Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Final Silencing Of Your Voice

The Final Silencing Of Your Voice


Is it even conceivable that anyone or any being is out to completely annihilate anyone's voice to the point where it would disappear from all records?  Unfortunately, there are many people that have been spiritually influenced to accomplish such acts against others.  Of course, it is not a heavenly or godly influence that subscribes to such atrocious thinking, but to the enemy of God, which is our enemy as well.  We have learned a great deal about what Satan wishes to do to us, but do we believe it.  We do not have to find out the hard way folks, we can understand now and do our best to protect ourselves and our families through the provided Word of God.  God wants us to live in peace and harmony not only with others but specifically with Him.  There is an enemy who wants our voice to disappear and to go away and if we do not combat his tactics correctly, he shall succeed and destroy the plan of God for your life.

We have heard many stories and personal experiences from people who have been in desperate circumstances and realized that they had been incorrect on every level of their lives then cried out to God for help.  A good portion of these people have honored their cry for help yet there is a good number who just wanted out of the sticky situation they were in and as soon as settings returned to normal they also returned to their old normal heart placement.  This nation has experienced many dire circumstances in its history, cried out to God for help, and also has returned to its wicked ways afterward. How much can God give without calling upon His own Definition to set the standard again?  How many times are we going to cry wolf before God says, enough I do not hear you or see you any longer?  To be honest, I believe that we have arrived at this place, and what is frightening is that we cry to God but do not hear anything in return, and we do not even recognize He is not looking in our direction or hearing our cries any longer.  A very grave position to be in but once again we believe we are above God and no longer need Him and His guidance.

Along the same lines, many of us when we were younger heard our parents tell us that they did not trust us because of certain things we had done.  I know that some of my actions required my parents to say such words, yeah it made me mad at the time but I had no one else to blame but myself.  Yet, I did not like the fact that I was caught and I also had ignored many previous situations where I had done things that if found out would embarrass them tremendously.  Nevertheless, I finally figured things out and changed my life and habits before they became out of hand and ruined my adulthood before it had even really begun.  But as we scroll through news articles and blogs today we find countless people who have not learned and therefore must learn the hard way; however, to them, the hard way is more comfortable at times because they feel more at home in their actions instead of looking or remembering the consequences if found out.  Another human trait that is difficult to explain at times, but one that is very noticeable constantly.

See, when a person gets into a specific pattern it is that pattern that they must supply and feed.  Yes, they try and hide it but if anyone is listening they would pick up on such passions and then appropriately address them.  This sounds like a great idea but there is only one problem, the people listening to them and seeing behaviors be exhibited are most likely committing some other grievance against another fault; in other words, they are doing the exact same procedure that is just offensive.  So, they let it slide and continue on with their own journey encountering more friends or acquaintances with similar or deeper issues along the way, and if so many others are noticed performing such things I guess it is more common than I first believed, so it must be okay.  When this attitude arrives, we begin to seek out other vices that satisfy related curiosities and eventually incorporating them into our inner habits and wants.  This is the dangerous pattern reached that many of us are at today for we do not realize that we have been led to this point in our lives by a master and we have accepted it for so long that we do not see the pain it causes to the people around us and more importantly to God.

When debate becomes a one-sided dictation, parties begin to shut off their hearing and concern, leaving a divide that sometimes is impossible to resolve correctly.  A parent can only take so much anguish before they must act according to their status which usually means some type of punishment that hopefully wakes their child up.  Sometimes these methods of parents must be severe enough to grab the attention of their children while other times demand really tough love and the parents turn away for a while.  This brings us to our passage of Scripture which is the next verse in Micah 3, verse 4 and we shall see what occurs when God has had enough of the games that His people have played.  The passage goes as follows:

Micah 3:4

"Then they shall cry unto the Lord, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings."


"Then they will cry out to the Lord, but He will not answer them. At that time He will hide His face from them because of the evil they have done."

Many times throughout the Bible, God has reiterated that He will never leave His people, but this verse shows us that while His presence is still there with them He does hide His face from them and for a good reason.  This verse is the culmination of why God was forced to do this act, one that may seem out of character for Him but when we understand what Judah was doing in the sin department, God had no other choice.  The previous three verses of this chapter in Micah sum up the sins that the leaders of Judah and the people of Judah voluntarily committed and had no intentions of changing their habits because they found that their actions warranted no reason to change in the first place.

In the first portion of this verse, it is obvious that something has triggered a change in the minds of the people, for it says that the people cried out to God.  This word for cry out is "yizaqu" and it is third person plural which means it is not just one person doing the crying out but many are doing this act.  This word is a proclamation status of some type of ill-fated condition that the people can no longer handle, they are not happy because the tables have turned against them and are no longer able to contain the growth of such patterns. However, at this time in their lives, they do remember to cry out to God but the verse also says that God does not answer them.  This is a sad predicament they have gotten themselves into when God says nothing about what has happened in their lives and nation.  God just does not do this unless there is a huge unrepentant reason present in people's hearts.

The next portion of this verse hits home hard because it states who the cries of the people are toward "to the Lord"  At least they have turned around and began the walk back to Him, right?  Wrong!  Things for some reason have gone terribly wrong and even though they are returning back to their Creator, the next portion of Scripture says what God does, "the Lord but He will not answer them."  Now, it was common knowledge that sometimes God "took His time" in answering their prayers and cries, but there was something different about the presence of God this time.  It seemed like God was not to be found and that their prayers fulfilled the emptiness of their hearts and ended up nowhere in the eyes, heart, or face of God.  In other words, they vanished into thin air.  Furthermore, this passage proclaims "at that time He will hide His face from them".  This is an incredible statement that should rock anyone's world and cause them to truly fall on their faces and repent for everything that not only what they personally have done but to proclaim the sins of the entire nation as well.  A gut-wrenching release that would make one feel totally helpless in any type of response given by any party involved.

And before anyone could begin to blame God for not answering their cries and prayers, God gives the reason why He has done such a thing "because of the evil they have done."  Once again, God gives His reasoning in a short and to-the-point statement, no beating around the bush at all.  Plus, when God speaks something you can count on the fact that it is the truth and that truth He speaks comes from His heart and it is directed solely and straightly to your (our) heart.  This is what He said to the people who were crying out to Him for help, He did not leave them at all but because of the sin, they took on as their own God could no longer look or hear what they were saying.  This saying from God says that everything that was presently occurring in Judah's land was strictly due to their own actions, NOT His.  God was also reinforcing the Truth when He had stated to them many times over in their past that sin has its consequences, consequences that cannot be averted from coming to pass.

What is God saying to us here, folks?  He is saying that it is through our own acceptance of the world and its products that if not left behind shall follow us until one day these sins that we love to keep and display shall be the sole reason that we shall have no voice to God when it is time for those sins to be called into active fruition.  God has provided us with the best tool to use in our defense, one so powerful that it operates as an offensive weapon as well.  A parent never stops caring for their child and will find as many avenues as possible in order for the safety of their child to be known; however, if deeper influences are around and not correctly taken care of those influences will eventually tear away this child for their cause.  This may sound a tad harsh but you need to take the blinders off of your eyes and understand what is going on here.

Micah tells us and presents to us a vivid picture of how Israel lived, total rebellion against God.  This verse is an accumulation of events that have been presented to God in the three previous verses all of them ugly and represent defamation toward God.  God is the Creator of all humanity and when anyone slaps God in the face with the sin they carry, no other word can define such an act as defamation.  God's actions here in this verse demonstrate that He no longer can stand to hear their sinful voices project into His direction; therefore, He has no option left but to turn away and allow their sin to consume them to the fullest.  It is this level that Judah purposefully reached, ignoring the fact that the sins they harbored would bring them to this point sometime down the road.  Both God and Satan knew this and the people had been shown that this path would cost them greatly too, yet they chose to sin and look what it led to.

This passage of Scripture clearly involved the children of Israel but one cannot read and study this passage without believing that they are also reading about our nations today.  We carry so many similar sins within our hearts that this verse and the previous three verses in Micah 3 could be changed to the USA and no damage be done to the magnitude of either national condition.  God's Word is for all nations, past, and present and it is with this truthful fact in place, we can honestly say that this nation is on the same path of destruction as Judah was.  Also invigoratingly horrific lies the fact that we have the same type of leaders (Church) that are manipulating their own private enterprises with the world instead of ministering to those who are in need of Jesus.  Even worse, is that in both situations they had no idea that God was in control of each setting and did not back down from His eternal parental position.  It was evident that Judah and Israel did not want to have anything to do with God or to hear His voice in any way, and today our nations have identical feelings.

So, as God obliged their wishes in this Old Testament passage so shall He do again in today's societies.  Many shall not understand what God will be doing or they will completely ignore the fact of His hand moving; to be honest, His process is already in motion and we all know that once we push God to this point He shall not stop until holiness is reached once again.  In addition, their selfish, sinful, and manipulative "godly lives" were no longer a point of attraction to God.  This type of lifestyle blinded them and deafened them to the warnings that God placed in front of them before they reached this point.  Sound familiar?  It should because today's world is in the same predicament and has followed the same path as Israel did in Micah 3.

At the beginning of this short series in Micah, we saw that it was the leaders of Israel that took this path first and then as a cell moving through the veins of a body, infected every heart within the kingdom.  It is clear by the language used in this passage that God had had enough and it was time for His presence to change.  Church, God is currently performing the same act today.  You want to know what comes next?  Read this passage and other Holy passages that describe what God allowed t occur to both Israel and Judah.  And if you do not think that He shall do the same to this nation, please think again for if He did so for His chosen people who are we to believe that we are any better.  Church, you are sick, spiritually sick, and spiritually anemic and you need help immediately.  I do not know what holds for our future but we better be ready to stand and fight when things turn.  Satan shall be amazed at what he has done to us but he shall not stand idly by and watch things unfold quietly.  He shall attack and attack harshly, harder than ever before.  It is time to change Church, and change fast!

Just as the leaders of Israel failed to recognize their position in this passage of Scripture, we too have allowed ourselves to become alive to the world and dead to God.  It is this condition that we currently live in and thus our cries to God are silenced to His ears because of our sinful beating spiritual hearts.  There is no true and eternal connection to God and since there is no further communication present God has no other choice but to turn away due to the fact that Satan has successfully silenced your voice.


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