Saturday, March 24, 2012

We Need To Stop Lying To Ourselves

We Need to Stop Lying to Ourselves


The human mind continues to fascinate me on a daily basis.  The job I have allows me to observe many people but only for a short period of time but in this time period I recognize something about their lives.  The way a person conducts themselves in public places says a lot about who they are and what kind of person they really are.  I know you cannot assess a person by just looking at them or striking up a friendly “hello” but in some ways you can at least get a feel of what their emotional conduct is like.  It has been said that the first impressions can never be changed once they have been observed; this statement has haunted me for many years for many reasons.

As some of you may know when I was a child I began to prepare myself for the experience of the medical field.  My mother was studying to be a nurse when I was young and I used to “read” her nursing books to spend some of my extra time that I had; yeah right you say, but it is true I did do this on a regular basis.  As I got older I began to really read these books and began to understand them.  Even older I began to take high school courses that would prepare me for my medical journey.  College rolled around and I began to study in the clinical laboratory portion of the medical field.  Which brings me to approximately twenty-six years later and I am still working in that capacity.

As I was crossing the parking lot going to the main building I noticed that the emergency Doors began to automatically open and I saw a patient in a wheelchair being pushed outside to the covered area close to the doors.  I then noticed that had an emesis basin in her lap and was wrapped up in a blanket that she brought from home.  As I continued my approach to the doors this patient placed a cigarette into her mouth and then had the gentleman with her light it for her.  I gently smiled and said hello to them as I past bye and pulled open the doors to enter the building.

Now I am not saying that the person that I had just passed was not ill, I know for a fact that the majority of people that arrive in the emergency room do have legitimate complaints; however, the reasons and choices that we allow ourselves to make do have an impact on this type of activity and at the end of the day also have an impact on our lives.  Do we really stop and think about what our actions lead to within our lives and just how much it costs us to maintain these insults to our lives.

As in any habit that we choose to birth we believe that we can quit the habit at any time, but as the old saying goes when challenged on our habit, we are not ready to quit the habit at that time.  Now all of us humans fit into this category so I am not going to single out any one habit or condition, but please realize that what we suffer from actually damages and separates us from the life that God intended for us to have on a daily basis.  Many of us do not recognize this fact and are readily available when the next habit or trend comes along.  At this time the trap has been sprung and we have fallen into another lie that will affect our lives in a territorial manner.  The trap is subtle and has not been picked up by our spiritual radar due to the fact that the other habits that we have incorporated into our lives, and have accepted as part of our lives, have clouded the reality of this process.  This is the part of our existence that tells others when they see us that I know I am doing something destructive but I do not care what you think about me I am going to continue my ways.

Returning to my patient friend at the hospital for a moment, I know that this patient saw me and knew that I worked at the hospital, the blood tubes that I was carrying and my ID badge gave me away.  The couple saw me but continued to complete their task at hand and acted like I really did not exist as I past by them.  Their conversation continued without interruption not concerned that a hospital employee just past them after they had presented themselves to the emergency department while deliberately harming their insides with an instrument that is known to inhibit the immune system.  What mesmerizes this situation is that all of us know that in a few moments these people will be facing the physician with their complaint.

When people arrive at this stage of their lives they are blinded to the justice that they are serving upon themselves caring only for a remedy instead of tackling the problems that have encompassed their lives.  The roots that they have allowed to take hold will create its own chaos within the body and will serve only to bleed dry the everlasting energy that is constantly being produced as the source of life.  It gets me that we as humans fail to realize this effect and continue to excuse the truth as a farce when dealing with the bodily energy crisis.  We continue to look for an alternative energy source while the true energy source that is right in front of our face is continually ignored.  The continual denying presence that humans display for themselves baffles me yet it breaks my heart to see them wandering aimlessly each day.

Now I know that there are millions of people in the world today that have legitimate medical conditions that require the necessary treatment in order to keep functioning on a somewhat normal basis, I am not talking about these types of people but I am not excluding them from the group since they too have a mind and can accumulate the exact same habits.

As we continue to incorporate these habits into our physical lives our immune system, digestive system and all other systems within the body begin to compensate for the lack of cleanliness being introduced on a constant level.  The human body is a remarkable machine which continually works to correct the insults that we choose to partake in and the level at which these systems clean out the impurities can be measured even on the microscopic level.  However, there comes a point that our bodies say to its surrounding environment that it is  tired and needs a rest.  This rest comes in the form of molecular attractions between systems and the result is a condition known as a fever.  Having a fever actually cleanses the body of the bugs that it is fighting and then as the fever breaks the body begins to return to its normal state, hoping that it will not have to react in this fashion for a while.  But it is soon recognized that the former conditions are returning and that the stress of the actions will continue.

As time continues we eventually begin to feel sluggish on a routine basis and we once again go to the physician.  The physician runs some tests and comes back with a definitive answer and we are shocked to learn that we have a permanent condition that no antibiotics can fight.  Our reaction is one of amazement, denial and then anger, not at ourselves but because of the conditions that we now face which will alter our patterns of living.  The door is now closed on the long chapter of our lives that cannot be reversed.  A process in most cases could have been avoided if we had not allowed ourselves to be engrossed in and trapped by a self fulfilling lies some time back in our personal history.

We are told of what type of lifestyle that needs to be adhered to and we are told of what the treatment will be for the possible healing of our physical bodies.  Optimism rules the day with the news of another battle to prolong our lives as it was intended in the first place, but eventually the decision has to be made whether we brush aside this new knowledge and path or to continue along the familiar path that we chose to take some time in our past life.  It is not the physician who is telling us about this news that is lying but we have a tendency to take our response to the news out on her or him.  In all cases where this occurs, it is the result of the lies that we continued to believe in that provided us with this news.  The spiritual aspect of our lives has the same processes occurring every second of our lives and did you know that your spiritual health and well being is just as important as your physical being, in fact it is more important in which there is nothing we can do about our physical bodies they will eventually wear down and we will die, but our spirit will live forever.

We are told in the Bible that we are the temple of Christ and that we should keep our temples holy before Him.  My question to you is how can we do that and still maintain the ideas of addiction and personal torture to the temple on a constant basis.  I urge you to look at yourself and to examine and study yourself to find out what does not belong in your life.  And when you find those things which are not acceptable to your physical being, know that you need to dig deeper and begin that process within your spirit.  God loves you so very much and He wishes to see you live life abundantly and wholly.  We as humans get lied to enough by the world we do not need to add to that heap with lies we tell ourselves.  Allow God to restore you in a manner in which on He can; the perfect restoration created just for you.


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