Saturday, December 3, 2011

Read The Fine Print First

Read the Fine Print First


12/3/11                Completed

When humans build things it usually follows an idea that has come to them by some means of formal communication.  This communication has somehow touched the heart of the human so that the object that is being constructed is not based upon a whim but will have a purpose for its completion.  No matter what the object is its purpose will be defined by its creation and its creator to serve the person or persons that it was designed for.  This too, is true for the human and their creation and design for their life.  In order for us to understand the meaning and purpose of our lives we must include the reading of the fine print even though we may not believe that this step is important.

My dad’s teenage and early college years were spent dreaming about becoming an engineer. His mind was well suited for all the mathematical and analytical courses that he was going to encounter and was looking forward to having a wonderful profession after his completion; then God took over.  An engineering mind has to be one of great details with no stone unturned or corners cut, precise measurements need to be conducted in order for everything to be in order when the project is completed and then after all is said and done more tightening will be executed to make the project a finished product.

As I reflect back on some of the years of my life, I can remember dad trying his best to teach me these fine print concepts.  Whether it was over a math lesson or just about everyday life situations, he would try to explain to me that everything that I did had a purpose and for that purpose to be fulfilled that I should make sure all areas of my plan were thoroughly looked over before a decision was made.  He also stated that God was the source of this fine print and that for me to know the purpose of my life was to know God.  Good advice from an excellent source, right?!  Well, of course during my wise teenage and early college years I thought he was nuts and did not know anything about my life.  Wrong!!!

We as individuals tend to forget that our parents or people that we know and even do not know that are older than us has had some type of relationship to create a finished…something.  In this case we are talking about our lives.  How often we ignore them when they tell us to watch out and to listen to all details before we make a decision, or read the fine print of a contract before we sign it.  The same goes with God, how many times have we ignored God when He has provided us a fine print for our lives.  It is shameful to say that all of us have been included God as a part of this ignorance in our lives.

Human relationships are the foundations of world societies.  Each level of relationship is characterized by all the parties involved and the outcome of these relationships with others will automatically be instilled into their drive for satisfaction.  It is no one’s goal to fail in a relationship no matter at what level of a relationship has been forged.  This relationship can only survive if all parties involved are dedicated and committed to achieving the desired goals.  This can only be obtained if all information about that relationship is laid out for everyone to see or read before the project begins.  A person that is flippant about the relationship or in a hurry to fulfill its desired goals will not understand the complete picture of the relationship and will head into the contract handicapped. 

The goals of these relationships are for the most part known to the public and are usually not well understood in the beginning.  The shining gleam around the platform is for show and will mesmerize its audience into believing that what is begin portrayed is a necessity.  This is all part of a new relationship and it is normal but very soon after this step is completed, details of the relationship need to be read, sorted out and understood before any further steps are taken.  Under NO circumstances should you agree to any relationship until the fine print is read in its entirety.

In every company or government, the “little people” are always the last ones to find out things; and sometimes these plans have already been put into place by the time the common folk find out exactly what they have agreed to abide by.  How many times have we heard someone say or some politician state “they have a plan”.  Plans are always great to have and it will catch the attention of the person who is there and willing to listen to this plan.  At the same time have you ever noticed how many details are given about this plan?  Not many huh, well there is a reason for this and it is because it is just that, a plan and no details have been worked out.  This situation also occurs in our lives when we make quick decisions about our immediate surroundings.  If we have not read the fine print of our lives or heeded this fine print we subject ourselves to certain unfriendly consequences that we might not be able to undo.

The relationships that you develop over the years will have an effect on you and your family possibly for generations.  A verse comes to mind that states “Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers” but we work with them every day and we associate with them on an hourly basis.  This is the reason we must be very careful in the decisions we make with these people, in the long run they could come back to haunt us.  If you stop and think about it, if we do not read the fine print of this relationship then we automatically place ourselves in situation of being unequally yoked, or have a great possibility of this coming about.

Only a fool believes that a complete, honest and true relationship can be obtained between the included parties when the details and expectations of the relationship are not known.  The concept of wolves in sheep’s clothing comes to mind in this situation as well, watch out for the tricks and sneaky ways humans like to convince others in order to obtain agreements.  If for any reason doubts are raised or flags are waving, do not enter into any agreement until all questions have been answered.

Once a relationship is established between the participating parties, it proves difficult to opt out of the arrangement.  In many business contracts there is a clause, usually in fine print, that states certain punishments or stipulations will be applied if the contract is not fully complied with until its expiration.  This is also true in our agreements in relationships.  When one party leaves the relationship the other parties are sent scrambling for their replacements or compensation for the damages occurred on the remaining parties.

When emergency situations like this arise, then the person that has read the fine print will not panic and completely fall apart and then in turn make rash decisions.  Yes, the situation will cause some anguish and the change in plans will delay the project but the goal will still be seen as achievable.  It is these damages and compensations that are the sticklers in relationships.  No matter what level of relationship we are involved, when the situation is ended compensation has to be made.  In our lives this usually means pain and / or separation.  Nothing hurts the human more is the pain from a broken relationship.  This reason alone is why it is very, very important to make sure all participating parties involved understand the potential consequences are known before any final decisions are made and the pen is placed to the paper so to speak.

Be vigilant in your decisions and listen to your heart when these major decisions and choices have to be made.  Whether you know it or not many people are watching you and counting on you to make the right decisions.  If you are the little person in the decision, speak up!!!  It is not wrong to ask questions about things.  When dealing with others be sure to listen to the fine print about the project that you are being told about.  If someone is telling you or involving you in something, it is your duty to fine out all details before you agree to it.  A certain member of our current congress said about a bill; we need to pass this bill first so that we can actually read what is in it.  This is a ridiculous belief and it should not even be considered, especially when it directly affects our life.  As one of Ray Stevens songs says “that is a good example of a bad idea”.

As all of us are aware our lives are constantly being pushed against from all sides.  Our activities are rushed and it is beginning to seem like time is flying by and we are missing out on many things.  While our lives have been changed by the speed of the world our minds still operate in a way that will allow us to continue to read the fine print of our lives, we just simply need to do it.  Reading the fine print is not an option in the business world and it holds true in our personal lives.  Do not let others or the world tell you that you need to do something in a hurry.  We do have time to understand the details that come our way and we do have time to look at our surroundings.

Always remember that this concept applies to our daily and most intimate portions of our personal lives.  We must and without delay read the fine print of these situations.  God has provided a very detailed instruction book that covers all areas and situations of life.  His word will guide us through the happy times of our lives and will also provide us with a fine printed and detailed source of pertinent information about our lives when we are going through tough times.  This information is freely given to us and is available at anytime of the day or night but we must be committed to read this information and being just as committed to understanding it and follow it.  This fine print for our lives will continually be explained to you as your life unfolds, do not rush it just absorb the information as it comes to you.  If you know the fine print of your life then it will be easier to understand the fine print of the things you will encounter.

Oh, and by the way, there is nothing wrong with being a little person J

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