Thursday, February 14, 2013

Do Not Sell Your Birthright

Do Not Sell Your Birthright


Most of the people in the modern age refer to a birthright as an inheritance or some type of royalty when a family member dies, with this reward going to certain people within the family as a token of appreciation from that person who has recognized their loyalty to the deceased.  The previous statement is a portion of the meaning but the most important portion we tend to leave out which is the part that actually defines our existence in the world.  This is the portion that we really need to be aware of and looking towards as our goal upon this earth.  It is the latter portion of the birthright in humanity that actually defines our identity on this planet and at the same time also defines our spiritual lineage on an eternal foundation.

One of the more popular examples that one can use in a story of this manner would be the story of a spy.  History has provided us with thousands of spy stories that I could refer to but the one that I am going to use deals with a story that not only is “successful” but it seems like the person gets away with the caper but in the long run the damage eventually arises to the world.  The spy that I am referring to is the Walker Spy Ring which was an ongoing operation from the 1960s through the 1980s.

The family involved was a family who was considered to be one of the finest representatives of a military family that a nation could rear.  Many of the current family members were in the military and some of the past family members also served their country.  But it was this case that taught our nation that even family members are not above testifying against each other to have a lighter sentence during a criminal case.  For decades the family allowed our naval top-secret coded messages to be deciphered by the Soviet Union right from the communications offices of our nuclear submarine bases.

The reasoning for this treasonous act was that the family had become in debt due to a failed business and was looking for a way out of debt and to get back on their feet again.  At first, they had no idea that they were being watched and listened to by Soviet agents, but in truth, they were already being scouted for our enemy’s purposes and it was not too long down the road that they were approached with some friendly advice from these people.  The advice eventually turned into questions and those questions eventually turned into propositions.  The propositions were based upon the information that the family had felt comfortable in letting out to their new friends which became the foundation for the bargaining chip that would eventually lead to treason.  The information that our enemy gained through these transactions might never be fully known or comprehended until it I used against us. 

I remember this event taking hold in my world even years after it had ended.  One of the military bases that I was stationed at a base was in Utah which happened to be one of the places that manufactured parts for some of the guidance systems of certain missiles for our fighter planes and the base had a large civilian population which worked on these missile systems.  The civilian shifts were like clockwork and you timed your routes upon the time of the day trying your best to stay out of the “Mormon 500” as it was known.  If one got caught up in that traffic nightmare it would take you an extra thirty minutes to get off base.  Many times I used the museum entrance/exit and still made it home before the traffic had subsided and that base is a huge land base.

Anyway, every once in a while the civilian shifts would get changed and many of the six thousand civilians would end up working extended hours.  We all knew that this event would be occurring but really never knew exactly when and for how long that the changes would last.  As time passed I found out that the reason these time changes would occur was actually due to the result of the Walker Spy Ring incident.  The guidance systems on the missiles had to be rotated in order to keep our enemies from finding our which frequency that the missiles would launch and fly towards their targets so when these changes were to occur, many had to stay extra to make up the new codes.  So even years after the case was closed, the results of that family’s actions still caused the military to change its tactics to keep up with the possible information that our enemy might have on record.  Now, if I know this fact, and I was a lowly airman in the USAF, then you know that there was so much more involved that I had no idea about.

A family is the lifeline of a person no matter what type of family that said person comes from.  Your family does not have to be a perfect family, your family can be a dysfunctional family to the highest degree but it is this lineage that you come from and it is this lineage that will define you throughout your present history and the future that you will walk through.  It is this portion of your birthright that you must hold on to and learn about no matter what the cost.  This portion is the pieces that you need in order to teach your children the things that define them and that they will carry within them for their entire lives.  It is also important for you to teach them how sacred this lineage is and how important it is not to sell your lineage out to make things seem a little easier for the moment. 

Another prime example is a story that occurs in the Bible and many of us know it by heart.  It is the story of Jacob and Esau and how Jacob tricked his elder brother Esau into giving up his birthright for some food.  Now as we look at this story we wonder why Esau just claim stupidity and punch Jacob in the nose like brothers do and then ignore what had been said during the meal.  Many of us forget that the plot was a family issue and that other parts of the family had schemed up the plan to serve their own purpose, a type of favoritism if you want to look at it in that manner.  The end result was to trick the head of the family so that an advantage could be had over others if a certain situation ever arose.  When you dive into the intricacies of this story you will find that it was a cleverly devised scheme that provided a quick result but also resulted in a lifelong fight between family members.

The spiritual implications here are enormous since these examples are exactly how our enemy gets us to accept things into our lives as the truth but are blatant lies to our birthright.  When we allow these “truths” to be accepted into our physical lives they automatically filter into our spiritual lives as well.  It is a common pathway that is easily accessible to our enemy if we have allowed this transfer of information to cross into our own spiritual pathway.  By allowing certain information to take root into our lives it gives our enemy the access he needs to further this corrupt information to flourish within our lives.  Eventually, we believe that the information is true and that it is actually a good thing that we have learned about this information.

Your birthright is your Constitution and you must defend it with your life.  It is not negotiable and it is not for sale no matter what price another person is willing to pay for it.  God sent His own Son to reassure us of our price and of our importance to not only this world but more importantly to Him.  Your birthright is your true definition and as long as your true definition is intact you are protected from outside invaders that wish to take it from you.  In order for this protection, we must recognize that God is the only way for this protection to be effective in our lives and without God in our lives we become vulnerable to spies that want to steal our birthrights from us.  Do not give up any portion of your birthright no matter how strong the temptation has been to overcome. 

There is a reason why the enemy wants your birthright.  Think about it.  It goes along the exact same lines as the spy who wants to sell a country’s secrets to another country or government.  The spy does not care about you or what you have to sell all they are interested in is having some credible information to give to the people that are paying them.  What gain do they have in completing this act, not much unless you consider the selfish nature of the act itself which in reality gains them nothing since the information is eventually passed along to other hands?  Same is the case in our birthright the information you allow our enemy to gain the better an opportunity for you to be attacked and wounded on a multitude of levels.  It is not a pretty sight when this type of activity occurs and we are so blind to the fact that it occurs every second of every day in our world.

Once your physical birthright has been compromised it is an uphill battle for it to be retaken.  All of us have allowed things to occur in our life due to the decisions and choices that we have made.  None of us are exempt in this part of our lives.  Most of us do not realize or understand the implications that these choices have in our lives until the damage has been done.  Your lineage needs to stay intact no matter what compromise is placed in front of you.  It does not matter what your lineage is and as long as your birthright is intact you have an opportunity to “change” your lineage if it needs to be “changed”.  However, once the lineage is compromised the process becomes very difficult to re-establish, especially when you do not understand your entire lineage, to begin with.

The birthright is the only true connection that one has to their place in a family.  When one examines their birthright it might not seem to be the best in stature but rest assured that even in these cases your birthright still needs to be defended in which we do not need to be quick to cut those ties for even this act is considered to be a selling point to our enemy.  There are still other people within your family that may not fully represent the side that you are cutting off or trying to sell off.  See, once a birthright is sold or given away it is extremely difficult to get back and when or if it is returned it is usually damaged or torn into shreds and in the end is more difficult to repair than to have let go in the first place.

Each one of us has a birthright and it our constitutional need to defend it as long as we live.  It has been proven time and again that once our birthright is compromised or lost it is very difficult for us to obtain it again.  Our enemy loves to show us ways to make our birthright seem better or larger in some way, but our birthright was given to us intact, specific for our life and it is not like any other one ever created.  So when the opportunity arises for us to change our birthright, stop and think about it before you make a decision that you will regret for a long time.

There is only one person that has the ability to defend your birthright and that is you.  Our enemy knows this and will try every angle possible to gain access to your birthright.  This is when our spiritual defender wishes to take over our defense.  See, He is a person with a special advantage that we kind of forget sometimes.  He is the only one that can stand with us on a spiritual level, and physical too, that has the authority to give us the strength and the knowledge of true defense against our enemy.

Why is He the only one that is qualified?  I am glad you asked J  See, there has been some recent talk about a certain leader having more than one birth certificate.  My point is not to linger on this earthly topic but since it has been tossed around I am going to make a point of it; however, it has a twist because the one person who can legitimately say that He has two birth certificates name is Jesus.  This fact gives Him the authority to provide the required defense that will permanently secure our birthright intact within our lives.  And if we have given it away for any reason He has the authority to restore it back to us, where it belongs.  This person has two birthrights, both of which are legitimate and have no hidden details.

One of His birthrights is a spiritual one in which His father is Holy and cannot change, perfect in every way possible and without sin.  The other birthright is human and serves as a physical characteristic that mankind can relate with on a personal basis.  No other religion, denomination or philosophy claims this type of lineage, and rightly so since if they did they would be lying to those who they are trying to claim it as the truth.  So, even in this birthright, it is individual and specific for this one person, just as yours is.  This is why having a personal relationship with Him is the only way to understand your importance and your worth in life.  And it is through these two birthrights that give Him the authority to become the bridge that comes from the Father to us.


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