Thursday, February 7, 2013

Non Combatant

Non Combatant


All of us wish that there would be no earthly setting that includes warfare.  The desire of peace on earth is a wonderful and euphoric ideology that we continually dream about.  But as long as humans are present on this earth this will not be the case.  There are forces out there that their one job is to promote the destruction of mankind and one way that these forces complete their duty is to allow humans to believe that reduction of our defenses and saying “no” to war is the way to defeat our enemies.  This too is a noble argument but in the long run and as we see throughout history this ideology is disastrous to humans.  We need a strong defense system that has one true leader that brings wisdom and peace at the same time, yet we incessantly ignore His ways.

All of the inhabitants of the world desire peace within their lives and in their places of origin.  Peace has been achieved and lost all throughout our history and whether or not these details are well chronicled or not the same point is to be made that peace was the obtainable objective when all was said and done.  Very few times in recorded history has peace been obtained without some type of conflict being involved first with fewer times being recorded that peace has actually been kept after all fighting had ceased.  Yet, we continue to strive towards this peace in a manner of non-fighting that has both logical goals but unobtainable realities all because we have this thing called free will and choice.

Most of us have seen some type of war movie sometime in our lives.  There are thousands of them out there and I enjoy watching these movies because I always learn something about history or people’s lives after the credits roll on the screen.  However, I have to keep in mind that all of what the movie portrays is not exactly what occurs and that some tweaking has taken place in order to produce the movie according to the Hollywood standards.  But there is a portrayal that I need to mention that god has placed into my heart and it is another concept that we tend to forget about when it comes to our self defenses.

I was in USAF back in the 1980s when the Cold War was still “hot” in terms of its activity within the countries of the war.  One of the more popular things to do at that time was to serve in our country’s military, which was a switch from what our boys faced just a decade earlier.  But I remember when I was going through the recruiting process that I spent hours watching recruiting films and reading military manuals and processing all of the information that they were bombarding me with.  I initially was going into the army, took the ASVAB test for them and was accepted into their branch.  I then began the process of trying to find a position in the Army that I liked and since I had medical experience in my past I was leaning towards that area of training.

My recruiter had no problems with this idea of mine and began to sway me towards that line of thinking.  He had just as much information about the medical field as any other position in the Army and was glad to share it with me.  I remember one of the conversations that we had was concerning what the medical corps actually did in the Army and how much different it was than being an actual foot soldier.  My recruiter had been in the medical field prior to his assignment as a recruiter and he was glad that he chose that side of the Army because he really did not like to carry guns that much especially since it took him a long time to get used to the idea of carrying around a gun at all times.

He began to sell me the idea that the medical corps did not carry guns and that they were considered to be non-combatants out in the field of battle and that if I chose to accept the responsibility of being in the medical corps that I would have inherited the “special” ability of not being shot at if I ever found myself in the heat of the battle.  Now, it is always exciting for most of us guys to be part of the battle and to see what actually transpires when this type of fighting occurs but not many of us desire to be the target of another human as he or she points their weapon in our direction.

One thing that I continually hear when people are talking about wars and the battles within these wars is how things go wrong while the actual fighting takes place.  There are not many wars that this country has been involved with, that we had to see our total defeat even though we have lost numerous battles within these wars.  We forget that when the shooting starts bullets and other weapons do not have sensors that warn them not to detonate when innocent people are around, nor do these articles have the capability to stop their projections when they see unarmed people.  Whatever the situation is, the object in front of the weapon is a target and this target can be armed or it can be unarmed.

When my recruiter was telling me about the medical corps and how they were considered non-combatants I looked at him and said so you are telling me that they are basically sitting ducks.  He returned with a curious look and then asked why I would say that since the medical corps personnel were located at the back of the actual fighting lines.  I then said not every American battle is won now is it.  This part of our conversation he could not refute in any way knowing that I was correct.  But at that moment I was willing to take that chance and to continue my efforts of becoming an USA recruit which a few months later I changed my mind and entered into the USAF instead.

Now, in quest of our goals of peace one would actually think that having no guns around would be a significant plan in obtaining and keeping the peace.  Wrong!  Once again I have to remind you that there are humans within our world and we have the freedom of will and choice and one of these ideas of choice is to find another way to obtain our goals in life.  And it does not matter to humans what type of laws and regulations are in place since we all have the capability to do what we wish.  Even in a Socialistic or Communist society there were people who created devices to help promote their agenda, on all sides of the society.  And if you do not believe that people have not thought about defending their families and their way of life, you are gravely mistaken in that belief. 

It is a great idea and concept that standing within a battle unarmed and not being wounded in any way is possible.  First of all we must remember that we are in a war both physically and spiritually and the overall objective of both societies is the same, your defeat.  It does not matter how our enemies accomplish this task as long as they get the job done.  And if they sit back and do not attack for some length of time, it is not a time of peace but it is a time for preparedness for that is what they are doing.  Why is it so difficult for humans to believe in this concept?  I guess it is because we have more faith in the phrase “hope springs eternal” than “in God we trust.”

Secondly we must remember that our enemies never forget why they do not like us.  Most of western thinking ignores history and what it means to our society today.  Yes, we have studied it and will use it to our advantage when necessary but we do not believe in it when it points in a direction of controversy and explanation that might make us look like we were wrong in some area long ago.  We also refuse to accept that these people who do not like us use our own tactics against us, even those movements and tactics we claim to be peaceful and non-combatant.

To our enemy this is a sign of surrender and weakness and secretly our enemies laugh at these decisions that are made for they know by these actions that we complete it will one day make their opportunities greater and more successful.  An Army in retreat or in a defensive posture is always subject to being defeated from all directions.  During the Battle of Ardennes the 101st Airborne Division took heavy casualties yet they never gave up their positions and they never retreated one inch of ground, they had no food, no winter weather clothing, and very little ammunition but their training to be on the offensive kept them alive and continued to hold their line even when it was certain that they would die.

The western world has given up this desire to fight for what is “actually right” and instead have embraced “what we want.”  There is a huge difference between the two sides.  This is evident because we have first given up this concept on the spiritual level and with each passing day this truth becomes more evident.  It is our spiritual beginnings that allow us to conduct our everyday operations in this world and it is our spiritual beliefs that provide the foundation for our true motives to improve humanity.  We have given up on this concept and have replaced it with profane humanistic characteristics that lead away from our Creator.  This places our emphasis on self instead of others and automatically withdraws our thinking into a defensive posture, and our enemy welcomes this move for it pushes his objectives forward; both spiritually and physically.

No matter how much we try and defend our position concerning our defenses, no matter how much we try to convince others that we have no real threat against us, no matter how much our society tries to promote peace around the world, and no matter what laws we pass trying to achieve all of these goals we shall never accomplish one morsel of peace until we return the spiritual authority away from our worldly thinking and give it back to God where it belongs.  Read history and look at what humanity has done to itself throughout the centuries.  Yes, the church has been involved in some of these situations we cannot deny this and this act has fueled many actions against future leaders of the world.  It is not the “church” or “religion” that we to get back to, it is the personal relationship with God that we need to return to.  This relationship is the only way humanity has a chance to survive and once we realize this fact our lives will be changed forever.

There is no such thing as a non-combatant human being.  Our fight began long before we were even born and this fight will continue until the day we draw our last breath.  Our physical enemies wish for our destruction and so do our spiritual enemies.  Both do not care a hoot about us yet they applaud our decisions to withdraw and cower to the world, both physical and spiritual.  It is important that we do not lose this sense of battle within our lives since it is natural for us to defend ourselves in times of turmoil.  It is senseless for us to argue and fight over worthless conditions and ignore the true conspiracies that surround us, both physical and spiritual.  It is ironic that we ignore the spiritual battles that are constantly occurring around us yet we fight over meaningless battles that these same spiritual forces have placed within our paths, both physical and spiritual.

Always remember that our enemies shall never like us no matter what they say and do to try and change our beliefs about them.  They are our enemies for a reason.  Our enemies do not forget why they are enemies nor should we.  We must also ignore the endless chants for the call of further separation from God and His ways for His ways are our only true hope for salvation from sure destruction.  God loves us and He has given us a book that tells us this.  The book describes many things about humans and how they have made their decisions without Him in their lives.  God allows this to occur because they chose to live in that manner.  We need to learn this about us and change the course that we have followed all throughout our history.  It is simple and easy, just turn to God and restore that relationship with Him.


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