Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Human Shaking Syndrome

Human Shaking Syndrome


At the time God drops things into my heart to write about I have to admit I really do not understand them at that moment.  I have learned over the course of these past few months that God has a plan for man and that it is His desire for us to live in peace and in prosperity but that shall not happen again until we turn and face Him once again.  This message God actually spoke to me very clearly one morning in October 2011 and like a good boy I wrote things down.  Yet at the same time I was not to write anymore on this topic until now.  This topic is actually things to come I we do not change our ways.

We are spiritual creatures and we are ruled by one of two kingdoms, there is no other choice or option in this manner.  I do not care what you believe in anything right at this moment.  I do not care if I offend you and I do not care if you discard this message.  I do pray that you read this message and take it to your heart and to allow the spirit to inform you of the coming events if things do not change.  This message is directed towards man, not a single person or country but man itself, the entire race.

I have a direct quote from God and it is a simple in its content and it is to the point.  The statement is this “I will shake all that man has built”.  Now, what immediately comes to mind when something like this is said to a person?  Many thoughts ran through my mind as soon as I shook off the chills that continued to run up and down my spine.  I was numb and really could not talk for a few moments.

Just a few days ago I received the second portion of this message and to be honest I really did not know that it was going to be tied together.  The second part of the message was this and at the time when I received it I do not know why, but I did not realize the implications it had and wheat it meant until God placed the meaning in my heart.  The second part is this:  It is time for us to get off the fence and make the decision to get off of the fence.  The fence I talked about in another message, which was one that needed to be stated as well, but when God told me that the fence represented everything man had created and that He was going to tear down that fence it all fit together. 

The fence is everything that man holds close to his heart on a daily basis all of his securities his plans, his environment, his finances, his existence as he understand it.  This is what God is going to tear down or shake to our core.  This will be a catastrophic series of events that will totally devastate the human race as we know it.  The fence represents everything that we deem right in our physical eyes and minds.  The fence represents every advancement or lack of advancements.  The fence represents anything that the mind can think of that does NOT line up with the word of God.

There are no physical interpretations of the word of God for man’s usage.  God’s word is just that God’s word and His word alone.  And there is a reason that He states not to add to it or take away from it, because when we add to it or take away from it we build a fence.  And when we realize that nothing has happened after our addition to the word, then we add another portion of fence to it.  Then we really become brave and we test the waters further by taking something away from the word of God, which in turn builds our fences further.  Then the ultimate building block is when we decide that we can tie our fences together with others then we have a community or a group of like-minded people.

We have made the fence our foundation and God has said that He will shake that foundation to the core.  Think about what your core is, I urge you to read my messages concerning the core and what actually transpires in that area.  I once again want to stress to you that all people are included in this statement from God, there are no exceptions.  As His word rings true so will the things that He will allow to occur in our lives.  My advice is this, get off of our fences that we have made and acknowledge our ways before God and begin the restoration process.  Yes, this includes Christians as well and we have all heard the call for us to search our hearts and see what is not right within, so we have no excuses.

Whether you want to admit it or not God did create us and He created us for a purpose.  Our purpose can be a voluntarily event or an involuntary event.  The voluntary events are the things that we do for His Kingdom on a routine basis.  The involuntary events are the unusual ones that God allows to occur in our lives to move His Kingdom forward.  See in the end God’s Kingdom will reign one way or the other.  God has also built within us a natural fault line and He controls and will use to bring our fences down and when this occurs there is nothing that we can do to prevent the fallout from happening.

Let us volunteer our lives now to be shaken in a Holy manner instead of in a judgmental manner.  Let us become undone to His will and leave our wants and rants on the ground behind us.  Begin to seek His ways and once again graze in the pastures that He has prepared for us.  Let God repair our foundations while there is still time.

Another thought to remember is that when the shaking begins and the people that have refused this call will act violently against others at this time.  This action is a normal human reaction if God is not in control of our lives.  Ironically man will also take part in its own fence destroying process along with what God allows; in other words man will not even recognize what God is doing and will continue to blame each other for the collapse.

What all will be entailed in this shaking?  I do not know and I really do not want to find out but I have a very strong feeling that the human race will ignore this call and we will find out one day soon.  Remember that God has a way of doing things that are inconceivable to the human mind and completing things in ways that humans do not think about, after all He did create us.

God love you and He wants to bless our nation once again.  Heed this warning and begin the restoration process, yes it will be painful and it will leave scars but I can guarantee that He will restore everything that we have lost.  Keep this message close to your heart and share it wherever you feel you must.  Time is short do not hesitate.  There will be a shaking, an incredible shaking from the inside out.


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