Friday, February 25, 2022




All of us like to make statements in a certain direction and have them come to pass without any type of contingencies applied.  To make our word as valuable as gold or an old-fashioned handshake is what we desire the most with others, but we must be careful about how we approach such promises for when we make them we may not realize that attachments may come back to haunt us.  Of course, we would like all things to be smoothly completed but many times that is not the case which is imperative for us to know who we are dealing with on this level, because these promises may have to be called into practice at some point where decisions that were not thought about are enabled that can cause great grief.  God wants us to always be careful in who we make earthly promises to so that we will not have to back out of things or follow through with things that may seriously harm our reputation.  Choose wisely who you make agreements with and always rely on good counsel (God) to achieve your best.

How many times have we made promises to others in order to please ourselves in some specific or selfish manner?  It is a common trait of humans to promise the moon and approach this promise with a whole heart but in the end, regret that we even entertained the idea in the first place.  Most of the time the old adage our eyes are bigger than our stomachs comes into play on all sorts of levels and when the truth is told we would have taken a different approach to said promises.  Or, we find out at a later time that what we believed would be taking place changes and what we are involved in is controversial or even goes against our own personal morals, another fork in the road and a possible turning point that now questions our credibility and trustworthiness to complete the task at hand.

Who do you line up your credibility with, big corporations and popular ideas or sound transactions that will guarantee your success in the future?  The standard in this nation is to do what one can do without losing your shirt, no matter what occurs to the other parties involved.  This greed and lust of ours has grown over the past few centuries and it has become a major player in how we do business and entertain clients, it does not matter which venture one wants to encounter either for our hearts have become numb to the truth and associations with others do not matter much.  But is this new way of doing things good for our lives and will it always be safe that no major controversy will arise and demand your complete attention and completion?  We all know that when we deal with humans and make deals with them, they can give only general conditions at the start but provide damning details after the agreement has been reached.

We have been taught not to seek refuge with those who will do bad things in order to make a name for themselves or to gain control of certain things of a physical nature.  Mobs, gangsters, secret societies, clubs, or underground organizations are a few examples of shady groupings that usually are not in the upstanding categories of life.  However, with all the money, prestige, and security that they offer, it is hard for people to pass then become totally indoctrinated into these societies and are sucked into the everyday lifestyle of joined brotherhoods.  Many times the end results for these people are long prison sentences or even their own deaths and in both cases, a good portion of these folks wish they had never been associated with those organizations; but, too late the deals were made and done with consequences to be interviewed on a personal level.

The Bible gives us a good example of such a serious condition after a lustful and seducing party bribe occurred and it happens in the New Testament where Herod is involved.  It is a story of lust, sex, immoral acts, and truth bearers placed into prison, then murdered.  It is a familiar story but one that is relevant today because with the way businesses and government heads do their ploying this type of activity abounds.  The passage for this article is as follows:

Matthew 14: 6-11

"But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod.  Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask.  And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger.  And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given to her.  And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison.  And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother."

Talk about having bitten off more than one can chew, it is clear that Herod was taken by surprise about the request of the young lady, but it was a deal that was made and he had to abide by his words or face other wraths from people higher up than he.  John the Baptist was thrown in prison by Herod due to the fact that John called him out for having an affair with his brother's wife.  Fast forward to Herod's birthday and a large party was ongoing with all of the amenities and practices being fulfilled.  Nothing had been left out for this occasion including a young dancer.  This dancer did a very good job at what she was willing to do and completed the job beautifully, without hesitation, skepticism, or pausing.  The Greek word used here for pleased is "eresen" which means to please with the idea of willing service rendered to others.  This should stop anyone in their tracts as a sign that something was not quite right about the situation, but nothing was said or done and the show completed with all being happily served with a well-done performance.

Having intimate knowledge of Herod, Herodias had made a secret plan with her daughter, the dancer, and when it came time to thank the young girl, Herod told her that he would give her anything that she asked.  The plot was beheld and told.  The request took Herod by surprise but because of who she was he had no choice but to honor her request which was actually the request of his lover.  As stated above, John told Herod and Herodias that their affair was not moral and that they needed to stop, Herodias got her revenge on John and had him immediately beheaded in prison an act so severe that the historian Jerome states that Herodias gloated over the head of John the Baptist and then she drew out his tongue and pierced it with a needle.  I find this act quite intriguing since many young people have their tongues pierced for sexual pleasure to others.  This was her credibility and Herod's too.

There are many lines and tones that can be applied to by people with a few not even being too concerned about the act that was carried out, that is just the way humans believe and act not only today but even way back in ancient times.  This passage does say that Herod was sorry, sorry for the decision he had made and the oath that he had made with the dance.  Even though his lover had any and every type of contact with him, she kept a few details about herself quiet and did not display them directly until the time was convened.  However, because of his word toward the oath, that stance took precedent over the correct thing to do and therefore carried out the request asked of him.  It is this portion of our will that can be unpredictable for it is a standard of humanity to protect our word and credibility to the public eye and ears, it is also a pride measure of how far we fall when bad oaths are taken over the good.

This story proves just how far a human will go in order to justify their actions and choices, even to the extreme of beheading a righteous whistleblower.  Humans have not changed much over time because this practice of convenient disposal continues today, remember, the heart is evil above all things, and being right or wrong in these actions does not matter, only convenience.  While this story is based on a local event with a spiritual connection do we realize that this type of setting can be on a local, state, or national level as well?  It occurs every day somewhere around the world and we must contend that someday in our future it shall step foot into our nation.  When it does, how will your associations with such positions stand and will they support such drastic oaths being taken and then demanded to be carried out?  What will your credibility be?

Church, I do not believe you have considered this fact too much, not today, not yesterday and unless something drastic occurs (which it shall) you will not change your stance on this issue in the future.  What I find so disturbing is that you have read the Bible for so long and you still confine your faith in the world and confide your heart in its dangerous procedures and practices.  Do you not understand that by doing such an act that you align yourself with the world?  Have you forgotten what the world can provide?  Jesus is calling you today to change your heart and to turn back to Him for time is about to change and you are not going unnoticed by His Father.

Your credibility is not in good standing with God and He knows that at some point you will be shown accountability for this credibility.  Satan has already unleashed his plan of death in your existence and you are abiding by such demands.  How many souls have you hurt over the centuries with your worldly standards and alliances?  How many countries have you tried to destroy with your physical and militant strategies "for God"?  When you have been challenged, you have only responded with physical responses and vacant prayers in order to satisfy your "need" to be right.  How many people have you banned from God due to the hypocrisy in your heart, saying one thing but totally denying it in your heart?  Whether or not you understand it or not, we have acted and still act today like Herod being fondled by a so-called lover that has asked for Jesus' head on a charger.  Remember, it is through our actions and words that come from our hearts and define which type of credibility we have and wish to display.

We are in no shape spiritually to wage any type of defense when Satan asks us to do something, we no longer have a holy discipline (the Word) in our hearts, and no longer do we crave to be near to God and Holy Spirit.  Look at our position and look at the position of those who do not know God and if you are honest, we will see that we are in alignment with the world and not God.  There is a reason Jesus said that there needs to be a spiritual distance between you and those in the world, for it is existing in this manner that people who do not know God shall see Him in you.  This is the credibility that you want and need in your life, the credibility of John the Baptist, and more importantly Jesus.  No matter what comes our way, we must cling to the Word of God and seek Him and have our eyes on Him as these things come to pass for if we do not then our credibility will leave God when times become difficult and we shall not see the Kingdom of God flourish.


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