Thursday, February 28, 2013

When Humans Choose A King

When Humans Choose a King


It seems like the logical course that a person, group of people, or nation should take.  One person should be able to stand above all others to make the decisions that will make or break the goals that people share.  However, this process is one of the more complicated quagmires that one can endure.  Time and time again humans have tried their best to choose a person that will do the correct thing, and like every time in the past, we still cannot get it right.  There is one reason for this and it is because we have chosen to place our faith and hopes in man itself and that is self defeating from the outset of that very thought.  There is only one true answer that would correct all of our problems and provide humanity with every desire that it has ever needed.

When you read history about rulers, kings or territorial leaders, one will get a sense of some type of leadership skill that brought those people into their positions.  If you continue your research and dig deeper into their lives you will find that not all of them have proven to be the best at their jobs.  Each one began to serve out their terms as one that would be different than the previous ruler but everyone eventually made decisions that were not popular and many made decisions that cost them their lives.  Even though most leaders have good intentions for their constituents some do not always turn out to be fanciful towards the population abroad.  One thing that these leaders did have in common is that they were all humans and all humans will make mistakes in some fashion during their lifetime.

These mistakes and judgments are things that humans cannot get away from no matter how hard they try.  For these inherited conditions there is no escape and we have no choice but to live with our humanness until we draw our last breath.  All of us at one point in time will have to make the “command decision” about something that pertains to ourselves, our families or our land. 

God addresses this issue about kings and rulers way back in the Old Testament.  I am reminded of this passage on a continual basis these days because the animosity concerning God and religion has been heightened significantly by those who wish to totally separate themselves from God.  I understand this view from them because the Church has done a fabulous job in creating a secular mess that has totally engulfed the idea of God and Church.  While completing this task the Church has also quit advancing the Gospel of Christ and sat back in its pews and allowed the world to creep into its philosophy and general function, both of which are damnable compromises to the Kingdom of God.

The people come to God and ask Him for His blessing for their decision to grant them a king to lead over them.  God understood the reasoning behind this decision but He made it very clear to the people that He would allow this to happen but it would be a guarantee that they would not like it at all.  This must have been a total shock to the people concerning the answer God gave but none the less they proceeded to ignore God’s advice and chose to elect a king.

It was not too much longer that the country was divided on how things should be run and some of the decisions that the king and other “royalty” made really did not sit well with others.  The people refused to see that by this one act their lives would forever be changed into a divisive manner in which restoration as one voice might not ever be fulfilled again.  They also refused to acknowledge that God was right in His advice and that the only way to have any chance of survival would be to return to His ways.

This decision to elect a king by the people created an eternal division amongst humanity that would now take a miracle from God to correct.  Some people has always thought about why we made this decision in the first place but many people do not even give it a second thought and continue along their way living in constant division with their neighbors.  It does seem logical for our finite brains to want to believe that another human could correctly guide the paths that we all want to take, but when we look at our past we must realize that we cannot even choose to make the correct decision about which tree not to eat from.

Think about this “royal” decision and what consequences are in play today.  Now, look at all of the decisions by past governments, leaders, rulers and other past heads of state and think about what type of decisions that they made and how it affected those people; some even have lasting results up till today as well.  The political sides alone are deep enough to completely divide a nation into separable units that cannot even function properly, want an example of this?  Read a local newspaper and your eyes will be filled with great examples.  Read history and look at all of the decisions that kings and rulers made and read what consequences those decisions played in the lives of their people.

I could continue the example parade but I am going to end it with one last example and that is of our own country.  There has only been one time in our history that the election of a leader has been unanimous.  That election was our very first one and it was George Washington that was elected unanimously.  Now this is the funny part and it is sobering at the same time and it is this:  as soon as the unanimous results were announced the grumblings, concerns, angry tempers and other questions were immediately raised about the results of the elections.  The event of a unanimous vote was almost immediately denounced and ever since that moment this country has never been close to another high office unanimous election again.  Now, look at the continued division in our country and then search around the world for similar results.  It will be very easy to find them.

Many people have referred back to history and read about how religion once dominated the land and the laws of the land.  This is a valued point in their arguments against having religion in government.  One cannot ignore the atrocities that the leaders of the church committed against the people for not “obeying” the laws of the Church and land and how each person was in the cutthroat business towards their fellow brothers and sisters in order to gain favor of the Church.  But this is not the way Christ meant when He said to go forth in all of the land and teach the gospel.  However, it is a tremendous defining point our enemy uses with people to justify their reasoning that God is not a way for them and that they should have no part of Him whatsoever.  In other words, God gets a very bad rap for something that man actually accomplished, but that is the way kingdom operates and it is important for us to grasp this concept and hold onto it with all of our hearts.

It is very important for us to understand that we have created a huge problem within the societies around the world with our decision to place God as #2 or even as low as #1.2 million.  It is very clear that when we look to ourselves as having the answer for anything it will result in disaster for some people or for thousands of people.  We as fallible and faulty creatures, which this too is a result of our choices, try and place our trust and faith into other human beings for overall guidance, it simply will not work.  If you do not wish to read the Bible for examples, fine read your history books, not the ones that a certain group of people want you to read but the books that actually tell accurate descriptions of those events, from all sides of the issues. 

And for those of you that wish to read the Bible for examples, go right on ahead and have fun with it.  You will see that God had to deal with humans back in those days as well and the humans that you will read about there were just like the humans of today without any exceptions.  I know that some will totally reject what I have written about today and with a sad heart I have to say I know and that is ok.  I also know and understand that some will agree with what I have written but will not act upon it and that is ok as well, because in the long run it is your choice to make in every matter that concerns your life.  And something for you to remember is that God gave you the free will to choose in everything that you do up until the second you meet Him after the life that you know is completed.


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