Friday, March 16, 2012

Is Your City Lit? Part II

Is Your City Lit? Part II

One thing about the messages that God gives to me allows for me to have flexibility with the pointed topics.  I recently wrote a message concerning humans being a city on a hill in which our light shines for others to see.  In this part two message I am going to deal with the personal level of this concept and how our heart actually portrays our city and how it conducts its business throughout the day.

As we all know the heart is the center mechanism that continues the life giving process to all living creatures.  It does not matter if you are a human or some form of animal the heart is the center of all energy transfer which keeps us alive and functioning.  The heart is an exceptional organ which regulates its own timing and sets its own pace from the time it begins its first beat and stays that course until it beats it last beat.

The entire heart muscle is fascinating to watch.  Not many of us “regular’ people have the opportunity to watch a living heart beat.  Cardiac surgeons, even though they have performed many procedures still are amazed at how the heart actually starts and regulates itself without any help.  Modern medicine has invented many ways to correct natural defects of the heart and have now perfected the heart transplant procedure which is hard to imagine sometimes.  Surgeons say that their success in their procedures is when the heart actually starts beating o its own without any stimulation after a major operation; incredible when you think about it.

I remember when I was in Histology class and I had the opportunity to dissect a heart and look at its cells.  My professor was excellent in his duties and very matriculate in the objects that he wanted us to witness while completing this section of the class.  He took a portion of the heart and placed it on a microtome instrument and made the appropriate settings.  A microtome is an instrument that slices a piece of tissue at very thin lengths and is mainly used by pathologists in diagnosing cancers.  He made a few thin slices and then placed them on the microscope.

The microscope actually had graduated lines on the oculars which would allow for us to measure the cells of the heart muscle.  But that was not our goal at that moment, our goal was to witness the heart muscle cell continuing to contract well after it had been taken out of the dead animal.  As he placed the tissue onto the slide and in isotonic saline, he switched on the light and the overhead screen and focused on the muscle.  It was only a matter of seconds until we could actually see the cell contracting a bit and then relaxing and then contracting again.  Granted this movement would not be able to sustain life any long but the heart cell actually was producing enough energy to try and complete its function.  And to the human knowledge the heart muscle cell is the only cell that has this capability for an extended amount of time after the rest of the body has been declared dead.

Ever since cities have been mentioned in history one certain spot of the city has been considered its center of all activity.  This spot can be a long street or even a portion of the city itself but whatever the geographical location of the city is, it is that point where the majority of the energy of the city occurs.  History has also taught that this city center radiates its activities to the outer portions of the city and continues the life of the city even to the last inch of its territory.  Travel to any one of America’s cities and fin its city center and see what the activity level is and see how it follows this pattern.

So, let us now draw a line of comparison to the heart and the city center.  Both represent the vital function of providing the necessary energy to sustain the business as usual of their respective areas.  Both also represent the center of all activity and where all of the important section heads meet to provide these continual provisions to the outer parts of their respective areas.  Both the heart and the city center set the stage for the flow of life to the outer parts of their areas, whether that flow is obstructed or free-flowing it does not matter.  So it is a safe comparison between these two examples and then would be safe to say that both examples concur with their duties.

All of the activities that we require of ourselves throughout the day depend upon our city center and its continual flow of nutrients to our outer parts and every part in-between.  All of our daily activities require this service and when the provisions are not met the outer parts begin to send signals to the brain which in turn sends more signals to the heart to get itself into gear and produce more; and the reverse is true when the outer parts have too much provisions and a cut back is needed.  The functioning city center operates in basically the same capacity and knows when to allow more activity and reduce that same activity.

You ever see a city sleep?  We all have heard of that term or phrase and in reality cities do not sleep, the slow down at times but they are always on the go.  The same is true with our bodies our heart does not stop when we are asleep it continues its function at a slower pace until it is time for more urgent productivity to be required.  So, in our human thinking we can watch a city and a functioning heart continue its activities without any stopping, their beats go on and on.  In theory we can say that the heart and a city center does not know what time is until its production line is halted for some reason.

The city center is usually the place where the city hall, the courthouses, libraries and other vital governmental buildings and offices are located.  These buildings or houses provide the means for organizations to function and to provide services to its inhabitants.  The heart serves in the same capacity, now can you see why God looks upon the heart to judge a person and not upon their looks?  Now can you understand why God places all of the desires within the heart and why it is important to guard the heart with all of our might?  Now you must understand why the heart houses the important features of the human and serves as the main station for all life.

At some point in time of our life, other people will see a portion of our heart or in some cases all of our heart.  No matter what the government tells you or what any media production informs you, people are NOT stupid and each one of us has the ability to make decisions based upon our hearts even though it is not considered popular or the “right” thing to do.  The heart drives the inner human in ways that only God can understand and it is a part of our lives that God knows better than we know.

The major question is this, what is your heart portraying to others?  What have we been feeding our hearts in order to provide our provisions and through this feeding what do others see in ourselves?  The events of a city define its citizens and the same goes for our hearts.  I have travelled through many cities in my lifetime and I can feel what oozes out of cities and can tell what its citizens are being fed and what they are feeding the people that visit.  The same concept holds true with our hearts and spirit.

Yes, spirit is directly connected with our hearts and our inner being produces the same type of energy that it is being fed.  If you continually feed your heart with junk food, at one point in time you are going to have a heart problem and your vessels (streets) will begin to show the results towards others.  If our spirit is subjected to events long enough, it will begin to portray results that will resemble what it is being shown.  The heart cannot be hidden from anyone; look at a person are they alive?  Then you cannot hide that heart, that specific heart represents a certain portrayal…look at another person, are they alive?  The same is true.

Everything about cities is portrayed through its citizens and through these citizens the vital tasks of the day are completed with little or no obvious obligation, the tasks are just completed.  The same goes with our hearts, but we have to remember people are watching us even though we may not see them, they are.  I am watching the city and how it operates, but did that city know that I was doing this?

All of us get caught up in our routines and we seldom stop and think about how and what we portray to others.  That is a common trait among humans and we would drive ourselves nuts if we constantly placed this thought into our fore-thinking.  That is why it is so important that we feed our spirit with good nutritional food that only God can supply and reject the junk that others try and get us to intake.  Satan understands our need for spiritual food and how it directly affects the heart.  We must incorporate God’s food into our daily lives so that we have a natural defense against the attacks that we will face.  Restore your daily intake of God and it will be shown throughout the world even when you do not realize it.


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