone.  Over the past five months or so we have been told about prophecies concerning this nation and what would become of its legacy and status.  I still believe that ALL of them are going to come to pass even though it is difficult at times to wrap our hearts and minds around God's timeline and leave mankind's timeline on the ground.  I did not realize just how accurate this dream was until today, 3 February 2021 when God once again placed this dream into my mind but this time I could not shake its content and it would not go away as it did in the past.  Then God popped into my mind the prophecies that I had heard over the past few months and then the correlation hit.  

This dream about the plane was dead on to what the prophets had been saying.  All seemed like it was normal even though there were some things not really correct about the setting.  I was nervous and subdued all day long and even after God showed me the correlation I was at peace but still tense on many levels.  I am not saying that this is exactly what shall occur sometime in the very near future; however, I will say that God told me the other night that I would not be writing (publishing) again until it was time for things to change in the land.  Once again, I had no idea that this day would come so soon but when God showed me these things He said to write.  This is the dream and the correlation statement from God concerning the dream, take it to heart and allow it to serve as a warning to those who read this.  Share it as soon as possible and pray, pray, and pray.  Brace yourself, folks, things are about to drastically change in a manner that shall catch all of us off-guard.


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