Monday, March 15, 2021




When we think about this word we cannot help but imagine that after everything is said and done, there is nothing left of us to fight back with for there is nothing left of us at all.  We do not have to be or to succumb to this type of state, there is a defense that keeps us healthy and strong all we must do is to adhere to its standard and grow in its covering.  The alternative to living is death, a state that our enemy desires for us to meet as soon as possible, and our choices along our life's journey either represent this consumed condition or flags it and allows God to defeat it.  It is our responsibility to keep our leaders in good standing with God so that we are not fooled into the wiles of the world, for if we do not this setting of being consumed shall come to pass and our eternity set into motion without any chance of salvation.

Most people have heard about the atrocities that the Nazi Party accrued upon many lives around the world and especially in Europe.  There have been some highly promoted incidences, and rightly so, that have detailed some of these horrific events that were taken out for outrageous ideas and causes.  One of the most atrocious events occurred as a retaliation measure against the Czechoslovakian people after one of the highest-ranking members of the Nazi Party was assassinated.  It occurred in a small quiet village named Lidice where all the men of the village over the age of 15 were executed on the spot, while all of the women and children under the age of 15 were systematically taken to concentration camps to work and die.  These people did absolutely nothing in regards to the action against the German leader but were chosen to be made an example of public defiance toward the German occupation.  A heinous crime in which still haunts the halls of human history as it should have back then, today, and forever in our future.

Why tell such a gruesome story and use it as an example of how human minds behave?  It is because it is through these human minds that Satan uses in order to complete his will against your life.  It does not matter how he gets his job done, it is just all about getting it done and if he can get other humans to assist in this process, then all the better.  Furthermore, the reason that this story is so useful is that when the toll had been taken out on the innocent, German occupiers actually erased the name of the village from the current maps, historical maps, books, and all other forms of literature.  They were making sure that the village of Lidice, Czech Republic was never even known before.  One small problem with such a demand, Germany was under the lies of that same human enemy as to believe that they would be allowed to win the war and dominate the entire world according to their ways and means.  Keep this image of Lidice in your mind as you read this article's content for our enemy has not changed any tactic at all, he is still ruthless enough to want your entire life to be stricken from any Book of Life that is available.

The entire message of Jesus and the remaining portions of the New Testament detail one eternal point and that is you have an enemy that is out to destroy you completely.  The Old Testament has the exact same message but uses different methods of explanations because the times were different than those of the New Testament.  Even though the times may have been more primitive in the Old Testament the goal of our enemy was still the same, to completely consume your life so that it shall never have eternal life.  Our Scripture verse for this article is the next one in Micah Chapter 3 for it continues the strong message God wants us to understand exactly what our enemy wishes for our life and it reads as follows:

Micah 3:3

"Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron."


"You eat the flesh of my people after stripping off their skin and breaking their bones. You chop them up like for the cooking pot like meat in a kettle."

As individuals, we present ourselves as individual ways to be attacked, a variety of targets and opportunities that Satan will use in order to achieve his wicked plan.  It does not matter how or how long it takes for Satan to complete his plan either because once it starts we usually allow him easy access in order to gain "relief" from our issues.  See, Satan understands that it is easy for people to be sued by God and he also knows that we know this truth as well, but why is it so difficult that we tend to forget such a process can be done to us or through us toward other people, or worse, have bad things done to us by other people even those in leadership or commands.  Let us look at a few words of this verse and it will become clear exactly what Satan thinks about you and what he wants your life to end up like.  Remember, Satan is a spirit so he fights on the spirit level in order to influence and demand from the physical; this folks, is the bottom line definition of spiritual warfare and it must never be forgotten for when it is it is our eternity that dies, which means we do as well.

In a previous article, we learned about how the leaders of Judah were out to deceive and to trample over the people that they were over.  Micah leaves no imaginable setting out when he described what was occurring in Micah 3:2 and here in this verse he further demonstrates exactly what the leaders wished for their constituents.  We will be studying a few of the words that Micah used to describe in-depth what the leaders were doing and to what extent their actions were led by and directed by not only the enemy of the people of Judah but for themselves as well.  It is a description of Satan himself and how much he desires that you are totally obliviated from any record of your existence and to what length he will use others to achieve this goal.  While the words of the King James version are magnificent I will be using the exact Hebrew words in order for you to understand the magnitude and gravity of how Satan feels about you.

First off, we must know and accept the fact that the people that are being consumed in this verse are ones that are familiar with those in charge and have allowed them to take control over their direction and lives; in other words, they are one of them, family, close friends or neighbors, ones that they know on a casual and general level.  These are not strangers to them or physical enemies that have invaded their lands and taken them captive; oh no, that portion of the story is still yet to come for this is an inner invasion and one that many were led to believe that was the "right" path to take.  A very nasty opportunity was taken that spiritually crushed those that took heed and then listened to what was being served.  This is NOT an exaggerated passage of Scripture and unless we understand that this spiritual process leads to such physical demise, we shall never figure out precisely how our enemy works and operates against us.  We can also apply this verse and setting to those who have been completely sucked into the plan of those controlling the situation, they too have become leaders of such atrocities.

"You eat the flesh of my people after stripping off their skin". This phrase is bad enough to end any type of doubt of what Satan wishes to do with you and your life.  This is a torture method that was common in the ancient days and in Medieval times, and it took a very cruel and sadistic heart to label a punishment such as this on anyone and an even darker hearted person to execute such methods.  It is a pretty good measure of ensuring that anyone who disagrees with your point or plan is erased from all types of present and future rebellion for once news like this reached the public, it would have caused a great deal of fright.  This is a process and it took time to complete, so think of it as a process that occurs when Satan attaches himself to our spirit and performs the same procedure spiritually.  What is left? The spirit is defeated and ready for further torture without any inhibitions or hindrances.  See, Satan knows what you believe in and how doors to your life are wide open for his entrance and he will use these passages to obtain secret passageways deeper into your spirit.  While this tactic may seem bad enough, wait for there is a more sinister desire from our enemy yet to come.

Next, the words "and breaking their bones" appear in line and serve as a reminder that the skin (spiritual skin) is now gone and the bones are totally exposed, vulnerable to any and all other methods of destruction.  A bland and bare skeleton cannot do much to protect itself for all of the necessary connective and movement actions have been stripped away.  So the enemy decides to break the bones that are set before him for he cannot perform the next task until they are of a specific measure making them ready for the next step of destruction.  If you ever have had a broken bone you know how much pain is incorporated after that bone or those bones have been broken, it does not go away and until that bone heals correctly the pain shall continue.  It is painfully obvious that the condition of the spiritual skeleton is in no position to resist or to fight back, it is totally helpless and cannot defend itself any longer.

But our enemy is not through with us yet, for all he has in front of him is a bunch of broken bones lying around not doing anything.  This is where we must put on our thinking caps and remember that the spirit realm is constantly moving, it never ceases.  Many believe that this realm is not alive, but it is alive and it is waging an eternal war for your life which means it too must seek out completion on every level no matter which side of the spirit realm you see or experience.  "You chop them up for the cooking pot like meat in a kettle". Here lie the end reason and cumulation of the goal of Satan and the energy that he demands from our dead spiritual lives, the most horrendous revelation about spiritual death that anyone can imagine.

We have no idea nor can we fathom the amount of energy it takes to wage war within the spirit realm, but it is obvious from this single verse that we can summarize that it takes an immeasurable amount to use and to complete spiritual battles.  It is this point that God wants us to know and to grasp because as long as we do not understand this fight there is no way possible that we can properly defend ourselves as the fight for our lives rages.  The enemy chops our spiritual skeleton so small and so thorough that it resembles meat being chopped up for it to be placed into a pot for soup and consumption.  Why would anyone wish or enact such destruction such as this on anything?  It is the goal of our enemy to do such an act to us and when he has successfully placed our entire spiritual body into a pot for consumption, what do you believe will be next?

Satan always starts out small with his trickery and then maintains this pattern until growth in his service is strong enough to deploy to others.  This portion of the verse provides us with this fact, for when our bones are placed into the pot for cooking there is a purpose and that purpose is for him to completely devour our lives as meat for his kingdom.  Or spiritual deaths is what Satan's kingdom thrives upon and uses as protein or energy to advance his kingdom.  His entire plan and kingdom is your destruction and what better way for this to occur than to have you at his mercy with no way of a true change of direction or outcome.  When anything becomes this incapacitated before an enemy that enemy has you completely dominated and you are now at the total mercy of your captive and to the one that you are about to be consumed by.

At this point, your spirit has been completely and eternally consumed by the enemy that you were warned about so many times during your life.  When your spiritual life has been exhausted there is no way that your physical life can withstand any attack against the kingdom of this world.  You have no eternal and holy connection any longer to give you guidance or hope, it has been stripped away and in this state, you are a sitting duck.  Church, where are we at?  We are the ones who should be warning others about this process and what will become of them if they do not understand exactly what is at stake here.  God is the ONLY One who can offer eternal life through the blood of His Son and is the ONLY One who can provide enough strength to combat and defeat such a terrible and selfish enemy.

Instead, we (the Church) have played doctrinal butchers for centuries and have spiritually encouraged and cheered on Satan and his eternal goons with their procedural death processes.  We have been the ones stoking the fire underneath the kettle so that complete dissolving of the bones will be done and peak protein-energy received by the consumers.  Why?  Why have we allowed ourselves to be placed into such a position, why have we allowed ourselves to be swayed away from the truth about our lives, both spiritually and physically?  I thank God every day that I do not have first-hand knowledge about Hell, and I am thankful that I cannot have any true concept of what actually transpires in the spirit realm, but I can get a good glimpse of what processes of battle entail in this verse.

God wants to know if you can see this as well?  And if you can do you believe that such a process is ongoing and is directly fought over you?  We are the most precious creations of God, He has given us His Spirit for this purpose alone and it is our responsibility to share this Truth with as many people as possible every day.  As you can see, we are not mistakes or washed-up beings that have no purpose in our existence.  God has a purpose for each one of us and it is this purpose that our enemy seeks to strip off of us, break our spirits and then place us into a boiling pot so that he can devour our lives in order to give him the strength necessary to overcome God and His Kingdom.  It is time we repent Church and then send this message of repentance to those who need it.  No stopping can be done, it is a direction of eternal placement and life that is at hand.  Be consumed by God and not Satan, this is the message God wants to hear from our hearts.


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