Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Jesus Lived A Sinless Life

Jesus Lived A Sinless Life


Some people have had doubts about the life of Jesus while He was on this earth, many scholars believe such ridiculous lies about Jesus and then promote them to those who wish to listen.  Of course, Satan loves this tactic for obvious reasons and when a sinful Jesus is introduced into our ears the battle then begins for the real truth.  God never intended for Jesus to come to the earth, this was evident in Adam, but Jesus gladly gave up His throne and came to be The Eternal Sacrifice for all creation.  In order for this to occur, He must have been spotless, blameless, and Holy at all times.  God's Word declares Jesus as the lamb that was slain for all and I do not care what people believe, this life of Jesus was sinless and pure and gives us hope for eternal life.

In a world that is in a constant state of chaos and confusion, it would seem like people would focus their efforts on subjects that are steady and pure, but for some reason, we would rather take the step toward deeper fun and excitement, or maybe even hype.  In any case, either road taken toward the world leaves us bankrupt on all levels of our existence and it is in this condition that we choose to live with a continual complaint department that begins with our rising from our beds until our eyes close each night.  It is our own fault that we fail to recognize that the world that we choose to accept in our lives as normal is the exact foundation that births our everyday problems.  What we do not realize, Christians is that what we are choosing to accept is actually making our lives far worse than what we should be experiencing, and to this truth, we have no guiltless presence.

In this day of easy access to information, it is not difficult to understand how people gain connection to volumes of ideas concerning a certain matter.  The human mind and heart have always been the source of our curiosity, even when the modern-day information tools were still a manual and time-consuming activity.  It is not hard to imagine how some people run with a few words they have come across in order to help them ascertain a selfish conclusion about the researched or thought about content.  It is also easy to express these ideas to others in a variety of ways, then sit back and watch how the reviews are taken.  

As a history lover, I am all for doing research about whatever subject one desires, taking notes on such subjects, compiling the notes into other forms of communication, and then eventually presenting them on a large platform is one wishes.  This would seem like a logical process to follow; but, when writing or explaining the history, it is essential that the truth be told because when it is not, big trouble lies ahead and so many misdirections of presented material can be taken in varied contexts.  Also, we must consider that whatever the topic covered and placed into this category can be anything from a few paragraphs long to a full manuscript not leaving any detail out in order to support their cause.

It is common knowledge that many people take the Bible out of context and then twist its words and chapters for their own purposes or just to be correct in an argument.  To make things worse, scholars have done the exact same thing but placed these lies into an academic form and then sold it to others as the truth.  It is this topic that God wants to think about today, for it is written that Jesus lived a sinless life and had no divisions with His Father, so it is not a far-fetched concept that Satan loves to do his best in distorting this eternal truth about Jesus.  Our Scripture passages are as follows:

Luke 8: 1-3

"And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance."

Have any of you heard the talk concerning Jesus and Mary Magdalene and how it is "very likely" that they had an intimate relationship with each other and probably had a baby together?  This lie has been told over and over for such a long period of time that it is almost never questioned, even by people who are considered Bible scholars and ministers.  It fits a common narrative about God and how He loves us no matter what we do and will overlook sin in order to have us by His side for eternity.  Such grotesque thoughts turn into preachable beliefs and are bought by hungry hearts to pacify sins that are believed to be hidden yet burning within our lives.  If people buy into this lie it means that they have become doubters of the Word of God or that they never really believed in the Bible at all.  

What I find interesting about this line of thinking is that the line is what is driving so many people into hateful existences due to the fact of their own debilitating choices in relationships.  It would be commonplace for one to try and deflect their own inadequacies by smearing or discrediting others who have a more secure relationship.  We see this occurring over and over with ugly outcomes from court-ordered separations and other proceedings that bind division and seclusion and who could be more "vulnerable" than Jesus humanity's perfect example of purity and hope.

If doubt comes into play here about the eternal truth about Jesus, then none of these people can truly call themselves believers in Christ, nor do they understand or believe that Jesus fulfilled the Law according to Scriptures.  The Law that was followed in the Old Testament originated from the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and it is impossible for Jesus to be the One and True Sacrifice for all sin if He was not a pure and spotless lamb.  Exodus 20 gives us the list of the commandments God gave to Moses, not committing adultery is one of these commandments.  How could Jesus commit adultery you ask?  John 10:30 states that Jesus and His Father are one which means Jesus could not go against this relationship and commit any other type of "oneness" with another; until His Bride.  All plans that God has for humanity would be thrown out of the window and could not be initiated for anyone.  All roads would then eternally point to our destruction because being human is a flawed state, non-redeemable in the eyes of God.  In this case, God should have ended creation back with Noah and allowed Noah to be the last survivor and inhabitant into Heaven.

How can such a statement or belief be accurately stated and presented?  If Jesus was going to live a rebellious life, it would have been evident quickly that He would follow the path of Adam and Eve therefore cutting off the only remaining perfect Sacrificial line would be eternally devastating.  What people do not realize is that when they believe such atrocities and then publicly slander God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit they open themselves up for a devastating and destructive setting within their own lives.  It becomes clear that whimsical and superficial understanding of Jesus' presence and the reason why He came to this earth by these publishers is that they have been influenced by worldly contacts and standards.  This is an example of raw footage of what occurs when people use the gift God gives them while under the influence and guidance of Satan's kingdom.  When true wisdom is not comprehended on a biblical level it is easy to regard such beliefs as truths for support from like-minded fellows who will certainly buy into such theories, we see this occur every day on different planes so why would it not occur on the highest of them all?

It is the job of the world to entice people away from God and the ruler does a very good job of discrediting God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit through such unsubstantiated "facts".  So if the world's ruler can lure you into believing that Jesus was a sinner too and did some fleshy details, your sin would be justified and one that you do not have to be concerned about ridding yourself of any sin that you harbor.  Jesus lived a sinless life even from the manner in which He was conceived He was sinless.  I understand that many people who have contact with other people who have been delivered from some Satanic entity will develop relationships with them, but not Jesus.  Yes, it was exciting that He cast out seven devils from Mary but His Kingdom of deliverance, restoration, and salvation did not hinge on any intimate relationship or contact on this implied level.  If so, then Jesus was a liar, a thief, and a fraud for He would have fulfilled sin's laws and not God's Laws.

Any organized religious denomination, religious council, church, or pastor that says that Jesus was a sinner and committed such sins is not telling you or proclaiming to you the Jesus, Son of God who came to save the world.  Sadly, many denominations have accepted such theologies, maybe not in these specific terms or words but if they deviate one iota from what the Word of God says they are lying to you according to this sinful standard that the world proclaims about Jesus.  Church it is not our job to be ANY representative of the world to the sinners of the world, but it IS our job to be witnesses of Jesus to these sinners.  Therefore, if we wish to convert sinners to Christ and to allow these precious people to choose Christ then we cannot afford to be wrong about any detail about Christ.

We cannot allow Satan to influence our minds and hearts in any way, for it has been said that if you give Satan an inch he will become a ruler.  Blindly, the Church has given Satan this type of access to her heart and she, in turn, has responded with sinful gestures and motives in order to try and appease those who she should be witnessing to.  Through our own ignorance, we now preach a false gospel and boldly stand up for this gospel, and willingly and knowingly denounce the truth about Jesus.  We no longer struggle against the world but with God an eternally damnable state that if we do not change very soon will become the focal point of God's coming Glory.  A Glory we shall not understand and for many will not accept further dividing us from God.  What Jesus did for Mary Magdalene was a miracle and we should be doing greater things than Jesus did, just as He said we should and would be doing, promoting and living a sinless life.


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